
Fate/Stay At Home

A cliche Chat Group Fanfic with Amakusa Shirou inheritance. I don’t own the characters and they belong to their creators. English isn’t my main language.

Heartless1190 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Have you heard the good word of our Father, the Creator Lord God?

(3rd POV)

It's been a few days since Shirou's first match and much to the surprise of the students and teachers, Shirou won quickly without any effort.

The opponent wasn't someone remarkable, he wasn't a protagonist of a story, nor a multi-talented warrior, he was just an average person living an average life that would make a certain psychic jealous. Truly a pity.

After the match, Kuroneko and others congratulated him on his first victory, but then the reporter girl appeared again and barraged him with questions, with the patience of Buddha Shirou answered some of them and left others unanswered.

However, the reporter girl wasn't the only one who settled her eyes on Shirou. The student council also had their eyes set on Shirou's group since every one of them was outstanding in their own way.

The next day, it was Ikki's match with Kirihara. In the first half, Ikki still faced the mental block that hindered the efficient use and application of his skills, but unlike the original timeline, he wasn't trashed around by Kirihara, but still, he was losing.

That was until Stella couldn't hold it anymore and her emotional burst surprised everyone. Shirou had already expected it but witnessing it in real life was completely different. Shirou's respect for her increased and he did admit that Stella has 'balls of dragon'.

Needless to say, after Stella's outburst, Ikki was motivated and finally got over his mental limiter and outclassed Kirihara, even as far as integrating Total Concentration Breathing into his combat style.

On the next day, Ikki and Stella revealed that they started dating and everyone congratulated them, even Shizuka did, although reluctantly.

Later, on the same day, some students were showing signs of jealousy, mostly because Ikki is an F-rank Blazer but is always surrounded by beautiful girls, but they didn't dare to make a move against him, because they knew he was stronger than them.

Ikki effortlessly disarmed those few who went against him, they became his disciples.

As for now, Ikki brought his disciples to the swimming pool for training. Kuroneko, Stella, Shizuka and Alice tagged along, but Shirou refused the offer.

"Sorry, I have something to do, so you should go." That's what Shirou said and the group was disappointed, but they nodded without trying to pry any further.

At present, Shirou strolled around the city, because he received a revelation this morning, an image of a white-haired woman in Tokyo flashed inside of his mind when he woke up. And he had a feeling that the woman might be the next member of the Chat Group, at least that is what his guts were telling him.

After passing many different buildings, Shirou arrived at a church and looked at it surprised, because he never thought that religion existed in a world like this.

"Maybe people once thought that the Devices were a gift of God? Like Sacred Gears?" Shirou muttered to himself.

"That is most likely to be true," Albion said through their connection, "Since ancient times, humans tend to believe in higher beings like Gods to explain what they can't comprehend certain singularities and thus created faith and religions in general."

Shirou nodded in agreement at Albion's explanation, but then, his nose picked a sweet scent and out of curiosity he went towards the source.

Shirou arrived in the backyard of the church and widened his eyes as he encountered a certain someone there.

"Onee-chan, did you bake those sweets?"

"They are really good, Onee-chan!"

"You are amazing, Onee-chan!"

The orphans kept praising the woman who was giving them sweets. That said, woman was giving them sweets and sometimes ruffled their hair. She had pure white hair like snow and crystal blue eyes and her smile could captivate so many people, regardless of their gender.

'Edelweiss…a true beauty that cannot be described in mere words, but this can be applied to other members too,' Shirou thought as he jumped over the fence and landed on the yard, 'If it is what Lord wants, then I will do it according to his will.'.

This alerted the children and they hid behind Edelweiss while poking their heads from her sides and looking warily at Shirou, Edelweiss slowly got up and calmed them, before turning her head to Shirou and looked directly at his eyes.

'I feel like I am a villain,' Shirou thought with a sweatdrop.

"I assure you I am not a bulgar or a kidnapper or anything like that!" Shirou said loudly and raised his hands.



Absolute silence…Until Edelweiss chuckled and the children burst into a laugh.

