

A man finds himself in a void after a tragic death and gains the powers of both the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, and the King of Magic, Solomon. What will he do with this power? Read to find out.

Inoyami · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

(This chapter was 2329 words)

Solomon and Evelyn stood outside, facing each other. Solomon stared at Evelyn, his eyes locked onto hers. "What are you waiting for?" he asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "Can't you do it?" she asked, her tone equally flat.

Solomon shook his head. "Of course not. How would I do that?" he responded, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Evelyn's expression remained unchanged. "Wait, so you're telling me that you have the power to create me in this state, with the power of multiple gods and overpowered characters, and even give me the ability to traverse the multiverse and maybe even the omniverse, but you can't do this one thing?" she asked, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Solomon rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "Well, when you put it that way..." he said, trailing off.

Evelyn sighed, a black portal opening up next to them. "Here," she said, gesturing towards the portal with a smirk.

Solomon stepped into the portal without hesitation, trusting Evelyn completely. Upon entering the portal, they found themselves floating in the sky above a different New York City. Solomon was initially surprised, but he quickly regained his composure, looking down at the city below.

Evelyn floated next to him, her eyes scanning the horizon. "So, what are we going to do?" she asked, her voice curious.

Solomon merely smiled, his eyes still fixed on the city. "For now, we wait," he said, his tone cryptic.

"Wait for what?" Evelyn asked, her brow furrowing.

Just as she finished speaking, a man flew up to them from below. "What are you here for?" he asked, his eyes narrowed. He had already informed the Avengers of the anomaly, but he couldn't see past this point in the future. Every time he tried, he only saw two people floating above New York, their faces impassive.

The man was clearly the leader of the two, and he stood in front, waiting for a response.

"We are here only for peace," Solomon stated, his voice calm. "Stephen, we are only here to recruit some people," he added, his eyes meeting those of Doctor Strange.

Evelyn's eyes narrowed, and she felt a surge of anger. For some reason, the man's questioning and tone angered her.

"For what? What are you recruiting people for?" Doctor Strange asked, his voice suspicious.

"For Jerusalem, it is a haven for all. We will protect all of humanity, all of the multiverse. I will oversee their growth, everyone's growth. It is for the betterment of everyone," Solomon said, his voice filled with conviction.

He knew he sounded crazy to Stephen, but he had no interest in the Sorcerer Supreme. Just as he finished speaking, a man in metal armor flew up to them.

"You sound pretty crazy, you know that?" Iron Man said, his voice laced with skepticism and amusement.

As they were in the midst of their conversation, a man clad in armor and cape floated towards them. "It seems even the God of thunder is here," Solomon stated impassively, his eyes never leaving Doctor Strange's.

The Sorcerer Supreme stared back at him, his eyes narrowed. "I suppose we should introduce ourselves. I am Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme of this realm. And you are?"

"I am Solomon, the King of Jerusalem, and my friend here," Solomon said, gesturing towards Evelyn, "is the Goddess birthed from the Void, Evelyn."

His red eyes seemed to look down upon them, as if they weren't worth his attention. Solomon himself didn't realize it, but he had already deemed them unworthy of his full attention. That look Solomon gave the three of them caused them to frown, and they could feel the tension in the air rising.

Before anyone could say anything, Evelyn spoke up. "We should just get what we came for," she said, her irritation clear in her voice. She didn't know why, but the lack of respect for her and Solomon was irritating her immensely.

Solomon paused for a moment, considering her words. "You're right. I suppose this conversation doesn't matter much anyway. And we're on a time limit," he said, turning his head to a different direction.

But before he could move, a blast of energy shot towards him. "No can do. I can't let you do that, especially after that look you gave us," Iron Man said, his eyes locked onto Solomon's every movement.

"How annoyingly disappointing," Solomon said, turning back to face them. The tension in the air was palpable, and they were all extremely wary of each other.

