
Fated To Fall

There is something to be said about fate, about the path we are on and destiny… and that is that it can be real, even if you don’t believe in it. I never did. I had no disillusions about my life, about the world, and about people. Luck, well, that was another thing. I believed in luck and not the good kind. If I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any at all. But fate, how the universe set aside a place for each one of us, a journey that we were on regardless of choice, that was a falsehood I just couldn’t grasp. Not until he came to town.

CarrieFree · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter Eleven


I can tell my the way he adjusts his collar that my question is not exactly something he wants to answer.

"What would you like to know, Adeline?" He takes a slow drink of his wine, as if to try to draw something out of me.

"So, you have a vineyard… where is it?" I feel that's a simple one since he brought it up on his own earlier.

"Napa, of course." His grin is distracting and suddenly I can't remember what else I wanted to know about him.

"But you're from the city?" I stumble over my words and take a drink of wine, trying to seem like this is just normal chit-chat between neighbors. But I feel my stomach warming and turning, along with the newly noticeable pulsing between my legs.


Well, he obviously doesn't want to discuss anything about himself.

"Are you married?" It comes out of my mouth and I can't take it back. The truth is, I want to know. He pauses for a moment and I can see he is thinking about something, something troubling even.

"No. I have never been married. You?" He asks like he already knows the answer.

"Yes. I was married. For eleven years. Divorced for four. And that's all I want to say about that." I feel like that should be enough for him to not pry any further. But it isn't.

"Was he violent with you?" His mannerisms change. He sits upright, more stiff, more tense than usual.

I hesitate but feel that being dishonest serves no purpose here.

"Sometimes." I quietly say. I look up at him, and his eyes seem darker now, black. I instantly feel ashamed for telling him and divert my eyes to the flowers in front of us. He clears his throat and reaches across the table, placing his hand on mine.

"Look at me," he commands.

I slowly raise my eyes and meet his, still dark with what looks like rage. "No one, no one on this earth will ever hurt you again. Ever." My pulse quickens and I think my heart might be having some palpitations. Swallowing hard, I say, "Okay." And lower my eyes again. How does he know that to be truth? He doesn't even know me.

"And I am so sorry that any of that happened to you at all. I wish I could have stopped it sooner." He shakes his head and relaxes his posture in a way that seems almost defeated.

"What? How could you have? You just met me. There's nothing to be sorry for." I feel off about how he worded that and perhaps even a bit… defensive.

The server brings our food and the distraction is a welcoming cut to the tension building during our conversation.

"This filet is perfection. Great choice, Adeline." I smile at him, happy that's he pleased.

"I'm glad you're happy," I say, taking a bite of my chicken Marsala.

"So, tell me something no one knows about you, something unique," he asks, and I can tell he's trying to lighten the mood.

"Like something embarrassing? Like the time I fell down the school bus steps?" He smiles and shakes his head.

"No. Not exactly what I meant but I would love to hear all of those stories as well." The way he looks at me should be illegal. He has a way of manipulating my entire body and thought processes just with a look.

"One of my paintings is hanging at a gallery in New York. I won an award for it." I smile. Not many know about it because it happened right after college and right before Ryan came into my life. There wasn't long to celebrate it.

He nods. "Adeline, that is amazing. Congratulations! I would love to see it sometime. You must be quite the talent."

I think I'm blushing. "Thank you." He looks at me and holds my gaze.

"I bet there is so much, so many layers inside of you that are just waiting to be discovered. And finding all of them and learning each one would be an exquisitely fulfilling adventure."

No one has ever spoken to me like that before.

"I imagine the reward of learning those things. I imagine a lot when it comes to you, Adeline."

And now I know I am blushing. And hot. I can feel my chest and neck burning.

"Will that be all?" The server's timing is either perfect or the worst, I can't decide.

"Yes. Thank you." Matteo hands him his credit card without even seeing a check.

"There's somewhere else I'd like to take you, if that's alright?" I hope that didn't sound too eager.

He stands and walks over to me, pulling out my chair and taking my hand. "I will go anywhere with you."

And at that moment, I look into his eyes and have this overwhelming feeling of deja vu. I know this man, from somewhere, I just can't place it.