Shirou smiled wryly and walked towards them. He sat next to Edelweiss and raised his hand, then a portal appeared and bags of cookies fell on Shirou's hand.

The children were certainly fascinated by the display of power while Edelweiss raised an eyebrow, but since her instincts didn't tell her anything besides the fact that he was someone dangerous, but she felt no malice from Shirou, she let him do whatever he was doing, but she was prepared to strike him at the moment Shirou start acting suspiciously.

Then Shirou distributed the cookies bags to the children and sat next to Edelweiss.

"So, what is your reason for coming here? I doubt you are only here to meet the children," Edelweiss asked as she looked at Shirou.

"Straight to the point huh…" Shirou muttered before clearing his throat, "Have you heard the good word of our Father, the Creator Lord God?"

"Uh…what?" Edelweiss asked in confusion, the countless scenarios she simulated in her mind stopped altogether until the system rebooted, "Could you say it again?"

Shirou chuckled at her expression while the children decided to not interfere with the "adult talk" and went to play among themselves.

"I said, are you interested in joining something like a group?" Shirou asked.

Edelweiss looked at Shirou for a second and released a soft sigh and shook her head, "Sorry, but I have to decline your offer," The worst criminal declined in a soft tone, "I still owe a debt to a certain person, besides, I have no interest in joining any organization."

Shirou wasn't surprised by her rejection, as he expected her to do it, but nevertheless, he wasn't going to give up.

"Well, could you at least hear it?" Shirou asked. Edelweiss pondered for a second before nodding.

Without wasting time, Shirou explained to her.

"Have you heard of the multiverse?" Shirou asked as he grabbed a stick from the ground.

"You mean the one that the scientists tried to prove a few years ago?" Edelweiss asked as she tried to remember it, "I remember there was a famous western superhero movie that talked about the multiverse, but I don't quite record its name…'

'Is she talking about Avengers or DC? Well, it doesn't matter,' Shirou thought.

"Yeah, something like that, I think," Shirou said.

"So? What does it have anything to do with me?" Edelweiss asked.

"As lame as it sounds, I am from a group of people that have origins across the multiverse, and we were transported to this world with several missions, and one of them is to invite a new member to our group," Shirou explained.

"And now that I met you here, I want to–wait, why are you looking at me like that?" Shirou stopped midway when he saw the expression Edelweiss was making, her face was telling "Are you a delusional?", "Do you have a screw loose?" or "Are you a chuunibyou?" or something like that.

"I am telling you the truth!" Shirou said hurriedly, but it only made her expression harden. Seeing this wasn't leading anywhere, Shirou decided to take the direct approach.

Then Shirou raised his arm and touched Edelweiss' forehead, then Shirou's finger tip shone and he shoved the knowledge about the Chat Group and the basics of the multiverse directly to her mind.

Edelweiss widened her eyes before holding her head tightly as she slowly digested the information. The children immediately came over to her when they noticed she was acting strange and looked warily at Shirou, but Edelweiss stopped them before they could do anything.

"I am fine…Don't worry…" Edelweiss said while stuttering between her breaths and reassured them,, although they still were worried about her wellbeing,

"I apologise, I should have warned you beforehand," Shirou apologised while feeling slightly guilty, " You will feel uncomfortable and have a slight headache as it is your first time receiving the information directly into your mind, but the side-effects will wither away after a few repetitions"

Edelweiss nodded and felt her headache fading.

"What…was that?"

"It is what people call 'magic', even though it isn't correct to call it that though" Shirou said and then asked, "I transferred to you the basics of what you need to know, so will you reconsider my offer?"

Edelweiss didn't immediately reply and instead started organizing her thoughts, pondering about its pros and cons.

Shirou didn't try to rush her and waited patiently for her answer. Then suddenly, Edelweiss got up from her seat and turned to Shirou with a serious expression.

"I have decided," Edelweiss said.

Then she raised her hand to her hip level and a pure white wing-like sword appeared on her hand and pointed it at Shirou.

"If you win against me in a duel, I will join this Chat Group, but if I win, you will do whatever I say," Edelweiss said while looking directly into Shirou's eyes, "WIll you accept this contract?"


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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