
0•The Prince

Empires and Great Cities will eventually flourish as they inevitably fall. 

The Imperial Capital had flourished for thousands of years, and it was now slowly starting to decay. Monsters known as Danger Beasts plague the area of the wilderness surrounding it, those beasts are what the people of this Empire fear, but that will slowly change as years go by.


In the center of the Imperial Capital lies it's Royal Palace, this is the home for the Royal Bloodline of this Empire.

This is also where the funeral of the Emperor and Empress was being held.

It was a sad day for the Imperial Capital, losing their kind, wise and benevolent Emperor.

Outside of the Royal Palace the people were forming crowds surrounding the Royal Palace, holding lit candles, while Imperial Guards stopped them from trying to enter the Palace, sobs and crying can be heard from the crowd as they grieved for the lost of their Emperor and Empress, just from seeing the crowd on could feel the sadness they had, while inside the Palace was a completely different story.

Inside the Palace, in the Emperor's throne room, the entrance was guarded by the Royal Guards, stopping anyone who wasn't an official, General, Minister or Royalty to enter. Inside the throne room, a loud crying can be heard, but that was all. The only thing you can hear was the cry of a green haired eight year old child, on his knees crying his eyes out in front of two golden caskets. Surrounding him was officials of the Empire, the Generals, the Minister and a golden blonde teen in his early teens. He was the brother of the boy crying in front of the caskets, why they both had different hair color is unknown to everyone and even the two.

Some of them looked unaffected, while others faked sobs. But the blonde teen looked terrifyingly uninterested, despite his uninterested look, in his blood red eyes was a hint of sadness. The blonde shook of his sadness as he did not shed a single tear, his expression remained uninterested and unchanged through out the whole funeral.


After a few months of the funeral, the blonde from the funeral was now in front of the officials of the Imperial Capital and its Prime Minister, who was a fat elderly man with gray hair, dark yellow eyes, and a long white beard that extended down to his abdomen. He was the Prime Minister of the Capital, Minister Honest.

The rooms atmosphere was stiff as all of the Officials were nervous under the gaze of the blonde. His soul piercing, blood red eyes stared at them as uninterested. No rather than uninterested his gaze was what a King would give to anyone under him or people who he deems worthlesss.

Hiro: 'What do these mongrels want from me now...?'

Honest: "Prince Hiro, You were called here today to talk about the title of the Crown Prince."

Hiro, that was his name. He was the Crown Prince of the Imperial Capital. The person who would succeed the Emperor and be crowned as the Empires King. The blonde opened his mouth and spoke in an uncaring tone making the officials flinch at the fact that he spoke with no hint of politeness or respect.

Hiro: "What about it? You want to strip the title away from me?"

Honest: "Ye-"

Before Honest could finish what he wanted to say Hiro interrupted him my giving his answer.

Hiro: "Sure, take it." 'I don't find fighting for the throne entertaining anyway...'

Hiro stated and left.

The blonde left the room in silence, surprising everyone in the room of what he did. He allowed the title Crown Prince be stripped off him without even batting an eye. The title that every royalty wanted, yet he let go of such title without a care.

After a few moments of more silence the Minister Honest laughed.

He laughed at the fact that it was this easy to strip Hiro of his title. As his laughter died down he smiled wickedly at the fact that his plan of controlling the Capital was almost complete.

Honest: (smiling wickedly) 'Finally with the boy out of my way, my plan is almost complete. I just need someone to act as my puppet to control this nation and I know of a perfect person...' "He He He He."

Honest chuckled wickedly while some of the officials looked uncomfortable on hearing the fat mans wicked chuckle.


A year has now past since the death of the Imperial Capitals Emperor and his wife, the fact that  Hiro's brother won the battle of succession for the throne and his crowning of Emperor greatly changed the Imperial Capital from a just nation to a corrupted empire slowly.

While this was happening Hiro was venturing the lands surrounding the Imperial Capital, meeting more people as he tried to find a purpose, an entertainment if you will, but he couldn't find it, now he was standing in a ruined city. Wearing a white shirt and black pants under a worn out cloak hiding his face, holding a steel sword in his hand. Even if Hiro was raised as a Crown Prince, he always have been a talented fighter, but couldn't show it as his existence was kept a secret from the people, on why he was kept a secret, the blonde had a few guesses, but those are for another time.

