
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

Sudden Change!!

Aryan kept looking down the lady who was asleep in his arms while his hand patted her head gently! Her breath was a bit heavy as of how she held him tightly, he could feel her breathing against his chest! While every word she spelled still echoed around, his heart made him feel in strange ways as it shifted and retreated continuously!

So, she felt it!! Everything, as much as him!! Nothing she said was expected but was something more than any other expectation! He now needed....no more clarification, neither any confession! It was clear and transparent, he was into her, she was into him!

And for the first time, he was glad that she had that drink, else would she say all those things despite being a sober?! He doubted it to be!

Coming to that point again, will she remember, atleast a little?! What if she forgets it all?!

Aryan smiled, perhaps, that doesn't matter anymore! He inhaled as he buried his head into her hair, her scent surrounding him! She smelled of blossoms and jasmine! He liked it, infact loved it!!

As if her scent was a sleeping pill, he slowly dozed off after a while!


Tara could smell the scent of coffee all over her as her eyes rolled still shut! Her body felt relaxed strangely, but when tried to open her eyes, her head throbbed a little, feeling heavy!

Trying to massage her forehead, she realised she was locked, as she couldn't!

As she blinked, Tara was surprised to see Aryan infront. She was too stunned to even speak, and realising the fact that they both were embracing each wasn't helping much!

Tara slowly removed her hand over him, from his grip as she recalled what had happened!

She remembered deciding to taste the wine, it felt heavenly and she just continued until... she didn't remember anything!

Just what happened after then?! Why was he in her room?! Just how did she reach her room firstly?! Did he perhaps carry her again?! But why didn't he leave?!

Her head throbbed again, so she just tried to relax! Deciding not to take any stress and to ask him once he was awake!

"Ar....yan!" she slowly called!

There was no response! "Aryan?!" a trial again, and this time, his head shifted slightly!

Tara breathed as she realised he was coming into conscious, she didn't try to call out anymore but waited for him to open his eyes!

Aryan stirred in sleep, feeling much relaxed! Since years, he never had someone to hold on while sleeping, and now, having and being in someone's arms felt so good! It gave him a sense of security, warmth, and comfort!

As the scent of jasmine welcomed him while he has his eyes open, seeing the lady looking straight into his eyes, a genuine smile took over him!

With no thought, he suddenly leaned closer, planting a kiss on her forehead surprising her!

"Goodmorning Tara!" he greeted with his husky voice as he pulled himself a bit away, closing his eyes for a brief moment!

Tara was silent as if trying to process of what he did! It wasn't for the first time, but it felt.... different! Previously, it was out of caring and concern, which was obvious yet too hard to unlike! But this..... was..... something different!

While soon Aryan's brows furrowed as if he just realised something! His eyes shot open almost immediately and her gaze caught his!

She was yet silent, her eyes spoke, there were questions being asked which he was capable enough to understand!

"I-I'm....I'm sorry! I don't know...how did I...." he tried to explain!

"It's....okay!!" she said taking a brief breath before swallowing! "Ahm.....y-your ha-hand!!" her breath was heavy now!

Aryan blinked, "I'm sorry!!" he hurriedly defensed as his hands around her soon got their way back to him.

Tara let out a breath as soon as she was free, confused whether it was for having herself free or not having his hold around anymore!

"I didn't mean to! Actually...." Aryan felt loss at words!

They just looked at each other, silence carried away, only giving an exception for their heartbeats which slowly began to pace up!

"Just....what happened yesterday?!"

Aryan just looked at her briefly, she did forgot everything!!

"You just .....had a whole bottle of wine, spoke random stuff, then dozed off!"

She looked unsatisfied with what he said! Something was wrong! Tara tried to remember what had happened the last night while Aryan slowly sat up! Few images of him flashed, he spoke something which she couldn't recall of what! It continued until she heard her own voice, 'I hate you!', and just with that, her eyes widened!

Did she say that to him?! Why?!

Aryan was yet to get up when he suddenly felt her holding his hand! With a tilt, he looked down at her confused!

"I don't hate you!" she innocently blurted, making him even more confused!

"I don't know how and why did I say that, but I.... don't!!"

Aryan was soundless, she didn't?! "You don't hate me?!" he asked, she blinked while her hand now left his! "I don't!!" she said confidently.

