

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasy
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96 Chs




Hunter fixed his gaze on me growling at me. The growling sound made my delicate skin have goosebumps and my hair to stand straight as I shivered down to my spine. He then turned his back on me before walking off and heading toward his room.The command finally dropped, releasing me, enabling me to breathe and move.

"Hunter?" I called. He stopped on his tracks. His entire body tensed once again as he rippled like he was about to transform. The Alpha snarled, baring his teeth at me as they elongated. The murderous look on his face and his intense gaze made me take a step back from him in fear.

"How dare you address me so casually!" he growled again while pointing a finger at me. He stepped forward then abruptly stopped when he saw his Beta moving. He clenched his hands into fists on Beta's side.

Hunter turned and addressed Joe with instructions that almost made my heart stop beating:

"Get her out of my face, put her in a dungeon. She is no longer welcomed here, I don't want to see her again,"

he turned back and rushed toward his door. Joe's eyes flickered towards me, then fulgurated back to the Alpha who was walking away.

"Yes, my Alpha," Joe answered as the Alpha pushed his bedroom door open without even glancing back to me. I quickly rushed to the door and got hold of the door frame.

"Wait, did I do anything wrong?" I asked tears burning in my eyes. He slammed the door in my face and locked it making me have a blurred vision. I couldn't understand what wrong I had done? Why he was behaving like that? I stared at the closed door separating me from my mate.

I felt infuriating pain in my body but after a few seconds, I was able to distinguish the pain on my chest from the new pain I was feeling on my foot. I looked at my toes trapped below the door frame where the now closed door crushed them. The moment I laid eyes on my toes, pain flew up my legs, I tried jerking off my foot from the door and sobbed angrily when it couldn't budge.

I tried again to pull off my foot to free it but to my utter disbelief, this only caused more pain. I could feel every groove of my toes that were trapped.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his Beta take a step toward me, and I swallowed and cleared my throat while holding my tears back. My lips quivered, and nothing I did would have held back my choked whimper.

Movement could be heard from the other side of the door before I felt the lock mechanism slide open realising my foot as the door swung open.

"What!" The Alpha bellowed, I fought back the urge to cry out in pain.

"Nothing, my Alpha." I whispered, unable to meet his gaze. Quickly I turned and walked away. Walked away from my mate. The sound of the door slamming again was loud when I was halfway down the stairs. some movement caught my eye, it was Mylar and Rina walking out of the kitchen, chatting to each other excitedly. They both looked up at me.

"Oh my gosh! Ania what happened to you?" Rina shrieked, rushing over to me as I limped. Words failed me and I could only stare as she fussed over me. I was unsure of what hurt more, my foot or my heart that the Alpha just tore from my chest.

"I will administer first aid to you" Mylar said before hurriedly rushing back toward the kitchen, then two security men walked over and stood beside us.

"Miss Ania, you need to come with me," One of them said, I looked at him and nodded.

"Just a second, let me check her foot first. How did you hurt yourself, Ania?" Mylar asked as she rushed back out with a box in her hands.

"I'm sorry, but I have been asked to escort her out of the the pack house immediately," the security man answered and my heart sunk somewhere deep inside me, forming a pit.

"What, why? Do you have any idea who this girl is? Hunter will pitch a fit if you dare do that" Rina argued with him.

"I am aware she is Hunter's mate. But Hunter was the one who gave the orders, now Ania if you would follow me, please," the security man said, turning on his heel.

"Wait, where are you taking her?" Rina asked, holding my arm.

"Just let me fix her foot, she is bleeding everywhere," Mylar begged, but the security man grabbed my arm and yanked me away.

"I'm sorry, I have been ordered," he stated.

Rina tried to squat down to me with the bandages when the other security man stepped forward and thundered,

"I will take them, I will wrap her toes" giving me a sympathetic look. The other security man glared at him but said nothing as he dragged me toward the doors.

