
Fate/Scp: Epic of The Demiurge

Our infamous lonely protagonist Kazuya Yagami was suddenly torn from his reality by a mysterious system for unknown reasons. He has fallen into a foreign world filled with danger at every turn. And he needs to find a way to deal with the secrets he will discover along his journey. [Ding!] [User you have been chosen to try the new system just created] [Yes] [Yes] "Huh?" [Congratulations Host you got Omniverse Gacha System] "Wait up! Fuck, No!!" ---- https://discord.gg/pnBQTzJr paypal.me/david911234

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter - 20


A/N: The next will be the last chapter on this world


One Piece - Part - 11


Kazuya Pov

Since I had arrived in this world I had certainly gotten everything I could possibly need to have a good starting point to secure my quiet and comfortable life in Soul Eater.

I at least hoped that this would be the case.... Although I had my great doubts, after all, it was a completely off-kilter universe that only followed its own rules while completely ignoring everything else.

That's why I was thinking of taking my plans one step further.... After all, I could only think it was a smart move on my part. Keeping 2 or more victory cards "just in case," so that I could say I was safe from possible contingencies that could happen.

In a nutshell, I was thinking of trying to awaken my Gene X, which has supposedly been dormant in my human genome since I got Han Daewi's model, and try to bring my body to its full potential and talent.

Of course, by Gene X I don't mean Marvel.... but my Taboo DNA, a curse or rather a rule that prevented Goh verse humans from being able to defeat the gods.

Long ago, humans, monsters, and gods lived on the ancient Earth, where landmasses were still forming and civilization had not yet arisen. The monsters sought to rule over the humans, whom were far weaker than they, and had not yet developed technology on a level to hurt them (humans were living in what would be considered the Stone Age). Mankind was divided and scattered, living in isolated clans, each trying to fend for themselves.

Eventually, a chieftess of a human clan named Ungnyeo appealed to distant gods to lend them their power, to which the gods agreed on the condition that humans were forbidden to attack the gods.

Due to this treatment, the gods would create the taboo a rule that prevents humans from attacking the gods, due to this rule the gods were practically immune to any attack that humans would throw at them, except those humans who possessed a key or the prophets (the descendants of Gaia).

Personally, I think it would be possible using the Seimen Kikan technique, after all, even though my genes can change from 0 to 100, they can't go back to being again. Well, I was certainly a little biased because I definitely wanted to succeed.

My knowledge of genes was certainly not the best, after all I was just a student and so I didn't even think I could succeed in this experiment I had in mind without too much trouble, and besides I might have been completely wrong, or partially wrong, but I had to at least give it a try

Theoretically by using the technique in question and stimulating my genome, within my DNA. It should be possible to awaken it and thus get much more out of this body, I could even surpass Dan Haewi's power at its maximum.

I decided to ignore the thoughts; they were meaningless. Rather, I paid attention to the little girl sitting next to me.... They were no longer on the seashore at the moment, I was inside Hitetsu's house, sitting on the floor. The traditional Japanese room I had to admit I liked it very much.

The little girl nudged my black jacket. "Mr. Brother, your name is Ion, right?"

She was a child named O-Tama, the bearer of a very useful fruit. The user can create dangos from her cheeks, with which she can tame animals and consequently tame even the "Gifters" who were controlled by the Beast Pirates.

To be honest, I didn't really know what to do with her. She had a very strong devil fruit with the right circumstances, I had thought of taking the fruit for myself and entrusting it to one of my future subordinates.

Brainwashing was also not a good idea since she was physically too weak to be useful in any way, plus I didn't want to go that far with a mere child...

I won't kill it just because I don't need a fruit that can subdue animals, at least I didn't think I needed it. My Conqueror's Haki was enough for now, especially since it kept growing at a rate that still left me surprised.

Especially in my inventory, I now had many more useful devil fruits that I had collected during my adventure in this world, in addition to the others I had given to my crew.

Speaking of Haki, I had not yet tried combining the length of the divine soul with the Haki Hoshoku, to see if the effects could be amplified so that I would have a fighting chance against the madness (fear) of the Kishin.

It certainly would not be an easy task to accomplish, but I was sure that my chances were increasing or at least I believed that I would not be swayed by his illusions and this was already a big step forward

'However, let's not think too much, otherwise I might do something I might regret in the future,' I could only comment inside my head.

