
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Golden Encounter

There, it was a golden city.

The shimmer of stacked gold bars, the sparkle of overflowing gemstones.

There are paintings here. There are musical instruments there. There are dishes over there. And here, there is a shining boat.

A multitude of treasures stretching as far as the eye can see to the ends of the horizon. Just by glimpsing one of them, you can tell it is a first-class treasure.

An infinite treasure that transcends the realm of human perception. Surely, all the wealth of this world must be stored here.

Humans have instinctual desires. It is rare for someone not to desire to see and touch such dazzling treasures. However, this was an overwhelming world that didn't even allow such desires to arise. In the face of its magnificence, one could only be in awe.

El Dorado, the golden paradise where countless treasures abound. The golden country spoken of in fairy tales must surely refer to this place.

There were famous swords. There were sacred spears. There were magic axes. There were divine hammers.

Each weapon was unique, scattered in countless numbers. It is unquestionable that they are the weapons spoken of in myths, used by heroes.

Each of these weapons is undoubtedly imbued with the power to cleave the sky, split the sea, pierce the earth, vanquish demons, defeat evil, and even slay gods.

For example, there is a crimson spear thrust into it.

It exudes an ominous aura fitting of a demon spear. Once thrown, it will chase its prey to the ends of the earth and pierce their heart.

For example, here lies a golden hammer.

Its weight is such that an ordinary person couldn't even lift it. However, if a hero were to wield it, a single strike would shatter all creation, surely even shattering the skull of a giant.

--However. In the face of all this, even those weapons were nothing more than scattered trash.

A golden hilt. The guard is a large conical shape, engraved with otherworldly characters.

A black blade divided into three sections. It too bears crimson patterns, also in a conical shape, emitting a faint radiance.

At its tip, a twisted edge. Even that dull gleam is adorned with gold.

And above all else--its existence was extraordinary.

An immense power to slice through and annihilate everything. It emanates the will to "exterminate everything else." This sword probably has the ability to sever even the world itself.

From that object, which seems to embody the concept of "death" itself, one can only feel fear and despair.

However, despite that, I... Shirou Emiya, was enchanted by that sword.

Whether it can be called a sword or not, I don't know. It doesn't fit into any category I know of, and I don't know how to describe it. Nevertheless, I instinctively felt that it was appropriate to call it a sword.

Divine swords and cursed swords exist in abundance in this world. Yet among that group of swords, it was undoubtedly the king.

--If I were to give it a name, it would be the ■■ Sword that divides the world.

An absolute sword allowed only for the ruler who governs this world. It is an amazing thing... but at the same time, it is also very lonely. That's how I felt.


...It felt like I had a fragmented dream.

"Senpai, were you sleeping in a place like this again? You'll catch a cold, you know?"

A voice rang out like a bell, and I slowly opened my eyes. In my field of vision was the familiar gray sky. It took me a moment to realize that it was the ceiling.

As I shifted my gaze, disassembled machines came into view. Tiny parts were scattered everywhere, claiming that I was in the middle of working.

I gazed at all of that vaguely and finally remembered what I had been doing.

I had been sleeping at my home... in other words, in the Emiya residence's storage shed. I had lost consciousness while practicing magic and apparently woke up in the morning. The mess around me was probably the result of bumping into things while I was asleep. This cluttered shed would shower me with various items if you accidentally jolted it.

I groaned as I pushed myself up and stood. Perhaps due to sleeping on the stone floor or hitting something, my legs and back were aching. It was common for me to doze off while working, but recently it seemed to be happening more frequently. Maybe I was just tired, I thought vaguely with a groggy mind.

As I shifted my gaze again, I met clear purple eyes and wide-opened eyes.

Thin, beautiful black hair with a slight purple hue. A beauty so perfect that nine out of ten people would turn their heads. A gentle smile graced her lips.

"Good morning, senpai."

Sunlight poured into the entrance of the shed. With a beautiful smile, the girl lowered her head.

This beautiful girl, who could easily be called a perfect Japanese woman, was Matou Sakura. Due to certain circumstances, she started coming to my house about a year and a half ago, and now she was practically part of the family.

"Ah, good morning, Sakura."

I replied in a sleepy voice. Sakura's face brightened with joy at my greeting, but it quickly turned into a displeased expression.

"I told you to sleep properly in your room... Why don't you listen to me?"

She complained, her voice tinged with dissatisfaction.

"I'm angry, you know?" she added.

Sakura never raised her voice or acted violently. Even when she was in a bad mood, she would approach me calmly like this. I wish that noisy tiger would learn from her calmness.

...Anyway, enough with the jokes.

Naturally, the residents of my house were not pleased with me waking up in the storage shed. I was often scolded, and I myself tried to be careful, but sometimes I accidentally overslept like this. Every time it happened, I couldn't help but feel grateful to Sakura for waking up this lazy senpai.

"I'm sorry. I must have fallen asleep while tinkering with the junk, and next thing I knew, it was morning. I'll be more careful from now on."

I apologized sincerely, clasping my hands together. Sakura, understanding my situation, smiled gently and forgave me.

"Breakfast is already prepared. I think Fujimura-sensei is waiting too."

"Oh, is it already that late?"

Apparently, I had overslept quite a bit. Normally, I would be the one making breakfast... But even when I overslept like this, Sakura not only woke me up but also prepared breakfast. She was truly an invaluable kohai to me.

She could be described as devoted. However, if I were to rely on her too much, I would become a useless person. As a human being, I had to take care of my own responsibilities.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. Let me wash my face and change clothes, then I'll come."

"Don't worry, senpai. You always work so hard, so please let me do this for you."

Sakura proudly puffed out her ample chest.

