
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Final battle II

[This chapter is dedicated to

Andra Pendragon







Thank you guys for your constant support, you really help motivate me everyday, and I'm sure I have a lot more willing to support, so please do help in doing so.]

. . .. . . . . . .

"Dorado!" Kris yelled, his female Berserker whooshed to the front sending a powerful orange beam from her mouth.

The beam schorted the ground, charging toward Shiro like a moving rocket.

Saber was able to deflect the attack by putting up a barrier that was barely withstanding the power.

The areas where the barrier didn't cover began melting, literally turning the ground to lava.

"She's strong, you have to be careful," Saber said, looking at Shiro while still trying to maintain the barrier.

Rider suddenly pushed Shiro out of the way, a straight punch from Berserker (Hercules) made contact with Rider sending her flying a few feets away.

Rider landed on the ground, standing to be feet lowly as she summoned her chains, she took a step back before dashing back to the fight.

All this was happening behind Saber since she was still keeping the barrier up, She made sure that no one except Berserker was behind her.

As soon as she let down her sword, the barrier broke and Saber immediately dashed out of there, leaving the laser beam to charge straight at Berserker.

The laser stopped and berserker's injuries were slowly healing, turning his focus at Saber, with a growl he began charging towards her.

Saber tightened her grip on the blade, "You charge in recklessly, I should expect nothing less from a Berserker".

Shiro slowly stood up from the ground, "What happened?" He thought to himself, standing to his feet, he could hear the sound of swords clashing.

"I should go help" Shiro was about to leave when Kris suddenly showed up.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," Kris said, walking toward Shiro with a smile on his face.

"That's strange, I was sure I forgot about you already" Shiro uttered, magic patterns started glowing on his arms as he took a fighting stance.

"See, I learned something from our last encounter, I just don't want to defeat you, I want you to suffer, feel pain, beg me for mercy," Kris said with a grin on his lips, " And I will do just that...Kairos platom!" He muttered.

Dead servants came out of the ground, in tens, then hundreds, still they were so many that Shiro couldn't count anymore.

Shiro started to slowly move back, "Are those?"

"Zombie servants, funny how a Tamer and a mage can do wonders when they work together… this should be fun," Kris said, "Attack".

They all charged toward Shiro, the battleground resonated with the cries of these monsters.

Shiro transferred the magic to his legs and began running very fast, trying to avoid getting close to them.

. . . . .

"Uhm… Minami, we have to leave for the orphanage, is Shiro still having his match?" Martin asked.

He and Atalanta were getting ready to head out, it had been nine hours since Shiro went for his battle.

Time moves slower in the battleground than in the real world, meaning an hour in the real world could only be a minute in the battle world.

"Yes apparently, wait, I didn't know you owned an orphanage," Minami said, standing up from the chair and walking towards them.

"It's my grandma's, I like to visit there once in a while, because of Atalanta, she likes children" Martin uttered, scratching his hair as he tried to keep in his smile.

"Awesome, I'll come too," Minami smiled, grabbing her coat from the chair.

They all headed out, talking as they made their way to the orphanage.

When they were almost there, Atalanta suddenly smelled something burning, she didn't tell anyone anything instead she just began running.

"Atalanta, hold up" Martin yelled, chasing after her.

"Atalanta, I get that you are excited but you have to be patient" When he took the final turn that led to the orphanage, what he saw shocked him so much that he was rendered speechless.

The orphanage home was on fire and right on the ground were children, their skins were pale, almost like life had been sucked out of them.

Atalanta stood in shock as she watched two rock golems carry the children one after the other and place them in a very humongous bag.

"Oh my God" Minami was also shocked at the sight, Muramasa placed his hands on his sword as soon as a woman walked out of the building.

"I can't believe this many isn't even enough" Morgana sighed, nodding her head as she tried to keep in her frustration.

"I can't gather enough relics at the rate I'm going, I might have to consider a catalyst," Morgana thought out loud.


Morgana turned upon hearing Atalanta's voice, "A servant?" She stood still, "Oh, and two masters, I must say never expected one to just walk up to me".

"You killed them" Atalanta muttered, her Tauropolos appeared on her hand before her body got enveloped in magic energy.

"They weren't even worth the trouble, you can have their remains if you want," Morgana said, turning her back to walk away.

"You'll pay… they were children, they had nothing to do with the holy grail!" Atalanta yelled, firing three fast-moving arrows at Morgana.

"Wait, Atalanta!" Muramasa yelled.

Morgana's golems blocked the arrows, absorbing them in an instant before pulling away from her.

"I must be mistaken, but… did you just fire your arrows at me?" Morgana asked, the sky suddenly began going dark and lightning struck accompanied by a clap of rumbling thunder.

. . . . . .

*Back at the battleground*

Rider sent multiple chains flying at Dorado, piercing her arms and legs making it hard for her to move.

Rider landed on the ground, she wasn't really focusing on the match, she could tell that Shiro was in trouble.

The number of dead servants that were around him was enough proof she needed to know.

"You can rest easy, I don't intend to kill you, not without getting my master to safety first" Rider uttered, walking away with her chains rattling on the ground.

Dorado broke the chains that were in her body and charged toward Rider.

Sending one of their metal balls crashing into Rider, although Rider was able to block it, the attack still left a huge hole in the ground with Rider at the bottom.

Berserker gave out a huge roar before firing a massive beam inside the hole, Rider desperately tried to block it, but the chains were slowly giving out.

When Dorado stopped her attack, she looked inside the hole to see Rider standing at the bottom with her body covered in a glass-like magic.

Rider leaped out of the hole, letting out a sigh, "I guess I have no choice then", She removed the visor that was tied on her eyes.

Revealing her purple glowing eyes, Dorado's body slowly started turning into stone, but that didn't slow her down, instead, she kept charging at Rider.

. .. . . .


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