
FATE: The Man with Divine Keys

This is the end of the Age of Gods, the beginning of the Age of Man. This is... Britain. In order to save Britain from its fated destruction, the adopted son of Scathach embarked on a path known as a hero with his Divine Keys. "Next, I'm going to unleash a badass attack. Let's see who's the lucky one to face it." Arkhan wore an innocent smile on his face as he held the burning Might of An-Utu in his hand and looked at the trembling gods before him. === The MC is a reincarnator with a non-sentient system. This story is an Alternate Universe (AU) in Nasuverse with a mix of Divine Keys from Honkai Impact and Norse Mythology. Don't expect the lore to remain identical to Nasuverse. Think of it as a new story infused with Nasuverse elements, since some of the lore has somewhat modified. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. Original: https://wap.ciweimao.com/book/100197196 The cover image is not mine. === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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428 Chs

Forge a Different Future

After a conversation with Morgan, Arkhan gradually learned about what had happened during his disappearance.

At the time, the disappearance of both him and Artoria had caused a great disturbance. Some even suspected that he had been assassinated, creating widespread anxiety along Hadrian's Wall.

Yulina then stepped forward, her certainty stemming from the power left by Arkhan on her. She asserted that the king was not dead.

If it weren't for her words, Camelot would probably have descended into chaos.

Following this, Pallas and Morgan took charge, dispatching people to find the king's whereabouts while mobilizing the army, already positioned behind the Northern army, to besiege them.

But to their surprise, Lox had already seen through their plan.

Just as Pallas was planning a pincer attack under the cover of night, a large group of Chimera and Mountain Giants suddenly appeared behind them, turning the tables and surrounding them.

Human bodies couldn't compare to Phantasmal Species, especially not to beings like Chimera and Mountain Giants that surpassed even Wyverns. Upon contact, Camelot's army almost immediately crumbled.

Fortunately, at that moment, Lamorak led the knights. More than three hundred knights with second-generation artificial magic circuits and wielding the Key of Domination descended like gods, effortlessly eliminating all these Phantasmal Species, and leading the remaining army to break out.

Even so, they paid a considerable price, with casualties exceeding eight thousand, including the overall commander, Pallas, who unfortunately perished on the battlefield.

"This is the farewell letter from Pallas." Morgan took out a letter from the drawer and handed it to Arkhan. "Pallas's wife passed away long ago, and now his son is fostered by the church."

Arkhan read the contents of the letter and carefully put it back in the envelope.

"Issue the order to posthumously confer the title of Duke on Pallas. Allow his remains into the royal mausoleum, and his son shall become a Duke, continuing for three generations. Then, transfer to hereditary Earl, governing the territories of Mearcland and Kendale."

Morgan was slightly surprised.

"Are you really planning to give away Mearcland and Kendale?"

Mearcland had convenient water and land transportation, ranking in the top five of Camelot's trade volume, while Kendale, known as the 'Land of Tea', supplied nearly thirty percent of Camelot's tea.

Both were exceptional territories, and the noble families might go to great lengths for these lands.

"This is the treatment a hero deserves." Arkhan said lightly. "Also, the compensation for the wounded soldiers must be arranged as soon as possible. If anyone dares to touch that money, I guarantee they'll regret ever coming into this world."

"But, can the treasury handle this?" Morgan hesitated. 

"Rest assured, as long as problems can be solved with money, they're not problems at all."

Camelot's agricultural reform was in full swing. The yield of crops had reached an incredible level. As long as there was food, there was no need to worry about money. After all, in any era, food was undoubtedly a hard currency.

"Alright, I understand."

Morgan nodded, then suddenly reached out to touch Arkhan's sharp-featured face, a hint of tenderness in her pale golden eyes.

"Do you know, Arkhan, I've never seen any king care so much for his people. You're truly an extraordinary ruler. I'm glad you're the King of Camelot."

Once, Morgan believed that Britain was doomed, and her goal in seeking the throne was just to at least let Britain shine before its fated destruction. However, when Arkhan ascended to the throne, she once again glimpsed Britain's future. Instead of the previously foreseen ruins, she saw an unpredictable chaos.

