
5 reunion

After what happens in the school and what happens between the three servant figth and Saber attack of Archer. Rin need a big explanation of what the hell was going on because she didn't know that there was another mage family living in Fuyuki city and especially that is was shiro of all people sure he smart, strong and was in every fucking sports team in there school so much so that the school had to make him leave some of those clubs both she need to know how was shiro a mage what made sure that he was low class mages was the fact that he knew how to summon a servant.

Rin: so you are telling that when you where being attacked you used the summoning circle and use the summoning chant in your head

Shiro: Yes I was hoping that would work even do. I didn't have something to summon a specific servant I was hoping on my luck to summon a Servant Tosaka

Rin will sigh at that comment just deciding that it did not matter at this point she just wanted to know what his servant name was.


Rin screams out. Archer to enter the emiya household as she did Archer enters the house with pissed face you didn't need to be a genius to figure out that he was not happy to come here in the first place the fact that his master had made him come here didn't help. Archer hated being here not only that He didn't want to be with the Alter saber remembering her from his memory that he got that Shiro that he killed her but now what he is seeing that saber hooked shiro wallet and true to run with Shiro stopping her.

Shiro: No you don't your not taking my money and running away where the tell will you even go with

Alter saber: let me go Shiro I will go to buy a Burger

Shiro: let just make it for you

Alter Saber: No that is not junk food then let me go

Rin: what am I watching here?

Archer: I don't know? I as confused as you are Rin

After a while they will finally be able to stop Saber. Because seeing someone in Black armour with an invisible sword walking to a fast food place will rage some eye brows and no one in this house wants that plus there would be multiple servants after her if that happens.

Rin: Ok now what every that was is done with I think I can clearly say that have you shine in with the church they have to make a list of all master and servants to see who is still alive and who are dead.

Shiro: I was planning to when Lancer and that other servants where dealt with both Shinch you two came here it was delayed because of it.

Rin: I see sense you know about the grail war and everything about we only need to go to the church and get you into the war

Shiro: so who runs the church in this city

Rin: Kiri kotomine

After hearing that name both Saber and Archer will then react.

Archer and Saber: Not Kiri he suck, with how do you know kiri no how do you know kiri, no how do you know kiri.

Rin: this is going to take a while right

Shiro: yup it is

After a while they will start to go to the church to meet kiri.

Rin: you know for some reason I thought saber will be stuck in physical from and not go to spiritual from

Shiro: why would you think that in the first place tosaka

Alter saber: enough we are here

As they would arrive at where the church is

Archer: this place smells like death

Alter saber: yes it does

As they will then either the church they will then see kiri

Rin: hey Kiri

Kiri: Ah Rin what bring you here I am guessing that you are here not just to talk both for important matters

Rin: your right after all I am here with another master you don't need to explain the war system to him beaches he already knows about it

Kiri: May I ask you name

Shiro will then look at Kiri something tells him that this man can't be trusted at all no matter what he knows to trust these fells because the last time he had this feeling was when he met zouken for the first time and to say that he really want to burn him into a nothing ness would be something that he would like to do one day.

Shiro: My name is Shiro Emiya

Kiri: Emiya I see that is your name

Shiro: yes that is my name and I think we will be leaving shinch you can gess what my servant is already

As they stared to leave kiri says something that makes them stop.

Shiro: what do you mean by extra servant

Rin: yes explain

Kiri: you see when the card of lancer was summoned a few days later another servant was summoned and it was the Avenger class

Shiro hearing this will be shocked he could believe that there was another class. Avenger in this war the last one to be summoned was in the 3rd war at least that is what his grandfather had told him Archer hearing thing would want to slam his head through a wall. This 5th war was getting different as it keep on going not only there was another version of him who was a real mage and alter saber both also there was an 8th servant he remember another universe where Rin summons him and there was an 8th servant class call the saver he hoped that he met Naruto Uzumaki in this one at least he was good servant Archer was done with he really didn't want to deal with this war if he had it his way he would just kill himself and leave both no he can't or people will question him.

Kiri: So Shiro emiya what is your wish is if you win the grail

Shiro: why do want to know it, Kiri

Kiri: just cherishes

Shiro: fine I will tell you both whatever both you and Rin hear ok

Rin: I am fine with it

Kiri: Alright then

Shiro: I have two wishes my first and original wish is to make a perfect world

Rin: what do you mean by that

Shiro: I want a world where people can live in peace and everyone can live for free I want a world without bloodshed and a war that is the world I want a world everyone is equal and can live happily

Kiri will start thinking about his wish

Kiri: that is the same as his Father had or at least that is what his mother said before I choked the life out of her that is

Rin: so what is your second wish

Shiro: for my second wish this one will be a little selfish then the last one both I want my family back and so that we can live again

Rin: can you explain it clearly

Shiro: alright then my mother is dead she died during the 4th grail war and my father died a few years after that and I had a little sister both I can't find her I think you can understand it now Rin

Rin: I am sorry for your loss and your wish is not that selfish

Kiri: so Shiro do you think that the grail will give you a second wish

Shiro: yes both when the time will come I can choose the one I want and I may have to choose both I think I can choose

Kiri: if is that is all why don't you two leave

As he says that Rin and Shiro will then leave before they do Archer will then say something

Archer: hey kiri you shuck

Alter Saber: I hope you die soon

Shiro and Rin will be confused about why they said that after they walked away they met someone and they saw someone that Shiro never see especially what was next to her.

Illya: Hello there big brother it has been a while nice to see that you have summoned your servant

Shiro: Illya how with don't tell me that grandfather forced him you to do this didn't he

Rin will be confused about what is going on with these two. What shocked her more was what was next to Illya it was a servant and it was a big one she saw its stats and it was insane its lowest level stat was B which was the second highest stat that a servant can have both what confused on the word that Shiro said.

Rin: Shiro do you know who this is and if so who is this person

Shiro: she is the biological little sister and she is part of the Einzbern

Rin: your an Einzbern

Shiro: I will tell you later

Illya: enough talking berserker go and kill then and big brother I will be the one to kill you as slowly

Shiro: Saber figth Berserker

Rin: archer help her

Sabre and Archer will come out and they will start to attack...

To be continue

As I said this chapter is larger then the last one don't except big chapter this seahorse will be a daily thing is yeah both hope you like this Chapeter