
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 1 start

Domrémy. A small village located in the region of Lorraine, in the east of France. It was 1421.

Inside a dilapidated house lies a malnourished child, with red hair, lying on a grass bed, the dilapidated house has no roof.

{Waking up the host... Host awakened. The system has no other function than to make you a servant, so don't expect anything I don't have, host. You are now in Domrémy, a small village in northeastern France in 1412. Good luck, host.}

"Thank you, system." The boy on the bed thanked after waking up, feeling his weak body, unable to do anything. He regretted his system putting him in a weak body, but for his soul to go to another body, that body must be dead.

"Shit, this body's situation doesn't seem good." He grumbled, trying to get up. After much effort, he managed to do so. He is breathing heavily.

After much effort, he managed to sit up in his bed, his breathing is panting due to the effort he made.

"Rémy! Are you awake?" A childlike female voice sounded, Rémy looked with his blue eyes at a girl holding a clay bowl in her hands. The girl in question has long blonde hair and a fringe, blue eyes, and a dirty face that looks like she was doing manual labor. She is also dressed in a simple white dress that is dirty. She has a smile on her face looking at the red-haired boy sitting on top of the bed.

"Jeanne, you don't have to bring food to me, I'll work with you and your parents to earn the right to eat. But I thank you for what you brought me." Rémy thanked and took the bowl from Jeanne's hands and started eating.

"You're skinny as it is, I find it hard for you to help me and my parents in fieldwork." Jeanne commented looking at Rémy's state, she met Rémy when she was 6 years old, now she's 9.

"After I get better, I'll help." Rémy received the memories of the original Rémy, so he's talking to Jeanne as if he knew her.

"Then get better soon, I'm already tired of working." Jeanne sighed tiredly, she walked to Rémy's bed and sat beside him, watching him eat the food she brought.

Rémy finished eating, he looked at Jeanne who was looking at him with a pure look and an innocent smile on her face. Her face is full of happiness, Rémy felt a little embarrassed looking at this girl.

"Thank you, Jeanne, I don't know how I would have survived without you." Rémy thanked her again, without Jeanne, this body would not have survived for long.

"It was nothing, if I could, I would help all the people in the world." Jeanne spoke a little sad that she couldn't help all the people. She feels that helping one person is already a start, soon her smile returned to her face.

"One day you will, I promise." Rémy doesn't know why, but when he saw her desire, as well as that smile, he decided to say that.

"Ah? Do you think so, hahaha, then you'll help me, won't you?" Jeanne brought her face closer to Rémy's with excitement, she didn't expect Rémy to say she could achieve her dream, she thought that in her future journey, she had to have a reliable companion, who would be better than Rémy? Her promised one she thought.

"Hey, wait, it's not like that." Remy moved his face away a little, he raised his hands to hold Jeanne's shoulders, who was waiting for his response with excitement, but when she heard "it's not like that," she became sad and turned away.

"Jeanne?" Remy called out to her, who was facing away from him, her shoulders were shaking as if she were crying, her head was down, and she didn't respond when he called out to her.

"Okay, I'll go with you, I promise!" Remy felt an anxiety he had never felt before; he didn't know why, but something inside him was telling him to promise.

"Really!? You're not lying, are you? If you are, I'll forget the promise you made." Jeanne asked, with small tears in the corner of her eyes, hoping that Remy wasn't lying.

"I'm not lying; I'll accompany you until the end of your journey." Remy told her, feeling a little sad, as he knew what Jeanne's fate would be. Remy squeezed her small hands tightly, feeling that he had to protect her, perhaps it was the feeling of this body? He doesn't know, but he won't let anything happen to her! He will become a spirit since it's inevitable, but he will protect her.

"Remy?" Jeanne noticed Remy's sadness; she thought it was because of the promise he made to her that made him sad. Jeanne began to feel bad; tears started to appear in the corner of her blue eyes, and she started trembling because of the fear that she had forced Remy to promise something he didn't want to.

"Jeanne! What happened?" Remy, who came out of his thoughts, realized that Jeanne was crying; he panicked, trying to get up from his bed, but as he was malnourished, he ended up falling to the ground, luckily, he didn't break anything. Jeanne, who heard the noise of something falling to the ground, widened her eyes seeing Remy on the ground.

She ran to her, desperate. Jeanne, with tears in her eyes, began to speak: "I'm sorry, Rémy. I didn't mean to force you into anything, not now or before. Please forgive me, you don't have to do anything for me."

"Hey, silly girl, what are you talking about? I promised because I wanted to." Rémy wiped Jeanne's tears and wondered what promise she was referring to. He couldn't remember if there was a promise before, at least nothing showed up in his memory.

"Really? You can't lie to me!" Jeanne asked, still serious, feeling Rémy's hands on her face wiping her tears. She waited for his response with her blue eyes, which looked like pearls.

"I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I'm not lying." Rémy repeated to Jeanne with a firm voice. Jeanne smiled and hugged Rémy tightly, as if she wanted to mark her body with the embrace, as if she wanted to keep that moment forever.

