
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 13


Under the light blue magic weaving, a silver-white "sword" appeared in Shirou's hand.

Then, Shirou stabbed the sword in his hand at the octopus monster that caught up.

Thorny ————!

The viscous liquid splattered out, staining Shirou's clothes with filthy blood.

Unlike Kotone, Rin, who is a Magus, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the magic of Shirou's "projection" and the blue magic circuit that appeared in his hand.

"It's ... Are you ————? too?"

Before Rin could finish speaking, several monsters rushed out of the deep darkness and swept in!


Above these octopus monsters, several "swords" were woven from blue light, and then suddenly fell like sharp arrows under Shirou's control

"Hey, wouldn't it be nice to kill the pet that demon gave me like this?"

Ryunosuke Uryuu was still holding a child who was "confused" outside, and he was going to take it back to 'play' together, but he didn't expect to be rescued by a child.

This upsets Ryunosuke uryuu, especially when the kids don't seem to be afraid of themselves at all.

"I'm going to kill you too. "

Shirou glanced at the two children who were held in his hands by Ryunosuke Uryuu and replied.

Sure enough, Ryunosuke Uryuu, who heard this, was enraged, and as a murderer, he had a certain sense of pride in not being arrested until now.

But today, he was so provoked by a child who was like a prey in his eyes.

"It's decided, I'm going to have a good time with you!".

Ryunosuke Uryuu's sadistic eyes were staring at Shirou.

It seems to have attracted hatred. This is exactly what Shirou wants.

If the other party is not a little neurotic, but extremely calm and killer-like personality, then Shirou will find it tricky, after all, he still has two children on his hands.

Then, in order not to harm Rin and Kotone, Shirou ran into another alleyway.

Halfway through the run, he suddenly turned around, raised his right hand and raised his middle finger, hooked at Ryunosuke Uryuu, and shouted.

"Come here!".

Ryunosuke Uryuu never thought that such a simple gesture, coupled with an unpretentious Rine, would be enough to make him angry and provocative.

"What a disobedient child, it seems that I am going to teach you a good lesson today!".

Uryuu Ryunosuke gritted his teeth and said this, and then ignored the children around him, and rushed towards Shirou's back without hesitation.

They rushed out of a laneway, turned several roads, and finally came to an open field in an abandoned factory.

There, Ryunosuke uryuu saw the kid stop and immediately smiled contemptuously.

"Haha~ No way, you really know how to run, specifically running towards a dead end!".

At the same time, Shirou also turned around and looked at him with the same smile.

"I have to say, you're running so slowly, I've deliberately slowed down, but you're still so embarrassed. "

Hearing this, Ryunosuke Uryuu's expression changed, and he looked at Shirou in disbelief.


Although he was only facing a child who was only 7 or 8 years old, Ryunosuke Uryuu had a bad feeling like never before.

Ryunosuke Uryuu, whose intuition was like a bell frantically alarming the police, took out the knife he was carrying without hesitation, and then rushed towards Shirou.

And in the mid-air not far behind Uryuu Ryunosuke, which was imperceptible, a pale blue magical light surged, weaving a long sword that reflected the silver-white moonlight.

Then, driven by Shirou, the long sword shot towards the heart of Ryunosuke Uryuu!

Whoosh ————!

In an instant, he crossed a distance of several meters, and before Uryuu Ryunosuke had time to react, the long sword pierced him directly!

Ryunosuke Uryuu, who hadn't even been able to get to two meters in front of Shirou, looked down blankly at the blade of the sword that pierced through his chest, and the cold tip of the sword kept dripping blood that belonged to him.

"How could it be ..."

Ryunosuke Uryuu, who hadn't finished speaking, finally fell down slowly with a hateful gaze towards Shirou.

Seeing this, Shirou waved his hand, and the long sword that pierced into Uryuu Ryunosuke directly turned into light and disappeared.

[You have obtained the soul of Ryunosuke Yusui, do you want to extract it?].

Shirou, who had just walked to the gate of the abandoned factory, suddenly heard the sound of the system.

He kills a person twice in a row, and both times he gains the soul of the other person.

However, there is no need to get duplicate things the second time.

"Get rid of this soul. "

[Yes.] ]

Shirou didn't look at the corpse again, but walked in the direction where Rin and the others were.

Fortunately, the battle just now took place between lightning and frog, and Uryuu Ryunosuke himself is a murderer and a child abductor, so Shirou doesn't have any psychological burden after kil him.

Not long after leaving the abandoned factory, Shirou saw a small red figure trotting towards him.

The girl's little face was full of worry at the moment.

"Fujimaru-san, are you alright?".

"Don't worry, I'm fine. "

As Shirou was talking, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly grabbed Rin's little hand and walked towards the other side.

"What's wrong..."

Rin was dragged behind Shirou, blushing in hindsight.

"Speaking of which, what about the kotone?"

Shirou took Rin away from the location of Ryunosuke's body as he pulled away from the topic.

"I ... That one... I put the kotone on the train and came back, and I don't think I can let you go on an adventure alone, because I'm a Magus. "

"That's it. " Shirou nodded.

"Huh, aren't you surprised?".

Rin didn't expect that after she revealed the identity of the Magus, the other party was not surprised.

"Since I'm also a Magus, I can tell that Rin is the same person. "

Shirou replied.

Not to mention that he already knew, just the scene of the magic used by Rin before, but anyone who was not blind could see it.

As he spoke, Shirou led Rin towards the Civic Park leading to the river.


Not long after Ryunosuke Uryuu died, Caster, who was building his own magic factory on the other side, received this message.

"No... my friend I just met, Ryunosuke... Who killed you!!".

Caster was in the dark, not an empty darkness, but a glue-like, condensed darkness, a rancid erosion, a black beyond the limit—darkness.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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