

Lu Xiaolian as the Sixth young miss of Duke of Wu amily, From a very young age she moved from one battlefield to another with the Lu family. The Lu family was a powerful military family of Wei Empire. The Lu's had supported many Generation of the Emperors. The Lu's had always been loyal focusing only on guarding the Empire. Duke of Wu lost his wife in childbirth so he played a dual role in his children's lives. Lu Xiaolian was raised by her father and the entire Lu family. Lu Xiaolian had always lived a carefree life until the Emperor decree was sent, Announcing her marriage to the Crown Prince of Wei Zhongshan Huang as an Imperial Consort. Zhongshan Huang has always believed in performing his duty and responsibilities of the crown Prince. For a long time he had always made various sacrifices for the empire never wanting anything for himself that is until he met Lu Xiaolian who made him dream for something better. He soon learned that that he could never live in a world where She never existed. ***Exceprt*** it was a day and half before he woke up, the room was very bright so Zhongshan Huang winced as he opened his eyes. it seams that he was lying in an inn, he looked to his right to find Lu Xiaolian lying side ways next to him from the white cloth in her hands he could tell that she had been taking care of him. She looked very beautiful with her face bare, she looked very innocent and peaceful with her eyes closed to the many worries in life. He really wished to see her this way even awake, her smile was so beautiful that he really wished that like in the past he could see it everyday. Sometimes he wished he didn't have all these responsibilities then maybe he could spend every moment of the day with her in his arms smiling brightly at him. He was admiring her face when the door was pushed open by her maid Yao Yao carrying a bow of water, waking her. Lu Xiaolian open her eyes and seeing the wide awake Zhongshan Huang smiled and said "Your aware, Yao drop the bowl by the bed and get me some drinking water" Yao Yao bowed and walked out of the room. "How are you feeling" she raised her hands to feel his temperature "you fever is gone that's good I will give you some water to drink your throat must be dry after being unconscious for A day and half" she continued arranging his blankets "Why did you come, you knew it was too risky you could have been hurt. why didn't you stay back in the capital" he said grabbing her hand. "It doesn't matter" she replied trying to release her hands. "Yes it does, Xiaolian I didn't want you to come, I don't want you hurt. why didn't you just stay in the manor, what were you thinking" he said holding tightly. "That you could be hurt, you were missing, it was reported that you fell off a cliff and died. I was cared I did know what to think. So I search for you without care, I wanted you found dead or alive it didn't matter I just wanted to hold you in my hands. I love you Zhongshan Huang, I don't care about myself only you" she shouted with tears rolling down her eyes. Zhongshan Huang was shocked speechless. Lu Xiaolian feeling shy pulled out her hands and turned to walk away when she was dragged back into the bed and into his hand "Well I do care about you that is, so don't ever try this again" he said bent his head and kissed her. After a few seconds later she raised up and still blushing said "You never gave me your answer". "I would think my kiss would have said it all, well I love you Lu Xiaolian no matter what I always have and to me you are most important so don't ever risk your life without my permission" he said placing a kiss on her forehead. "Even for you" she said with a smile. "Especially for me, I love you Lu Xiaolian, I always have and always will even till the end of time" He said hugging her.

MITCHIEWilliams · History
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47 Chs