However, why did he look like he was unsatisfied with the confirmation?!

"You don't hate me?!" he now seemed to have questioned himself!

She just shook her head which didn't go well with him, "Why don't you?!" he asked confusing her, suddenly leaning towards, covering her with his arms from the sides which were firmly fisted stood on the bed! Startling her as she gasped at the sudden act!

"Why don't you hate me anymore?!" he repeated!

Was he insane?! It was her who was drunk, wasn't it?!

"What do you....mean?"

"You don't hate me?!" he started leaning closer and closer panicking her!

"Aryan!" her almost whisper attempted to stop him, her hands reaching up! As Tara attempted to push him away, his right hand gently held her left, slowly bringing it down to the sides, still holding her as their hands lay on bed! She was too surprised by the act that she remained silent in awe! What happened to him suddenly?! He never.....did she do something strange yesterday?!

While Aryan looked down at her for the first time being flushed, not when drunk but sober! Her cheeks were slowly turning to that red of an apple almost reminding him that red wine she had yesterday!

He just stared her for a moment more while she looked at him in awe, before leaning down even more closer which now began to panick her as she started taking deep breaths! Just don't know why, he liked the reaction not even fascinating whether he was the same the yesterday night or not, while though her right hand was free, she couldn't help herself but stay still! She didn't know if it was for the situation but all she did was staring up his hazel eyes which she almost couldn't recognise to be his anymore, the way he looked at her was so passionate and when he was reaching her even more, she couldn't help but call out his name, hoping that would atleast stop him though she failed once!

"Aryan! You..."

"Hush...." his deep voice almost made her swallow her words down to where it came from!

"Trust me for I didn't start it! Do not blame me!" he smirked as he reached closer than she expected, making her heart skip a beat! Four inches distance from her, stood his face, and she went completely silent, while not being able to process on what to do and processing what he just said! What on the earth did she do and sit?!

Aryan amazed looked into her emerald eyes while her cheeks were completely flushed, making him remember the drunken kitten of his again! A small smile curved his lips when he decided to even vanish that mere distance they had between and she just shut her eyes tightly as if surrendering! Which almost made him halt, to look at her!

Tara unknown to all of sensations that her body gave her, shut her eyes tightly as if anything that was ahead would disappear at once, once she opened them! Like a dream! Yeah this was definitely a dream and she needed to wake up! Quick!! Her eyes ceased even more, in process her brows narrowing! But suddenly, she felt a gentle touch of his lips on her cheek, making her cheeks burn, and that's it, she shot her eyes open! Not a dream!!

Her breath became heavy as he stayed the same way, now leaning a little closer, reaching her ear!

"Do hate me! I seem to like it that way!!" he whispered!

Tara didn't understand while he just saying that, pulled himself up, but still much closer to her!! She looked at him unknown of his new behaviour!

Her gaze wavered, "What if I don't?!"

Well that came him to by surprise, and before even he could respond, her right hand came up, holding his collar, as she pushed him down, pulling herself up on him! Just like she did yesterday! The hand which he held till now to put her still, now held his!

He looked at her amused while she now looked down at him confidently!

"Should I just keep on reminding you daily?! That you aren't a god and I don't have to listen to you?!"

Well thrice the time she said this! He held back his chuckle!

"Who are you to say me what to do?! I said I will not hate you, cause I "

"You do!" he cut her off, "You have to and you will!"

Even his sudden behaviour of commanding surprised her!

"I.Will.Not!!" she tried to be more commanding, "What can you do?!" her brow raised along the question!

Challenging?! Better not! "You will!" he said with a smile, "As I just acknowledged the way to make you submissive!!" his smile turned to that of a smirk as he all of a sudden pushed her down now pulling himself up on her, just like she did, this time, he held both of her hands! A gasp escaped her mouth!

Tara thought it was done when she took the lead but in no way was he thinking of letting her go! What was with him?

"Just what had got into you?!" she asked confused!

"You!" Aryan didn't even think to answer while throwing her into deep silence all over again!

"Miss Tara Nethin! I'm into you!!" he confessed, making her remember her own confession!

Tara was soundless, what did he...just say?!

Did he perhaps see it?! Or was it something else?!