
Fate/ Zero : Flugel follows the war

Synopsis: Matou Kariya was always nicknamed the Cripple, Failed as a magus, Failed in his love, failed, failed and failed; that's Kariya's life, but what if the turning point changed when he tried to take part in the cruel holy grail war, because of his good intentions to save Sakura he was given help by the gods, instead of summoning a mad knight, he instead summoned a Flugel, -and his name is Jibril. The final unit created by the god of war Artohs who was given the title “Imperfection”

kirigaya_afi · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

14. Call Of War (2)

The broad bridge straddling the widening Mion River spans majestically over 665 meters, arching with a diameter of over three roads.

The top of the arch is over 50 meters high. Anyone standing so high and receiving the full force of the sea wind would miss a step and fall to his end into the river below, unable to go back up without great skills and a lifeline.

Atop that cold steel frame, Waver Velvet had nothing like a lifeline, clinging with only both arms and legs; thus of course he was giving up the dignity and composure he usually always had.

Right next to him, his Servant Rider is sitting cross-legged with his odious dignity.

"Ri, de, r, quick... Let's go down... Now!"

With his teeth continuously clicking from the cold and terror, Waver's complaining voice was like the blowing wind to the giant Servant.

"This place is perfect for a look-out. Well, this isn't the time for fancy sight-seeing in a high place."

With a wine bottle in his hand, sipping from time to time, he rambled while looking down at the west bank of the bridge, toward the wide seaside park hidden from the estuary. Waver can't see it, but what Rider was looking at― were the marks a Servant has been leaving around for 4 hours.

Rider had been wandering in the streets looking for a contact with the enemy, but he noticed that Servant only late in the afternoon.

While thinking whether he should rush down on him immediately, Rider has kept observing him from a distance without moving onward. When Waver asked about it, Rider answered with a snort.

"He's clearly luring us out. For him to not pick up on us, that's strange. And it's not just me anymore, other Servants must be studying his aspect.

An impatient Master would just get tired of waiting at some point, or something. That's what we should be looking forward to."

Rider's plan had no opening that Waver could see. Rather, it was unexpected. This broad-minded giant Servant could actually set up sly tactics.

Indeed, as Rider said, only a helpless fool would take the bait and accept the challenge. Those falling for it would only be eating each other and decrease the count. However self-confident a so provocative Servant is, anyone other than Rider going for a brawl would be good riddance. Whoever gets defeated, Rider can smash the winner. There is definitely a profit in the fight of others.


At the tokiomi residence "finally can't wait, the dogs seem to have started biting each other" tokiomi said proudly, because the plan he devised went perfectly, after the servants gathered then the archer would finish them off at once.


"Looks like the party has started already?" Jibril said beside Kariya who was at the lake, now he also seemed a little worried about this war, the only wish he joined this war was so that tokiomi could not grant his wish, he had no more regrets after sakura survived but worried if tokiomi or other magus used the holy grail to ask for destruction. After her conversation with Jibril about the Holy Grail she was somewhat convinced that the Holy Grail was only a mischief-maker not an absolute wish-fulfiller, but an artifact that had little intelligence and granted the requestor's wish with shortcuts.

if the requester wants the war to end then the holy grail will grant it by exterminating all humans so that there will be no more wars instead of making the two warring camps forgive each other and make peace.

"So are we just going to watch this time?" Kariya said as she thought Jibril would be invisible this time and just watch the fight between the servants as he had said before.

Jibril who heard this was not happy and said "Of course we're going to the party...it's not nice to ignore people who have bothered to invite us."

"H!?...didn't you say we'd hide and watch for now?" Of course, Kariya was confused by Jibril's words this time, because he said he would hunt down their enemies in a way that magus often use nowadays, which is the cowardly way.

"Master...I will give you knowledge that even a monkey can understand, as long as we don't destroy the city we can still be called spying😏" "after all greeting fellow guests at a feast is obligatory" for Jibril greeting the opponent when first starting the war was absolute for his stance, whether the opponent was a god or an insect.

"Hahh.....up to you" Kariya sighed with a feeling of defeat, he forgot that the servant he summoned was the Besserker class which was an abnormal class of the seven classes summoned in the Holy Grail.

"Well...let's greet the host and our other guests peacefully."