
Fate: The First King

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  • 30 Chs
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What is Fate: The First King

Read ‘Fate: The First King’ Online for Free, written by the author Godfire_Dragneel, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ISEKAI Fiction, ANIME Light Novel, FATE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Abandoned~



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Unimaginable love: I really can't live without you.

[WARNING: MATURED CONTENT INSIDE THIS NOVEL. IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE, DON'T READ THIS ONE. ELSE, YOU'RE AT YOUR OWN RISK.] She was a simple girl with unimaginable dreams although she has always been looked down upon by the people around her. She emerged from a middle-class family, she lost her mother as a toddler which compelled her father to remarry. Some years after the marriage, Mr. Fazer died, he left the young little girl with her siblings and a stepmother... Annabel was forced to provide for the family since what her father left for them wasn't enough to take care of the family. She often finds herself in adversity that left her in a dilemma. ********* Months later, She met a dying lad on the roadside who was ambushed by his rivals and was left there to die. Annabel froze at the spot when she saw the dying lad covered in cold blood. After she regained herself, she scurried over to help the young man, people who saw the scenario helped her and they took him to the hospital. ********* a year later (scene 1) She was sad, hurt, and depressed. She was a mess and was in her most vulnerable state. "Young Lady, why are you sitting alone in the dark? Don't you know it's unsafe for you?" Derrick Markham said. "What difference would it make? Is it not better to die or be taken advantage of by a stranger than someone close to you?" Annabel said. "I don't know where you're driving at but it's not safe for you to be out here." "Where do you live, let me take you home.?" Derrick inquired "Why do you ask, did they send you here?" She asked. She gulped down the beer she was holding. Most of the beer spilled on her dress, only a few went in. "Well, I will have to sit here with you, if you're unwilling to go home right now." Derrick Markham said and sat close to her. "Hey! what are you doing? Go! get lost!" "I'm not leaving you here." He firmly said "And why is that?" She queried "Because there are many wolves out there waiting for the right opportunity to devour you." He said "And why do you care? you don't know me. What would you benefit from this gesture?" she inquired. "You don't need to know someone before helping them." He said. ********* (scene 2) She was comfortably lying down half-naked on a cozy bed covered with a quilt. The morning sun rays forced their way into the room through the curtain openings and woke her up. "OMG! what happened here?" "Where am I? whose house is this?" "And how did I spend the night here?" She kept asking herself these questions without getting any answers in return... Just then the door was pushed open by a man with a tray in his hands that contains different dishes... She has a conflicted look on her face...

Favour_Udochukwu_4238 · Urban
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48 Chs


