
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

Feel At Ease!!

Deep returned home early, getting fresh, he is now seated with his family. Tara and Aryan were glad but somehow his mother seemed to be be very cross about something!!

His instant reaction was to look at his father who gave him a knowing look with a smirk. His gaze when shifted to his sister and Aryan, he was offered a shrug from both the humans!

Well, well, too good to have a family like this!!

"Mother...." he cleared his voice.

"Arshad, would you like a glass of juice?!"


"I would definitely like one!!" she shrugged, continuing to be deaf at his words as she poured a glass of juice for herself, enjoying a sip!

Both Aryan and Tara held back a chuckle and this time Arshad chuckled, "I would like one as well!!" he said as though he was deaf to his son as well.


"Me too!!" Tara added.

"I wouldn't want to miss it either!!" Aryan joined.

Deep shook his head raising from his seat, reaching his mother. With a crouch, his hands snaked around her neck gently as he placed a soft kiss against her cheek, "Are you angry?!"

Rhys dusted her cheek, "Does that matter?!"

"Of course, it does, mother!!"

"I wouldn't want to die hungry!!" he added!

Rhys shook her head before shifting in her seat, looking up at him, "What's bothering you?!"

And that sudden question took them all.

Rhys have had enough! She wanted to ask it in private or better be patient until they come out through everything, but, as time passed by, she found herself too disturbed by it! As a lady who always had tried to face the problems straight ahead, she didn't want to be worried about something unknown for too long, the oddly thing, and neither did she want her son or husband to be worried for this long!

She knew the pain of suffering the pain in silence, the one she saw her own husband going through when Adarsh and Phaedra left them all behind!

She didn't want her family to go through something same again, and nor did she wish to see Tara suffering again!

"I'm asking something!!" she urged when met with their silence!

They all exchanged meaningful glances before Deep sighed, resting his head on Rhys's shoulder, making her involuntarily tilt back, instantly facing Arshad.

"What if I'm wanting not to bother you by it?"

Tara and Aryan stared him including Arshad, completely surprised by his reply.

"I would then suggest you to hide it PROPERLY from me and solve it soon! SOON, I say!!"

Deep laughed, "Then I promise to solve it myself and stay SANE!!" his voice gentle.

"Just to not bother you!!" he added playfully, placing a soft kiss on her cheek again before leaving her side.

Getting seated back in his chair, he looked at his mother again, "I'm hungry!!"

Rhys remained silent for a moment more before resuming her breakfast, Arshad shook his head with a smile, Tara watched his brother, trying to understand him, the one which always he had done with her. He shot her a momentary gaze offering a smile as he continued his breakfast.

She couldn't respond in any way and her gaze instantly shifted to Aryan, who nodded at her understandingly.

He knew she was feeling the guilt, the guilt of unintentionally putting both her uncle and brother in problems!

Aryan's hand gently reached for hers', a soft tap from him assuring her.

Tara watched him in silence before a subtle smile took over her.

Moments later, the environment became more friendly and they shared a light talk, everyone forgetting their own worries! Arshad was glad to see his son back to his normal demeanour which elevated his hopes in a way.

No one went to work this day, as Tara and Aryan would be leaving tomorrow, they have all decided to spend their time together. Sharing a little chatter, playing few games, they didn't even get to know when did the day pass so quick, that it was evening already.

Rhys and Arshad silently remembered the days when Adarsh and Phaedra were not a mere memory and they all spent their time together, watching their children play together while exchanging little talks.

Aryan was getting along with the couple, and Rhys was surprised beyond the words by the information that Aryan was Phaedra's brother's son. She still wasn't quite sure why Aryan had assisted Tara till the date and what was Tara's problem she was not known of. However, after the party night and the recent days, she could surely say both were.... interested in each other and even her husband and son seemed to have acknowledged it. Now identifying him as their family member, she was not only surprised but happy, beyond any words could explain.

"I'm sorry for your loss!!" she said with a sigh recalling his loss of parents.

Aryan took a deep breath, a soft smile playing on his lips, "You need not to be!"

Rhys offered an assuring smile and a nod as they all continued to talk, sitting under the evening sky, in the garden of the house's backyard.

While Tara stood at distance, staring up at the sky, her hands folded. Deep's sudden reach forced her to look down the sky, finding him staring up the sky now, just like her. His hands folded behind!

"Busy counting flying birds?!" he chuckled!

Tara with a smile shook her head, shifting her gaze back up to the sky, "Busy..... allowing the peace within!!"

Deep tilted his head to look at her, while she just continued, her gaze distant, "Just how beautiful is the sunset!" he notice the slowly forming smile on her lips!

He couldn't help but smile, his gaze involuntarily elevating up, it indeed was a sight to behold, the sky in a mixed shade of orange, yellow, white, and slowly appearing blue-black. The sun leaving it's traces behind every second, welcoming it's partner to take it's place, moon!

"I'm sorry!!" she suddenly confessed, yet her gaze undisturbed.

Deep with a frown looked at her, "Sorry?! Ah, it's a rare one! I see the man is improving you to a human level!!" he chuckled.

Tara shot him a glance before a shook escaped her, her voice failing to raise up.

"For what are you sorry, Tara?!" he then asked softly.

Her eyes bored into his, "To bother you, uncle, and aunt!"