She was trying to be considerate of me, but I truly believed that Sakura was the one working hard. Her cooking skills had improved remarkably as a result of her daily efforts. As her mentor, I felt proud, but at the same time, I worried that she would surpass me. I didn't want to be outdone just yet, but if I continued to let her handle the cooking like today, she might completely overtake me.

Hmm... I secretly made up my mind to start waking up early from tomorrow.

"Thank you as always, Sakura-chan. I'm really saved by you, especially because I'm a bit of a slacker."

I expressed my gratitude, but I genuinely believed that Sakura was the one who deserved praise. Her efforts were evident. Although I wouldn't mind her becoming my bride, she was truly a remarkable girl. Even if we set aside the comparison with Fujimura-nee, it was hard to find such a good-natured and kind-hearted person these days. Anyone who could marry a girl like her would be truly lucky.



...Huh? It seems like both of them are sighing.

"Sigh... This is going to be tough. Hang in there, Sakura."

"Huh? Oh, yes, I'll do my best."

...Did I do something wrong?


"...Seriously, that Fuji-nee."

Sighing deeply, I continued washing the dishes. Sakura, who was next to me, had a wry smile on her face as she took care of drying the dishes.

...This all started during breakfast. To be honest, it was Fuji-nee's doing, once again scheming something.

When I was about to pour soy sauce on my grated yam, I noticed that my soy sauce was different from usual. At that moment, I thought, "Did I mistakenly bring the wrong sauce?" and asked Sakura if I could borrow her soy sauce... That's when Fuji-nee, who was doing an unacceptable act of reading the newspaper, exploded.

"W-Why?! Why don't you use your own soy sauce?!"

When I asked her suspiciously and made her confess, it turned out that Fuji-nee had secretly mixed oyster sauce into my soy sauce.

Apparently, it was her revenge for when I called her a tiger the other day. But her plan failed and it caused a commotion. Well, it was partly Fuji-nee's own fault.

This Fujiwara Taiga, both in name and behavior, is like a tiger itself. Moreover, her favorite animal is also a tiger, and she even wears tiger-patterned clothes. But when she's called a tiger, she gets angry. It's quite troublesome.

However, while I may also have some fault in this, Fuji-nee's sin of creating a meaningless seasoning by mixing sauce into soy sauce is serious. Seasonings are not free. Despite not contributing much to the food expenses, wasting condiments is unacceptable.

...So, as a punishment, Fuji-nee's grated yam will be topped with a mixture of soy sauce and sauce. Fuji-nee protested and made a fuss, but she still managed to finish it. It's truly mysterious how she can devour it despite everything, just like a tiger's nature.

As I washed the dishes with my head tilted, a sudden sharp pain ran through my left hand.


Since I was absent-mindedly washing the dishes, I wondered if I cut my hand. When I placed the dish down and looked, Sakura, who was watching me with concern, met my gaze.

"--Senpai, what happened to your hand? Are you okay?"

Upon being asked, I directed my gaze towards my hand. Finally, I noticed something unusual.

"What is this...?"

Considering it might be a cut from a knife or something, this wound was abnormal. Rather than a cut, it was more like a swollen blister. It looked like a severe burn, as if I had suffered from it. It could even be seen as if some strange pattern was engraved. However, I have no memory of getting such a wound. In the first place, my left hand was normal until just now.

...No, perhaps I burned myself while tinkering with junk yesterday. That's the only thing that comes to mind.

Besides, the pain has already disappeared. I open and close my left hand, and there doesn't seem to be any problem. I should treat it with disinfectant and a bandage later.

But more importantly...

"Are you alright, Sakura...?"

Sakura looked pale, as if I had a serious injury, and froze as if in shock. Her gaze was fixed on my left hand.

Even though she might be worried about my injury, her expression was abnormal.

It seemed like a mix of fear and despair. It even evoked impatience in those who witnessed it. Yes, it was as if...

...I stumbled upon something I should never have seen.


I shook her shoulders, and she snapped out of it, showing a startled expression.

Her eyes no longer had the dark shade from earlier. Her previous demeanor was far from ordinary.

"Are you really okay, Sakura?"

"N-No, I'm fine."

Sakura shook her head. Seeing her return to her usual self, I let go of her shoulder, feeling relieved.

Phew... I ended up worrying more than necessary... Was this wound really that shocking?

Regardless, it's true that this wound scared Sakura. Even though I don't feel any pain myself, it must look quite severe to others.

If it continues like this, not only Sakura but also everyone else will be worried. Once I finish washing the dishes, I should immediately wrap it with a bandage.

...Meanwhile, Sakura was silently staring at me.


Once the cleanup was done, Sakura and Fuji-nee left the mansion a little early.

Sakura is a member of the archery club, and Fuji-nee is their advisor. They have limited free time due to their morning practice.

I used to be a member of the archery club as well... But due to various circumstances, I'm currently stuck being a member of the non-athletic club.

"That should do it... Well, it's about time for me to leave too."

Even though I'm in the non-athletic club, the time difference between the morning practice group and me isn't that big. If I'm too laid-back, I'll end up being late.

I checked the source of fire carefully and confirmed that the door was locked.

Lately, there have been numerous gas leakage accidents in Fuyuki City. There have been reports of burglaries, suspicious foreigners, mass unconsciousness incidents, and other unsettling news. The TV news anchors mentioned that similar incidents happened frequently ten years ago as well.

...Ten years ago. The word stirred something in my chest.

Flames everywhere.

Houses collapsing with a loud noise. People screaming and burning.

No matter how far you run, you can't escape from red. The crimson of flames. The scarlet of blood.

