
Fated Destinies

Fated Destinies: Their Fated Encounters and Their Destinies.

saittaurios · Fantasy
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20 Chs



It's a peaceful day.

Enjoying the peaceful day, while slowly walking towards my workplace.

It's rare for me to enjoy such day, because I'm a person who have lots of story to tell.

Having lost everything, growing up alone, and facing the struggles in life by myself.

' yep, it's a story of a lonely one ' letting out a heavy sigh, I decided to focus my attention at the roadside and started to move forward.

While taking my time walking, having no energy to go to work, I heard some kids arguing into something. Succeeded in getting my attention, I decided to follow the sound those kids are making.


" hey knock it off!! I said I Am the first one to get this!! "

" no fair!! can't we just read it for all of us!! "

" yeah right! come on don't be stingy! aren't we friends? "

" b-but I want to read it first! "

As soon I arrived I could see the kids are arguing for one book, the book is all tattered and from the looks of it, it seems like it's already too old that you can't find copies of those on any bookstores these days.

I decided to stop the kids by arguing, thus i step up.

" hey kids what's going? why are you so loud at early in the morning? "

" old man!! our friend here is being stingy! he doesn't want to share the book we just found! "

"" yeah right tell him!! ""

Having heard a kid calling me an old man stings me a bit but I let it pass, because, yep he's just a kid. While contemplating these thoughts the kid who has determined look in his eyes and the one holding the book speak up.

" no sir! I am the one who get this book first so I have the rights to read it first!! "

Taking aback by his unfazed words I look at the book.

It has no visible word where i could read, being look too old to be called a book. However surprisingly it picked my interest to also look what's inside or what kind of mystery being hidden it that book.

So I decided to talk to the kid who's trying his best to protect the book

" kid is it ok to share it for us? Honestly I'm also interested what's inside in that book"

" but sir I'm the one who find it"

" I know but we can read it all together right? having read it with a friend is most fun rather than reading it only for yourself right? "

" u-un ok I think I can do that much for my friend "

Successfully convincing the kid to read it together, he slowly open it while puffing his chicks out showing that he's pouting.

While the kid's open the book they saw nothing just like an empty paper. The kids frown because of the sight they see,

Having seen that, the kid who have a determined look earlier, changed his expression to frown and suddenly, he tossed the book back into where he find it. and said

" what? its have nothing written in it? i feel dumb for arguing to the other kids because of that old book "

the other kids follow up said.

" yeah we're too, sorry for getting high up because of some dumb old looking book "

" yeah me too sorry "

" m-me too s-sorry "

" it's ok I'm fine, anyway how about we play over there instead?"

Having lost interest the kid already started to change the topic and find place to go play with his friends. While they're preparing to leave, the kid come over to me and said.

" hey sir it looks like you came over for nothing! but sir! thank you for stepping up and for speaking up to me! now i can play again with them hehehe "

After finishing what he wanted to say to me while smiling and giggling, the kid turn around and started to run towards his friend who was waiting for him to play, thus I was left alone.

" nothing... huh "

Having some memories from the past come to my mind i started to murmur.


After a whole minute passed I came back to my senses, started to find the book and picked it up from the ground.

" yep looks like i am the only one who can see it "

While the kids saw nothing after opening the book, as I peek to take a look I can see it clearly, there's words that written in it.

" Fantasia the great country of Dream "

As i finished reading the words written in it, the book started to glow white light, so light that if i didn't block my vision just on time I would get blind.

Thus, feeling something different I slowly open my eyes, And I could tell that I Alex an 19 year old man arrived in another world called the land of Dreams..

hello!! im new to this field so please be kind to me.

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