After an official leave from court Zhongshan Huang resumed his duties in court as the Crown Prince. As expected during his time away the first prince made a mess of things in the short time he was in power. Which showed his incompetence for all to see. For the first few days of resuming his duties Zhongshan Huang had to clean up his elder brother's rather explosive mess. It was also drawn to his attention the drastic drain in funds thanks to the first prince's extravagant spending. The battle with the Wo bandits were still raging on with both sides suffering major loses. He couldn't help but suspect that the bandits were receiving external help. With how hard they've been hit the bandits at this point should have been bankrupt or at least on the decline. However that wasn't the case if anything they seamed to have increased tn numbers and their attacks more focused as if they had been directed by a good strategist. If so then one of their neighbors or even a member of the Imperial court was working with their enemies. He hadn't been able to find evidence of that and kept it to himself even Xiaolian wasn't aware of his suspicion. He didn't want to disclose anything until he was very sure. The Emperor and the Courtier were in talks on subduing the bandits when a soldier walked in to deliver an urgent military report. "Report" the soldier said kneeling in front of the Emperor. "go on" the Emperor replied. "Your marjesty we faced the bandits head on a few days ago but unfortunately his highness the third prince was captured together with a few soldiers in his company" the Soldier reported. "What, how can this happen" the minister said and began talking within themselves. The third prince had been sent to subdue the bandits to make amends for his involvement in the attack of the Crown Prince even though his father in law had taken responsibility for the crime everyone knew fully well that the third prince was the master mind behind it all the evidence had said as much. " This is a big insult on you Your Majesty The third Prince had been sent to subdue the bandits but he ended up getting captured. The third prince is his majesty's true blood son on capturing him these bandits clearly wish to humiliate your majesty. We have to send a team to eliminate and rescue the third Prince" Prime minister Xu said. "Prime Minister Xu is right. The bandits must be quickly eliminated we can't let it become public knowledge that the Third Prince was captured. It doesn't speak well for our nation especially with the current unrest in the north" Duke Gu a celebrated war hero and father to the first princess first rank Concubine said. 'That foolish eldest son of his must be up to no good' the Emperor thought. By using these two he really wanted to send his thoughts across without drawing attention to himself. Too bad He the Emperor and his father had already seen through the ill planned strategy. Since his eldest son wished to play such tricks on him then he shouldn't be blamed for being ruthless. He had given him (The first prince) enough chances. "General Lu is protecting our northern borders and can't be called back I will have to trouble Duke Gu to take care of the unrest and bring back the third prince alive"the Emperor said. The Emperor's words left everyone shocked but not as shocked as the first prince who quickly looked up in surprised this wasn't part of his plan. It wasn't supposed to happen like this at all, it can't be that the Emperor already suspects his involvement now is it. "What Your, Your Majesty" Duke Gu said shocked. This was unexpected, they never suspected that his marjesty would react this way and this quickly"What's wrong Duke you don't want to" the Emperor said coldly. "Oh no no I wouldn't dare. It's a great honour to protect great Wei I don't dare refuse your orders" Duke Gu replied quickly. it would seem that the Emperor wasn't leaving him any way out. He is determined to send him to the front. "Good, Duke Gu hear my command, You are to head out to the south swiftly rescue the third prince and settle the unrest" he said. "Yes your marjesty" Duke Gu replied audibly. "Good you are to leave at first light tomorrow. Li Cai hand over the military seal" the Emperor replied. "Yes your marjesty" the Eunuch Li said and carried the military seal on a tray handing it over to Duke Gu who accepted it and stood straight. "Court dismissed Huang'er join me in the Sturdy" the Emperor said standing and walked out of the hall. As soon as the Emperor left the minsters and other officials began to converse between themselves as they headed back home.

Meanwhile in the Crown Prince Manor

The crown princess who had been released from her house arrest the day before was drinking tea with third Madam Shen when a maid reported that the Crown Prince had left for court. "ok you may leave" Yu Mingzhe said. "Jei jei this is a good news why don't you look happy" Madam Shen said smiling softly. "What's good about that, His highness isn't in the Manor that bitch Lu Xiaolian is still present. It's not like I can get rid of her at least not easily" Yu Mingzhe said angrily. "Jei jei your not thinking wide enough. His highness absence is a very good thing. Now that he isn't present and you're house arrest has been raised you can finally put Lu Xiaolian in her place. You are the Crown princess in this manor your word is law. After all you are his highness main wife that was carried into the gate" Madam Shen said. "Really I haven't thought about that. Thanks for drawing my attention to that" the crown princess replied. "It's alright now that she is greatly favored we have to make sure that she doesn't give his highness an heir before you or we would never be able to get rid of her" Madam Shen said. "Yes but how do I go about that" the Crown princess said thoughtfully. "Don't worry I know just the thing" Madam Shen said and whispered into her ear.