Solomon glanced towards Evelyn, and in that instant, a massive amount of raw magical power slammed into all of them. It was so great that it caused Iron Man's armor to malfunction, and he could be heard saying "That's not good" as he fell towards the ground.

As Thor was about to go and grab him, he saw Evelyn's hand pointed towards him, her fingers stretched out. A red beam of pure and condensed power shot forward, causing him to be sent flying.

Just as she was about to do something about Doctor Strange, Solomon raised his hand. "Go, defeat Thor. He will be the most annoying and persistent," he said, and Evelyn nodded in agreement.

"Very well," she said, and in a red beam, she disappeared, leaving Solomon and Doctor Strange alone.

"Stephen...this all could have been avoided," Solomon said, sighing deeply as he looked down at the Sorcerer Supreme.

Evelyn, who had pursued Thor with a fierce determination, now found herself facing the God of Thunder as he hovered in the air, lightning crackling and arcing around his form. Thor regarded her with a wary eye, unsure of what to make of this being who had been introduced as a Void Goddess. If she was indeed on the level of the primordials, then he knew that he would be hard-pressed to defeat her.

"Why would you help a mortal in such an endeavor?" Thor asked, his voice booming with authority.

Evelyn tilted her head to the side, regarding him with a blank expression. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice soft and delicate, yet devoid of any emotion.

Thor's eyebrow furrowed as he clarified his question. "Why would you attempt to create a Kingdom that spans across the realms? Surely you must know that the Skyfathers would not approve of such a thing."

Evelyn's expression remained unchanged, but her voice softened slightly as she replied, "It is my King's wish."

Thor's eye narrowed as he considered her words. He knew that he could not allow them to continue with their plans, no matter what the reason may be. With a burst of speed, he blasted towards Evelyn, his hammer Mjolnir held high above his head. The lightning that crackled around his form seemed to intensify as he brought the hammer down upon her.

However, Evelyn remained unamused and uninterested in his attack. Her hand shot out, catching the hammer with ease, and a shockwave of energy radiated outwards from the point of impact. Thor's lightning was completely ineffective against her, and he found himself being sent flying backwards as her hand slammed into his stomach.

Before he could even recover, another red beam of energy appeared in front of his face, forcing him to react quickly. He swung his hammer with all his might, the lightning that coursed through it helping to keep him from being sent flying again.

As the two continued to clash, Evelyn found herself growing increasingly amused by Thor's persistence. She caught the lightning that he called down from the sky with a mere glance, and threw it back at him with a flick of her wrist. The resulting explosion caused a massive cloud of smoke to form, obscuring Thor's form from view.

However, Evelyn's keen senses allowed her to anticipate his next move. She caught his hammer once more, but this time, Thor was not there. He had cloaked himself in lightning, using the opportunity to strike at her from an unexpected angle. His fist connected with her face, but Evelyn's expression remained unchanged. She did not even flinch.

Thor's eyes widened in shock as he realized that his attack had done absolutely nothing to her. And then, he heard a cracking sound. He turned his head to see Mjolnir, the unbreakable hammer, shattering in Evelyn's grasp.

With a final burst of energy, she sent him flying towards the earth, a blue ball of energy that resembled the Earth itself slamming into his stomach. As he fell, Thor could only stare up at her in disbelief, her purple eyes seeming to bore into his very soul.

As she was about to make her move, Evelyn heard a loud noise behind her. She quickly turned her head and saw a massive figure approaching. It wasn't a Celestial, but it was definitely something out of the ordinary. It was Ironman, or rather, his Hulkbuster armor made from a Celestial's corpse.

"You think you can take me out that easily?" Iron Man asked, his voice echoing from the massive armor. He had quickly ejected himself from his previous armor and had witnessed the battle between Thor and Evelyn. He knew he had to bring out the big guns for this one.

Evelyn smirked and prepared herself for the battle. The Hulkbuster armor started launching a massive amount of beams of energy, each one infused with the power of a Celestial. Evelyn was quick and agile, her movements graceful and precise, dodging most of the beams and blocking some of them with her powers.