I wanted to believe that this was just a bad dream. That was the only way to describe the scene unfolding before my eyes.

People were dying. Perishing. Lifeless bodies were strewn about like discarded rags, scattered everywhere.

In all directions, in every 360 degrees, all I saw was a mountain of ■■. That's when I felt it.

...Ah. Is this what they call hell?

A man's voice begging for help reached my ears.

A woman's voice clinging to hope, pleading for her daughter.

I turned my back on all of them and kept running, relentlessly.

I have to live. For the sake of those who died.

That's all I held in my heart as I ran. No matter how far I went, I was surrounded by ■■. Tears had even dried up, and I wandered on.

When I came to my senses, the flames had vanished.

The cloudy sky reflected brightly on my flushed face. It was then that I finally realized I had collapsed.

Before my eyes was a white expanse. Seeing the sunlight shining through the gaps in the clouds, I realized that I was empty. There wasn't even a trace of sadness left in my heart.

Thinking about it, it was only natural. My young body was so wounded that the price to keep it alive was the disappearance of my heart.

Ah, that's why... Emiya Shirou must have died here once.

The only thing that appeared in my empty heart was that expression.

Seeing my battered self, she cried tears of joy, sincerely relieved that I was alive. That expression alone...

"...Oops, can't be thinking about that."

I blinked rapidly to shake off the past. That was already over. There's no point in pondering about the current me.

What's more important now is not being late for school. The door was locked, and I'm about to step outside.

As I stepped outside, a chilly cold seeped into my skin.

It's natural for it to be cold since it's winter, but even considering that, today feels colder than usual. I should have worn thicker clothes.

Shivering slightly, I walked along the familiar path to school. I started to see glimpses of students in their uniforms, so it seems I won't be late.

...Then, along the way, I saw something strange.

A girl wrapped in a bright red coat, with her black hair tied into twin tails.

--Tohsaka Rin.

Beautiful and academically excellent, she's the epitome of an exemplary student. Naturally, she's also very popular at school.

Although I'm speaking about her as if it's someone else's story, deep inside, I have a bit of admiration for her.

Usually, I never see her on this route... Well, I guess these things happen from time to time.

Experiencing this unusual encounter, I arrived at school as usual. I entered the classroom and waited for homeroom.

To be precise, homeroom should have already started. It's just that the teacher hasn't arrived on time yet. Everyone is used to it, and the expressions of my classmates indicate a "here we go again" feeling.

After a few minutes of spacing out, I heard heavy footsteps, which sounded vaguely familiar. Soon, the door swung open with gusto.

"Good morning, everyone!"

With a spirited entrance, our very own Fuji-nee... no, it was Fujimura Taiga-sensei. I'm not sure what happened, but she's our class homeroom teacher.

And just as usual, she made her way to the teacher's podium...


Crash! There was a loud noise, and she stumbled quite spectacularly.

It wasn't just a simple stumble; her head slammed right into the corner of the teacher's desk. Normally, that would be enough to kill someone, wouldn't it?

...But normal doesn't apply to Taiga. The vitality of a tiger surpasses that of a human. It's unlikely for something like this to faze her.

"Taiga, did you finally kick the bucket this time?"

"Sensei, are you okay?"

Even though the teacher had become immobile, our 2-C class showed no trace of tension. Just like this, another ordinary day began.


Before I knew it, it was already after school.

Since it's Saturday, classes only lasted half a day. As a member of the "go-home club," I could have left early, but I ended up staying behind until the evening due to equipment repairs and favors for friends.

Looking outside, the setting sun was already casting its glow on the cityscape.

Since I had already done the grocery shopping for dinner yesterday, all I had to do today was go back home. I didn't have any part-time job scheduled for today either.

Now, as I pondered about what to have for dinner while walking down the corridor, I was suddenly approached.

"Hey, Emiya. Are you free right now?"

When I turned to face the source of the voice, I saw a familiar face.

--Matou Shinji.

He's academically excellent and excels in sports as well. With his rare bluish hair and a handsome face that would easily make him popular, he would be a catch if he just stayed quiet. As his last name suggests, he's Sakura's older brother.

"Hmm, I'm free. I was actually just about to head home. Is everything okay with the archery club today, Shinji?"

"Huh... Do you have something to do with it, even though you're an outsider?"

Shinji retorted with a hint of implications. I used to be a member of the archery club... but due to an accident during a part-time job that resulted in a fracture, I couldn't participate in the tournaments anymore.

I ended up causing trouble for the club members, especially Shinji, who strongly scolded me to consider the inconvenience I caused others. As a result, I quit the archery club and joined the go-home club.

In fact, the reason Sakura is staying at my place now is also related to that, but regardless, mentioning the archery club wouldn't improve Shinji's mood.

"Well, you have a point. Sorry about that."

"...Oh, right. Can I ask you for a favor, Emiya?"

As he apologized, Shinji's face showed a difficult expression, but then he seemed to remember something and spoke up.

We've known each other for a long time, and there have been occasions when I helped him out with club activities and taking care of Sakura. It's fine, but I asked for more details.

"Just some trivial cleanup at the archery club. It's a stupid task. Unfortunately, I'm busy... Can you help me out, Emiya?"

"...Alright, I'll do it."

Since I didn't have any particular plans and I agreed after considering it for a moment. For some reason, Shinji seemed slightly displeased for a moment before returning to his smile. That guy really dislikes this kind of work...

Well, ever since I quit the archery club, I haven't been around the archery range much. I don't shoot arrows anymore, so it might be a good opportunity to visit after a long time.


"...Ah, it's already this late."

Looking up at the pitch-black sky, I realized that it was getting late and placed my hand on my chin.