Deep watched her in silence, letting her words sink in him before a chuckle escaped him. With a deep inhale, he looked up at the sky, "To bother" he repeated low, "To bother...."

"It somehow..... suffocates you, doesn't it?!" he asked as though there was no other answer for it rather a yes.

Tara found herself silent, an awkwardly silence taking over her. Finding herself shut as her brother said out her feeling.

"It does!!" he answered with a chuckle, as if he knew she wouldn't be answering it.

"So does it suffocate us, Tara!" he looked back to her, his eyes staring straight into hers'. "Me. Father. It did suffocate us. The moment you moved away, seeking solace in loneliness. We felt....helpless, to see you suffering from distance, it indeed was.... suffocating!!"

His words for the first time weighed on her, leaving behind a bitter taste.

"But you know why did we choose to remain so?! It is cause we respected your decision!!"

Deep watched her, taking a step ahead, closer to her, "And so do I want you to respect ours'. My decision!!" he gently requested.

"To save you, to protect you!" his hand suddenly came up, his fingers gripping her chin, "If you think it's bothering me, then let me be bothered for a while, little sister!!"

"After all, it's my responsibility!!" he said with a slight shrug.

Tara chuckled, holding back her tears, her brother.... really had....grown up. She couldn't help but smile, blinking her eyes, she chuckled again, "Aarohi is quite a good teacher for, your words come out sweeter and sweeter."

Deep chuckled, his brows immediately elevating, "Leave about mine, what about you?!"

"Would you still not answer my question?!"

Tara watched him puzzled, trying to understand what he meant.

"Who's Aryan to you?!" he asked playfully!

Tara didn't miss the mischief his voice held, she knew he waited for her to speak, but instead her gaze shifted to Aryan who sat along with her uncle and aunt in distance, engaged in a conversation. His smile involuntarily bringing up a smile to her lips.

'Am I nothing for you?'

Aryan's voice still perceptible in her memory, "He's my love!!" she confessed, as though more to herself. He indeed was, her everything, the hope she clings on to whenever she falls and the support she clings on to whenever she decides to raise.

"You accept!!" Deep's sudden soft voice brought her attention back to him.

"I do! He left me no choice!!" she shrugged.

Deep chuckled, Aryan should be someone really capable cause leaving TARA with no choices to choose is something.....rare!!

"You at least are not hiding this one!!" he shook his head, pulling his gaze away from her while she looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You three hide things very well from me! You think I don't know?!" he turned to her, "I seem to be an outsider for that!!"

Tara looked away, her uncle said he knew everything, did that also include....

"I'm just assured to know that he can save you while I'm not around!!" he continued looking away as well.

Tara held back a chuckle, Aryan indeed saved her, but he was in threat too, "You are....not an outsider!!" she assured him.

Deep shook his head, "I want to be!!"

Tara was taken aback, turning to look at her brother whose gaze was now fixed on her! She watched him turn completely to her, his hands coming up resting on her shoulders.

"Whenever the situation comes, don't get emotional and....think me as an outsider!! Never.....let your feelings take over your decisions, in future!"

She couldn't understand the origin of this suggestion, he always used to taunt her playfully for not including her feelings in her judgements in the past but now....."Is it you.... keeping things from us, this time?!"

"I would suggest you not to go for a revenge on this...!" she held his sapphire gaze as she waited for him to speak up.

Deep chuckled, "You remained the same and here I was thinking he changed you! Asking before obeying?!"

A sigh escaped from him when she remained staring at him in the same way, "It is not about keeping things, Tara. It is the situation, considering them, there always is a possibility when you might need to go through an inner conflict!!"

"I just want you to be prepared for it!!"

He offered a soft smile while his left hand came up, caressing her hair. She just watched him in silence, feeling wondered and helpless about the thought that he was going through something she didn't know what but knew the cause, her!!

Without any hesitation, she wrapped her hands around his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. His another hand taking in the shelter of his pocket.

Tara stayed the same for a moment, allowing herself to feel the silence that conveyed something their conversation didn't yet do.

"I feel the urge to say you something!!" she began before she silenced herself for another moment.

"You will never need permissions with me, I guess?!" he encouraged her.

"With a united fight, we can have all the chances to win!!"

Deep took a second to digest it, her words weighing. a subtle smile taking over him, his hand she held till now reaching for hers'. His hand holding hers', their fingers entwining, "You're right. United we stand, divided we fall!!"

Tara looked at him, a smile taking over her. She nodded with a smile which he offered back.

They looked at each other for a moment before his mobile ringed. Deep stepped back from her realising it was from his so dearly enemy!!

"Done being emotional?! If yes, come to the construction site of yours'!"

With just that, the call ended, with a sigh, he turned back only to witness Tara staring at her with slightly questioning eyes.

"Got some work, need to go!!" he shrugged uncertain.

Tara sighed, "I thought there was no work today!!"

Deep smiled faintly, he knew she was complaining, "I promise I will be back early!!"

Tara nodded uncertainly, he patted her head before surprising his parents by the information. Arshad wanted to ask where but he didn't, and Rhys did the needed.

"To where?"

Deep pondered the question, "I....would not be taking much time!!" he smiled, assuring her there was no problem while in real, he was going to deal with the real problem.