
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 17

Mercury is a very heavy liquid substance at room temperature, and when it moves at high speed under high pressure, it has powerful movement energy.

In addition, mercury can be freely transformed into various shapes such as whips, Spears, and knives. Its sharpness can even surpass that of a laser ray.

"Fervor,meisanguis. (Boil, my blood)"

Chanting the spell of the magic spell, the contents of the bottle spilled slimy from the mouth of the bottle.

The liquid that radiated a mirror-like metallic sheen was a large amount of mercury.

The mercury, which has a capacity of about 10 liters, flows out of the bottle like a self-disciplined protist, vibrating and forming a spherical shape.

It was the "Moon Spirit Fluid" that Lord El-Melloi was proud of—the strongest of the many dresses he had.


"Autonlatopor Iunlquaerere! Dilectusincursio!"

After stacking a bunch of "buffs", Kayneth finally felt a little relieved, then looked at Diarmuid, and said haughtily.

"Who are you ————"

Before Kayneth could finish his sentence, Diarmuid smiled contemptuously, and then approached Kayneth like a ghost.

There's no way he's going to break through my defenses! The moment Diarmuid approached Kayneth's side.

The place where he was standing was encased in a semicircle of silver.

The block of mercury that had been entrenched at his feet turned into a semicircle in an instant.

Kayneth is surrounded by a watertight film of mercury, which is less than a millimeter thick, but with the power of magic, the tension of the film can reach the strength of a steel plate.

This is the "Auto-Defense" mode of the Moon Spirit Liquid. This pre-programmed magic will automatically react when Kayneth is threatened, instantly opening up a powerful defensive membrane.

That kind of reaction speed can be defended against even bullets. And in Kayneth's opinion, how could Diarmuid, who was holding a cold weapon, be his opponent.

After all, Kayneth still doesn't know enough about the strength of the Heroic Spirit. Or, maybe it's because you're too proud of your magic skills.

Whoosh ————!

The red tip of the spear easily cut through Kayneth's proud defenses, piercing his body directly!

"How can this be ————!?"

Kayneth contorted his face in pain from the pain that penetrated his abdomen, and even his voice became hoarse, and he looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

The scarlet spear in his hand, though mostly wrapped in strips of cloth, was still sharp.

The "Red Rose of Demon Breaker" is a sharp spear that can neutralize the defenses made of magic power, and its attacks are especially effective against armor made of magic power, and magic enhancements and additional abilities applied to the weapon will lose all effects when it comes into contact with the Spear.

Moreover, it is also a permanent activated Noble Phantasm, and it can be effective without chanting by real name, because from the body of the spear to the tip of the spear, it is wrapped with a "charm" to cover the ability and original form, so Kayneth does not see what is special about it.

At this time, Kayneth, who was already dying, heard the shouts of the man with the Spear in front of him.

"Master, that's it!".


Kayneth's pupils shrank, and he instantly understood something.

This Kayneth man who has never been impressed in the magic world, but who easily defeated him, is undoubtedly a heroic spirit!

Only the Heroic Spirit has the terrifying strength to crush the Magus easily.

At this time, from the gate of the destroyed base, walking in with the light on his back, was a ... with red hair and brown eyes Child.

"What ...?".

Kayneth looked at the child in disbelief and began to wonder about life.

"Well done, Lancer. "

Shirou walked up to Kayneth and raised his hand.

"Projection". "

The blue magic power surged instantly, weaving a silver-white long sword with an unpretentious shape.

"Lend me your power, Kayneth. "

"You guy... Who the hell is it!?".

Kayneth's eyes widened as he watched Shirou ask sharply.

"You don't have to know. "

As he spoke, Shirou stabbed the sword without hesitation.

[You have acquired the soul of Kayneth Ermelo Archibald, have you extracted it?].

Shirou looked at the corpse in front of him, frowned slightly and nodded.


In an instant, a large amount of magic knowledge poured into Shirou's mind.

Painting techniques, carving techniques, séances, summoning, alchemy, and ... two magical attributes, "wind" and "water".

With such a large amount of magic knowledge and ability extracted, shirou suddenly felt a headache.

"Hiss ——————!"

"Master!" Diarmuid, who was standing next to him, was a little frightened when he saw Shirou's painful appearance.

"It's okay...!!".

Shirou waved his hand, holding his head with one hand and enduring.

When I extracted Ryunosuke's soul before, although I felt some discomfort, I didn't feel pain overall.

But this time to extract Kayneth's soul, it covered too much magic knowledge and ability, and the shoehorn in still made Shirou uncomfortable for a while.

After a few minutes, the headache gradually subsided, and Shirou let out a long sigh of relief.

"Are you alright, Master?".

Diarmuid asked with some concern.

"Well, it's fine. " Shirou replied with a smile.

Then, he raised his hand and cast a magic spell on Kayneth's corpse.


Kayneth's corpse, accompanied by a magic spell, begins to change its nature, eventually turning into a pile of gravel.

Then, Shirou withdrew his hand, slipped it into his pocket, and walked in the direction of the base gate.

"Let's go, Lancer. "

"Yes. "

Although Diarmuid was a little surprised, he knew that as a courtier, he should not inquire into the secrets of the Master, so he remained silent from beginning to end and followed Shirou.


Back home, Shirou changed into a boy and took Sakura to the inn to open a room.

Specially looking for a more high-end hotel, Shirou opened a luxury suite, and Sakura lived in.

The rooms are furnished with the most luxurious fabrics, furnishings and amenities, with rich yet lively tones, unrestrained and atmospheric layouts, and almost natural and graceful Rines, bringing a luxurious and comfortable experience.

While the Hyatt Regency undoubtedly has a better and more comfortable service, Shirou is not going to fall into the trap after having just done that kind of thing.

"How's it going, Sakura-chan, are you still satisfied?".

"I ..."

The girl looked at the spacious luxury suite with some timidity.

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