The sky above was covered with white clouds, completely blocking the moonlight. Thanks to that, I couldn't tell what time it was.

I was supposed to finish with just a little bit of cleanup, but because it had been a while since I visited the archery range, I got carried away and enthusiastically cleaned the place.

As a result, the floor was spotless. If someone else were to come here next, they would be able to spend their time comfortably.

If my efforts can benefit others, then that's fine. It may sound selfless, but I'm just doing what I like.

"I should hurry home. Things have been a bit dangerous lately."

What comes to mind is the gas leak incident that was featured on the morning news. Recently, there have been many dangerous incidents. It's best to go home quickly, but...

"...Senpai, could you please come home early today?"

Come to think of it, Sakura told me that while I was engrossed in cleaning. She must have been worried since she saw my injury... and she said it out of concern. Unfortunately, I completely forgot about her kind words.

Damn, I thought to myself as I locked the door to the archery range. Maybe everyone went home early; I couldn't spot a single soul around. In this eerie silence, I turned on my heel and felt a cold breeze piercing my skin.

As the night grew darker, it seemed to get even colder. I consider myself reasonably resilient, but I slept in a storage shed last night, so there's no guarantee I won't catch a cold. I should hurry home and warm up. As I walked...

Kiiin. I heard a high-pitched sound.

At first, I didn't pay much attention, thinking it was something colliding with the wind.

However, the sound didn't stop after just once or twice. This sound, which chilled the air, seemed like the clashing of metal.

Tilting my head, I turned in the direction where the sound was coming from. It seems the sound is echoing from the schoolyard... It's strange, resembling something you would hear in a period drama. That sound when samurai clash their swords together.

But that sound only resonates through the television; I've never heard it in real life. It's absurd to think that in this day and age, people would engage in sword fights...



The air froze.

The center of the schoolyard. Just a few hours ago, it was the place where physical education classes were held, but now it had transformed into another dimension.

A thunderous explosion and the intense clash of two humanoid figures. One in blue and the other in gold. The two shadows clashed at an unimaginable speed.

It was... a fight to the death.

Even though I was watching from a distance, I could understand the abnormality of the situation. Despite being just a high school student with no particular expertise in martial arts and not particularly knowledgeable, even I could tell at a glance that those fighting in front of me were not human.

They were not human. There was no way those beings could be human.

Humans cannot unleash dozens of thrusts in a single second. Humans cannot create shockwaves with a single swing of a sword.

If that's the case... what are they?

A man clad in a strange blue armor.

His rough appearance twisted with joy, and his muscular body was constantly in fierce motion.

What he wielded in his hand left crimson trails.

Is that... a spear? With a speed that defies counting, he unleashes an incredible number of thrusts. Even though I have never touched a spear, I can understand that it surpasses the capabilities of a human.

Such spear strikes. Even a master of martial arts would not be able to anticipate them. A spear with speeds far beyond human capabilities would slice a person into pieces within seconds.

Then... the one clashing with him must also be beyond human.

With flowing golden sand-like hair.

Eyes of emerald green, brimming with a strong will, combined with a perfectly sculpted appearance, creating an otherworldly beauty.

A beautiful girl who could be considered a perfect doll, as if crafted by a top-class ceramic artist. Clad in a white-silver armor.

In her hand... she grips something transparent.

Is it a sword? It's hard to see, but with whatever she holds in her hand, the girl fights. She effortlessly deflects, repels, and even cuts through the onslaught of spears. With each swing, the air crackles with her determination. She is completely unfazed by the man's relentless attacks.

Both of them are too extraordinary. Such things are not techniques that humans can perform.

And then, it suddenly occurred to me... Once they notice me, there will be no turning back. If they intend to kill me, I won't even be able to resist, and I will die.

I have to run.

I have to run.

I have to run...

My heart pounds like a bell in my chest, filled with impatience. But despite the urgency, my feet refuse to move. It's as if everything below my waist has become a separate entity, beyond my control.

However, trapped in indescribable fear... for some reason, I couldn't tear my eyes away from that battle.

The spear technique of the man in blue was simply incredible.

Thrusting, sweeping, not just with the spear, sometimes with kicks and punches mixed in, attacking like a ferocious beast.

Not only his physical abilities, but his skill surpassed the realm of humans. His speed, which is impossible to perceive, is even hesitating to be called that of a master.

The swordsmanship of the golden girl is no less inferior to the man's.

Her colorless sword is swung freely, as if weightless, cutting down every single one of the man's spear strikes, and retaliating with her own blade. Like a heavily armored tank, she repels every attack and counterattacks with powerful sword strikes. The girl with her relentless slashings, even with her shorter reach, was not overwhelmed by the man's onslaught.

Before I knew it... I found myself gazing intently at that girl.

She is a beautiful girl. But what I was looking at was not her appearance. For some reason... as I watched her fighting style, my heart began to stir. Yes, this is just like...

In an instant, as if something important had come to mind, the endless exchange of blades abruptly ended. After delivering a powerful blow, the man created some distance.

Until then, the crimson spear, sometimes swung with one hand and sometimes with both, silently assumed its stance... The man tilted his spear.

In that instant, the air changed.

The crimson spear resounded with a roar, absorbing the surrounding magical energy.

Magic power offered like an offering from the air and the earth. The spear, the focal point of that convergence, holds unimaginable mysteries.

Extracting magic power beyond its limits, from everything around it. Witnessing such a scene, which gives off a kind of divinity, I understood.

...When that is unleashed, it will be over.

A crimson spear that appeared in a strange dream. Although the shape was slightly different, it was of the same kind. Once that spear erupts, the heart of its prey would surely be pierced.

