

*8:35 pm*

Saber walked into the house with Shiro on her shoulders and Rider walking right behind her.

"Master, pull yourself together, we have a fight tomorrow remember," Saber said, she opened the door to his room and placed him on the bed.

Shiro was frozen as he stared at the ceiling murmuring to himself.

"What happened to him all of a sudden?" Saber said, folding her arms before resting her back on the wall.

"This started right after he paid for the Aberration, do you think it had something to do with it?" Rider asked.

"I don't think -"

"Of course it did!" Shiro yelled, jumping up from the bed with a disgusted look on his face, "I thought taking those dang crystals would finally make us rich, but you guys ended up blasting the whole thing into nothingness!" Shiro yelled.

"You are upset because of the Crystals?" Saber asked.

"Of course I'm upset, doing both your Aberration caused 10,000sels leaving me with… 300ainx .. meaning no dinner!" He lay back on the bed.

"My apologies master… we had no idea the crystals would get destroyed during the battle" Rider uttered.

Shiro sighed before moving closer to his pillow, "It's fine… you should rest up for the battle tomorrow, we don't exactly know how it's going to go".

"I agree… good night then," Saber said before leaving the room and Rider followed behind her.

Once they were out Saber stopped halfway through the hall, "Do you feel that?" Saber asked.

"Yes, I have been feeling it for a while now, there's a servant nearby" Rider uttered before summoning her weapon.

"Looks like someone doesn't want to play fair" Saber grinned.

Meanwhile, Shiro was still on his bed, thinking about how tomorrow was going to be since he hasn't actually seen the Holy Grail battles before.



"Show me the stats on Rider and Saber please" Shiro uttered, sitting upright and resting his back on the bed's head wood.

{Right away}

{Name: Arthur Pendragon.

Level: 2

Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur

Skill: Encounter

first, heal}

"Saber's level hasn't really moved tho, I wish there was some kind of bar that shows how close she is to leveling up" Shiro uttered.

{Name: Medusa


Class: Rider

Noble Phantasm: Bellerophon

Skill: Evolution

First heal}

"She leveled up... Show me mine also"

{Name: Shiro Tenma

Mp: 350

Skill: Rewrite, Creation

Servants: Saber, Rider

Matches won: 0



"That's a good progress I guess, I don't have the strength to check out the new skill, tommorow then." Shiro tapped the panel and it disappeared.

He stood up from the bed and covered his curtains before heading to bed.

.. . . . .

A monster in a humanoid form, holding a big hammer, was running towards Shiro's house, jumping from building to building.

That was until she encountered Rider standing on the opposite building, "Is your master so afraid that he would lead to such a cowardly move?" Rider uttered.

"Don't you dare speak ill about my master, he's certainly far more useful than your excuse for an opponent" The servant said, raising her Hammer before launching herself toward Rider.

Rider lowered her upper body while still making her legs stand, making her look like a cat while she held her chain-like weapons in her hand.

"Could this be his servant? '' Rider questioned, she jumped away from the attack that was coming at her before thrusting her weapon at the servant.

Rider's weapon stabbed the servant's arm, it was so fast that the servant didn't even know when it hit her.

Rider pulled her weapon away from the servant's arms before leaping to the sky to gain some distance.

The servant groaned, looking at the injury on her arm that was slowly closing up, "Get back here!", She threw her Hammer at Rider at point-blank speed.

But Rider was able to maneuver her body in the air before landing on the ground.

"You are a Berserker" Rider uttered, taking her cat like stance again.

"I am, was it to you?" The girl landed on the ground with her Hammer right in front of her.

"I see… I'd advise you to turn back and tell your master you failed" Rider uttered.

"Not a chance" The girl was about to launch herself when another servant holding a shotgun landed beside her.

"Come on, we have to retreat" The servant holding the shotgun said.

"What? Why?" The girl yelled.

"Rider! Did you happen to see any servant pass through here" Saber yelled, standing on a rooftop before she landed beside Rider.


Saber turned to see the two servants standing a few steps away from her, "Oh there you are" Saber smiled, pointing her blade at them.

"I'm not done tak-" She suddenly placed her blade in front of her blocking the bullet that came from the skyscraper that was a bit farther from where they are.

When she removed the blade from her front the servants were already gone, "I see they have a sniper too".

"We should head back," Rider uttered.

. . . . .

"Aww, my head," Shiro said, waking up from his sleep to sit upright.

When he opened his eyes, he found Saber sleeping beside him with her black outfit on and Rider was sitting next to him while resting her head on the bed.

Shiro sighed, "I'm a dude for fuck's sake, jeez" He got down from the bed and carefully placed Rider on it.

"Making spirits fight for my cause... I'm not really a fan of it" Shiro uttered, covering up Rider's body with the blanket.

He checked the clock that was beside his bed and saw that it was just 11:55 pm, "I need water" He uttered.

He went to the fridge and brought out a bottle of water before he started drinking it.

While he was drinking it he had his eyes closed, enjoying the refreshing coolness of the chill water.

He then suddenly felt a weird gush of breeze blow past him and opened his eyes to check, only to find himself in the middle of a rocky island.

"What the hell!" He yelled, as he looked around him and saw that his house was gone.

He was in a place where rocks were filled, almost like a place where war once took place; they were broken down huts and rivers with a bit of forest on each side.

Rider appeared beside him with her chain weapon with her, "Do you think it has started already?"

"There's no way… Syncro".

The panel appeared and the next thing he saw was.

{Holy Grail war started: 00:12secs}

The time kept counting up as the moment flew by.

"It… it really has started" Shiro uttered.

. . . . .


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