
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Artoria's past

"Why are you so curious all of a sudden?" Saber asked, tightening her arms around her knees.

Shiro paused for a while before turning his back on Saber as he lay on the ground, "I guess,... I realized I don't really know much about my servants, I believe it's my responsibility to do so" He muttered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said"

Shiro jolted up from the ground, "Forget it! Gah!" He yelled before storming off, but before he left Saber held down the layer of his shirt.

"Fine, I'll tell you," Saber muttered while looking at the ground.

Shiro sat back down on the floor, resting his back on Saber's as they both looked at the sky from different directions.

"I'm sure the story of Arthur Pendragon is widely known amongst the people of today"

"I'm gonna be brutally honest here, the Arthur I know was a dude from an 1891 movie" Shiro voiced.

Saber blatantly ignored Shiro's comment and continued with her story, "My father, Uther Pendragon wanted an heir to the throne, one who could save Camelot at the time of war".

. . . . .

"Sire, cutting the left flank of the Invaders should be our top priority, My Lord!" One of the knights said with his head bowed in front of the king.

Uther Pendragon sat on his throne with seven knights knelt in front of him, each one coming with a problem of their own about the invading barbarians that were at war with Camelot.

"Are you insane?! You'd be putting innocent commoners at risk, I say we work on defending the walls!" Another knight yelled.

"Prospourtrous, you'd choose to let the kingdom fall over some commoners!" The same knight yelled in frustration.

The tension grew in the palace as each Knight kept throwing their ideas at King Uther.


The whole place went silent after Uther's outburst, he stood up from the throne and walked out with his guards behind him.

The knights all froze up, wondering if King Uther was getting tired of ruling the country; his strong, bold kingship had begun to lose its appeal over the years.

The next day, Uther sat on his throne, attending to his advisor who was telling him about the disease that was spreading in the kingdom.

A guard suddenly ran in and went to his knees with his head bowed, "My Lord! There's someone here to see you" The guard reported.

An old man wearing rather tattered clothes badged into the palace unexpectedly, he had a long stick in his hand and white beards all over his face.

"Hey! You were supposed to wait outside!" The guard yelled.

The old man slammed his stick on the front which released a wide boom that sent the guard flying and crashing on the table of fruits.

"Who are you? Speak!" Uther uttered, but he still had a calm look on his face while he asked the question.

"My name is Ermys, and I'm a magician" The old man uttered.

Uther's eyes lit up after hearing that, his hatred for magic didn't die down even after years and years of fighting.

Uther stood up from his throne and yelled, "Guards! Execute this man immediately!" Uther excliamed.

Ermys immediately aimed his staff at the door which led to the door locking, blocking all the guards from entering the palace.

"You damn sorcerer, I'll kill you myself" Uther groaned, he stepped down from the throne while pulling out his sword.

"You and I both know you are in search of an heir, your wife can't bear that for you" Ermys voiced out

Uther paused before lowering his sword, "How do you know that?" He asked.

Ermys laughed, "I told you, I'm a magician!" He slammed his staff three times on the ground.

"The child of fate will be born under the Pendragon name, but only if you do what I say," Emrys said.

Uther sat down on the small chair behind him as he stared at Ermys, he didn't have a reason to refuse and he knew he was desperate for an heir.

Once Ermys saw that Uther was willing to comply he smiled, "Mate with your wife Igraine this night, after nine months she will give birth to an heir but be sure both parties are on board with the idea.

Ten years from now, a boy will visit your Kingdom, his name is Merlin, and with his help, your hair will become the best king that ever ruled Camelot".

"And I'm supposed to believe this so blindly," Uther uttered.

"I cannot force you to do that which you are uncertain of, but know this, Camelot will fall if you don't act now, remember my words and be wise" Ermys said before disappearing.

The door finally broke loose and soldiers started rushing in, holding their swords forward as they began searching the palace. Ignoring Uther, who sat down in deep thought.

. . . .

Night came and Uther was getting ready to sleep when Igraine walked in, her maid escorted her but turned after the queen entered the room.

"My king, this is the first time I've seen you sleep this early, is everything alright today?" Igraine asked.

She walked over to where Uther laid and sat down beside him, using her hands to play with his hair.

Uther suddenly pushed her to the bed, Igraine didn't notice it since Uther had covered his body before, but he was completely naked.

Uther and Igraine haven't had sex since they found no valve in it if she wasn't able to bear a child.

This led to Uther having a mistress outside the kingdom, when Igraine heard about the daughter he had with another woman, (Morgana) she became angry and swore to never mate with him again.

Igraine struggled to free herself from Uther's grips, "My king, that's enough you're hurting me!" She yelled.

Uther didn't stop, instead, he proceeded with molesting her, "I need an heir, and I'll do anything to get one, are you not my wife?" He asked.

"I cannot bear an heir! You know this more than anybody!" Igraine yelled as tiny tears fell from her cheeks.

"Is that so, I'll be the one to decide that", then held both her hands to the bed.


. . .. . . .


Thanks for the power stone, we got to 55 stones, thank, Double chapters loading.

I apologise for the ending, but you all said sex scene with out the mc is weird.