Perhaps the knight girl might not be giving her all. She might possess even greater strength, speed, or intuition. But that doesn't matter. That one blow cannot be dodged. If the man delivers the next blow, the girl will undoubtedly die.

Tension stretched to its limits. Shaking with fear, my legs trembled. In the distance, a single withered leaf fell...

"────Who's there?!"

The sound echoed as if indicating my presence.


In despair beyond fear, my rigid body began to move.

The blue-eyed man looked in my direction. The moment he saw those crimson eyes, a pathetic voice escaped me.

I understood.

The man's target is me. In an instant, instead of that golden-haired girl... it would be me who would be killed.


My legs started running on their own.

Once I started moving, everything became easy. Without even sparing time to shift gears, the engine roared at full power from the start. I poured my everything into the act of running away.



Keep running.

Run, run, run.

I have no idea where I ran. It was the primal instinct that moved my trembling body, driven by the desire not to die, and I ran relentlessly.

"Haa... ha, ha, ha..."

Suddenly, I noticed that I was inside the familiar school building.

What a fool, regret floated in my mind. I had foolishly jumped into a dead end. If I had gone outside, I might have been able to seek help.

My body can no longer move. Running beyond my limits, my lungs were screaming in agony.

However, it seemed to have paid off. I could no longer hear the footsteps chasing after me. Ha... it seems I managed to escape...

"――Hey. You ran quite far, kid."

Despair resonated, turning into a voice that shook my eardrums.

The owner of the voice is the man.

Clad in blue armor, wielding a crimson spear. Without a doubt, it belonged to the monster that was engaging in an inhuman battle.

I couldn't breathe.

My thoughts ceased.

In the frozen time, I... realized that I would die.

"Whatever you were doing, you're an unlucky brat. Sorry, but... now that you've seen, you'll have to die."

I don't understand.

What is the man saying? I don't understand.

Die? Me? Why?

My panicked thoughts refused to form words. Looking down at me, frozen in place, the man casually swung his arm... and in that moment--


I felt a cold sensation in my chest.

"Guh... ka...!"

I couldn't even move. Blood gushed out of my mouth once.

My strength was leaving me.

I couldn't see.

I couldn't hear.

Everything in the world was crumbling.

Ah, I see... So this is "death."

Strangely, I felt no pain. In the fading thoughts, I only understood that my heart had been pierced.

I know.

This sensation of the world slipping away. In the midst of the flames, I have experienced this once before.

The man is saying something. But I can't hear anything anymore. The function to hear has already broken.

With the sensation of the cold floor as my last... my consciousness was severed there.


I dream of gold.

A sword.

In the center of a wilderness, a single sword is thrust into the ground, with nothing obstructing its path.

Adorned with intricate decorations, it is flawless even as a ceremonial weapon. No one would doubt that it belongs to some king or another.

It emanates an elegance that can be felt, and it captures my attention with its presence alone.

What a sword like this must have been wielded by an exceptional person... that's what I can't help but think. It's a beautiful sword that evokes such thoughts.

──However, that scene changes.

In a scorching dream.

A sword.

At the center of hell. In a world devoid of any life, a single sword shines.

It's a swing that could be called a drill rather than a sword, something that doesn't feel like a sword at all. I can't even tell what it's used for.

But still, it is a sword.

It roars loudly, and scorching lava flows. In response to that, a freezing cold air blows.

Truly, it is the primordial hell. The absolute world where no life activity, no, no existence is allowed. At its center is this crimson sword, creating hell itself.

Gradually, elements mix, solidify, and create a myriad of stars. The heavens and the earth are divided, the seas are formed, and the world itself is completed.

A new world where everything is reborn. Only that sword continues to shine brilliantly without change.



I wake up with a blink of an eye.

As I focus my groggy eyes, the cold floor comes into view. Why am I collapsed in a place like this...?

──In an instant. A pain so intense that it feels like I'm dying and nausea strike me.

"Gah...ha...geho, ge, ge, gii...!"

An insect-like groan.

Before I realize that it came from my own mouth, I find myself rolling on the floor.

"Ugh, ugee, gah, ga, ha..."

It hurts. What is this?

"Gah, gop...goh, goh, goh!"

I feel nauseous. Even though I don't know what I want to throw up, I feel nauseous.

"Ze...haa, ze...hyuuu, ga..."

Deep breaths. I need to breathe, to take a breath.

Desperately gasping for air, I open my mouth. My brain, my lungs, my entire body craves oxygen.

"Haah, haah, haah, haah..."

The gasping breaths somehow start to calm down. As I regain my composure, the pain in my body also subsides.

With a roll, I turn over.

A white ceiling. Cool air. A cold sensation on my chest and back. And this smell that stings my nose...

As my thought processes recover, memories come flooding back.

The blue man. The golden girl. The crimson spear. The transparent sword. Fear. Despair. A cold sensation. A disappearing world.

──I see. So, Emiya Shirou "died" again. Then, is this the afterlife?

"...No. I'm still alive...!"

In a reality that lacks substance, scenes resembling a whirlwind of lights. It can't possibly be that absurd story being real.

I get up, rubbing my cheek. It must have been a bad dream. I should hurry home and...


My right hand, touching something cold, hits the floor.

I look down. The moonlight, timely shining through, reflects--

──A blood-soaked corridor that I'm familiar with.

"No... it can't be──"

Cautiously, I shift my gaze downward. Unbelievably──my school uniform is drenched in fresh blood, dyed crimson.

Feeling like I might collapse just from that, I notice something strange. It's certainly covered in blood, but for some reason, I can't find the wound I was supposed to have been stabbed.

"Why am I still alive...?"