Hiro kept his guard up, cautiously walking along the path leading towards a giant temple like structure. He had already scouted the city for weeks not seeing any signs if life nor Danger Beast, but just to be safe than sorry Hiro didn't let his guard down for a moment.

As Hiro walked towards the temple like structure, he had this feeling of nostalgia, as if he had been here once, walking down this path towards the temple and greeting the residents. Arriving at the stairs of the temple, the blonde shook his feelings from earlier off and looked up to the temple.

Gaining a closer look, Hiro was surprised on how truly big this structure was. This was if not even bigger then the one in the Capital.

As the blonde rose up the stairs higher and higher, the atmosphere around him began to feel heavier, it was as if the being at top of this temple had an unshakable, unbreakable and unchallengable authority, this wasn't like the air surrounding his father, the Emperor. This, was the authority of a true King. 

Hiro felt the authority, but pressed forward. The feeling of the authority was powerful and slightly made him want to go back, but he couldn't, he had pride in himself and turning tail now would only damage his pride. And he will not allow such a thing to happen!

Gaining a more serious expression, Hiro continued his ascend. 

After minutes of walking up, Hiro had finally reached the entrance throne room. The blonde took off his cloaks hood, as eyes widened seeing a throne room in perfect condition instead of in ruin and a look alike of himself sitting on a throne as he attended to the line of people infront of him.

Hiro rubbed his eyes and shook his head to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Taking another peak this time he saw the throne room this time ruined and the people no where in sight as well as his look alike.

Hiro: (sighs) "After this I'm taking a break from venturing. I will not die of overwork."

Looking around, Hiro began to explore the temple. Passing through many rooms, library, gardens and bedroom. He found himself in front of a garden overrun by wild plants, Hiro smiled bitterly at the fact that this garden had been abandoned that it was overrun by wild plants in every direction.

Sighing, the blonde shook his head walking away from the garden, back to the throne room.

Walking back to the throne room, Hiro, instead of looking around the room more, he immediately walked towards the throne itself and found a book and a key sitting on top of the throne.

Curiosity got the better of the blonde, grabbing both the book and key. Before Hiro opened the book, he had placed the sword he had next to the throne and sat down on the throne  and placed the key on the arm rest of the throne.

Again feeling a nostalgic feeling, Hiro felt that he had already been here, sitting and standing in this room.

The blonde shook his head and opened the book revealing information about the key.

Bab-ilu. Key of Kings: A key that allows it's user to access an ancient King's treasury. It allows it's wielder to draw out weapons such as swords, axe, spears, sabers, and many other weapons for personal use, it also allows the user to fire barrages of swords at enemies like a machine gun, but it can only open ten portals in a circular pattern behind it's wielder.

The ancient treasury also contains bottles filled with medicine, jems, money, shields, armours and other useless materials. This key has three known Noble Phantasm. The first one is Ea, The Sword of Rupture, no one knows or has seen this trump card and it was only recorded as it has the power of destroying anything in it's path. Next is Enkidu, The Chains of Heaven, a powerful chain able to bind any being down, the chains can also be used to peirce enemies as it has a sharp end.

(A/n: From my knowledge of AKG, the manga has no known gods so I'm just gonna say that Enkidu can bind any being down.)

And the last one is Enki, The Sword of End, a two golden blades that can form into a bow and turn it's hilts 90 degrees allowing it to turn into tonfa knives. Enki, being named The Sword of End, isn't just for show. The reason for it being named as such is unknown.

As Hiro continued to read through the book he understood more of the key that was laying on the arm rest next to him.

First thing he understood was the key wasn't a Teigu or Shingu. The key was very different from it, being raised as an Imperial Noble, Hiro had no shortage of information about Teigu's and Shingu's and he knew for a fact that there was no Teigu of this sort in the Teigu Dictionary of the Capital, if this thing was a Teigu then the entire Empire would've been looking for such powerful Teigu.

This key was called a Noble Phantasm. On what they are wasn't specified in the book, it only said that these weapons, items and techniques are the very "symbol" of the users existence. That was all that was said about these Noble Phantasms in the book in Hiro's hand.

Going deeper into the book was two illustrations of the three known Noble Phantasm the key had and a rough and incomplete illustration of Ea.

The rough and incomplete illustration of Ea had, the illustration showed an abnormal shape that doesn't match what would be classified as a sword. The grip and handguard looks like that of a sword but the section that would normally contain the blade had a cylindrical shape. That was the illustration itself, there was nothing else about this Noble Phantasm, no information, just...nothing.