"Can you at least tell me where you are taking her, so that I will know where to get her, just incase am ordered to bring her back," Mylar asked the security man

"Dungeons, she is prohibited from coming to the pack house. The Alpha has ordered that she is no longer welcomed inside." Mylar and Rina gasped but I could almost swear that I saw a faint smile tugging in Mylar's lips which quickly desipated. I didn't think much of the smile then as I only wanted to know what wrong I had done to my mate to deserve such treatment without consideration.


I really wanted to have a serious candid talk with my mate, so that I could know and understand why I was her target. Was she sent by someone or was it a personal vandetta? What were her motives. I wanted to get her side of the story. I wanted her to explain to me why she wanted me dead. I had planned to listen, understand and figure out a way around that predicament and still be with her as my mate and Luna if it was something that could be reconciled .

My wishes went out the window the moment I laid eyes on her, I lost it. She was a traitor. I could not see past that. I couldn't see her as my mate anymore. She was nothing but a bloody traitor. Pacing in my bedroom, I tried to think. Her scent was everywhere in my room and it was driving crazy. Grabbing a chair, I flung it to the wall, splintering and cracking it. Yet the mate bond called out for her, I wanted her but I just felt unsafe to be around her.

The door opened, Lemmy and Joe walked in; my eyes flicked away at the damage I had caused .

"Where is ANIA?" Lemmy growled, looking around the room. I fisted my hands. My foot was throbbing painfully, this I percieved was because the mate bond was in full swing. I could feel Ania's pain as if it were my own. The look she gave me when I flunged open the door made my stomach sink. Lemmy growled again before I found myself slammed against the wall. Lemmy was a warrior, a highly ranked warrior. He was a gamma the leader of warriors.

"Where is my luna?" Lemmy roared . I punched him. He grunted before I kicked him, sending him flying backward into a bookshelf. Joe got in between us; as Lemmy was about to charge at me shoving him backward.

"You have made a f*****g mistake, Alpha or not; I won't stand by this. I am sure Ania is innocent.....Now where is our luna?" Lemmy bellowed. Joe caught between us looked at us both, trying to figure out what the hell happened. We still hadn't told him, and I was in the process of telling him when Ania walked up.

"Will someone tell me what happened and why you just made me put her in the f*****g dungeons?" the beta demanded.

I hated myself for what I did. I just lost control when she was near me, I might have k****d her. The dungeons for some reason, was what came in time, in my mind being the furthest place from the pack house itself.

"You f****ng ba***rd, you f****ng promised, when we mind linked on your way here. You promised that you wouldn't do anything until you proved whether she was guilty or not. Everyone is innocent until proven otherwise."Lemmy snarled.

If Lemmy was anyone else, I would have k****d him for daring to talk back to me, let alone touching me.

"Who! what in the world happened when you were gone, and who are you talking about?" Joe demanded to know.

"Fix it, I swear, Hunter, I have stuck by you for f****ng decades, never opposed anything you have asked, but if you don't fix this. I am walking out, Alpha or not, I am f****ng done. " Lemmy spat at me before heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" Joe asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

"To see my luna." Lemmy snapped, and I growled.

"Wait, just f****ng wait until I know what's going on," Joe snarled at us both.

Lemmy growled but closed the door and folded his arms across his chest.

"Now, explain," Joe said.

"Let Mylar and Alpha tell you, I wasn't there, he just informed me about the incident when we were on our way here. After begging and begging him to tell me why he allowed his mate fret the whole night and day and he didn't do anything to ease her pain even just by talking to her," Lemmy lamented to Joe, he was furious. I could tell from his heartbeat as I mind-linked Mylar to come over .

Joe shifted his attention to me.

"What?" I growled.

"Talk!" He snarled.

"My mate is a f****ng traitor, we found a journal with the strangers, written in the journal was a manual on how to compromise our test kits and how to murder me in my sleep. The back cover of that journal had my mates name signature. Her Full name: ANIA TALIA" I growled as the mention of that woman's name was like ingesting poison.

