
Chapter. 20 Dark entity

Gently, a dark silver car drove along the streets, past countless trees that were bathed in the night like ghosts of terror, causing a shiver that plagued Saber throughout the journey. The needles and leaves twitched in the wind. Clouds obscured the moonlight, and only the cone of the spotlight looked ahead. The branches bent and twisted like phantoms. Spiky claws hung from every corner, threatening to scratch the asphalt as they snaked the road through the valleys.

None of the passengers could see much. The abstract night pressed on the living people's perception as they tried to process those bizarre events.

The black gloves guided the steering wheel. Eyes never strayed from the road. Whether Saber was waiting for another apparition, she could not say for herself. But her eyes were glued to the asphalt, which she silently followed as if another disaster would jump out and drag her companion out the window into the unknown. Saber hadn't counted on Casters's ambush, which happened just a few minutes outside the city as if he had waited patiently.

Single tires shook under the potholes. And swayed the sleeping head of Irisviel, who could not hide her exhaustion and finally traveled into the land of dreams.

It was not even five minutes ago that a pale old man with long gray, greasy hair forced the car to stop. He was dressed in a long robe with an oversized collar of tainted purple-green-gray fabric that faded in all directions like a carnivorous flower. It would not be wrong to say he resembled the image of a leader of a demonic sect that subjected people to cruel acts. The hands were gray; whether a curse of forbidden magic tugged at his fingers or the lack of sunlight, Saber could not tell.

Irisviel and Saber got out, feeling no desire to kill; they deemed it safe to show themselves openly and retreat if necessary. The creature was also a servant. The seventh one Saber had encountered, and the eighth, if she considered the dead Assassin. Her senses did not deceive her; the dark being before her undoubtedly possessed the aura of a heroic spirit. For Saber, only Assassin came into question. But it seemed a mystery to her why this spirit showed himself openly when he was considered dead by everyone. She could not come up with an answer to this question because it was unthinkable for an assassin to give up his disguise. Therefore, it had to be another servant. She did not even have to look at her mistress. Irisviel came to the same conclusion. With one hand, she held her coat while she hid behind Saber's determined body. The instincts of both women shrieked with warning signals, despite Saber's incredible magic defense.

"Oh, my beloved Holy maid," the figure proclaimed. His clawed hand went toward the sky as if trying to grasp the stars. Before his hunched body attempted an elegant bow, graceful, it did not look, and Saber frowned in disgust at the creature that could not have lost more humanity. "I have come to be reunited with you."

"You seem to have me confused with someone else. Caster, I presume?"

Like a doll, his head shot up while his entire body remained motionless. His eyes were wide open, blinking alternately like fish. Saber felt Iris's fingers tugging at the side of her jacket. She was uncomfortable with the hideous figure crawling out of the depths of the forest, spouting gibberish. She did not want to imagine the worry of a direct fight. Her fingers rummaged around in her pocket again, looking for the transmitter in it. She widened her eyes when she only got hold of the fabric; a glance through the window and she spotted the small device.

'Ohh no.'

A shiver ran down her spine as Irisviel realized she couldn't call for help. She could only pray that Saber would be enough in the worst case.

"But... but what are you talking about, my beloved Jeanne? Your looks are your splendor; only you could be the God-superior beauty at whose side I once served."

"Though I am flattered by your beautiful words, my name is not Jeanne. I am Artoria Pendragon, king of Britain. Now that I have given you mine, I would like to know yours as well." Saber took a step back as the disfigured man froze for a moment before grabbing his hair and pulling it bitterly. One would have thought his pale gray skin would be peeled off like a shell.

"No, no, no, no, no, no... Can you not remember? The time we spent together? Our dreams and the unimaginable suffering you had to endure. I finally found you again... How can it end like this?"

Saber did not answer; in fact, she did not know how to react at all. Reluctantly, she stared at the creature that towered like a giant. In front of the large, hunched body, she looked like a little girl lost in the dark forest. Caster's confusion swayed back and forth. The fish's eyes opened and closed. Murderousness gathered around Caster and flowed in all directions like shadows, encompassing everything so that even the trees knew nothing but to tremble in fear. The round pupils narrowed to slits that fixed Irisviel.

Saber's skin glowed in the golden light as the black suit Saber wore disappeared, and the blue dress with silver plates, bracers, and a breastplate clung to her body.