Rémy felt his heart race with her hug. He didn't know what had happened, but he knew that Jeanne needed him now more than ever. He felt the strength of her embrace and realized that he also needed her at the moment. He returned the hug with the same force and tenderness, feeling her tears wetting his shirt.

After a while, Jeanne broke away from the embrace and looked at Rémy's face. She wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him. "I trust you, Rémy. Thank you for being here with me." Jeanne said with a grateful tone in her voice. She felt that Rémy was the only one who could help her.

"I'll always be here for you, Jeanne. No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side." Rémy said with a sincere smile on his face, wanting Jeanne to know that she could always count on him.

"I believe you, Rê." Jeanne replied happily. She still called Rémy by a nickname, which surprised him, but he didn't say anything. Jeanne helped Rémy sit on his grass bed.

Remy smiled at Jeanne, feeling a little relief in his heart to see that she believed him. He settled himself on the grass bed, feeling the smooth texture beneath his back. Meanwhile, Jeanne sat beside him, looking at him with a mix of concern and gratitude.

"Are you okay?" Jeanne asked, gently passing a hand over Remy's face, as if checking for any injuries.

"I'm fine, just a little weak." Remy replied, feeling a little embarrassed for falling to the ground so easily.

"You need to rest more. Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Jeanne said with a comforting smile.

Remy felt touched by Jeanne's kindness and her determination to take care of him, even though he didn't exactly know how a child like her could help him. But he decided to trust her and let her take care of him, after all, she was Jeanne D'arc who knows what she can do.

"Thank you, Jeanne. I really appreciate it." Remy said, looking at her with sincerity in his eyes.

Jeanne smiled again, feeling a wave of happiness invade her chest as she realized that Remy was trusting her and that she could be useful in some way to him. Carefully, she stood up from the grass bed where she was sitting next to him and turned to him, speaking with gentleness and determination: "I'll bring something for you to eat. I'll be right back, okay?"

Without waiting for Remy to stop her, Jeanne ran out of the small house. She felt her heart beat faster than usual, driven by the urgency to help Remy. She ran through the green fields that surrounded the broken and abandoned house where Remy lived, feeling the fresh breeze of the late afternoon on her face.

As she ran, Jeanne thought about everything she could do to help Remy. She needed to be strong and determined, find solutions to his problems and help him get out of the state he was in.

Jeanne hurriedly ran to her house in the village. Although Rémy's house wasn't very far from the village, she knew that he lived in an abandoned and broken house since he had no family to take care of him. With her breaths coming in short gasps, she finally arrived at her own house, a modest two-story building with a thatched roof.

Upon entering the house, Jeanne could smell the comforting scents of the supplies stored on the first floor, such as beans, wheat, and other essential foods. She knew that at night, her parents also brought the animals they raised inside the house to keep them safe.

Carefully, Jeanne ran to the upstairs of her house, her light footsteps echoing up the stairs as she hurried to grab some fresh ingredients from the kitchen. She knew she had to be quick and efficient in getting Rémy's food, so she didn't waste any time looking around. She grabbed a cloth she used to sleep with and tied it carefully around the ingredients so she could carry them safely as she ran.

As soon as she was sure she had everything she needed, Jeanne ran out of the house, her face overflowing with happiness and a radiant smile on her lips. The sun was beginning to set on the horizon, painting the sky orange and pink as the cool night breeze blew on her face.

As she ran through the green fields, Jeanne felt a sense of freedom and joy that filled her heart. She knew she was doing something important, helping a friend who needed her. And that sense of purpose made her feel alive and full of energy.

Finally, Jeanne arrived at Rémy's house, her quick steps echoing down the path to the door. When she entered, a feeling of relief and happiness flooded her chest as she saw her friend lying on the grass bed, looking at her with tired and curious eyes.

The sky behind her was painted orange and pink, the warm and vibrant colors of the afternoon blending together in a breathtaking visual spectacle. Jeanne seemed to be illuminated by the beauty of the nature around her, her face radiant and full of life.

Seeing Jeanne enter with enthusiasm, Rémy felt a lump form in his throat. He couldn't remember the last time someone had treated him with such care and attention. Jeanne's happy smile and gentle, angelic voice seemed to create an image in his mind that he would never forget.

"I'm back," Jeanne said with a beautiful smile that lit up her face and warmed Rémy's heart.

For the first time in a long time, Rémy didn't feel alone. There, by his side, was Jeanne, taking care of him and making him feel loved and appreciated. Even though she was still a child, her presence brought warmth and affection to Rémy.

The image of that afternoon was forever etched in Rémy's memory. The sky painted orange and pink reflected the beauty and calmness of the moment. But it was Jeanne's radiant happiness that brought a special glow to that moment, filling it with light and hope.

As he looked at Jeanne, Rémy realized that life can be difficult and lonely sometimes, but there are always moments of joy and connection to be cherished. And Jeanne was one of those moments, a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. He smiled back at her, grateful for her presence in his new life.