"Is that the reason why you are so worked up and treating our Luna like that? It's a book anyone can write anything on it. What would be Luna's motive to have you killed?" Joe gasped, looking between us while I wandered over the room trying to drown my guilt.

"Wait, is that the reason you sent her to the f****ng dungeon Hunter? For something you have no concrete evidence of? " Joe asked, outraged.

"You wanted me to continue sleeping, sharing my room with her, spending time with her like nothing is going on, only for her to murder me one night? I can't die now, I don't have kids yet." I explained.

"I believe my Alpha you are a hybrid Vae-wolf, activate your Vampire. It will only take a second with both your sides activated to tell whether Ania is a threat or not." Joe chimed in .

"You think I don't know that?" I roared.

This was so f**ked up; I don't think I can be around her, not without the risk of hurting her. And I definitely wasn't going to unleash my vampire. It would bring hell. Two times now my vampire side has been pushed to a point of almost being unleashed but I had refused to let it out. It was disastrous. I would deal with this matter on my own. "Jake what do you think about all this, is our mate innocent?" I asked my wolf and it growled in my mind not saying anything. I cussed and let it be .

"What of the strangers?" Joe asked. "They were werewolves on the run, they are from the neighbouring packs, I have spread them across the city to different places. There seems to be more vampires and wolves still hiding out there."

I informed him and he nodded. I felt so horrible. I had kicked Ania out, slammed the door on her, resulting in her feet being trapped in the gap beneath the door long before my brain processed what I had done.

"Hunter you need to bring your mate back here. The moon can come out anytime from now earlier than it was predicted, our Luna may transform anytime from now, you surely don't want her to transform in your absence at the dungeons." Joe said and I looked away from him.

"I know but not now. I still don't trust her to share the same room with her. But on the night of her first transformation, I will be there with her." I told him feeling sick to my stomach.

I flexed my toes which were still throbbing.

"Maybe you should go for a few days, get away. I can bring Ania back up here and watch her, be there with her on her first shift." Mylar said as she walked into the room, she must have overhead our conversation. I growled.

"I do not want her in this room," I snapped at her, and she growled back shaking her head at me.

"I get it, but you need to find a way to look past that journal my Alpha. You need to talk to her first, you need to investigate this matter soberly. Hunter, anything can be planted on anyone to incriminate them, you have to be smart about it, that is our Luna who you just treated like a nobody. Please reconsider your actions alpha." Mylar said.

Her heart beat wasn't steady, I could hear it beat steadily, spike a bit then go back to being steady as she spoke .

"She isn't a Luna yet," I answered her .

"No, but she is your fated mate, the person destined to be by your side, you are our Alpha and we all took the same pact, that when the time came, we would protect our Luna over you, if that means choosing her over you so be it," Lemmy the gamma said before storming out, shortly followed by Joe and Mylar.

My legs gave out the moment the door shut, I collapsed on the floor. My feet going from under me. I knew they were right. I knew I had f**ked up, yet I could not control my anger.

I promised to hurt the person who wanted me dead for no apparent reason. I had no idea that the person that would be taking that punishment would be my mate.

Checking the mind-link, I tried connecting to Lemmy.

He growled at me when it was opened but didn't try to shove me out.

"How is she?" I asked.

"What do you think? She is confused, you broke her f*****g toes."

"It will heal when she shifts." I told Lemmy and he growled.

"Stay with her," I told him.

"I was planning to. You think I will leave my Luna un-attended to?" he answered back.

She wasn't even marked yet, and he was choosing her over me.

"Are you really going to allow her transform on her own?" Lemmy asked.

"You're there," I told him.

"Hunter you said that you would be by her side on her first shift." Lemmy growled .


"Inform me when the transform starts, I will rush down, and be with her" I sighed, cutting off the link.

I tucked my lips between my teeth before getting up and walked to the bathroom. It would be good if I was calm as I shifted, if I was going to be with her down there on her first shift. At least until I figured out what I was doing.