
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 21

That's right, in the shadows at a distance of about a hundred meters horizontally, the enemy provocatively and deliberately exposed his own aura.

And knowing that his aura had been sensed by Saber, the other party did not approach but gradually moved away.

"It seems that he is trying to lead us through. "

"Well, it's really graceful, do you want us to choose the battlefield?".

Irisviel 's voice was still as calm as it was. And this calm is also proof that she fully trusts Saber. Saber was once again silently glad that he had met a good master.

"It seems that the other party has the same idea as us, and wants to lead us to take the initiative, Saber, it seems that the other party is also like you, the Servant who likes to fight head-to-head. "

"Well, it looks like it's either Lancer or Rider, so I'm not his opponent. "

Saber nodded and muttered to herself, and Irisviel gave her a bold smile.

"Then treat him well. "

"As you wish. "


"Hey, it's the two of you who provoke without permission, right?"

Saber, dressed in a black suit, takes Irisviel into the warehouse street.

Irisviel , who was following Saber, couldn't help but let out an exclamation after seeing Shirou.

"How can there be children!?".

Even Saber, when he observed the spell on the back of Shirou's hand, could no longer maintain his usual demeanor.

"It's actually the bearer of the spell... What is the difference between letting a child of this age participate in the Holy Grail War and sending them to death...".

"Hey, it's not okay to look down on people like this. "

Shirou, who heard their words, shrugged his shoulders and said.

Although he looks like a seven-year-old child, Shirou's actual combat power is already comparable to that of the Heroic Spirit, although it is still far from the Heroic Spirits who are known for their melee combat, such as Lancer and Saber, but at least the Heroic Soul who is a job like Assassin can still blow it up head-on.

Suddenly, Diarmuid stood in front of Shirou, and with a flip of his wrist, the scarlet spear, which was about two meters long, slammed into the ground with a crisp "bell!" sound.

Immediately, Saber and Irisviel 's attention was grabbed.

"Such contempt for my master, as a knight, cannot tolerate such a provocation!".

Diarmuid frowned slightly, the scarlet spear in his hand spun at a dizzying speed, and after pulling a spear flower, the cold sharp tip of the spear pointed straight at Saber.

Seeing the bright red spear in Diarmuid's hand, Saber immediately guessed his position.

"Looks like you're Lancer, right?"

"That's right. " Diarmuid nodded.

There was no need to hide it, so he admitted it very simply.

"In that case, then I don't need to hide it, I'm a saber " Then, Saber bowed his head slightly and looked at Shirou.

"I'm sorry, we were just a little surprised, and we didn't mean to take you lightly. "

"It's okay, I don't care. "

Shirou didn't care about being underestimated at all, and even thought it was a good thing.

If all the enemies maintain this contemptuous attitude towards themselves, then Shirou can relax a little.

While Shirou was thinking about this, Saber and Lancer were already facing off violently.

Seeing this tense atmosphere, Irisviel also lost the desire to continue to observe Shirou, and hurriedly stared intently at the battlefield centered on the two Servants.

"Now it seems that you are the only one who dares to respond to my challenge, Saber, the rest of the guys are too timid. "

Diarmuid said in a deep but clear voice, his relaxed demeanor did not look like a man about to fight for his life, but rather gave people a sense of leisurely beauty.

Saber glanced at Diarmuid and frowned a little displeased.

"You're not expecting that charm to work for me, are you?"

"No, my beauty is innate, it's a curse, it's not something I can control" Diarmuid spread his hands helplessly.

That kind of charm, if it were an ordinary woman, would be easily charmed, but it was useless for both Saber and Irisviel .

Of course, Diarmuid himself did not want to use this method to win, what he longed for was a dignified and hearty battle, whether it was life or death.

Just as Diarmuid was about to say something more, Shirou, who was standing in the back, pouted helplessly.

"Do you knights have to talk for so long before they fight...?"

It stands to reason that they need to hide their names as Servants, so these steps can be omitted, and they should just start fighting.

Hearing Shirou's complaint, Diarmuid turned around, scratched his cheek a little embarrassedly at Shirou, and replied apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Master, but I'm a little excited because it's my first fight, so I can't help but say a few more words. "

After saying that, when Diarmuid turned his head again, the expression on his face was very different from just now.

In just a moment, his temperament changed drastically, and he switched to a fierce warrior!

"So... Let's get started!".

Lancer lifted the spear he was carrying on his shoulders and took a fighting stance with a backhand.

The left hand also slowly raised the short spear, and the two Spears were spread and waved like wings, which was a completely unprecedented fighting posture.

Saber unravels the surging power of the Heroic Spirit.

The burst of magic stirred up a whirlwind of air in the air, and the air flow enveloped the girl's petite body, and in an instant, her whole body was wrapped in silver armor, and the magic turned into armor and gauntlets. And this is the true face of this knight king heroic spirit!

"Saber..." Irisviel swallowed nervously and called out her name.

Drawn by the strong magic emitted by the two of them, she was already keenly aware of it.

In this battle, there is no room for her to intervene. But she didn't want to be just a bystander. At least she's the surrogate for Saber's Master.

"... Be careful, although I will also use some healing magic, but the rest will ..." Saber nodded without waiting for her to finish.

"Lancer leave it to me, Irisviel , you just need to pay attention to that child, to be able to drive a Heroic Spirit to show that he is not as simple as he seems..." Glass-colored eyes meet Irisviel 's.

"I'll leave my back to you, Irisviel . " Hearing this, Irisviel nodded solemnly.

"I see, Saber, please bring me victory. "

"Be so!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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