
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 68

"Come this way!" exclaimed Rémy, his voice echoing through the fields as he mounted his majestic horse. The cows, peacefully grazing in the verdant pasture, raised their curious heads and began obediently following Rémy's call. With calm steps, they approached the knight, who was already prepared to depart.

Rémy directed his gaze to the blue sky, where the morning sunbeams illuminated the landscape while birds flew frantically in all directions, filling the air with their melodious songs. A gentle and invigorating breeze caressed his face. It was a stunning and revitalizing morning.

Two years had passed since the last momentous events in their lives, and Rémy and Jeanne had made the decision to return to Domrémy. Rémy's house, which had been destroyed, now stood majestically, meticulously rebuilt. Rémy and Jeanne had faced battles, one or maybe even five, before Jeanne was finally recognized as a saint by the king, though not without challenges.

Leading the herd to a lush pasture, Rémy noticed that the previous location was becoming scarce in vegetation. With the cows busy feeding, he dismounted from his horse, feeling the earth beneath his feet. Despite the scarce appetite to return home at that moment, there was something to be feared there, something that could lead to his demise. The mere thought made Rémy shudder involuntarily.

The hours dragged on slowly until Rémy mounted his horse again, leaving the cows peacefully grazing. Soon, he arrived at a house that had once been in ruins but now stood grand and renewed. It was evident that it had been expanded. Next to the house, Rémy left his horse alongside a graceful white mare belonging to Jeanne.

Facing the door, Rémy took a deep breath, ready to face his destiny, which seemed personified by death itself. With a trembling hand, he opened the door and shouted, a mix of fear and anxiety in his voice: "I'm home!" It didn't take long for a sweet and welcoming voice to respond, "Welcome! I'm already preparing lunch." The words echoed in Rémy's ears, almost bringing tears to his eyes. He adjusted his long hair, which he had let grow since the battles had ceased. He sat at the table, waiting for the encounter with his imminent fate.

"I'm coming! How was your morning?" Jeanne asked, approaching with a warm smile. She placed a plate in front of Rémy, containing a peculiar-looking dish that emanated an unmistakable aroma. Rémy swallowed hard, imagining that meal going down his throat and reaching his stomach. Jeanne was curious to know how Rémy's morning had been, even though she knew that nothing very relevant had happened. But that didn't stop her from asking questions, demonstrating her affection and interest.

"It was... great. I mean, it was great," Rémy stammered, holding the spoon with trembling hands. He felt a lump in his throat, struggling against the tears that threatened to escape. "What's that expression? It's not that bad," Jeanne said, putting her hands on her hips, displaying a mix of indignation and compassion. She knew her culinary skills were not the best, but it was the twelfth time she had prepared that meal. It certainly couldn't be as bad as the first attempt. With a determined air, Jeanne tasted a bit of the food and concluded that it was tasty.

"Is it good?" Rémy asked, curious, attentively observing Jeanne's face for any signs of disapproval. To his surprise, she didn't make any grimaces. "Yes, it's good. Try it," Jeanne replied, taking the spoon from Rémy's hands and carefully bringing it to his mouth. With caution, he opened his mouth, allowing the spoon to enter. The initial contact with the food seemed promising, but then, suddenly, something changed. Rémy's face started turning red, as if an internal fire was burning on his palate. Nevertheless, he bravely swallowed that disconcerting mixture. A sense of disgust invaded his being, as if he had ingested the worst thing he had ever tasted in his entire life.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Jeanne asked, concerned, holding Rémy's face. He forced a smile, trying to reassure her. "I'm... fine, for now." The words came out of his lips with a tone of uncertainty. Rémy knew that was just the first battle, and his stomach could become the battlefield for Jeanne's future culinary endeavors. However, he couldn't help but playfully wonder if extracting that food from his stomach might be necessary.

"That's great. The food was good, right?" Jeanne asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, eager to hear her beloved's verdict. Rémy found himself in a dilemma. Should he tell the truth, admitting that the food wasn't good? But that could deeply hurt her. On the other hand, it could be an opportunity to encourage her to improve her culinary skills. Gathering his courage, Rémy made his decision and spoke up: "Well... Don't be sad, but it's still not good. There's still a long way to go to achieve perfection."

Jeanne's bright eyes started losing their gleam. Her face, which had been radiating joy, drooped down, reflecting the disappointment that consumed her. "Ahhhhhhh! I'm a failure as a woman!" Jeanne banged her head on the table and covered her face with her arms, muttering words of self-deprecation. Rémy wasn't surprised by Jeanne's explosive reaction. After all, it wasn't the first time she had been overwhelmed by her own mistakes in the kitchen. Since they decided to get married, Jeanne had been intensely dedicated to learning and improving her culinary skills.

