
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
119 Chs

I Need A Cane!

"Don't!" Deep and Aryan said in unison, as Tara tried to move her leg! Arshad just exchanged glances before his gaze finally settled on her. "You shouldn't move it! Try walking after a few days so that it could heal better!"

She nodded, and waited for the doctor to come and check her, and when it was done and she got prescribed, she decided to leave, as this place felt too suffocated. When it was done, Deep reached her, helping her get into the wheelchair and she let him! Aryan watched him take her out, probably to the vehicle, while he took the prescription, and was about to get out of the ward but the man who still stood, made him halt! The man just kept looking at him, almost confusing him!

Aryan gave him a look of 'What is it?!' hoping he would atleast speak by the look.

"Was it you who helped her?" he finally let out what he held from a while!

His brows pulled together, trying to understand what he meant, and when he did, he replied the man. "I didn't! It's all her doing!" he chuckled inward as even for himself it sounded like he accused her when he actually appreciated her!

Arshad smiled, "You know how many times she tried and failed? Don't you think there's a change this time?"

He nodded understandingly, "Do you think I am the change?"

The man shrugged, "Perhaps! But again, thanks for everything! I really should appreciate you!"

"For helping her?"

"For believing her!!"

They both stared each other in silence before the man smiled, "Take care of her!"

"Mr.Arshad!" he called out making the man halt who was about to turn and leave!

Aryan then handed him his visiting card, so that the man could know more about him, just in case! Arshad took it without any hesitation, but was taken aback when he took notice of his name! "Seems like your full name wasn't mentioned in your blog that I visited!" he said looking up!

"I think so...!" he replied thoughtfully.

Thinking of it as an opportunity, Aryan held his hand out, "Let's make a proper introduction then! I am Aryan Waqt!"

Arshad still had that look on his face, yet took his hand, "Arshad Nethin!" and they shook their hands! And Aryan who happened to notice the uncertain look of his, asked him, "Do you want to say something?"

Arshad frowned, and gave him a nod which didn't look like one, "Your surname is familiar! I think I heard it once!!"

Aryan frowned, "Is it?" he asked as their hands parted ways, "You might have heard it then! Many happen to have the same names and surnames!"

Arshad nodded thoughtfully, "I should leave now!" said Aryan, they both exchanged a nod and made their ways out, only to see her and Deep waiting outside!

"Why haven't you took her out of here yet?" asked Arshad.

"You can ask her that!" Deep replied with a shrug and a sigh!

The man looked at her, Tara said nothing, but Aryan could understand, he just reached, putting the prescription in his pocket, he lifted her up then making her sit inside the car, she didn't even try to protest while just kept observing him just as the other two men did! When she was comfortable, he folded the wheelchair, keeping it in the front he then looked at them, "I will be taking care from here!" he said!

Arshad gave him a nod while Deep still looked hesitated, Aryan just handed him the prescription, giving a chance to the man to visit her again though she didn't say it, Deep smiled and took it, and after, they both left leaving the father and son behind!

When they reached home, he made her sit back in the wheelchair before they entered the home, and this time, he unlocked the door.

She chuckled, he really did have the memory power!

He then was about to leave her in her room but she denied, "Let me stay in the living room! I need to talk to you!"

Aryan frowned, and with a shrug he took a seat on the couch and just glared her, his gaze silently and patiently asking her to speak, cause from the moment she got up, she hadn't said him a word rather just kept staring him, except for that...'Cause I said so!!' thing!!

She stared him again in silence before breaking it, "I need a cane!"

His brows pulled together, it is all? He nodded uncertainly without looking away, "I think....Deep will be arranging it!"

She nodded, while her gaze travelled down his shirt then up to him, he followed her gaze and realised that he was still in a blood stained shirt! And her gaze just wavered into his for a second. Come on, will she pay for this now? Who knows, she is unpredictable!

"You need to change!!" she said with a jerk, also nodding towards the another room! He followed her glare and then back to her, "I don't have an extra outfit!" he said with a shrug, "I will go home and get changed!" he then added!

She frowned, "Like this?? Whom are you going to scare?"

He halted, did he look that bad or weird? It's just... blood stains, after all! She sighed, "I still have my parents clothes! My father's would fit you, just get into that, I will bring you one!" she said

His brows raised, "You don't have to!" he hurried.

She just rolled her eyes, "I am not gonna give you the whole set! And don't worry, though it had been twelve years, I am sure they would fit you well!" she said sincerely cause she can....just say it by looking at him!

Aryan wasn't sure of what to do, he just nodded, cause having a talk with her alone often felt like a battle and now a word battle would be what he should avoid perhaps! She nodded satisfied too before another question popped out, "When are you going to move in?"

His eyes almost bulged out, as he processed what she had just asked, "What?!"

"What do you mean by taking care of me without staying with me?" she asked flatly, and he halted, a frown settling on his face, did what he said meant that?

"But...." he hesitated, "Won't it be a problem for you?!"

"You have high expectations to think of me as someone who cares!!" she scoffed, "By the way, you should have thought before saying!" she said with a shrug!

He just stared her in disbelief, alright, he really had expected high from her, to care about what others think? It was impossible, she is self-centred well but still had that aura which demanded attention, making her unique in a unique way! But....he now had no doubt, one day will come definitely, when she will leave him in the middle of the way just by her wish! He chuckled, who wants to stay either!

"Then let me change and go to come back again!" he said nodding with brows raised still!

She rolled her eyes again, "Take your time, I will bring you the clothes!" she said turning the wheelchair back herself, his hand unknowingly flew to help her but stopped the midway, just staring her, who was now going to the room which he assumed to be the one which belonged to her parents! He really now thought that she needed a cane, that would even help her heal faster!

He just sighed and got into the room she said to a while ago, to wash himself! He unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it over the bed, went to the restroom to wash his face, while when he returned, Tara had already entered the room and her gaze was fixed on the shirt, on the bed, while his was fixed on hers!