

There is a certain story in the most famous book in history. The First Murder, committed by a jealous brother, who was then subsequently punished for his crimes with an eternal life of suffering. But this is not the story of that brother, no, it is of the other brother. The one who died, Abel bin Adam. After his death, the constant cycle of murder and vengeance had started. Cain was banished by his own father, but what that murderer had done couldn't be reversed. Yet the one to commit the next murder was not Cain, nay, it was Abel himself. Arisen, back from the dead, back for blood. Abel wanted vengence, and he'll have it no matter the cost, even if it meant making a deal with the very devil who had orchestrated everything behind the scenes. But a deal should be an equal exhange, so what did he lost? What did Abel sacrifice for that opportunity to kill his brother? Everything, yet nothing at the same time. For he had just become like his brother, immortal, but unable to live.

Dr_Armstrong · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Servant Profile - SABER


True Name: Abel bin Adam

Servant Rank: [EX]

Class: Saber

Source: The Bible, Quran, etc.

Region: All of Earth.

Hidden Attribute: Heaven, Beast.

Alignment: Lawful Evil.

Likes: Goose Liver, Dogs (as companions), Swords, Jesus Christ, Prophets/Apostles of God.

Dislikes: Lucifer, Cain, Self, Most Magi, Cheese.

Height: 6'4 inches (or 196 cm)

Weight: 81.65 Kg

Gender: Dick and Asshole (Male)


Strength: [A+++]

Endurance: [C]

Agility: [B]

Mana: [C]

Luck: [E]

Noble Phantasm: [EX]

-[Class Skills]-

Class Change [B], Abel is able to temporarily assume the Saint's Graph of his other versions, the effect lasts for exactly 7 hours. He can only (usually) do this twice per summoning, though he can do more if given a large amount of Magical Power. It's only B rank due to the time limit.

Mad Enhancement [EX], no need for an explanation, Abel is very deranged due to the deal he made with Lucifer. Every other version of Abel in the Throne of Heroes also possesses EX rank in this skill.

Magic Resistance [D], the usual Class Skill of a Saber, Abel doesn't really care about this skill.

Riding [A], Abel doesn't really ride anything as a Saber, but since his Noble Phantasm is a genuine Dragon shaped as a sword, he has a high rank in this skill. Though since he's not actually riding the Dragon, its not EX.

-[Personal Skills]-

Battle Continuation [A++], as someone who has participated in countless battles ever since humans started to wage war, Abel is naturally someone who can fight even after having all limbs removed, his eyed blinded, and his organs folded.

Mystic Eyes of Mystery Prying [B], the silver eyes that can pry for and discern the truth of the world's deepest mysteries. Originally an EX ranked skill, the efficiency has been severely lowered due to the eyes having been stolen from someone else in a horrific and bloody manner.

All Kinds of Human Expertize [B+], as an immortal figure that has lived through most of human history, Abel is a master at (mostly) everything, this includes martial arts.

Mounstrous Strength [A], Abel can temporarily increases his Strength parameter by one rank, lasts for some time. He possesses this skill due to having an "inhuman" body after Lucifer brought him back from the dead.

-[Noble Phantasms]-

The Tumbling Blade, Azi Dahaka [EX]. The Sword that tumbles down any who faces it and reduces them to ashes.

Azi Dahaka is actually a genuine True Dragon much like Fafnir or Vritra that served Abel as his companion and weapon, though since Abel did not get summoned as a Rider, its form has been heavily suppressed and shoved into that of a giant jet black sword.

In this case, its not a sword made from a Dragon, nor the sword of a Dragon, but instead, a sword-shaped Dragon.

Once fully activated, Azi Dahaka will reveal its draconic power as the sword sprouts many eyes and a large, gaping maw.

Out of that maw will emerge Azi Dahaka's venemous tongue, which takes on the form of a dozen semi-transparent colourless vines shrouded in metallic thorns.

The vines will then begin to spin in superspeed and cover the whole perimeter, blotting out the sky with its thorns.

Naturally, the spinning movement created by the vines will result in the thorns slashing the air and everything around it as if they were swords.

The slashing is so fast and countless in number that it burns the very air and create heat that could match even a Dragon's burning flames.

The opponent is then forced to endure a world of both slashes and Dragon flame, reducing them to bloodless ashes.

Essentially, it is a more powerful [Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine], just without the shrine itself.


Swords of Dún Scáith [A]. The swords of pure black that Able uses alongside his Tumbling Blade.

It is not limited to just swords, Abel can pull out any type of bladed or sharp weapons. Axes, spears, tridents...he has access to many of them.

They are stored in the Abyss, with his cape acting as a gateway to that shadow realm.

Apparently, all the weapons Abel pulls out of his cape had been personally forged by his own hands using an unknown material not from this world.

They are sharp edged, almost thorned. The weapons are always completely black, non-relfective, and seem to even absorb the surrounding light.

The weapons all vary in power, but tend to stay in the C rank Noble Phantasm quality, though some of then can even match againts legendary A rank swords.

Some of them seem to have been enchanted by Primordial Runes, though Abel claims he does not possess such volatile Magecraft.