
Fate/Stay Night the Last Stardust

In a world filled with injustice, Aidan Lancaster fights valiantly for his ideals. However, when he meets his untimely demise, his soul unexpectedly merges with that of Kiritsugu Emiya, courtesy of All the World's Evil. This fusion gives birth to a renewed 'Kiritsugu Emiya'-a unique blend of the two souls, familiar yet distinct. Now faced with an extraordinary situation, the new Kiritsugu must grapple with one urgent question "How the fuck am I going to get out of this damn coffin?!" -takes place one year before the fifth holy grail war- Author's Note: -this was the prototype to Fate/Survivor I don't know if I will continue it, I am only posting it on here just for you all to see where I got some of my ideas from -If I do update its random like usual pretty much -I am not a pro so don't expect anything professional I just do this as a hobby

MidnightSpeedster · Anime & Comics
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Fate/Stay Night the Last Stardust #5 Development

Kiritsugu POV:

Months had passed and the year was almost coming to an end. I had fully retreated to my workshop since that fateful encounter with the dead apostle. I knew that in order to fully harness the power of my time alter abilities, I had to push the boundaries of my own knowledge and techniques.

In order to achieve this, I started hunting rogue mages in the area, tracking them based on the distinct ozone-like smell that lingered in the air after their presence. Those sensitive to magecraft could also detect the scent of any magus or spell that was casted.

I seized any valuable research and artifacts that they may have possessed, determined to extract every ounce of knowledge to improve my techniques and weapons.

My first new Time Alter technique was based on the acceleration process of reloading my firearms much quickly then a normal one. With limited resources at my disposal, I meticulously went through my firearms deconstructing and studying their mechanisms.

I experimented with various modifications and adjustments, aiming to reduce the reloading time without compromising accuracy or stability.

Hours turned into days as I tinkered with different spring tensions, magazine designs, and loading mechanisms. Each trial brought me closer to my goal. Finally, a breakthrough came when I discovered a unique configuration that allowed for faster ammunition replacement.

Testing the modified firearm, I watched as the reloading process became noticeably swifter. A sense of satisfaction washed over me as I realized the potential advantage this technique would provide in the heat of battle.

With that technique finished, I focused on my second creation Time Alter: Time Stasis a technique that would hopefully allow me to freeze time within a localized area, allowing me to move freely while everything around him remains motionless. I relied solely on my own knowledge of bounded fields and intuition for this technique.

In a secluded corner of my temporary workshop, I marked out a designated area and concentrated my efforts. Through trial and error, I honed my ability to manipulate time within that space, creating a temporary bounded stasis field. It was a delicate balance, requiring precise energy control and spatial awareness which was better than nothing.

With bated breath, I activated the Time Stasis technique. The world around me froze, as if trapped in a timeless realm. A mix of excitement and relief washed over me as I observed the success of my experiment. I had achieved a modicum of control over localized time, granting me a distinct advantage in tactical situations.

The next technique on my list was to accelerate my bodies healing process so that my body isn't damaged by the corrections Gaia makes from my time alter using Time Alter: De-Acceleration Release works just as well but still it takes a long time to release the technique so that my body can readjust.

I drew upon my understanding of human physiology, scouring the research and findings of the rogue mages I had encountered. Their stolen knowledge provided insights into the body's regenerative processes, allowing me to identify potential avenues for acceleration.

Through careful experimentation, I refined my technique. By focusing my time alter energy on the injured area, I could stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms, expediting the recovery process. The technique required precision and a deep understanding of the body's intricate systems, but the rewards were invaluable.

The fourth technique on my list of effective techniques to create was Time Distortion which was quite similar to my Time Stasis technique only instead of just freezing everything within the area I could either accelerate or deaccelerate the flow of time within the area.

It was also through this technique that I was able to accidentally create another Temporal Clones. By splitting the temporal energies that surround me I was able to create 'time clones' if you would each clone, I create are made to have my experience and abilities upon their demise they return back to me with their memories included.

With these new skills in hand, I continued hunting the local rogue mages, extracting any valuable pieces of research and mystic codes from their bodies. Their crests and research opened doors to new possibilities, providing deep insights into thaumaturgy and expanded my arsenal of spells for mystic code creation.

In fact, it was through that research that I was able to create an even more dangerous time alter technique, one that might even catch the attention of Alaya itself. Time Reversal demanded utmost caution and precision.

I was well aware of the potential consequences of messing up such a technique, including resetting the entire timeline back to the beginning, which would surely draw the attention of Alaya and Gaia, putting me at risk of elimination.

So, it was great caution that I ventured into the realm of time reversal, carefully manipulating the time alter energy to only create localized loops that rewound events within a designated area.

To test its efficacy, I released an apple from my grasp and muttered the aria, flaring my circuits to life. "Time Alter: Chronos Reset." With great amazement, I watched as the apple reversed back up into the grasp of my palm.

I smirked with confidence armed with my new enhanced techniques and weapons, I knew I was ready for the fifth holy grail and see the last of my family Shirou, Illya I'll be home soon enough I thought as I began to slowly pack everything up.

Turning to my left I froze looking upon my reflection being in a place like Iraq for so long tended to change one's skin tone and with me using overusing my magic circuits it had burned out the coloring tone in my hair and eyes to full out gray while my skin had turned from a normal pale white to a deep tan like my Archer counterpart son.

I sighed I just hope that Shirou and Illya will be able to still recognize me.

-end of chapter 5-

chapter six Kiritsugu returns just in time to stop his son from being killed a second time by lancer so stay tuned.

List of New Created/Known Techniques:

Time Alter: Double Accel

Time Alter: Triple Accel

Time Alter: Quadruple Accel

Time Alter: De-Accel

Time Alter: De-Accel Release

Time Alter: Bullet Reset

Time Alter: Disturbed Reset

Time Alter: Seven Fold Time Disruption

Time Alter: Square Accel

Time Alter: Reload Accel

Time Alter: Time Stasis

Time Alter: Chronos Reset

Time Alter: Temporal Remanent

Time Alter: Time Distortion

Time Alter: Chronos Rose *Note technique will be shown/used in the next one.