Ah, I heave a sigh of relief. Even though I don't feel any sense of reality, such a nonsensical event is real... But for some reason, I'm alive. I shouldn't be able to survive such a wound.

My head spins.

While my brain refuses to function, my hand moves on its own. I open the locker, take a cloth in my hand, and start wiping the floor.

Haha, what am I doing?

Thoughts that make no sense, like needing to clean, come to mind. I was that confused.

The rational part of me urges to sort out the situation, but I have no room for such composure.

My spinning brain, utterly unsettled, reaches a conclusion--

"...For now, let's go home."


──However, that scene changes.

In a scorching dream.

A sword.

At the center of hell. In a world devoid of any life, a single sword shines.

It's a swing that could be called a drill rather than a sword, something that doesn't feel like a sword at all. I can't even tell what it's used for.

But still, it is a sword.

It roars loudly, and scorching lava flows. In response to that, a freezing cold air blows.

Truly, it is the primordial hell. The absolute world where no life activity, no, no existence is allowed. At its center is this crimson sword, creating hell itself.

Gradually, elements mix, solidify, and create a myriad of stars. The heavens and the earth are divided, the seas are formed, and the world itself is completed.

A new world where everything is reborn. Only that sword continues to shine brilliantly without change.


I wake up with a blink of an eye.

As I focus my groggy eyes, the cold floor comes into view. Why am I collapsed in a place like this...?

──In an instant. A pain so intense that it feels like I'm dying and nausea strike me.

"Gah...ha...geho, ge, ge, gii...!"

An insect-like groan.

Before I realize that it came from my own mouth, I find myself rolling on the floor.

"Ugh, ugee, gah, ga, ha..."

It hurts. What is this?

"Gah, gop...goh, goh, goh!"

I feel nauseous. Even though I don't know what I want to throw up, I feel nauseous.

"Ze...haa, ze...hyuuu, ga..."

Deep breaths. I need to breathe, to take a breath.

Desperately gasping for air, I open my mouth. My brain, my lungs, my entire body craves oxygen.

"Haah, haah, haah, haah..."

The gasping breaths somehow start to calm down. As I regain my composure, the pain in my body also subsides.

With a roll, I turn over.

A white ceiling. Cool air. A cold sensation on my chest and back. And this smell that stings my nose...

As my thought processes recover, memories come flooding back.

The blue man. The golden girl. The crimson spear. The transparent sword. Fear. Despair. A cold sensation. A disappearing world.

──I see. So, Emiya Shirou "died" again. Then, is this the afterlife?

"...No. I'm still alive...!"

In a reality that lacks substance, scenes resembling a whirlwind of lights. It can't possibly be that absurd story being real.

I get up, rubbing my cheek. It must have been a bad dream. I should hurry home and...


My right hand, touching something cold, hits the floor.

I look down. The moonlight, timely shining through, reflects--

──A blood-soaked corridor that I'm familiar with.

"No... it can't be──"

Cautiously, I shift my gaze downward. Unbelievably──my school uniform is drenched in fresh blood, dyed crimson.

Feeling like I might collapse just from that, I notice something strange. It's certainly covered in blood, but for some reason, I can't find the wound I was supposed to have been stabbed.

"Why am I still alive...?"

Ah, I heave a sigh of relief. Even though I don't feel any sense of reality, such a nonsensical event is real... But for some reason, I'm alive. I shouldn't be able to survive such a wound.

My head spins.

While my brain refuses to function, my hand moves on its own. I open the locker, take a cloth in my hand, and start wiping the floor.

Haha, what am I doing?

Thoughts that make no sense, like needing to clean, come to mind. I was that confused.

The rational part of me urges to sort out the situation, but I have no room for such composure.

My spinning brain, utterly unsettled, reaches a conclusion--

"...For now, let's go home."

My head is still hazy, but my body moves. I don't remember where I passed through, but the movements ingrained in my body over the years seem to accurately guide me even in this situation.

I walk briskly along the road illuminated only by streetlights and moonlight.

On a day like this, there's not even a stray dog, let alone people. It feels as if I've stumbled into the afterlife, such an unsettling feeling.

Come to think of it, it's only natural. Judging by the height of the moon, it's already close to midnight.

A high school student walking around at this time would likely be apprehended if found. That would be troublesome, and a vague thought crosses my mind.

Indeed, no one is likely left at my house at this hour. Sakura and Fujimura-nee are not staying over at my house. They each have their own homes, so it would be surprising if they stayed until this late.

"I'm home!"

As expected.

Even when I reach my house, I don't see any lights. I pass through the unchanging gate, unlock the door, and proceed along the familiar path.

Upon arriving at the living room and turning on the lights, I finally feel relieved and let out a sigh.


It's the usual room.

The living room, which I should be familiar with after so many years, seems precious. But to think that today was such a crazy day.

What on earth did I encounter?

Why was I nearly killed?

And──why am I alive now?

"...I don't know."

I let out a small groan. I'm not particularly quick-witted, and I'm still confused. In times like these, I have to calm down first.


I slap my cheek lightly and stand up.

When I come home late, Sakura usually prepares dinner for me. Even if it's like this, I should eat while calmly thinking.

"...As Sakura said, I should have come back home early."

Still in a somewhat absent-minded state, I arrange the dinner that Sakura must have prepared. If I hadn't stayed late like a fool, I wouldn't have ended up in this incomprehensible situation, and I could have had a warm meal with Sakura and Fujimura-nee.

Eating dinner alone, finishing the cleanup, and even washing the dishes. To rest my tired body, I return to the living room and lie down.

──The scenes from a few hours ago flash through my mind.

"What the hell were they...?"

