
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 35

"Oh, is that mad dog again?... Interesting. "

Archer, who was furious because Tokiomi wanted to use his admonition of "EA Rupture Sword", saw Berserker roaring provocatively in the arrogant sky, and his eyes flashed with anger.

Then, Archer, who was on the ship Vimana, looked at Berserker as he approached him, and his eyes lit up with murderous flames.

"A lowly dog who is only worthy of lying on the ground wants to rush to the sky where the king soars... I was not in mode, mongrel!".

Unleash the "King's Treasure" and project a six-hit combo of Noble Phantasm.Spears and knives that shimmer with dazzling light and shadow like meteors drag light and shadow towards Berserker.

Get the magic of the twin-turbo engine and let out a strange bird-like roar.

The black F15 doubled its relative velocity with a jet force and rushed out of the barrage formed by the treasure.

However, Archer's Phantasm is not the kind of thing that loses its effectiveness once avoided.

Three of the six pieces – axes, sickles, and scimitars – immediately spun up and changed direction, forcing towards the tail of the F15.

As it was about to hit, the black F15 fanned its aileron and tail like a creature, dodging the Archer Phantasm with an aerodynamically impossible evasion move.

Two or three times repeat the violent horizontal rotation, causing all the Noble Phantasms to scatter in the air.

While dodging all attacks, the F15 forced its nose to aim at the Archer in an Inmaiman maneuver, spewing tongues of fire from the rocket launchers erected on the left and right wings.

Two Sparrow missiles were fired in return for Archer's Vimona.

Even in battles where normal weapons are ineffective, as long as the weapon has been eroded by the Berserker, it is a different matter.

Twenty-six pounds of explosives with the magic of hatred, each shot is devastating.

"Miscellaneous hybrid ..."

Archer smiled contemptuously and put his hand on Vimona's rudder. After that, the ship of light, which suddenly accelerated, avoided the missile attack with an elegant maneuver that was incomparable to the fighter force controlled by Berserker.

The Flying Phantasm, which soars through the sky at the speed described in the narrative poem, moves beyond the laws of physics.


The mad black knight roared.

As if in response to his ferocious roar, the canard wings of the second Sparrow missile suddenly twisted and flipped and swooped down on Vimona, who had once again avoided an attack.

What was once nothing more than an electronically guided missile guided by radar waves has now become a magic guide that tracks the object that Berserker hates like a hound.

However, Archer scoffed at the threat of another attack, and he unfurled the King's Treasure, took out two shields and stood in the air, shooting down the enchanted missile.

In the ship that was shaken by the explosive air current, the red eyes of the hero king gradually became fanatical.

"Interesting... It's been a long time since I've played like this!, and a beast has made me so happy!".

Archer laughed loudly, sending Vimona soaring. Berserker's F15 also latched on to it.

The two broke through the barrier of sound speed and rushed into the sea of clouds at night, starting a fierce battle of life and death.


Shirou came to a tall building a little distance from the "fuyuki River" and quietly felt the night breeze blowing in his face.

"Whew... Let's just try your strength..."

I don't know why, when Shirou saw the figures of the heroic spirits fighting separately, his heart couldn't help but surge.

If it was before he had gained strength, Shirou would naturally not have had such a peculiar state of mind.

But after possessing the power of the "Infinite Sword System", a desire to compete with it uncontrollably welled up in his heart.

It is conceivable that if you hide like this now, it will be like choosing Yasuo when playing League of Legends, and seeing the five white Rines but not receiving the ultimate feeling of regret.

You may die if you pick it up, but you can't sleep all night if you don't pick it up!

Shirou took a deep breath, his body covered in blue magic, and in an instant, he turned into the form of a teenager.

Red hair fluttered in the wind, and a red coat woven of magic was draped over Shirou's body.


Shirou raised his hand, and the pale blue magic immediately surged, turning into a black longbow, decorated with a dull black and simple design with a single curved shape.

"Projection" ... "Pseudo-Spiral Sword"!".

A spiral-shaped sword appeared in Shirou's hand.

Caladbolg II

Noble Phantasm Rank: A+→A++

Type:Anti-Army, Anti Fortress

Category: Treasure Phantasm

Caladbolg: Rainbow Sword is the magic sword of Fergus mac Róich. Also given the appellations of Spiral Rainbow Sword and Spiral Sword , it is a high-power and wide-range attack that makes even destruction of the landscape possible. It is the natural enemy of Cú Chulainn due to him having a geas that makes it his duty to be defeated once by the sword so long as it is wielded by someone who is Ulster born. It is the prototype of many magic and holy swords of later ages, including Excalibur Galatine, and thought to be the same sword as Caledfwlch from Welsh Mythology, possibly making it the prototype of Excalibur as well.The sword changes appearance as Saber goes through Ascension, becoming more drill-like.

It is noted in legends that it activates as a sword of light, unleashing a "sword-shimmer" that "stretches from the magic sword like a rainbow", allowing it to cleanly slice off the top of hills at full power. He used it as such when taking out his rage at being unable to take his revenge, showing its fearsome power by slicing through the tops of three hills. Despite such usage, its true aspects when wielded as a Noble Phantasm are more pronounced towards landscape destruction. Described as a "no-questions-asked great attack that breaks the earth", the Heaven and Earth Sky Great Rotation, he plunges it into the earth and causes a great eruption around the enemy.

Shirou pressed the spiral-shaped sword against the bowstring, and then pulled the bowstring hard, and the magic in the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be frantically squeezed into the "Pseudo-Spiral Sword".

The wind of magic ruffled the corners of Shirou's clothes and ruffled his red hair.

Then, the moment after the accumulation of mana reached its peak, the spiral longsword suddenly burst out of the string!


The Pseudo-Spiral Sword began to spin on its own the moment it was fired, breaking through the air and pulling out a sonic boom, dragging a blue light and flying between the buildings.


The infinitely regenerated undead monsters were already about to advance to the shallows of the riverbank.

Although Saber gritted her teeth with a sense of despair that struck her, she continued to wield her sword without fear or give in.

No matter how deep the blow is, in an instant the wound will heal intact and will have no effect.

All in vain - no, at least slightly slowed down the pace of the sea devils' advance.

But when you think about the coming end, it's just a death throe.

If I can use my left hand, I ...

Although he knew that it was useless to think about it, Saber couldn't help but think about it.

Despite the powerful Noble Phantasm used by Rider and Lancer, they were unable to defeat the monster.

No matter how many of us are and how much we ravage it, it doesn't make any sense if all the wounds regenerate instantly.

If Saber want to defeat the monster, Saber should use his Noble Phantasm.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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