
the company

After spandana and druvan went to their offices, spandana went to divine company,all members in company bow down to her and say good morning mam.

spandana went into her private elevator and opened her office door and sat on her chair as CEO of the company.( spandana not only a CEO but also chair man of the company but no one knows except her family and her friend)

spandana's POV:-

" here I am at my office and now I have to work."

when spandana is working on her computer just then her PA ( raj) had come knocked her office door.


" come in".

raj entered her office saying " good morning mam, how are you?"

" good morning raj!, I am good and you? " said spandana while looking at raj smiling. ( spandana treats her workers as friends and respect them.)

" I am good mam, thanks!" said raj while smiling.

" so,whats the matter,raj?"

" mam,Mr.park from south Korea had sent a party invitation, what should I say them ?"

" raj,you know I don't attend parties and all,just decline it.

say them I am sorry for attending their party cause I have some work in here and send them flowers and sweets as sorry."

" OK mam."

" good!, you can take your leave now."

but raj didn't leave her office...

spandana raised her head from her computer and asked

" what is it raj?, everything ok?"

raj replied," mam I need leave for 1 day. my wife is pregnant, she just gave birth to my baby yesterday,I need to be beside her now, so shall I take my leave mam?"

" oh my god! raj,your going to be a father that's a good news!, and about the leave ,yes sure! you can take leave but I think one day isn't enough take 4

days leave. "

" but mam ,what about the work at company? "

" its OK raj , I can manage it, no worries! say my congratulations to your wife and take some bonus , buy her some gifts from my side OK!"

" thanks so much mam!"

" haha, its OK when are you leaving?"

" tomorrow mam , my wife is in Mumbai."

" OK ! no worries you can leave tomorrow."

" OK mam, I will take my leave now"

after raj left....

spandana continued her work for 2 hrs

at 11:45


spandana's phone started ringing .. its druvan ....

spandana left a sign and lifted the call...

" hello,what is it druvan ?"

" ha! hi spandu... I just called for a help, I need help in this contract I am sending you this mail, can you correct it for me please!!!..."

" Are you serious!?, your a business man now yet you still need help in it..."

" hello, I am new to this madam ... please help me .. I beg you please spandu!!"

" haa stop whipping now ! OK I will help you. "

" omg!!! thanks spandu, and did you get the invitation from Mr. park ?"

" yep! I got it."

" are you attending it ? "

" I don't like parties and all , you know it .... I declined it "

" what! common you are a CEO ... you should attend such parties for better popularity.."

" I don't need popularity ,idiot!"

" I am not an idiot!!, I am an genius!!"

yes ... a genius who doesn't even know how to check a contract... and calling himself a genius... your so dump.. you only act like intelligent infront of my mom but your a dump.... "

" what! nope I am an intelligent everywhere..infront ,in back and on sides too"

" ugh,whatever..your brain and you should be in one place I future, I will make sure you will like it"

" where?! ; in a party?"

" nope! you always in party, its a very special place for you....

its a museum !!! you idiot.... you have such stupid and unique brain right ...who call himself a genius .... "

" your so mean to me "

" hmm... really , do you know ...how you act in front of mom ... omg I feel I should kill you right there... "

" wow!!! so much angry on me , I will say to aunty wait!"

" uhhh.. nooo! I will kill you now... if I had a chance I would put my hand inside this phone and slap you !!! idiot!"