What I understand is that they aren't human.

Although they undoubtedly looked human, their insides were too different. Those beings belong not in the visible world but to the principles of magecraft.

The Dead Apostles that Tohsaka occasionally mentioned... commonly known as vampires, is that what they were? But it feels strange. Would vampires swing weapons like that at each other?

Moreover, this is the Far East island nation. Japan may be one of the world's leading economic powers, but the center of magecraft is the West. There are apparently organizations related to Shintoism, but I can't imagine they have such deep involvement in magecraft.

And why were those guys fighting each other? There must be a reason for them to fight... but with the current unclear state of who they are, it's impossible to think about it.

...Everything is incomprehensible, but there's one thing I'm sure of.

Recently, there have been frequent gas leak incidents.

A robbery incident that is out of place in peaceful Fuyuki City.

A mass unconsciousness incident that is rarely heard of nationwide.

And suspicious foreigners.

All of these are related to those guys. That much I intuitively understood.

But as an amateur magus, I lack wealth, intelligence, and above all, I'm just a student who got involved in this incident. I can't understand anything beyond that.

"...I should go to sleep."

Yeah, that's what I should do when I'm in trouble. If I sleep overnight, my mind will surely clear up. But before that, I need to take a bath, so I lifted my body in an instant--

...Clang. The sound of a bell resonated.

Zo, a sensation as if something cold stroked my spine.

As an inept magus who can't even create a workshop, there is only one magical defense in this house.

That is this bounded field. It warns when someone with ill intentions appears within the premises of the house. That's all it does.

But for it to activate at this timing... it's too coincidental to be just by chance. Most likely, it's one of those inhuman beings.

This is bad. The reason they followed me all the way to my house... without a doubt, it can only be to silence me.

I don't know why, but they found me alive like this. It's almost certain that they will meticulously try to kill me next. Only a complete fool would think they can survive even if it happens.

"Damn it. First, I need to do something about a weapon..."

I have to find a way to fight.

While soothing my pounding heart, I look around restlessly. A kitchen knife? No good. I don't have time to go to the kitchen and get it. I need something closer, something...

"There it is."

I found it. The poster Fujimura-nee left behind.

It's undoubtedly one of Fujimura-nee's whims, but at this moment, I'm grateful for the stroke of luck.

I grip the poster tightly with both hands and close my eyes. Concentrate. There's only one thing I can do right now...!

"Synchronization, Trace Initiation, On--"

I focus.

The task at hand is simple. Just infuse magical energy into the poster as a weapon.

This is the only thing I can do. Therefore, the only thing I should do. The only magecraft that Emiya Shirou can use──reinforcement of objects.

"Composition Material, Analysis."

Understand its structure. Read the composition of the poster, infuse magical energy into the empty spaces, and temporarily increase its strength.

Even something as simple as this is difficult for me now.

But if I can't even do this satisfactorily, what have I been doing all this time──!

"Composition Material, Reinforcement."

...I feel a response.

Magical energy spreads throughout every corner of the poster. With a strange conviction, I complete the process--

"All processes, Trace Complete, Off--!"

I did it. I can feel that magical energy has flowed perfectly through the poster. It's slightly improved now.

Enhancement magecraft, something that rarely succeeds. It's just a simple magecraft to increase its strength, but when was the last time I succeeded?

Good. Although it's just a crumpled poster, it should have the power of an iron pipe now.

But the reassurance it brings──


──Was painted over with a blue despair.

Not from the window, nor the entrance, but he appeared by breaking through the ceiling.

Clad in blue armor, holding a crimson spear, it was undoubtedly the person who attacked me. Looking down on me with cracking shoulders, there was no sense of tension in his appearance.

That's only natural. Hunter and hunted, the strong and the weak. The positions haven't changed at all.

"...What the hell, what kind of trick is this? I thought I killed you... Baldy, why are you still alive?"

Playing with his crimson spear, the man narrows his eyes and asks me.

I can't answer that question. No, I don't even have the composure to open my mouth in the first place.

Looking down at me with half-closed eyes, he mutters, "Well, whatever." Then, raising his arm in boredom--

"Well then. Don't hesitate this time, Baldy."

He casually thrusts his spear. However──the blow that should have pierced my heart was deflected by me, who was expecting it.

I barely managed to withstand the expected attack. For him, it was just a light jab, but for me who defended, it was already my limit.

With a playful smile, he says, "Oh, interesting style, huh?"

His eyes narrow slightly.

...I'm going to be killed.

I'm going to be killed by this man.

The phantom image of my heart being pierced vividly appears in my mind. That's how terrifying this man's killing intent was.

No mistake. With that blow just now... this man got serious.

"Good job, Baldy. Entertain me a bit, will you?"

Wearing a ferocious smile, he approaches me step by step.

──This is bad.

This guy is a genuine monster. The next blow will come with all his might. There's no way I can defend against something like that.

I messed up. I should have run away from the beginning. It's absurd to try to confront this opponent with just a poster...!

I give myself a shake while my trembling legs. This won't even be a fight. If that's the case──


──I have no choice but to run!

I throw myself sideways and crash through the window, tumbling down.

In the middle of falling, I swing the poster aimlessly. With a satisfying sensation, I hit something long and slender.

Fortunately, it seems that I barely managed to fend off his pursuit──without wasting a precious moment, I take a defensive position and roll on the ground.


The impact of the clumsy fall was more painful than I imagined. But compared to being pierced by that spear, it's much better.

Instead of thinking, I stand up before anything else. I have to escape from that monster.

First, an obstacle. I need something to block that spear.

And a weapon. In the confusion of deflecting the spear, the poster flew somewhere.