"But how am I going to feed our children!? I don't have enough time!" Jeanne lamented, feeling useless and helpless. Rémy, on the other hand, found a glimmer of hope amidst the sadness. Jeanne's concern for the future children's meals was a sign of her sincere desire to build a family. It reinforced his conviction that she truly loved him. "We haven't even gotten married yet, my dear. You don't need to worry so much. We have plenty of time ahead," reassured Rémy, sliding his hand down Jeanne's back, seeking to comfort her.

"Why don't we try again? We don't have anything else to do today, so I can taste everything you prepare..." Rémy suggested, feeling lucky that there were no knives in sight. Otherwise, he might have been tempted to use one to relieve the potential torment that awaited him. However, he preferred not to take the risk, as he didn't know if he would survive Jeanne's upcoming experimental meals.

"Really!?" exclaimed Jeanne, excitedly, raising her head and looking at Rémy for confirmation. He nodded, trying to muster a confident smile, even though deep down a small dose of apprehension permeated his thoughts. "I'm on my way! Wait for me, don't go anywhere! You'll have to spend the whole day tasting everything I prepare for you." Jeanne headed to the kitchen, but occasionally cast quick glances back, checking if Rémy was still present. While she disappeared into the kitchen, Rémy remained motionless like a statue, his smile frozen on his face, wondering why on earth he had said that. Maybe, next time, it would be better to keep quiet. Or perhaps, there wouldn't be a next time. Uncertainty hung in the air, leaving Rémy with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity about what the future held for his taste buds.

"Here I go!" exclaimed Jeanne, determination etched on her face. She approached Rémy slowly, who patiently waited sitting at the table. With each step she took, the anticipation grew. She carried a bowl, emanating tempting aromas. It was a soup, unlike the ones usually served to that poor family. This time, Jeanne and Rémy had obtained some money thanks to their recent achievements. The soup was adorned with succulent pieces of red meat, a luxury rarely allowed. But Jeanne, with her resilient spirit, had managed to gather the necessary ingredients. Besides the meat, various colorful vegetables floated in that hearty broth. Carefully, Jeanne placed the steaming bowl in front of Rémy, unveiling her creation with pride.

Rémy, curious, glanced at the soup that presented itself before him. It was a true visual delight, a culinary masterpiece. His nose, sharp as a sniffer, captured the appetizing aromas wafting from the dish. The soup's fragrance filled the air, awakening his taste buds. But amidst that tempting mystery, a doubt persisted: would the taste live up to its promise? Rémy, unsure, didn't know what to expect.

With a trembling spoon, Rémy dipped it into the soup, capturing some liquid and a juicy piece of meat. He longed to taste that highly anticipated flavor. As he prepared to bring the spoon to his lips, Jeanne sat beside him, resting both arms on the table and resting her head on her hands. Her bright eyes fixated on the spoon nearing Rémy's mouth, watching each movement with nervous anticipation.

Feeling the touch of the soup on his tongue, Rémy closed his eyes in a gesture of surrender. Flavors danced in his mouth, provoking a gustatory symphony on his palate. Jeanne, observing Rémy's reaction, rolled her eyes, mixing satisfaction and disbelief at his previous skepticism. "It's not that bad... I tried it, you're just making things up," she said, discreetly glancing sideways. Surprised, Rémy opened his eyes and let out a sigh as tears flooded his eyes. His heart raced, a mix of emotions flooding his chest. He felt alive.

Happiness overflowed in Jeanne, filling her with pride. She lifted her head with confidence, radiating an aura of triumph. "Did I tell you my food was good, Rémy?!" Jeanne exclaimed, running her hand through her hair. However, the smile on her face faded when her eyes met Rémy's vacant expression. Something was wrong. He swallowed hard, struggling to process the intense sensory experience he had just encountered. "I think you need to make some changes..." Rémy muttered, trying to console her. Although the soup wasn't that bad, he felt it lacked a special touch of seasoning. "It's good. It just needs some adjustments," he added in a gentle tone. Jeanne felt disheartened once again. She had hoped that this time, her food would be fully accepted. Without a word, she drew inspiration and headed back to the kitchen, determined to further improve her culinary skills.

And so, Rémy's day passed by, eating a sequence of questionable dishes.


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