

A distant descendant of Vlad the Impaler joins the 5th Holy Grail War to restore his family's honour.

Pure_R18_Terror · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A Chase

Tokyo, Japan,


Akihabara which was usually filled with life was at this moment dead silent, a few people could be seen walking about here and there but that was all. Moonlight illuminated the unusually dark place, the scene was unsettlingly beautiful, poetic to some extent except none of this was normal at all. No, Akihabara was in the Chiyoda Ward of Tokyo, a part of the city that was always filled with life no matter the time. The lights being out was unnatural in itself.

Amidst all this, in a certain bookstore, a young man that looked to be in his teenage years could be seen shuffling through the pages of an old book with an expressionless face. He had black hair that reached just below his ears, the normality of his appearance however, ended with that. One eye was green while the other was white, a strange pattern engraved on the pupil.

This was Silas Vladimir, the last of the infamous Vladimir line which boasted of descent straight from the notorious Vlad the Impaler himself, Vlad Dracul the III to be precise. The man famous for impaling the heads of his enemies and placing them just outside his castle, making rivers of blood from those that died and massacring indiscriminately in the later years of his life.

"Those Clocktower fucks." Silas muttered, turning to the next page, he had a large black case slung over his back yet strangely it didn't quite look out of place. He had no prowess in magecraft and as such, had failed to notice what was going on with his surroundings yet he couldn't quite be blamed for it either, he was no magus after all.

Silas did however, know all that the moonlit world entailed. House Vladimir had been blacklisted by the Clock Tower for it's 'inhumane' activities... Bullshit! All Magus houses did much worse than them and yet they were targeted? Clearly one of the main houses was behind this however he didn't know which one. Yet, the power of the Clock Tower couldn't be denied, it was one of the governing bodies associated with the Mage's Association of the supernatural side of the world responsible for managing nearly all matters regarding it and had influence in a number of matters.

He clicked his tongue remembering it, the worst part of that organisation was the Enforcers they could dispatch. Silas' entire family had been marked with Sealing Designations and the 'Enforcers' which were individuals specialised in hunting down magi had been sent after them and, they had succeeded in killing his father and mother.

True to his nature as the son of a Magus house, he didn't quite bear extreme amounts of animosity towards them for it but still was actively trying to mess with them, even if only slightly. Due to their deaths however, he wasn't skilled at magecraft as someone of his status should have been. Excellent Magic Circuits and Od Capacity was something he possessed by birth.

However, that wasn't all there was to Silas. He was in fact, a reincarnator and this was a world he had heard about from one of his nephews, not nearly enough to go by but enough to know that there was some form of wish granting device here at a city called Fuyuki. That was precisely why he had arrived in Japan leaving Romania behind, the year was 2004 and the Grail War was set to begin in two weeks.

But he digressed, back to topic, Silas was originally a hunter and that was why when the path of Magecraft closed he took to the path of modern weaponry. Nothing a well placed bullet or bomb can't kill.... or so he believed.

The Holy Grail War was an event which took place after a certain period of time, 7 people designated by the Holy Grail itself summoned 7 servants, figures of immense power from history, and fought in a Battle Royale, the ones that won would then have their wish granted by the Grail itself.

The sounds of muffled footsteps entered his ears making Silas look around in slight caution, "....Son of a...", he spoke out before quickly hushing himself, placing a hand in his pocket he took out a cigarette and searched for the lighter.

Before he could search for a second longer, someone put a lighter in front of him, making Silas nod his head, "Thanks.", he said putting his cigarette in front of the lighter, "No problems.", the reply was somewhat hushed which only served to make Silas even more suspicious. The man wore a grey trench coat and fedora, his figure was a head taller than Silas as well but this only made the Hunter's job easier.

Just as the man made another movement, the sound of a gun being clocked entered his ear, "At least try to hide it." Silas said with a small smile, pushing his pistol into the man's guts before firing several times and the body considerably dulled the sound produced, the man coughed out blood which landed on Silas before falling over dead.

Even if the man hadn't been an Enforcer, he was being way too suspicious in front of a man on the run for his life and so he got killed for it... not to fret though, Silas crouched down next to him and searched his pockets finding his identification in a matter of moments and viola, "How'd they even trace me?" He muttered out clicking his tongue in annoyance, Silas had even changed nations, how in the name of God did they even locate him here?

Nonetheless, he stood up shaking his head in slight disappointment and then concentrated at the now, dead, body of the Enforcer. Silas' red eye slightly glowed before the body was set alight. Silas whistled in slight surprise, these things really were shocking to a man like him. The Mystic Eyes of Flame, anything within sight would undergo spontaneous combustion and turn to ash within seconds. The example was right in front of him, the body was a few moments later naught but ash and didn't even leave the stench one would expect from such an occurrence.

Thankfully enough, there was no one else in this dingy little store and the owner? He had a black key (Small cross shaped weapons similar to daggers) stuck in his throat most likely left as a gift by the Enforcer who had come here expecting a fight. Naturally Silas also knew this was a freelance Enforcer, a fairly new one too seeing how easily he died. Official Enforcers wouldn't die this fast.

Just as Silas exited the store, his gaze fell on his white eye and he slightly smiled. The family Magic Crest which had been passed down for a few centuries, spanning at least 7 generations and all their research and knowledge from that time was held in the crest in his eye and given some time, he could decipher the knowledge it held as well.

Silas looked at the night sky with a strange smile on his face, at least he had managed to find someone he wished to marry in this life. He picked up his pace thinking about the woman he loved, hopefully they hadn't found her whereabouts.