After the illustrations, the book had ended. The illustrations itself was the last page of information and had nothing else in it. There was pages left, but they were completely blank.

Closing the incomplete book, Hiro placed it on the other arm rest. Leaning back on the throne Hiro ran his hand on his golden blonde hair, sighing at the fact that he didn't get anymore information on the key. The book didn't even have information on the ruined city, what it was called and who ruled it. It was as if the book had been left purposely incomplete.

As Hiro started leaning forward and standing up, he grabbed both book and key, Hiro started to walk out of the throne room and out of the temple, but not before looking back and bowing a little, not to low as he had his own pride and not to high showing his respect towards the person who had sat in this throne and ruled this city.

After that Hiro descended from the temple.

Hiro walked passed the houses that he had passed by walking towards the temple.

Standing in front of the gate entrance of the ruined city, Hiro turned back for the last time, admiring the city and it's temple. Then a thought hit Hiro.

Hiro: "Seeing as that the Imperial Capital doesn't necessarily need me anymore, if I can't find a purpose in the Capital then I guess I'll come back to this city and rebuild it from the ground." (Smiles) "Yeah, sounds like a plan. If I can't find a purpose, I'll come back here."

After stating his plan to himself, Hiro turned back and left the ruined city.

As Hiro left the city, at the very top of the temple, standing a top was the look alike Hiro saw in the hallucination he had inside the throne room.

The man had golden hair standing like a blazing flame, the same soul piercing, blood red eyes of Hiro, wearing nothing a top showing his toned body that can be called perfection with red tattoo like marking, while having the lower-half of a golden armour.

The man had his arms crossed as he stared at Hiro who left the ruined city, smiling slightly.

Golden Man: "It seems like I have finally found you the successor to inherit my legend. Child, you are inheriting the legacy of the worlds Oldest King and his treasury, make sure not to put shame in the legacy. For when we meet officially I will judge you if you are truly worthy to inherit my title, mongrel."

After that, the man took one last look to the ruined city, then turning around walking away, as he turned into gold particles.


Meanwhile, Hiro who had just walked out of the ruined city was surrounded by Danger Beasts.

Five lion-dog like creature with huge fangs surrounded the blonde.

Hiro moved his right hand towards his back making a gripping motion to grab his sheathed sword, but to his surprise, the blonde garbbed nothing, he didn't have his steel sword from earlier. He had left it behind, to make such a foolish mistake made Hiro curse himself.

Hiro: 'In any other moments that I could've left it, why now!?' (sighing) 'No point in beating myself up, I need to find a way to escape these beasts.'

The blonde then remembered what he had in his left hand. Taking a deep breath, Hiro once again ran his hand through his hair making it stand up like a blazing flame. Taking the key from his left hand to his right, Hiro gripped the key tightly.

Hiro's : "The book never specified how to use this key... But I'm in a tight spot right now, so I'll take this risk."

As Hiro raised the key in hand, a golden ripple appeared in front of it. Sensing the danger from the ripple, the Danger Beasts, began to charge at Hiro, who took a deep breath and turned the key.

The moment the key turned the golden ripple slowly vanished into golden particle along with the key, as it vanished the five Danger Beasts were closing in on the blonde, who stood there motionlessly looking at the ground.

The moment the Danger Beasts came close enough, Hiro smirked arrogantly as a pillar of golden light engulfed the blonde. This made the five Beasts retreat and watch as the golden pillar engulf the blonde.

The Beasts snarled at my the pillar, as it slowly vanished, but before completely vanishing, a golden arrow flew towards one of the five.

The golden arrow was too fast that the Beast couldn't react in time, the lion-dog like creature stood there, unable to move as the arrow pierced the beast's head effectively killing it in a second.

As soon as the Beasts dead body fell to the ground, an arrogant laughter can be heard coming from the golden pillar that had already vanished revealing Hiro who had changed outfit holding a golden bow in hand.

As Hiro's laughter died down, his gaze was fixed on the four remaining Beasts. Separating the bow into two identical golden swords and aiming one of the swords at the four beasts.

Hiro: "Come at me, you wild beasts. Die knowing that you four... Or five if you count the first one who died... Will be the first to taste my new power..." (Smirks) "Now come at me, mongrels...!"

Yo! Names GilHaku, I am an author from wattpad. Don't mind me too much, just trying out other flatforms to post my works, feel free to comment if you have any questions about the story

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