"If you value your life, I would advise you to leave, Caster." Saber's clear voice held through the forest, pressing against the darkness as her sword glowed in the sound of the moonlight and the shadows fled from her. Irisviel had already experienced enough stress today, and Saber was aware of that. But the small body did not make it possible for Saber to protect Irisviel from the devastating sight completely, and she saw that her mistress of today needed bed rest.

"You are lucky that I already have other things to worry about, but if you dare to harm even one hair of this young woman, I will strike you down here and now!" Caster's fingers, which just moments ago had been gripping the hair, were incessantly scratching the sides of his face. Was he ready to fight? An awkward situation for Saber should the enemy servant target Irisviel even though she was superior to the Caster class as a Saber. She had to include the exhausted Irisviel in the fight while Caster could act as ruthlessly as he wanted.

"This is not how it was all planned; have you still not regained your memories? Oh, what punishment has God inflicted on you? But don't worry; I will find a way to release this curse that imprisons your holy soul." Caster roared to the heavens. If it was God who took his beloved and wanted to claim her for himself, then he would do everything to break the chains of this abominable being, he swore in his heart.

His voice sounded sad, as if he had lost something precious, but at the same time, glorious in the absence of murderousness in the forest. But something was wrong. Saber could feel her hair stand on end like an evil omen was settling over her skin. She gritted her teeth and increased her pressure on Caster.

"Don't worry, my holy Maid; I will find a way to save you from eternal torment."

A cut split the road to Caster, about 10 meters away. The figure had disappeared as Sabers's sword cleaved the ground. But she could still sense it nearby. Saber could still hear the faint glimmer of the robe disappearing into the living forest even as it grew quieter.

"Just wait." The voice was ominous, only faintly reaching the two waiting outside the car. "I'll come back for you. And only you."

Saber waited until she could no longer perceive Caster. "I honestly have no idea who that one might be."

Irisviel offered her only a slight smile. "It must be hard when you're mistaken for someone and therefore is completely obsessed with you."

"Don't worry. Next time, I'll split him in two."

As the car followed the winding road, a view of the Einzbern estate was already opening up in the distance. A golden castle stood up on the horizon, its warm lights illuminating the night. The blue roofs shone like the blue sky. The iron gate, dressed in golden colors, was already open to receive the two late guests.

Another carriage was already in the Great Courtyard. Black as night, Saber recognized it only by her supernatural sight. However, the carriage was empty.

'It seems Kiritsugu has already arrived. Irisviel was right.'

The silver sports car slowed down while Saber took out the gear and rolled the remaining meters before she brought the car to a halt.

"Irisviel..." With a softening smile, Saber shook the shoulder of the woman who had fallen asleep not long ago. "We have arrived."

Slightly sleepy, Irisviel rubbed her eyes. Only halfway was she able to keep them open. For a moment, she did not move at all but simply stared at the castle as if still in a dream. Her thoughts were still covered by the calm veil of sleep as she struggled to keep her heavy eyelids open. After blinking twice, Irisviel shook her head and opened the door of the car, from which she almost stumbled out.

In the distance, Saber could already recognize a person in the light of the entrance. From the size and stature, it could only be Maiya. The short-cropped hair went down to her shoulders, and the black suit made her look elegant. However, the fabric was airy, bulletproof, and stretchy, so she was not restricted in her movements and was protected from attack for the most part.

After the car was locked, Saber and Irisviel made their way along the well-kept paved path, passing countless flowers that bloomed even in cold seasons, spreading a sweet fragrance.

"Kiritsugu is already waiting inside."

"Thank you, Maiya," Irisviel replied.

The walls shone gold in the warm candlelight. Golden patterns decorated the long corridor, which almost looked like a tunnel. Two candles each hung from a golden plate. Beige and white tiles decorated the floor. On the sides were windows, still open despite the late hour.

It was a magnificent mansion. Even Saber had to admit that.

Behind a large door was a room with a large table. Maps, pictures, and other documents had already been spread out. With both hands, Kiritsugu leaned on the wooden plate. Engrossed in his reflections

Irisviel went directly to her lover and wrapped her arms around his body from behind.

"I'm glad you arrived unharmed." Kiritsugu turned his head to look at his exhausted lover. But even though his lips showed a smile, he contorted his face in guilt. Maiya had also moved to the table and was rummaging through some documents as if looking for something. Saber joined her and tried to get an overall view of the information laid out.

Thanks for reading. If you have any tips, ideas, or suggestions, feel free to write them to me in the comments.

I'm going to play a round of Spelunky 2 for now.

Neropolcreators' thoughts