
Fate/The Prince And The Assassin

The Crown Prince. A title meant to be for Hiro, but was stripped from him by the Prime Minister of the country of his Father and Mother. Hiro valued the title, but never over valued it. So when he was stripped of the title he didn't try to take it back, but when the crown was given to his younger brother, Hiro finally understood why. He understood that the Empire was corrupt, yet he did nothing. He watched it turn to what it was now. He watched the Empire of his Father and Mother turn corrupt without batting an eye. He watched it with an uninterested look. Learning of the Rebel Army and it's assassin group, Night Raid, he joins them not to save people or free the Empire from corruption. He joined them looking for a purpose. The spark that had died all those years ago.

KingGilHaku · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

5•Naive Fantasy

[Short chapter warning!!]


A few days after Hiro's victory against Zanku, Akame had retrieved the Teigu owned by Zanku. During this time Najenda had Hiro write down Enki's functions and abilities, he of course denied at first, but he ultimately agreed and wrote down his 'Teigu's' functions and abilities in the codex filled with Teigu information, the only problem was that Hiro wrote only the fact that Enki could turn into three different weapons nothing else.

At the current moment, all of Night Raid were in the meeting room, as per usual, Najenda sat in her chair while Hiro was at his normal spot leaning against the wall, and the others were in their normal spot.

Najenda: "Tatsumi, the Teigu we seized from Zanku, we're giving it to you."

Tatsumi: (grins excitedly) "Wow! You sure!? What about everyone else!?"

Bulat: "It's one Teigu per person."

Lubbock: "Because they take too much physical and psychological strength."

Hiro: "You should know that a Teigu's first impressions is what also affects the compatibility with the user. Keep that in mind, mongrel."

Tatsumi: (half-heartedly listening to the blonde) "Got it. Got it." 'Its not very good looking, But... this eye... Is pretty powerful...'

Hiro: 'Yup the kid already lost the first impression part.'

Najenda: "Since this Teigu wasn't written about in the records, it still pretty mysterious..."

The moment Najenda confirmed that they, except Akame and Hiro, knew nothing about the Omnipotent Five Sights, the prideful blonde walked off his corner standing in front of Akame with his arms crossed keeping a glare at Tatsumi who ignores him as the monotone assassin of Night Raid tilted her head confused on why the blonde moved position.

Akame: (eyes sparkling) "It has the power to read minds, right? So try it on me."

Tatsumi: "Tonight... You want to eat meat... Is what you're thinking."

Akame: (gasps) "Perfect"

Leone: (sweat drops) "That doesn't really demonstrate it's ability."

Hiro: "Of course not, since it didn't activate. The eye didn't open."

Mine: " I wouldn't want my mind read. If it's gots give senses, then test out one of the other ones."

Tatsumi: (mutters) "Tch, whiners, fine." 'The last power I know about... Clearsight!'

Tatsumi concentrated and closed his eyes, the Teigu now activating as the eyes opened. Then, the brown-haired boy opened his eyes, him blushing profusely as he managed to activate one of the five sights. Clearsight, the ability to see through solid objects. And in this case, he was able to see through the girls clothing and was able to see the underwear they were wearing.

The blood red-eyed Hiro glared at the brown-haired boy, knowing what he was seeing, the blonde stood in front of Akame not allowing Tatsumi to be able to get a look at the raven-haired.

Tatsumi: "Wha!?"

Mine: (leaning towards Tatsumi) "What's the matter?"

Tatsumi: "Wawawawaaaaaah!?" 'What a spectacular power...! Teigu's are awesome..."

The three females continued to look at Tatsumi confused, the raven-haired girl behind the blonde Hiro, tilted her head in confusion on what was happening, while they all didn't notice Hiro, clenching his fist as he kept his glare at the boy.

A surge of power then went through Tatsumi's head, making him feel like he had a headache. The others noticed it, seeing Tatsumi's face scrunching up in slight pain.

Lubbock: "Uh-oh! It's rejecting him!"

Akame: "Hurry and take it off!"

Tatsumi: (takes off the Teigu) "I suddenly feel really tired."

Najenda: "It's comparability... It didn't fit you."

Hiro: "You didn't listen to what I said earlier didn't you?" 

Tatsumi: "Y-Yeah..."

Hiro: (sighing) "Mongrel... The reason why you lost it's approval. Is you need to remember that a Teigu's compatibility is always affected by the user's first impressions. You didn't think too highly of it, did you."

Mine: "Hate to agree with nudist here, but he's correct. A Teigu is sensitive to their user's initial impression."

Tatsumi: "Oops."

Najenda: "We'll send this to the Revolutionary Army's HQ. Once they've analyzed it, it's sure to be a valuable fighting force for them."

Akame: "Our team mainly deals with assassination, but collecting Teigu is also a sub mission of ours. In a case like Zanku's, where an enemy is in possession of a Teigu, we confiscate it... Or at the very least destroy it..."

Tatsumi: (scratches head) "Anything to put the Revolutionary Army in the advantage, then."

Najenda: "That's right... You ought to read the records of the Teigu."

Najenda then hands him a book containing the information of different Teigu's, like Pumpkin, Extase, Murasame, and recently added Enki. It contained all kinds of information. Tatsumi was amazed and excited.

Tatsumi: "Wow... There's so many kinds... And this is only some of them?"

