
Fated Baby of The Alpha (English Version)

Disclaimer: it's brand new story about werewolf and vampire that wrap in a different packaging. Different and still interesting! "Oh look, you're in a nice costume! You're hairy, and I like that," Marionette Alsen sighed, tracing the body of a man who was now above her. And the next day, she woke up without a single cloth and with scratches on several parts of her body. Unexpectedly, after that incident, Marion was chosen as William Reynz's personal assistant, and had to sign a strange contract. Since then, she has been forced to live an unconventional life, faced with William's strong sense of belonging to her, one of which is that she must always be with him wherever he is. Unfinished business as William's personal assistant which seems strange to her, the presence of Drake Wilmer disturbs Marion's life with his obsession and gentle demeanor, treating Marion like a Queen. Getting this treatment, made Marion lost in the charms and spells that Drake cast on her, made her fall in love with the man, until the relationship between them was too far away for William to know. A few weeks later Marion felt something different about her body. Morning sickness, cravings, even the uncontrollable gurgling of hormones she always felt whenever she was around William Reynz instead of Drake. Until a fact was revealed that she was pregnant, followed by another fact that the baby she was carrying might not be an ordinary baby. Who is the father of the baby? And will Marion be able to live a normal life after knowing all secrets in her life? #Werewolf #Vampire #hybrid #Billionaire #CEO #contractmarriage #harem *** Find my english work on GOODNOVEL. I working on Maximillian and Mirielle Reynz there, guys! Check it out! *** Where to reach me? Discord: Kennie Re #4440 IG: @kennie_r89 FB: Kennie Re Fanpage: Kennie Re - Author

Kennie_Re · Fantasy
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201 Chs

Mysterious Night

"Who are you bringing to the party tonight?" asked Shana over the phone. Marion moaned, she had not even regained her life that had wandered around in the dream world, but she was forced to serve her best friend who seemed so interested in the party their office was going to hold.

Not a special party for Marion, because it will only be dominated by executives with money and who have great influence in the company. People like Shana and Marion are just a tiny bit like crumbled potato chips between your main courses.

Marion just sighed. "I'm not interested, Shana. I just want to sleep all day without thinking about the party blah blah blah, I'll turn off the phone."

"No, Marion, don't! Listen to me first, maybe you'll like it. Your lovely boss will be at the party. And I'm sure some of his friends will be at the party too, like last year!" she screamed.

"Yeah, I know. And I'd be another silly guest who got into the wrong men's room because I'd be so high when I got drunk."

"Oh come on, Marion ... cheer up for me."

"Nope, thanks."

"Please, please, please ... I promise I will remind you not to get drunk. Come on ...."

Marion did not answer Shana's words but looked at the calendar located not far from her bed, counting the days when it would be announced who would be the mysterious boss's assistant in her office.

Many speculated about it, that all the women chosen to be the boss's assistant would mysteriously disappear, and in the end, the company would choose another employee to replace those who had 'disappeared'. And that is now Marion's mind.

"Marion, are you still there?"

"Hmm ... okay, enough. I want to continue my dream. Before this dream is taken away because I might end up being devoured by Mr. Mysterious Boss."

Shana laughed hearing the nickname given by Marion to her boss. Even though they had never once met the head of the company they worked for, trusting the rumors too much was not true.

Now Marion was left pensive alone after Shana ended the call. She couldn't close her eyes anymore, her heart was beating wildly, while her blood was rushing.

"Looks like I'm really going to die."


Marion stomped swiftly toward the room where the party was being held. Looking for Shana here and there and couldn't find her, Marion decided to just sit on the sofa in the corner of the room.

She waited a long time, she didn't even see Shana's arrival. Did the girl leave her? Or ... yeah, it could be that she is in another room, or in a special room and spending minutes with the man she wants. Meanwhile, Marion just gloomy, was still thinking about her fate if she became William Reynz's chosen assistant.