Although this was not necessarily a good omen, compared to the previous darkness where there was no hope no matter how one struggled, at least now they had the possibility of escaping fate.

And Morgan believed, under the leadership of this black-haired and black-eyed man, Britain would definitely forge a different future.



The king is back!

After being missing for twenty days, the king finally returned!

The moment this news spread, the entire Hadrian's Wall trembled, and the morale of all Camelot soldiers became incredibly uplifted.

"Bless Camelot, His Majesty is back!"

"I knew it, His Majesty must be safe!"

"Haha, the Chosen King is back! The day those monsters in the north meet their doom has come!"

As the news reached the front lines, Bedivere, appointed as the acting commander, finally let go of the tension that had been hanging over him for these past days and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Great, they're finally back. Too bad Sir Kay is still in the Black Forest; otherwise, he'd be even happier than all of us when he hears this news."

Lancelot and Lamorak exchanged a glance, both seeing a hint of relief in each other's eyes.

"Clearly, it's not that great!" Yulina, with a look of obvious frustration. "Master finally returns, and I'm not by his side right now. I've failed as his servant!"

Bedivere chuckled. "I'm sorry, Miss Yulina, but we really need your help. I hope you understand."

Yulina's abilities were outstanding, especially considering their current situation; she played a crucial role.

"Don't be in such a hurry, Miss Yulina." Lancelot gently said. "Since he is back, he will surely come here, and then you can see him."

Yulina rolled her eyes, about to say something when a light laughter came from outside the tent.

"I heard someone talking about me?"

As the camp curtain lifted, a black-haired man in silver armor walked in, his deep black eyes sweeping over everyone.

"Long time no see, everyone."

"Your Majesty!"

Intense joy appeared in everyone's eyes as they half-knelt on the ground.

"Alright, get up, everyone." Arkhan smiled gently. "You've all worked hard when I was away."

"No, please don't say that. These are things we, as your subjects, should do." Bedivere said, but then his emerald eyes dimmed slightly. "It's just General Pallas..."

"I already know about him. Don't worry; Camelot won't let any hero down." Arkhan patted Bedivere's shoulder. "I came this time to avenge him and those who sacrificed on the battlefield."

"Yes!" Bedivere nodded without hesitation. He never doubted his king's words.

After a brief exchange of greetings, and at Bedivere's insistence, Arkhan sat on the main seat.

"Explain the current situation to me, Sir Bedivere."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Bedivere organized his thoughts and spoke at a measured pace.

"We currently have forty-eight thousand soldiers. Except for ten thousand guarding Hadrian's Wall, the remaining thirty-eight thousand are all here. The enemy has about twenty-three thousand soldiers left, all surrounded by us in the Eagle Fortress. The terrain is complex, easy to defend, and difficult to attack, with a significant number of Phantasmal Species guarding the fortress. We've been deadlocked for ten days."

"According to the information we received, the Northern Kingdoms are planning to send reinforcements. If we don't take the Eagle Fortress within a month, we might just have to watch them being rescued."

"So, what's your plan?" Arkhan looked at Bedivere with interest.

Bedivere hesitated for a moment and said, "I plan to send Miss Yulina to infiltrate the Eagle Fortress and seize the opportunity to assassinate their commander. That will surely cause chaos inside and give us a chance."

"Oh?" Arkhan raised an eyebrow, looking at Yulina. "Have you tried it?"

"I have tried, but the place is full of detection magecraft, and there are also Dead Apostles. It's too difficult to sneak in without being noticed." Yulina said with a bitter smile.

Arkhan then looked at Lamorak.

"Can the knights break in?"

"If we're willing to pay the price, we can." Lamorak responded firmly.

"Is that so? It seems a bit tricky indeed." Arkhan nodded slightly. "Order the army to withdraw three kilometers."


Everyone was stunned.

"Your Majesty, are you giving up?" Bedivere asked in confusion.

"In my dictionary, the term 'give up' never existed." Arkhan said lightly while smiling without worry. "Just relax and enjoy the show. Soon, I'll show you a true myth."

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