As she was blocking one of the beams, mirrors suddenly appeared around her. The mirrors reflected the beams, and Evelyn's fist clashed with Ironman's. She quickly turned her head and lifted her hand, and another mirror appeared in front of her.

A green beast, who she identified as the Hulk, was approaching her. She had heard his jump and was prepared for his attack. All of Ironman's beams became a collective one, which hit the Hulk full force, sending him flying half-burnt and almost turned to ash. However, mid-air, she watched as he regenerated.

Suddenly, something grabbed her foot and threw her towards the ground. She saw Thor, who was about to retaliate, but Ironman's fist came down upon her once again, causing her to crash to the ground and leaving a massive crater.

The three heroes, Ironman, Thor, and the Hulk, landed near the crater, thinking they had won. "You think that did anything?" Iron Man asked, amusement in his tone. Thor frowned, "I believe you Jinxed u-" but before he could finish his sentence, Evelyn emerged from the crater, floating in the sky above them. A miniature solar system floated around her, and her purple eyes were like looking into death itself.

"What's with the solar system?" Ironman asked, feeling weird stares from both Thor and the Hulk. "I don't know. It just seemed to contradict her witch aesthetic," he shrugged, causing Thor to sigh.

Evelyn was unamused by their banter. "You'll find out," she stated, lifting her hand, and the blue orb that Thor had been hit with earlier appeared in her hand. Ironman's rain of beams started up once again, and Thor and the Hulk rushed forward, not wanting to see what Evelyn would do with the orb.

As the beams of energy came towards her, Evelyn glanced at them with disinterest, and the mirrors appeared once again. The blue orb disappeared from her hand, and the energy from the beams was redirected towards the Hulk, causing an explosion that dispersed any clouds that were near.

Thor and Ironman were shocked to see the Hulk, who was almost a complete skeleton, regenerating once again. They continued their attack, with Thor throwing a lightning-covered fist towards Evelyn's face. However, a mirror appeared, ready to use Iron Man's beams against Thor. Ironman's beam hit the side of the mirror, moving it, and allowing Thor's fist to clash with Evelyn's once again.

Thor's fist collided with Evelyn's, causing a massive explosion that obliterated everything within a 50-mile radius. The shockwave from the impact sent Thor and Evelyn flying in opposite directions, while Iron Man and Hulk were able to brace themselves against the blast.

Meanwhile, a few minutes earlier, Solomon was facing off against Doctor Strange. The Sorcerer Supreme had split into a hundred different versions of himself, each one attempting to bind Solomon with red, mystical bands. However, Solomon was able to dodge every single one with ease, as if he knew exactly where they were going to strike.

In response, Solomon summoned hundreds of magical circles, each one firing off beams of raw magical energy in the form of lasers. Doctor Strange and his clones attempted to block the beams, but they shattered any defense that was put up against them. What surprised Doctor Strange the most was that Solomon wasn't moving or chanting any incantations to cast the spells. It was as if the magic was an extension of his own being.

Suddenly, Solomon felt one of the Stranges appear behind him. He allowed the clone to grab onto him, feeling himself being teleported to a different dimension. Looking around, Solomon saw a distorted world, with buildings constantly shifting and contorting as if they were trying to attack him.

Doctor Strange stood across from him, his eyes wary. "This is my domain. Give up now," he said, getting into a fighting stance.

Solomon sighed, "It seems you don't understand who you're fighting."

As the buildings shifted towards him, Solomon raised his hand, causing them to stop in their tracks. Doctor Strange looked on in confusion as Solomon spoke, "I am Solomon, the previous King of Israel and the progenitor of all modern magecraft. All of humanity's magic is a byproduct of me."

With a wave of his hand, the mirror dimension shifted according to Solomon's will.

(Yep, I'm leaving you guys off on a cliffhanger. This is my first ever real book, so this was my first ever fight scene, so I hope you guys enjoyed it and will come for the next chapter, see ya)

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