
Fate/Stay At Home

A cliche Chat Group Fanfic with Amakusa Shirou inheritance. I don’t own the characters and they belong to their creators. English isn’t my main language.

Heartless1190 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Damn, I started playing GI and didn't get ZhongLi


Just saying here that I discovered that I suck at writing fighting scenes, so don't get your hopes high and please give some advice. (They contain some edgy and cringe content.)


(3rd POV)

Shirou looked directly into Edelweiss' eyes, unfazed by the flow of incidents.

"Sure, I can accept that," Shirou said, which surprised Edelweiss, but he didn't just finish there, "But only if you accept owing me a favor that you can't refuse no matter what, after you join the Chat Group."

Edelweiss pondered about it for a bit before nodding her head in agreement and unsummoned her device.

Immediately, Shirou felt something getting 'hooked' in his soul. As if noticing his reaction, Edelweiss explained her Noble Art.

"This is my ability as a Blazer, Rule of Grace. While it doesn't have any combat prowess, it allows me to form contracts with other people, and whoever breaks the contract will have their heart torn apart." Edelweiss explained, "Now then, shall we begin?"

Shirou got up and signaled for her to wait, "Wait, I think we should set up a field first. I don't want to fight here."

Shirou said as he looked at the children, who were now looking at them worriedly. Edelweiss and Shirou bid them farewell, while Edelweiss promised to return with more sweets in the future.

Shortly after, they went to a deserted place where no people would be able to interrupt.

Shirou snapped his fingers as an invisible curtain passed through them. Edelweiss, who felt something passing through her and also felt the shift of the environment, immediately asked Shirou.

"What was that?" Edelweiss asked.

She wasn't worried about Shirou attacking her, as from the little time she had spent with this weird priest, he didn't seem like someone who would use such dirty ways. And besides, if Shirou were to break the conditions of the contract, his heart would be instantly torn apart and he would die. After all, people die when they are killed.

(A/N; Only if she knew…)

"I transported us into a mirror world," Shirou answered in an even and calm tone, "No one will be able to interrupt us and no matter what we do here, it won't affect the real world, so we can have our duel without worrying about anything."

Shirou then took out a coin from his pocket, "The duel shall begin when the coin hits the floor," Shirou said as he tossed the coin to Edelweiss.

Edelweiss caught the coin and inspected it briefly before tossing it back to Shirou, "Fine by me."

Shirou smiled and caught the coin with his free hand, he then threw the coin into the air as it flew a few meters high.

Edelweiss summoned Testament, a pair of pure white wing-like swords that Shirou saw before, one in each hand, while Shirou summoned Miike Tenta Mitsuyo in his hand. They stared into each other's eyes, ready to strike at any moment.

A few seconds later, the coin fell to the ground, though to them, it felt much longer than that.


Edelweiss lowered her center of gravity and was about to dash towards Shirou, but the priest suddenly disappeared from his spot, leaving a blur behind as he reappeared in front of Edelweiss, with his katana approaching her throat.

She didn't waste anymore time and corrected her posture before lowering her head, avoiding being beheaded. She then slashed vertically, passing through Shirou's flesh like it was butter, ending the fight right then and there… Or so she thought.

As her sword passed through Shirou's body, he suddenly vanished, as if it was erased from existence.

'Sun Breathing: Fake Rainbow'

She looked around trying to find him, but he was still nowhere to be seen. Until her instincts were flaring, warning her from danger, to which she immediately turned around and widened her eyes.

'Since when did he arrive behind me?' Edelweiss thought as she felt the danger from Sihrou and immediately retreated.

Shirou appeared behind Edelweiss with his katana raised above his head and immediately brought it down.

'Mana Burst'

Shirou unleashed a burst of magical energy that took the form of a slash that headed in Edelweiss' direction, destroying everything in its path.

A cloud of dust rose from the ground as it blinded everyone's sight, but Shirou didn't drop his guard, as he knew that it wasn't over yet. And he was right, he felt an incoming attack and Shirou immediately jumped away from his spot as the ground beneath him was destroyed into pieces.

The sight cleared slowly as a silhouette of a woman walked out of the cloud of dust. It revealed Edelweiss, with an arm bleeding but not wounded too heavily.

'Holy father, did she just command the fate to evade my attack?' Shirou thought as he truly felt how unfair of a cheat character the Desperados were, 'I want that!'

This time, however, Edelweiss dashed in towards Shirou's direction with her arms forming a 'X' and the swords were slightly above her shoulders.

Shirou didn't make it easy for her as he swung down his sword several times in her direction and in each slash, reality itself broke into pieces.

Edelweiss. who felt the danger quickly approaching her with her instincts that she has honed in her years of battle, dodged the slashes without wasting any movement, making it seem as if she was dancing in the middle of the battle.

Seeing her gradually approaching him, Shirou stopped sending spatial slashes and dashed at her. They ran towards each other until the both of them were in each other's range and they immediately started the confrontation.

*Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!*

The sound of metal colliding echoed furiously throughout the mirror world.

Testament and Miike Tenta Mitsuyo went against each other as the clash made the ground tremble constantly.

Each time their blades met, Edelweiss would send vibrations through her swords and send them to Shirou's body, causing minor injuries on his body, but Shirou wasn't even fazed by those wounds as they would disappear almost instantly with a healing spell.

But Edelweiss, on the other hand, wasn't looking as good.

Besides the many injuries that Shirou has inflicted on her, her arms were getting numb each time she defended against his attacks, as they were heavy due to Shirou's dragon constitution, not to mention that, all her attacks were either blocked or redirected, failing to land directly on Shirou.

Then Shirou released a small burst of mana that pushed Edelweiss a few meters back.

'They are almost back,' Shirou thought, remembering Kuroneko and others, 'I didn't really need this to win this, but I will have to finish this soon.'

"Are you going to use that?" Albion asked excitedly.

"Yeah…" Shirou muttered as he looked directly at Edelweiss' eyes, "Time to end this."

Shirou activated [Dragon-kind Modification EX] as his Dragon Heart started pumping speedily as more and more mana flowed through all of his cells, embracing them with power.

Shirou's black hair slowly turned white as his pupils turned reptilian-like. A pair of yellow horns sprouted from above his forehead, they were neither too big nor too small.

His pale skin transformed into white scales as they acted like natural armor that greatly increased his defense and endurance. His nails became claw-like as they grew longer and sharp enough to cut through steel like butter.

And on his back, a pair of white draconic wings grew out of his shirt, destroying it in the process.

While at the same time, the katana in his hand started transforming as well. The blade turned snow white as its overall size increased, resembling a katana made of a dragon fang.

Edelweiss tightened her grip as she looked at his transformation with sweat running down from her forehead, 'Is this his Noble Art? But I am sure he isn't a desperado, at least not yet. Or maybe it is an ability from another world?' She thought, but nevertheless, whatever it was, she was sure that Shirou was way stronger than before.

Shirou took a deep breath before entering into a stance. He bent his knees slightly as he raised his katana above his shoulder without taking his eyes from Edelweiss.

"Here I come, World's Strongest Swordsmaster."


By this command seal, I order you, share your thoughts!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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