Najenda: "Memorize atleast all the Teigu listed there."

Tatsumi: "By the way, what's the strongest Teigu out there?"

Najenda: "Depends on it's use and comparability... But..." (Leans hand on metal arm as her eyes darken) "It's the Teigu that manipulates ice... In my opinion. Thankfully, it's wielder is currently on a conquest of the Northern Tribe."

Hiro: (Scoffs) 'Of course you would think that, since... The user was the one who took you arm and eye."

Najenda and Akame noticed Hiro walking back to his original as he scoffed, but didn't pay it any mind.

Lubbock: "That's because the Northern Tribe is so strong."

Tatsumi: "Ah! I've heard about him too!"

Lubbock: (looks towards Najenda) "Don't worry. Even for her, it'll take a year to complete the conquest."

Najenda: "....Indeed..."

Hiro: (Scoffs) 'In my estimation, Esdeath should arrive back in Capital after a few days tops, a mere mutt with spear will inevitably fall to her...'

Tatsumi: (chuckles with a grin) " The stronger the enemy, the better! Let's keep collecting Teigu's!"

Leone: "You're awfully gonghu. What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

Tatsumi: "There's still alot of Teigus that we don't know what they're capable off, right? That's when it comes to mind... With all those different abilities... Maybe... Just maybe... There's a Teigu that can bring back the dead. Right!?"

Hearing this everyone of Night Raid went silent, as their eyes darken the brown haired teen not paying attention to the serious expression they were bearing.

Tatsumi: "Then Sayo and Ieyasu could be alive again. So I'm gonna collect those Teigu and-"

Bulat: "There isn't."

Tatsumi: "...Aniki...?"

Bulat: "Even the Teigus can't bring back the dead."

Hiro: "In this world... Every being only has one life."

Tatsumi: (in denial) "How... How do you know!? You haven't looked! Nor do you know every Teigu!"

Akame: "The first Emperor is proof enough. If there were such a Teigu, he would still be alive."

Bulat: "He knew immortality is impossible. That's why he left behind the Teigus."

Tatsumi's eyes widened in disbelief, still holding on to the hope that such a Teigu does exist, but there just isn't. In their world, you only get one life.

Tatsumi: "....Ah..."

Hiro: "Give it up. Otherwise, the enemy will take advantage of your that naive fantasy of yours."

Tatsumi had enough of Hiro, he glared at the blonde teen as he ran towards him, the brown-haired teen gripped Hiro's collar' Hiro didn't even retaliate allowing himself to be pinned to the wall as the brown-haired boy glared at him.

Tatsumi: "What do you know!? You didn't lose anyone! You don't know the feeling of losing the one you love!"

The others were surprised by the sudden outburst of Tatsumi, but they understood why he was like this. As Akame and Leone began to move forward about to break up the two, the prideful blonde stared at the brown-haired teen that had him pinned as he looked unaffected by what Tatsumi had said and spoke in an indifferent tone. This surprised everyone as they heard the voice of the blonde, instead of being prideful Hiro's voice wasn't laced with any emotion, his voice was devoid of emotion as he spoke.

Hiro: "You're wrong... You say I don't know what it's like to lose someone I care for? I already lost my parents, my best friend and in this fight I'm about to lose my little brother, damnit. Does that answer you question? Let's go to that naive fantasy of yours. Do you really think that there is a place in this world where people are able to live more than one life? Don't be absurd. No such place in this world exists. That lost hope like yours are nonsense spouted by those who cannot accept reality and uses that lost hope to cover up the ugliness of life. Before you say things like that make sure to understand who you spoke those words to, you mongrel."

Hiro slapped away Tatsumi's hand, leaving the others completely silent as Hiro walked out of the room. As the blonde walked out, Akame stared at him in worry.


North of the Capital was the Northern Tribe. Deep in the back was it's capital fortress. Throughout it's streets was deceased bodies. The bodies were either missing their lower bodies, upper bodies, limbs, eyes, and many things. Bodies and heads were mounted or held on pikes. Be it women or men, young or old, innocent or not, every last one was killed.

Right at the very back, a woman with icy blue hair sat upon a throne, her soldiers right in front of her. Haunched over infront her was a long black haired man. Completely nude, a pleasant smile on his face as he continued licking the woman's boots.

This was the same teen Hiro had encountered after he got back from venturing for a year, the very same General back then now had become even more powerful and earned the title the 'strongest'.

Imperial Soldier: "The Northern Tribe was defeated in no time. Just as I'd expect from the General!"

Esdeath: (unamused) "... The soldiers' and civilians' pride has been shattered.... This is what they call the Hero of the North...? What a bore. Die. You dog."

The blue-haired woman brought her leg up and kicked the North's Hero, Numa Seika. The force of her kick was so powerful that it cracked the bones of his neck and head, killing him instantly. Blood was splattered onto her boots and some of the faces of her soldiers.

She then stood up, standing tall with a sadistic grin on her face.

Esdeath "Is there no one out there... Who can satisfy me as my enemy...?"

As she said that a blonde-haired teen who had a smirk in his face holding a golden blade flashed through her mind, she didn't pay any mind to it since she thought he won't be much of an enemy now.

The woman who had ended the rebellion of the Northern Tribe was one of the top generals of the Empire.

It wasn't just any general. It was the "Empire's Strongest"

General Esdeath.