
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · Fantasy
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119 Chs

To Withstand, To Survive!!

"Are you suffering headaches again?!" asked Arshad.

Tara took a moment to respond, which she did with a shake of her head,"They aren't mine!!"

Arshad stood still, unknown of what she meant by not hers', puzzlement clearly evident in his icy blue eyes.

"Aryan suffers headaches too!"

And....that came by surprise!!

"I hope you now understand what I meant back then!" Tara said with a smile which barely was recognised as one!

'Like me! Similar but different?!'

'You know about me uncle, don't you?! What if people like me exists?'

Arshad recalled their once conversation, briefly getting to know where was she heading, realising the cruciality of the situation, and somehow the fact that the couple had come long way, the fact that stirred the emotion of uncertainty within him.

'I don't think it's possible but if it is, then, I just hope, that 'someone' would never have to face the cruelty of fate!'

His own words made him sigh in agony, when she spoke again, and the entire time he stood silent! "Like I suffer, he suffers!!"

"He...." a moment she took for breath, the one that seemed needful, "He keeps....forgetting things! Seeing other's memories....results in forcing him to forget his own!!" a sigh escaped her, not at all immune to that memories of him suffering which now kept playing in her head!

And finally, Tara looked up, facing her uncle, taking in the look of his silent yet unsteady gaze, unsteady by...what she made him feel by the just conversation!

Arshad dazed by all the information, found himself unsound for a moment, not only were they being chased by external problems but internal as well!

As he let her words sink in, he couldn't help but let his uncertainty take over! "If....his ability has particular results....should I assume..... similar abilities would result in similar consequences?!"

Tara stared her uncle with the known realisation, yes, the one she and Aryan once had! Her uncle now knew everything, and this remained as an exception! Could she let that out as well?!

Should she?

Shouldn't she?

Should she?!

"That's a valid one indeed!" Tara smiled, "I wonder if something like that really exists, and we aren't exploring it yet?!"

She held back a chuckle, what was there in it to be explored?!


Arshad who always had knew her from her thick and thin, wasn't satisfied by that. Reaching her, his fingers settling for her chin, Arshad stared her with concern filling up that icy blue in his eyes! "Are you sure?!"

His voice almost felt like a soft caress on her soul, making her reconsider her thoughts of keeping things from him! She couldn't tell him about her situation, nor her recent vision! This man who was a fatherly figure to her, she was now keeping things from him, the one she never expected herself to do!

Gathering herself, she took in a breath, taking in his hand with hers' gently, assuring him with a tap and a smile, "Even if something's really going to be wrong uncle, we are searching for a solution! I believe you'll trust us in that!"

Arshad after an exchange of a brief look, nodded understandingly!

Tara sighed, trying to light up the mood, "Deep doesn't contact me anymore! I understand he cares about his future wife but isn't forgetting his sister too much?!"

Arshad chuckled at her pouting, he knew, his son was a bit lost these days, "He perhaps needs some time!"


"For what?!"


Tara took a minute letting his words sink in her, knows?!


Arshad just gave her a shrug and a sigh, "Isn't it expected for, he is your brother after all!"

Tara smiled, remembering something same from Aryan! She was right, both the men share similar way of speaking.

"I might be worrying him again then!"

"Something new?!"

They both laughed. Tara watched him retire to his room after the intake of a glass of water he came out for, and retired to her own room after not getting to see Aryan in the kitchen anymore!

Thinking he might have withdrawn for sleep, she tried to rest, which remained just as a trial and she soon found herself standing near the window, staring the darkness ahead!

The new moon sky with barely visible stars, it was dark indeed! Her gaze travelled along the way from up the sky to the towering trees to then finally down the ground, the emerald in her eyes beholding the view of him standing alone, his hands folded behind and head down!

She couldn't see his face as he stood faced against her, but she knew it was him.

Didn't he go to sleep?!

Seeing him stand infront of the place where.....they..... buried Snoopy...., with his head down, she knew, he was mourning!

Suddenly, she felt her heart sinking in the ocean of sadness, drowning and suffocating.

Tara leaned against the wall defeated, her gaze not daring to look away from him!


Aryan didn't wait for Tara to return as if he knew she wouldn't be going to! After he was done with everything in the kitchen, he went out to offer some food to Mr.Arshad's driver, thinking he might be hungry! Alloting him a room to rest later, he realised both Tara and her uncle had gone to sleep!

However....he didn't feel like to.....and....he found himself standing infront of the grave, mourning!

They would be leaving here tomorrow, and ....Snoopy as well! For the first time, he regretted gifting Tara a puppy! The one they both got close with in lees than the minimum time, and....lost him! Lost him forever!

He caused her pain, resurfacing her old wounds, unlocking something that's very sensitive within her!

He regretted!

Trying to suppress his own pain while digesting the fact of him causing her pain and also losing Snoopy, all at once felt like an invisible force pushing him down, burying him underground!


Everywhere was darkness. Trying to look up, there was no more moonlight, no more starlight, nothing seemed to light anymore!

With a defeated sigh, he downed his head again. Taking a deep breath, he turned back, only to find her looking down him, up from her room!

And.... he found the light.

Aryan looked up at her, finding her emerald gaze clearly visible.

Their gaze never leaving each other!

And time felt at pause!!