
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 11

The needle, which usually swayed slightly, was now spinning rapidly. It was the first time she had seen such a phenomenon.

The hand's chaotic performance like a small animal suddenly cast a shadow on Rin's heart.

But standing alone wasn't an option, Rin began to take steps and try to walk some distance ahead to see if the magic pointer would have a new point.

"It's a deserted street... In the past, there were people who ... at such times."

Rin was a little frightened by the silence of the street at the moment, in the absolute silence and darkness of the street, and the slightest movement of the wind could make Rin's heart beat faster.

"Is it because of the curfew...?" Rin remembered the report she had seen earlier.

Recently, a curfew has been issued in Fuyuki City, due to the recent murders and abductions.

"—ah, sure enough. "

The red police lights came on in front of him, and Rin was afraid to hide in the shadows of a building.

Patrol police cars slowly drove to see if there were any citizens walking alone on the street.

If they see rin, the police will not let her. In that case, I won't be able to save the kotone.

As the lights faded away, Rin could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, there was a noise ahead, the sound of cans being kicked off.

Rin was so frightened that she almost screamed when a hand reached out from her slender neck and covered her lips that were about to open.

"Woo woo woo ————?"

The moment he was hugged tightly from behind and covered his mouth, Rin immediately resisted frantically.

"Don't scream, I'm not a bad person. "

The girl who heard this was silent, but still trembling with some nervousness.

Shirou grabbed Rin by the shoulders and turned her around.

"I'm a student at the same school as you, and my name is Fujimaru Shirou. "

With red hair, brown pupils, and a delicate face, he is slightly taller than Rin.

When he saw Shirou's Rin, his eyes immediately widened and he exclaimed in a low voice.

"You're the one who scaring me... you!".

"?" A question mark appeared on Shirou's head.

Suddenly, shirou understood why the girl who was walking well at that time chose to leave in the car.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the person is okay at the end.

Shirou didn't think too much about it, and let the page turn in his mind.

"I'm just following you along, by the way, what's your name?"

Shirou explained casually, and then asked.

Rin was suddenly asked for his name, and glanced back at the front of the street where the noise was heard, and only after seeing that there was no one did he reply with a red cheek.

"My name is ... Rin ... Rin Tosaka ..."

"Well, good evening, Rin. " Shirou nodded, and then asked directly.

"So, why are you here in the middle of the night?"

Being called by her first name, Rin felt her little face heat up a little.

"I ..."

Rin wanted to say that she was here to save her good friend Kotone, but she couldn't say anything.

Because of this incident, Rin can feel that it is dangerous, and Rin herself is an excellent Magus, so he naturally came here with some preparation, but Fujimaru Shirou is different, and the chance encounter doesn't mean anything.

While Rin was hesitating, Shirou suddenly spoke.

"I mean, it's probably because of the murderer who recently appeared nearby, are you trying to save people?"

Hearing this, Rin, who was still deep in thought, suddenly opened her blue eyes, and her eyes were full of surprise.

"You—how do you know ————".

"You don't care how I know, anyway, you're going to save people now, right?"

Shirou continued to ask without giving Rin a chance to ask.

"... Well. "

Rin was silent for a few seconds, then nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Now that the other party already knows, then he has nothing to hide, and Rin then took off the magic pointer hanging around his neck.

"This pointer will lead me to places where strong magic is emitted. "

Rin said as she stared at the pointer pointing to the street ahead.

"If there's anything out of the ordeal, this one is the most useful. "

Her expression looks very calm, but it always gives people the feeling that she is pretending to be an adult.

The slender legs covered by high-quality black over-the-knee socks that reflected their luster in the light of the street lamp were writhing restlessly.

"Going that way?".

Shirou asked, looking at the pointer Rin was holding in his hand.

"Huh?" Rin was stunned when he heard Shirou's words.

"Do you want me to be with you too?".

"Of course. "

Shirou's answer made Rin feel very complicated for a while, with three points of surprise, five points of surprise, and two points of nervousness.

"In that case, you will be allowed to come along, but follow me. "

I have to take responsibility to protect Fujimaru-san.

Rin, who thinks of herself as a good Magus, thinks so in her heart.

"Then, let's go!".

Rin, who was stared at by Shirou and felt that her cheeks were slightly hot, quickly turned her face and looked ahead.

After following the pointer for about ten minutes, they came to a house where the hallway stretched out.

As we walked down the stained staircase, there was an unpleasant smell that made people smell and change color.

In addition to the stench of mold and deterioration, there was also a strong smell of blood.

Shirou couldn't help but frown.

That murderer is still an abductor, and I don't know how many people he has mutilated.

It's not just the old feud that was killed in the first place, but after thinking of the fact that I don't know how many children are dying in the single digits in his hands, Shirou moved to kill.

Rin, who was walking beside her, glanced down at the magic pointer in her hand, and then gasped.


The pointer remained motionless, as if frozen, pointing to the depths of the deep, dark hallway below the stairs.

There's something out there, unleashing a strange magic.

There is no doubt that this is the hiding place of Ryunosuke uryuu.

"This is it. "

Shirou looked into the deep darkness ahead.

Shirou, who was about to move forward, suddenly noticed that Rin hadn't followed, and immediately looked back.

shirou saw Rin, whose face was pale, standing in place, trembling slightly.

Even if the location was confirmed, her heart was still afraid, and the appearance of an adult that she had pretended to be before was shattered by the reality of fear at this moment.

She was afraid that there was a clue to the kotone here, and she was even more afraid that what she saw was the body of the kotone.

"Don't ..."

Something seemed to breathe from the depths of the dark corridor, as if an indescribable terror awaited him.

Rin finally realizes that this quest to save her best friend is not something that can be completed with determination.

It's not a kid's play, it's not a show.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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