
Fate Stay Night: Sword Magus

Raised by Kiritsugu into the second Magus Killer, the name of the Sword Magus became infamous among Sealing Designates. After finishing a job and finally returning back to his hometown of Fuyuki City, he gets involved in the Holy Grail War to finish what his father started and destroy the Grail.

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The Sword Magus

Shirou chased after the target without worry, watching as the desperate magus ran for his life.

The fool, what was he even thinking trying to research time manipulation? Everyone knew that those who made breakthroughs on the field were hit with a Sealing Designate. Even, his grandfather, Norikata Emiya, was captured for his research into time manipulation.

Though credit were credits due, the magus was at least serving to be a challenge, though it was clear he was panicking from the fact that his time-based mage craft was having little effect on Shirou.

Then again, it's not like the magus would know about the Emiya magic crest, passed down to Shirou from his father, which was also based around time-based mage craft.

'Ok, it's time to end this.'

In a flash of blue, two bayoneted handguns appeared in his hands, which he then aimed at the fleeing magus.

Making these guns were a pain for Shirou, as his Origin and Element were both Sword, and literally rejected modern weaponry. That means that he couldn't replicate them with Unlimited Bladework's and had to learn how to make them through normal Projection.

Although it took years of practice to create, it was deemed as necessary training by Kiritsugu to cover up the true nature of his Origin.

Unlimited Bladework's.

A reality marble and a manifestation of Shirou's soul, it was a forbidden mage craft that few humans have achieved in history.

If it was discovered by the Magus Society, he would have been Sealed in the blink of an eye, so Kiritsugu deemed it necessary that he knew how to produce other items to serve as cover.

For instance, his father's weapons of choice.

The bullets left the two handguns, lodging themselves in the left leg and right arm of the target, who fell over in pain and confusion on why his defenses didn't work.

This thought process was then cut off by his own screams of pain, as his arm and leg started breaking apart, as countless blades emerged from his limbs.

He tried to reinforce himself to keep on going but realized with shock that he couldn't activate his magic circuits, which shut itself down as the nerves of his arm and leg were forcefully integrated into his circuits.

"Give up, you can't activate your circuits in time to survive this."

Before the man could react, the blades of Shirou's handguns cut through his throat, the man choking on his own last breaths as the blood filled his lungs.

"Mission Complete."

After checking that the target was dead, Shirou waited for a bit just to make sure the man wouldn't reverse time to come back to life using a failsafe, though Shirou doubted it.

Those bullets that Shirou used on him were no joke. Similarly, to Kiritsugu's, those bullets were created from parts of his own body, turning it into a Conceptual Weapon.

Kiritsugu's bullets were formed from his ribs, and contained the concept of his Origin, Severing and Binding. Once you were hit, it would sever your magic circuit's and then bind them together in a completely wrong fashion, making your mana system completely obsolete.

Shirou's were even more deadly. Made from his own flesh, it contained the Origin of Sword, and also contained the healing powers of Avalon.

The bullets tore through defenses thanks to the Origin of Sword, and once it hit, Avalon's power would try to heal the wound, overloading it with its power and making the wound into an entry for countless swords. Not to mention that it tried to make the wound into a sword, forcefully connecting the nerves to the magical circuits, putting the circuits into shock.

So, after a while, Shirou left, fully confident that the target was dead.

Thankfully, it seemed that he finished the job early, and didn't have to miss his flight.

Back to his hometown of Fuyuki City.