Damn it, damn it, damn it! How did things end up like this...!

"What the hell is going on...!"

Swearing, I run. What flashed through my mind was the storehouse.

There should be some kind of weapon there. If I can reinforce it, I should be able to withstand the spear's attack──

Chills run down my spine.

A killing intent as if it were the Grim Reaper pierces my back.

The crimson eyes shoot through me, who unwittingly turned around.

Are you kidding me? Why are you behind me...!


A clang, a sound rang out.


Intense pain. The pain was not something trivial. It felt as if my stomach had been blown away, and my thoughts turned completely blank.

My back collided with something hard. Finally, I realized that I had been kicked.

Damn it, that guy, treating me like a soccer ball...!

Fear. Anger. Agony. My head was boiling with intense emotions. My thoughts were a jumbled mess, devoid of any trace of composure.

But... what terrible luck. The object I collided with was the entrance of the storehouse. If I can just get inside, there should be some kind of weapon──!

"Stand up like a man--!"

Ignoring the man's curse behind me, I exerted my last bit of strength and rolled into the storehouse. I felt like praising myself for leaving the door wide open.

A weapon.

A weapon, a weapon, a weapon, I need to find something that can protect me...!

"There it is!"

A metal pipe with a thickness that fits perfectly in my hand. I don't know why something like this is here, but it should do the trick.

There's no time left. Even if I have to force it, I'll turn this into a weapon. If I make a single mistake, I'll be killed. I can't afford to think about what comes after.

This is the second time today that my life is in danger.

Think. What have I been doing all this time? What have I been building up day after day for so many years? If I can't be useful in a situation like this, then what was the point of all that training?

Analyze the structural material. Reinforce it. Discard the intricate process. It's magic, let the magic flow, and infuse my magic into every nook and cranny...!

"Synchronization, Trace Initiation, On--!"

I did it...!

With a sense of accomplishment, I wielded the weapon.

I can make it work with this. The reinforced metal pipe possesses a hardness beyond ordinary iron. With this, I can even clash with that spear──

"Well, you tried your best, kid."


With a light sound. My only weapon was easily broken.

"Well──I thought you would be a bit more entertaining, but it seems you're out of tricks. Just die quietly, brat."

He directed a disdainful gaze at me. I froze in despair.

The metal pipe I reinforced was by no means weak. Yet, this man shattered it as if there was no resistance at all, just by swinging the tip of his spear.

──It's futile.

There's no way someone like me can do anything against this monster.


I take a step back, my legs trembling.

A cold sensation touches my back. I couldn't accept the reality that it was a wall.

More than despair, my mind turned blank. All that remained in my empty heart was... an intense anger that refused to accept this injustice.

This is ridiculous.

Why do I have to go through something like this?

There's no reason for me to be targeted for my life.

And yet... why am I about to be killed by the same man twice?

It's wrong. It's a mistake. This kind of outcome is wrong.


With trembling legs, I retreat.

In that instant, a cold voice spoke behind me.

"How ugly. Have you encountered a demon from the underworld or are you a sinner awaiting judgment? Is this the result of indulging in a tasteless dream? Well, tell me, does that withered soul of yours still possess the courage to hear my command?"

It appeared, like a hero of heroes.


Surprised, the man retreated. His astonishment could have been directed at the blinding light or at the figure that appeared.

"──Is this for real? The seventh Servant...!?"

My thoughts came to a halt.

The sudden appearance was undoubtedly a human form.

But at the same time──it was something that couldn't possibly be human.

At a glance, it was clear. That was not something called a human. This aura, this radiance, this pressure, it was beyond what a human could possess.

In the face of this sudden anomaly, the man distanced himself.

In that instant, the figure that appeared moved.

A momentary glimpse of golden ripples. The next moment, something golden was clenched in their hand.

The golden shadow stepped forward without hesitation. In sync with their movement, the "something" was swung towards the man.


The man clicked his tongue.

At a speed too fast to follow, the "something" that was about to pierce him was swept away by the figure. The sound of their clash echoed two, three times. Without letting the retreating man escape, the golden figure closed in. I was captivated by their exchange, but my eyes were fixed on the "something" held by the figure.

The golden sword.

No, it would be more accurate to call it a katana. It was wider than a Japanese sword, but its shape emphasized cutting.

It was different from the golden sword I had dreamed of. That one was probably a proud sword created for some sublime purpose.

In contrast, this sword was focused on practicality. Although the handle part was different from a regular sword, this sword was created to defeat enemies and achieve its purpose.

The conceptual design was decisively different──.

Lost in these strange thoughts, the figure that appeared continued to corner the man.

Clearly bewildered by this unexpected battle, the man struggled.

From what I could see, the figure that appeared wielded a sword. However, despite its strength, there was no sense of high skill.

Of course, it was far beyond my abilities. However, compared to the girl who wielded an invisible sword on the school grounds, the level of threat was on a completely different scale.

Nevertheless──that figure was pushing back the blue man.

"Damn it────!"

Realizing his disadvantage, the man swiftly flashed his spear and leaped outside the storehouse.

Does this mean... I'm safe?

I felt weak and drained. Leaning against the wall, I ended up sitting down in a pathetic state.

──It was like a silent night with bones creaking.

Somehow, the moon had appeared without my noticing. The silvery light that penetrated through the clouds illuminated the figure of the man.

With the moonlight at his back, he appeared golden.

Radiant golden hair that would put even the sun to shame.

Deep crimson eyes that seemed to see through everything.

The man, clad in golden armor, looked down at me with a cold smile.

"Let me ask you. Are you the audacious Master who dares to cling to my radiance, a Magus?"

The golden hero spoke, mocking me.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts