
Edge Killer......Bo-

Fuyuki, Japan,

Shinto District,

"It looks like they've started..." Kiritsugu looked up, breathing out smoke. The ground under him quaked and the magus killer saw a literal wave of thunder cross the sky... How were humans supposed to stand up against things like these? His eyes had long lost their light, with his mind set, Kiritsugu Emiya had readopted his older mentality... Perhaps Irisviel's debilitating condition had something to do with that.. The homunculus was bedridden thanks to the immense amount of energy released in the war.

"The cause of all this is Roman? Is it wise to risk upsetting the Trambelio?" Maiya commented, running her gaze across the ruined city streets.. This scene looked like it came out of some post apocalypse novel or something, "Their influence stretches far and wide."

"That man will put millions in turmoil for his own goals..." Kiritsugu spoke calmly, without a hint of emotion in his voice, he was currently hol-

"To hold an entire city hostage.... What does Irisviel see in such a man?" Saber, Artoria, seemed displeased, the reason for this was one Kiritsugu knew... When they'd been leaving, his wife had asked them to at least try to reason with the Magician, claiming that there was no way he would do something like that, "Master, I agree with your methods for this, and this alone."

"Well, it's not all that bad is it, Saber? Wouldn't you say this scenario is one befitting individuals such as us?" Diarmuid slightly smiled, pointing one of his wrapped lances at the central skyscraper, "Going against a foe that threatens the lives of many. Is that not what the hero does?"

".....You speak truthfully, Lancer." Artoria admitted, her posture steadfast and upright, even her own legend was one such example. Liberating the oppressed people of her nation from the cruel tyrant Vortigern.

"Though, I must apologise if you find my performance lacking. My Master deemed it fit to abandon me." The Lancer expressed his thoughts with a bitter expression on his face, it was the very same reason for which his own lord had killed him so long ago, Sola-Ui's affections for him had become intolerable for Kayneth and while the contract remained.. The magus had left the city in the morning.

"Can I trust you to obey me?" Kiritsugu looked at the male servant doubtfully, he didn't like this but the situation hadn't left him much of a choice.

"Of co-"

Their discussion was cut short by a sharp sound.... The sound of a mis-,

"Saber, missile!"

"On it." Artoria calmly lowered her blade and slashed upwards, releasing a thin but extremely powerful torrent of wind that split the 'missile' in half a fair distance away from them.

"Ah man, I thought the RPG would trigger some kind of PTSD."

"....." Kiritsugu was left speechless by the disembodied voice's comment..... Still, the entire group was now notified that their arrival had already been noticed, the 'surprise' part of their sneak attack had been rendered impossible,

"Move out, immediately."

The Magus Killer ordered as he took off running, his black coat fluttering in the wind due to his own inhumane speed, the plan was simple.

The two servants were to distract the servants Roman had under him, the objective wasn't to win but to 'distract'. Winning against servants that were much larger in number and stronger would be nigh impossible without some sort of miracle.


"Hm Hm, is the plan to deprive me of prana or something?" Roman mused, a hand on his chin and a smile etched across his face.... Did they really think he had no countermeasures for such a basic and glaring weakness?

Oh well, it didn't matter in the end anyway.

Taking in a deep breath, Roman exhaled slowly... Magical Energy swirled around the Magician's body for a moment before something strange happened.. The exhaled air turned far thicker and became visible to the eye, increasing in volume by leaps and bounds in a matter of seconds creating what appeared to be a massive amount of mist.

"Vibe check, passed."

Roman spoke to himself, eyeing the droves of mist rolling off the skyscraper that was his 'evil lair', said mist encompassed the entire distrcit in a matter of seconds... The entire Shinto district had become a fog covered ruin.

"Now for minions..."

Roman's servants were missing out on a lot.

The magician held out his hands to either side, waves of prana rolling off his body as he stared down at the city..... Then, on the streets, on rooftops, on walls and in alleys, hundreds of humanoid figures crawled out of the ground.... Carrying weapons ranging from bows to swords to even guns...

An army of golems, golems that would attack anything registered as hostile... Of course making such a massive amount even if their programming was simple wasn't something just anyone could do... It was a feat deserving immense recognition.

The grey clouds overhead slowly but surely became darker, the Sixth Magician had changed the very weather to suit his whims.. A fact made evident when it started pouring, wetting the entire city of Fuyuki....

"Wonderful..." Roman grinned at his handiwork, immensely pleased, today would be the day the Grail War came to an end, "This is wonderful."

As a villain, Roman sucked.... but, no one needed to know that.


"War-no, Ushiwakamaru, you are a splendid opponent. I, Bishamonten, praise your conviction!" Kagetora wiped some blood off her eye, staring at her opponent with a massive grin on her face. Her own garb was dirtied by blood, clearly not her own blood though considering she appeared to be injured other than some small cuts here and there.

"Alas, without a proper Master, you lack any ability to stand against me." The War God of Echigo looked pleased and satisfied, "The fact that you lasted this long is a feat in itself.....Oh?" Kagetora felt rain fall on her skin and stared up at the cloud covered sky with a blank face...., "My Master seems to have a thing for going overboard..." She knew he was behind it, there was no way the weather could change so much in such a short time.

"You.... mean to say this is your Master's doing?" Ushiwakamaru coughed, speaking weakly as she took large breaths, the rain falling on her wounds was strangely soothing for some reason.. even dulling it.... "....He seems to be a good man..." The Rider Class servant smiled, noticing the unnatural effects of the rain.

"He seems to be the vile one to all others though..."

"I doubt... a vile man would do... this."

"I agree."

The Avatar of Bishamonten didn't know how to react to this... If he was the 'villain', why was he making rain that dulled pain by a large margin? The Rider she'd faced was no longer in any state to fight further, with deep gashes across her body, a lance lodged in her stomach and two katanas in her back.... She looked too peaceful for the pain that most definitely should have caused.

.....Mercy, was it?

The War God of Echigo didn't understand...

She didn't need to though, or rather, she didn't get time to as a massive deafening roar shook the land...., "What is that?" Kagetora wondered out loud, curious as to what animal in this age could produce such a noise....

Instantly, the Lancer dematerialised, appearing next to Roman right after, "Master, what is that?" He probably knew it, investigating without permissions wasn't something a servant was allowed to do..

"I call him the Edge Killer... Edge Killer Bob...."


"It's a good name.."

"It's no-"

"You don't need to praise me."

"I'm n-"

"Shush woman."


Roman stared down in mild curiosity, a massive beast... or rather, a massive white four winged dragon with shining scales, blue eyes and three heads....


The Magician felt a bit giddy at the sight.

He knew it was just a golem but still, it looked really neat....


Share thoughts mfs..



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