Gadis manis yang berparas sangat cantik dengan tinggi 170 cm, dan memiliki badan sangat ideal, rambutnya yang panjang selalu dikuncir dua dengan poni yang cetar.  Laura iya Laura lah nama gadis tersebut, dia sedang asyik menyiapkan pakaiannya kedalam koper lusuh miliknya dan menyimpan semua alat-alat kecantikan sederhana didalam tas ransel pemberian temannya. Laura berasal dari desa sangat terpencil bahkan boleh dibilang desa yang sangat tertinggal. Gadis itu telah mendaftar pada sebuah agen penyalur Art di kota metropolitan. Tok...tok Laura ibu boleh masuk ucap ibunya dari luar kamar.  Masuk aja Bu pintunya tidak Laura kunci ucap gadis tersebut. Ibunya yang memasuki kedalam kamar anak gadis nya pun, lalu menghambur memeluk anak kesayangannya, apalagi Laura adalah anak tunggal, anak gadis lagi.  Selama 18 tahun umurmu nak, tidak pernah sama sekali kamu jauh dari ibu ucap ibunya Laura. Laurapun sama Bu, sedih harus jauh dari ibu, tapi Laura harus bekerja membantu ekonomi bapak dan ibu. Laura sedih mendengar bapak dan ibu selalu dicemooh oleh warga desa kita karena keadaan ekonomi kita yang sangat susah Bu. Saatnya sekarang Laura lah yang mengakat derajat ibu dan bapak, di kota Sakura nanti Laura akan selalu menghubungi ibu dan bapak. Maafkan bapak dan ibumu nak, karena kami kamu harus berjuang sendiri, bekerja keras diusia mu yang masih muda. Laura tidak apa-apa Bu, inilah baktiku kepada kalian, Laura berjanji akan membahagiakan ibu dan bapak, kita tutup mulut-mulut mereka yang suka menghina keluarga kita Bu, ucap Laura sambil menangis karena tidak bisa membendungkan air matanya. Laura cepatan nak, nanti bisnya berangkat ucap ayahnya Laura. Laura dan ibunya pun cepat-cepat mengakat semua koper dan tas lusuh milik Laura, dan dibantu oleh ibunya. Bu kamu kunci pintunya kita berangkat ke terminalnya sekarang ucap ibu Laura. Eh Laura mau berangkat ke kota ya ucap Bu Titin tetangganya Laura. Aku kira mau berangkat kuliah taunya jadi pembantu ha...ha .. ucap Bu Titin lagi.  Bapak menggamit tanganku dan meminta ibu jangan menjawab hinaan Bu Titin. Kasihan deh tidak bisa jawab karena memang benarkan dasar keluarga susah ucap Bu Titin lagi. Ayah, ibu dan aku semakin mempercepat langkah kami, sesampai kami di terminal, bapak menyuruh aku dan ibu menunggu di bangku halte, ayahnya laura mendatangi kernet bis tujuan kota Sakura. Setelah berbicara dengan kernet bis tersebut ayahnya Laurapun mendatangi anak dan istrinya. Laura cepat kamu masuk kata kernetnya 5 menit lagi berangkat ucap ayahnya Laura. Laura berpamitan dengan ibu dan bapak sambil menangis, ibunya Laura sangat berat melepaskan kepergian anaknya untuk bekerja keluar kota.  Kamu jaga dirimu baik-baik nak, jaga harkat dan martabat mu sebagai seorang wanita, jangan mudah terbujuk rayu oleh lelaki ucap ayahnya. Laurapun mengiyakan perkataan ayahnya. Laura berjalan kearah bis dengan diantar oleh ibu dan ayahnya, sesampai di bis, Laura memeluk ayah dan ibunya lagi. Laura pergi yah, Bu jaga kesehatan kalian disini jangan dengarkan cemoohan mereka yang menghina kalian ucap Laura. Bis yang membawa Laura pergi kekota Sakura berangkat juga. Sepanjang perjalanan Laura tertidur pulas karena sepanjang malam tadi dia tidak bisa tidur.  .

Lisa_Efriana_9272 · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


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I give you 4.8 stars. the story is good. well structured and has a sense of rhythm. I liked how you portrait Artemis, although we only had one chapter of him, he gives me the Aura of a strict wise old man. the character of Icarus is not well known among the writing community, I gotta congratulate you for having the Nevers of steel to write him. looking forward to new chapters. after all this is - 👇


Writing quality is quite good. Author updates quite frequenlty to the point he does it every 1-3 days. Story development is quite good but needs improvement. Character design is also really good. World background is good aswell but needs improvement. 5/5 rare gem fanfic and quite sad not many people know this fanfic but I hope more come to enjoy it this is for chaps 1-26 review


I ain't gonna explain myself, I gives myself 5 stars course it's my work. I spend nights without sleeping 😴 , this is my reward. Anyway I suggest you guys to read this I promise you it's gonna be good — well depending on your scale of good that is— This is Author, signing off for now ✍️📸📖


This novel is very good but it's a shame it had to be left by the author.jwjajanansmqhsjaanbsnssnsbsnwjwwjjsjssjjsjwwnjeejejejejejajjejejejejejejejejejejejejejrjrjjrkejejejejjej


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