
Fated to be yours.

Alicia gets a job by coincidence at a fashion company but is constantly ridiculed and humiliated by Edwin,the handsome CEO of the company. Alicia and Edwin ends up falling in love but a mysterious and dark past threatens to tear them apart.

Funmilayo_Dakeekun · Urban
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10 Chs


Edwin went back to his office with mixed feeling." How could Damien love Alicia? When did this happen? Why couldn't I figure it out all along? This were the thought running through Edwins mind.

Damien left the company and angrily but excitedly drove to a restaurant nearby.After some minutes,he arrived at the restaurant and was about to enter the restaurant when he bumps into Bethany.

" Oh it's you,Alicia's friend.Good morning." Damien said and shake hands with her." What are you doing here? What a coincidence! 

" Actually,my work place is nearby.I came to get coffee for everyone at my office," Bethany replied." I actually want to talk to you about something." She added.

Damien and Bethany are sitting in Damiens car." Alicia told us what happened at the party last night.I know you are really helping Alicia a lot but please can you take better care of her for me?

" Of Course,don't worry Bethany.I will make sure Alicia is happy.I would happily lay down my life for her if needed" Damien said while Bethany looks on confused and shocked but she continued her conversation anyway.

" Alicia has really been through a lot in life.Her father died at a young age so she had only her mother and i by her side to support her.She is a really nice girl who doesn't wish ill on anyone.In Fact,if not for me maybe she would have not been humiliated like that."

" What do you mean?" Damien asked curiously." On the day Alicia came to your company,she was actually supposed to go to the company i recommended for her.She forgot the address and when she called me to ask what the location was,my phone was unreachable.Coincidentally,it was also a fashion company i recommended for her so she took a taxi and told the driver that she doesn't remember the address of the interview she is going but it is a fashion company.The taxi driver took her to your company as your company was also having an interview that day.That was how she ended up taking your company's interview." Bethany explained.

" I knew Alicia isn't a bad person and definitely couldn't be a spy.Thank you so much Bethany.You have no idea what big of a favour you have done." Damien said.

" My pleasure.please take care of my Alicia." She is about to go but stops." I wish to ask you a question." 

" Go ahead."

" Do you perhaps love Alicia?". Damien stares at Bethany for a while and then nods his head in approval.Bethany leaves happily while Damien smiles.

Edwin calls the receptionist from his office telecom and inquired about Damien.The receptionist informs Edwin that Damien left the company a while ago.Edwin angrily goes to Alicia's office and drags her to the rooftop of the building.

" What are you doing? Have you lost it?" Alicia yelled at Edwin and removed her arm from his grip.

" You are the one who has lost it Alicia! You must be feeling fulfilled now that you have managed to attract poor Damien to yourself right? I know girls like you very well." He said.

" It would be better for you to stop blaming me for every single thing that happens in your life.First you insulted me at the party and now this?" Alicia yelled.The only reason why Damien is angry with you is because you are not a good human being.Forget about Damien,no one would even want to see your face once they know who you truly are! You know what? I think Damien made the right decision.

" Shut up!' Edwin angrily yells at her.

" Don't tell me to keep quiet! " Alicia hurled back." The reason why i was quiet before was because i respected you.But now,i don't even think you deserved that.Instead of putting the blame on me why don't you look at yourself in the mirror first,and then you will see the reason why Damien decided to leave you.You are so self centred." 

" And you? What do you think of yourself? You are nothing but an opportunist who knows only how to trap rich men.Thinking about it makes me feel like you have inherited all this from your mother."

" Stop it now! That is enough! Don't you dare utter my mothers name with your filthy mouth.Alicia said in rage.

" Why? Does it hurt? The truth is actually bitter.If your mother had taught you good manners then you wouldn't have to seduce men for your benefit." He said glaring into Alicia's eyes.Tears started to roll down her cheeks now.She couldn't bear it anymore.

" What have I ever done to you to deserve this treatment?" Alicia asked.

" It's because you are a characterless woman and a prostitute as well! Who knows? What if your mother is also a harlot like you?." He said smiling.

" That is enough! I quit this job! I can never stand by and let anyone insult my mother.I pray that i never have to see you again.She is about to leave but stops. " I forgot something." She went to Edwin a gave him a tight slap in the face." That is for slandering mine and my mothers reputation. She angrily glares at him and leaves while Edwin looks like strangling her to death.

Alicia packs her things from the office and slowly leaves the company in regret." I came here unintentionally but now I am leaving on my own accord. On her way home,she sits on the bench across the road crying in regret.

Damien arrives at the company and goes straight to Edwins office." Where is Alicia? She isn't in her office.`` 

" You have just arrived and the first thing you ask about is Alicia? Are you going to propose to her now? Edwin mockingly asked.

" That is none of your business, just tell me where she is," Damien replied.

" She quit her job." Edwin said, smiling even more." How could you do this to her? Am sure you must have said something to force her to quit the job." Damien said angrily, staring at Edwin.

" Are you hurt that you won't be able to see your beloved everyday? Just forget about her already." He stood up and walked to  Damien.

" I really pity you,because once you hear what I am about to say,you will regret not treating Alicia nicely." Damien said and explained everything Bethany told him about Alicia and how she came to the company by mistake.

Edwin is left terribly shocked and speechless after listening to Damien..