
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 30

Shirou, who went home with Rin, was asked various questions by the girl along the way.

"Are you also a Magus?".

"What kind of magecraft do you know?"

"Tell me~Shirou~".

Shirou, who was helpless by the girl's coquettish tone, raised his eyes to look back at the other party.

"Don't you know that it is forbidden to tempt other people's magecraft?" Hearing this, Rin also remembered this matter at once.

"Ah... Sorry, I forgot about it when I got excited. " Rin immediately apologized to Shirou.

"No, it doesn't matter if I tell you, my current magic attributes are "sword", "wind" and "water", and I am very good at the common "fluid operation" magic of the two, and secondly, I also have magic ... such as séance, summoning, alchemy, etc"

Rin's eyes widened when she heard Shirou's answer, and she exclaimed.

"That's amazing!" Shirou admonished again.

"Don't spread the word about this. "

"Well, I know!". Rin nodded firmly, indicating that she was absolutely tight-lipped.

Rin, who originally thought that he had finally found a playmate of the same age, was a little shocked by the fact that Shirou had mastered so many magecraft.

Rin couldn't help but feel embarrassed when she remembered her knowledge of magecraft that she still lacked. She is also the heir of a magic family, and she is also a magic genius whose magic talent is recognized, but she is so easily compared.

Rin secretly made up her mind in her heart that she must work harder to study magic and never fall behind Shirou.

Rin, who was so determined, said goodbye to Shirou at a fork in the road and trotted away in the direction of his home.

"How do you feel like she's suddenly become so anxious..."

Shirou looked at the girl's back and raised his eyebrows a little confused.

"Well, forget it, let's go see Sakura. "


As time passed, the already gloomy sky became darker and darker, and from time to time lightning swam like snakes through the blackened clouds.

Shirou went home for dinner, then set up a magic barrier at home before heading to the upscale hotel where Sakura lived.

"Nothing unusual happened today, did you?" While pressing the elevator open, Shirou asked Diarmuid.

"No other Servants or Magus have been found, Master. " Lancer replied.

Shirou made his way to the upper floor of the hotel and knocked on Sakura's door.

Knock knock knock ...

Soon, the girl opened the door. As soon as she saw Shirou, Sakura seemed a little happy.

"Shirou, you're here!".

"Well, did you have a good meal today, Sakura?".

Shirou asked with a smile as he reached out and stroked Sakura's hair.


The girl in the white dress brought Shirou to the room, sat on the sofa together, and chatted with Shirou.

It's only the age of an elementary school student, and she's been alone for several days, so as soon as Shirou arrives, Sakura's mood immediately becomes a little excited.

It was at this time that Shirou suddenly received a reminder from Diarmuid, which was the inner exchange between the Master and the Servant.

"Master, I've noticed a wave of magic near the hotel, and there must be some other Servant or Magus here!". Hearing this, Shirou frowned suddenly.

"I'm sorry, Sakura-chan, I have something to go out and deal with. "

"Huh... Shirou, are you leaving?".

Sakura glanced at the somewhat gloomy sky outside the window, and as if she had noticed something, she looked at Shirou with some concern.

Regarding Shirou's rescue of herself from the matou house, Sakura, who is already smart and clever, can naturally understand, plus Shirou has always treated her very well, so although she didn't say it on the surface, she kept it in her heart.

"Don't worry, I'll come here again when the matter is settled. "

Seeing the look of loss in the girl's eyes, Shirou smiled slightly, reached out and touched her head.


Sakura's eyes were bent into crescents and she looked a little happy.


After leaving the hotel, Shirou walked towards the street on the left, which ends in the direction of the fuyuki River, near the sea.

The Fuyuki River is a river that divides the old capital and the new capital of Fuyuki City, and is connected by a steel bridge.

Because it was already night, there were many fewer pedestrians on the street than during the day, and the more you moved in the direction of the Fuyuki, the fewer pedestrians became.

"Master! Waves of mana are approaching you!".

The spiritualized Diarmuid sensed the rapidly approaching fluctuation of magic power, and chose to materialize without hesitation.

In the midst of a surge of magical light, Diarmuid appeared in front of Shirou with a crimson spear in his hand.

"Be careful, Master!".

Several waterholes on the ground began to surge in response to Diarmuid's voice, and octopus tentacles extended from them.

The next thing that emerged from it was an octopus-like, but ferocious, roaring monster.

These are not different monsters, from them, you can feel the breath of magic, these are all monsters.

At the base of the tentacles of those monsters, there were rings of sharp fangs, no doubt enough to tear the strongest skull of a living person into slag in an instant.

"Hmph, do you think this thing can hinder me?"

At the same time, Diarmuid wielded the crimson spear in his hand, "Red Rose of Demon Breaker", and easily swept away all those monsters!

"It's not over yet, Lancer!". Caster's voice rang out from all around.

"Don't you even have the courage to come out and fight head-on?" Diarmuid laughed and mocked.

However, Caster didn't seem to intend to answer at all. Tentacles poured out of the surrounding waterhole again, and one after another octopus monsters crawled out of it.

Diarmuid naturally had no pressure on this kind of monster, wielding a spear and sweeping it gently, all the monsters touched by the tip of the spear with the power of breaking demons were disintegrated.

"Just summon this kind of monster... What's the point?".

Shirou couldn't help but think of this question as he watched Diarmuid wield a crimson spear in front of him to block the swarming monsters.

Caster is a Mage, so it's normal for him to hide in the shadows.

But it's a bit strange to just summon such a weak monster to attack, after all, for Lancer, this kind of weak monster, no matter how many comes, is useless.

Suddenly, a guess came to Shirou's mind.

The treasure in Caster's possession is the Prelatis Spell!

It's a magic book bound in human skin.,Able to summon and serve monsters in the depths of the sea.,This book has the ability to act as a magic hearth.,Able to ignore the Magus's own magic to launch a big magic.,Ceremonial spell-level magic..

"Could it be that these monsters are just ... used to delay time?"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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