While pensive to herself, several waiters passed in front of her carrying trays of drinks. Tonight is a party night, she can't just sit back and wait for Shana who no one knows where she is. She took a glass of champagne and sipped it deliciously.

Boredom prevented Marion from realizing that her glass was empty. Now she reached for a glass of cocktail to freshen her throat which was getting hot.

Not only her throat, her body began to feel an unusual heat. She began to remove the scarf that was wrapped around her long neck, then put down her handbag haphazardly, removing the high heels that had curbed her freedom since earlier.

"Hell, it's hurt!" she moaned. Then she massaged her heels slowly, then fell on the soft back of the sofa. "I'm like going to die," she muttered, uncontrollably.

Soon she got up, walked with staggering steps, looking for where the toilet was. But yet to find a toilet, she accidentally bumped into a tall-sturdy body with the scent of fresh musk she could smell.

A man of sturdy build—with sculpted arms and a stomach that must be seedy, hidden under a shirt and coat that fit him well—just stared at Marion with a cold gaze. But there was something that made his hidden excitement inside him feel disturbed.

Without permission, Marion clung to the burly arm. Hoping that she would not sway and fall in a public place which would surely be a shame for her later.

"Uhm ... s-sorry, I was looking for a toilet. Do you know where it is?" Marion asked the man. It was unthinkable to raise her face to look at the man, her brain and behavior were no longer in sync. She needed to empty her guts right now, or else—.


All of Marion's plans to maintain her image at this party had failed. She had embarrassed herself and the man who was now frozen with wide eyes, looked down at his clothes which had been stained with the girl's entrails.

"Oh, God! Damn! Oh, I-I'm sorry, sir. L-let me clean it up." Marion tried to clean the stain that was there with her shaking hands. However, the man grabbed her wrist suddenly.

"Ah, let go of my hand!" Marion tried to rebel. But the man's grip felt even stronger.

"You must be responsible for all this, Miss." A distinctive deep voice, as if she had heard it before and was familiar, tried to intimidate Marion who was still under the influence of alcohol. She has realized but not fully. It took 12 hours to neutralize the several milliliters of alcoholic liquid that had been mixed in her blood.

The man pulled the rebellious Marion. Not wanting to waste time, he then lifted the girl up easily and put her on his shoulders, carried Marion into a room and locked the door behind his back.

He laid Marion on the king-size bed, then his eyes stared out the window.

"No, no, not now. Not now," the man mumbled, then cast a glance at Marion, who had fallen asleep from drunkenness.

The man noticed the look on the girl who looked normal compared to the girls he had spent the night with before—is of course not to spend a hot night, but rather for other rituals, which is difficult to explain.

He had never even done it with any woman.

He leaned closer to Marion, straightened a strand of her hair, and tucked it behind the girl's ear. A distinct scent wafted from her body. The man sniffed the crook of Marion's neck, taking as deep a breath as he could. There was a pheromone scent that seemed to attract him to keep getting closer to the girl.

Another irresistible urge had forced him to bury his face in the side of Marion's neck.

The girl aroused a passion that had not appeared in a long time. Never even felt like this in his entire life.

Who is this girl?

The man began to feel the heat all over his body when the moon began to appear perfectly round with a red glow that dazzled his eyes. Iris which was originally brown now turned dazzling golden.

The man squirmed, groaned, unbuttoning his shirt buttons one by one, though that wouldn't change anything. His clothes were still torn and tattered as his body grew bigger and soft fur appeared on its surface.

He fell on top of Marion with his hands on the bed. His breath caught, trying to get rid of the scent that drew him closer to the girl. He couldn't hold it in anymore. The urge was too strong not to be released.

The man who had turned into a silver-furred creature opened his jaws wide as if he was about to swallow Marion's whole head. But no, not for that. The urge is more than anything else. Something he had never felt before. He had to let go right now.

He had to let it out before Marion woke up. Unless the girl was willing to give up everything willingly.