

Wang Zunyan woke up with a huge gasp for air, his forehead was covered with sweat and his hair was down, he looked around his room and saw his mother sleeping in a chair, he sighed.

"Why do you punish yourself like this?" He said, he got up and put a soft blanket over her, the material was made from the finest cloths.

He walked to the door and slowly slid it open, it was dark outside so he realized that he had slept the whole day.

"It seemed like it was for a few minutes....I must go find Li Xiwang"

Wang Jun and his guards were on night patrol, the rumours of creatures emerging in Yuecheng lake and Luxi river made him feel uneasy, never had something like this happen before so why now?

"Sir, isn't that Childe Zunyan?" A guard asked, he looked over and could see his son heading to WangShi jaizu pier, he frowned.

"Wang Zunyan!"

He paused, he thought his parents would be asleep at this time, unless they were on a night hunt. His father walked up to him.

"Where are you going at this time of the night?"

"I have to see someone, it's a matter of importance"

Wang Jun frowned, could this be about the person his son kissed?

"Who is she? You never told me"

Wang Zunyan remained silent, his eyes gazing into the distance. Wang Jun squinted his eyes, something about his son was different.

"Is the lady....in the family way?"

"You!.....no, she's not, how could you think that"

He shrugged.

"You act like the person you're meeting won't be there in the morning, come let's go back it's dangerous out there"

Wang Jun dragged his son back, however when his feet started to sink into the earth he paused, his son had put a spell on him.

"Wang Zunyan! What are you doing?" He asked, the anger he was feeling overshadowed by disbelief.

"I'm sorry but I have to meet him" he replied and ran off. Wang Jun was shocked.

"Him? Wang Zunyan! Hey!"

He looked around and saw that the guards were in the same predicament as he was.


The palm of his hand slapped against the earth making it crack, he jumped out of the pit and freed his guards.

"What kind of cultivators are you, a mere spell like that had you stuck, such a disgrace" he scolded them and walked away.

The guards felt a little bit disrespected, one of them even had the courage to speak up.

"Wasn't he in the same pit as us, humph! Old age is making him weak"


Zhang Wei wiped Li Xiwang's forehead, the Li Shizu sect childe had been sleeping all day.

Li Jun and Liu Yang had left to inform the sect leader about their son's situation. Li Qiang remained as he made sure he didn't break the vow he made to never leave Li Xiwang in life and death.

"He should wake up, this is getting ridiculous" Zhang Wei said, how can someone be knocked out and sleep this long.

"Maybe he is meditating and we don't know, he seems to be a lot more calm" Li Qiang said trying to provide reason.

Zhang Wei shrugged.

"Meditation or not, he needs to wake up and go home my parents might misunderstand"

Li Qiang rose an eyebrow.

"Misunderstand what?"

Zhang Wei sighed but didn't reply him, his hands focused on the white cloth that was wiping Li Xiwang's forehead.

"Announcing the arrival of the crowned Prince of WangShi jaizu sect!"

They gasped and got to their feet, Zhang Wei looked at Li Qiang and could immediately tell that the man was not pleased.

The door opened revealing a weak looking Wang Zunyan, his lips were chapped and cracking, his robe dirty and muddy.

"What the hell....what happened? Were you attacked?" Zhang Wei asked. His question was ignored by the crowned Prince as he knelt down besides Li Xiwang, his shaky, dirty hand debating whether or not to touch his face.

Li Qiang stepped forward.

"What happened?"

Wang Zunyan stood up and dusted off his hands, he bowed to them as greeting.

"Forgive my unannounced visit but I had to see him, he.....he helped me escape the dream prison"

Zhang Wei frowned, he had never heard of such before.

"Dream prison? what is that"

"He was locked inside his own consciousness....it's a rogue cultivator curse" Li Qiang said. Wang Zunyan nodded in agreement.

"When I was hundred days old a rogue cultivator came to the ceremony and cursed me, he even told my parents about my fortune"

"Why would the cultivator do that? Has he been found?" Zhang Wei asked. Wang Zunyan nodded his head.

"He had been found dead in the Tianshi celestial cave in Qingcheng three years ago" he replied.

Just then Li Xiwang started to cough, he took a gasp of air and opened his eyes, the men in the room dropped to their knees beside the bed.

"Young master, are you okay?" Li Qiang asked. Li Xiwang sat up and frowned.

"What happened?"








Madam Li Na was furious, her eyes were glowing blue now and then, her husband had been trying to get her to calm down to avoid stressing herself even more.

"You mean to tell me he was attacked by a water dragon and he failed? That can't be" she said. From what she knows, Li Xiwang is the most powerful person in the sect, even she couldn't compare to him yet he was defeated by a simple water dragon?

"I know it's hard to believe but he will explain to us when he returns" Li Jie said. Li Na sighed and sat down, her hand immediately touched the tear drop charm around her neck.

"He will be fine.....right?"

Li Jie smiled and patted her head softly.

"He will be fine, he will come back to you"








Zhang Wei stood up and handed Li Xiwang a pill, it was orange and large.

"Take this, your body is now weak so this will help you gain your strength back"

He nodded and swallowed it, his body immediately started to gain half of it's strength.

"Thanks, for looking after me all day" he said and bowed.

"Ah Xi...." Wang Zunyan started, the nickname took both Li Qiang and Zhang Wei by surprise.

Li Xiwang chuckled.

"Childe Zunyan shouldn't use that nickname, it can cause some misunderstandings" he said.

"I don't care....I just want to say, thank you...for setting me free"

Li Xiwang patted his shoulder and smiled warmly, his smile making the crowned Prince tense up.

"What are friends for....come, you should head back home your parents might be worried"

Li Qiang watched the two walk out, his grip tightened around his sword sheath, his eyebrows furrowed. Zhang Wei clicked his tongue.

"You had your chance and you missed it now look at you" he said and headed outside.

Li Xiwang watched Wang Zunyan use the earth to take him home, the rocks sliding under his feet like water on a waterfall.

Zhang Wei cleared his throat.

"You should head home too, your mother must be knee deep in worry"

Li Xiwang bowed to him.

"I will leave first then, thank you again"

"No problem"

Li Qiang made his way out, he joined his master and bowed to Zhang Wei.

"We will be leaving now, as for the dragon, you should train your spirit beasts more to sort out the problem"

"I will, take care"

Li Xiwang and Li Qiang made their way home in silence, since the raft was broken they had to go through the Jieze forest which connected with Shangqing to head home.

"Are you cold?" Li Qiang asked. Li Xiwang shook his head.

"I'm fine..."

It was silent once again, yet this time it was uncomfortable, Li Qiang wanted to pour his heart out for his master but he's afraid, afraid that he will be rejected and lose his position, afraid that he will be shunned and never see the master again. He sighed.

"Li Xiwang....there's something I have to tell you"

Li Xiwang suddenly felt nervous, his heartbeat increased slightly and his palms started to sweat.

"W-What is it?"

Li Qiang sighed again.

"Li Xiwang....I....When I said I fancied Liu Yang I was not being honest...the truth is....I like y-"


They froze, Li Xiwang looked around for a water source and found none, he looked at Li Qiang who was sweating buckets.

"Li Qiang hold still"

He turned to face him and froze when their faces were inches apart, with a soft hand he scrapped his sweat off and formed a thin water whip.

"That must be the dragon Zhang Wei wanted to kill, stay vigilant"

Li Qiang swallowed thickly and nodded, with a hoarse voice he replied.


They walked in total silence, up ahead was a large pit, Li Xiwang threw a fire talisman into the pit and it just went further and further down.

"It's a bottomless pit, how did we not know of this?" he asked.

"Must be new, look at the freshly dug earth"

They walked around it and as they continued their journey Li Xiwang turned to his friend.

"You were saying something back then, what was it?"

Li Qiang felt ashamed somehow, how can an older man like him confess his feelings to someone younger like Li Xiwang, it would definitely cause some commotion.

"I was saying I didn't like Liu Yang I never told her so you don't have to kill me since I never broke her heart"

Li Xiwang laughed softly.

"Okay, it's okay then, these things happen"

They could see the blue lights ahead making them smile as they had arrived home.

"Home sweet home"