Sighing, I answered her question. "Yes, and my name. Don't you like it?"

"Huh? And a strange name though." She replied with some confusion. "Does it mean anything in particular?"

"Mhm" I put my hand, on my chin "Not really, and a name that has a great story behind it all here.... "

I didn't really lie. Ion was just a fool. Without even thinking twice about it, he certainly did a lot of things that were morally wrong. But did he not care in any way? Not really, he stood by his convictions and continued on his path to try to make the place better without the Daeva.

I really liked the lore behind the SCP verse, and for some strange reason. I also had some little stories about some of those characters that seemed more and more interesting and exciting each time I read.

I just stroked O-Tama's head. "Anyway, call your grandfather, tell him I've been waiting for a long time." I didn't have much time left before my return, so I had to hurry.

"Um" she nodded and ran away like a little cat who didn't want to take a bath, it was really a very pretty sight to see. Looking over her shoulder, I had the thought again, 'Should I try to train her instead?'

Anyway, she put these thoughts to the back of her mind as shortly after, Hitetsu entered the room as I sipped a cup of tea that had been presented to me earlier, it was really good to be honest.


3 person - Pov

In Onigashima, the headquarters of the beast pirates. Kaido had received news that had greatly amused him, after so long that no one dared even think of challenging him.

"So there are still pirates who dare to violate my rules of my country. Woro-woro-ro."

Beside him, King was standing with his hand resting on his sword. "Kaido-sama, this is a minor matter. There is no need to intervene, I can take care of it." King continued. "A simple pirate crew has the audacity to disobey the Beast Pirates, I will make sure to kill them."

Kaido laughed, "Woro-woro-ro-ro! King! Don't you think I should stretch my limbs from time to time?"

"Kaido-sama, there is no need for your intervention!" affirmed King with "I can take care of it myself, I will make them regret coming to this Island."

"Mhm" Kaido put himself in a reflective posture as he said "Then so be it, take care King, don't let anyone escape. Wano, and my domain without my permission no one can enter or leave!"

"Of course, Kaido-sama!"


Meanwhile, at Hitetsu's house, Kazuya was sitting sipping tea, while Hitetsu, the man in the red mask, was sitting across from him.

The other members of his team were in the other vacant rooms, and he did not want their presence to affect their discussion in any way, as their intentions were easy enough to see.

Kazuya slowly placed the cup on the table in front of him and asked the question he had in mind. "Mr. Hitetsu, do you recognize you?" From his waist he pulled out a very familiar sword, with a scabbard covered by a piece of white cloth, which stopped the curious stares of the people of Wano.

Hitetsu's eyes arched instantly as the blade entered his vision. He did not notice it because it was under a covered scabbard but.... How could he not recognize this masterpiece made by his ancestor! "Is that... Shusui, Meito Shusui?!"

Kazuya nodded calmly. "Yes, this is the sword your ancestor made, right?" he asked not knowing this detail from the manga and wanting to know more about it.

"Yes - no, why do you have it...?!" Hitetsu was suddenly alarmed, after all it was a sword that had been lost a long time ago.... Could he but think that he might be a sword thief?

"It was entrusted to me..." replied Kazuya with a calm smile, but seeing her doubtful look he went on to say. "You may enter now."

At his command, a person entered the room with confusion from Hintetsu, at least until he removed the mask he wears to hide his Zombie appearances from his face.



Sitting on the Kuri seashore under the starry night sky, the crew was enjoying a barbecue cooked by Kazuya. He had decided it was the best plan of action to have his crew at full strength for tomorrow, which would have invaded Kaido's base.

Of course, he had already discussed it with the others and everyone agreed. Definitely because they had my strength and Bullet's, plus there was old vampire who was a good support.

The crispy smell of burning meat made everyone hungry, especially Vasco and those who were even drooling, seeing the plates full of food in front of them.

"Your cooking never gets old, hoh!"

The crew did not have an official cook. So, Kazuya cooked most of the time, not and that the other members had objections to the contrary was the one thing they all strangely agreed on.

"Do you like it? Wano spices are really first-rate, the best I've tasted in a while," Kazuya said, it was really nice to find good seasonings to cook with.

"Mmm, it's good." Devon chewed the meat with an obvious taste that could not be hidden. "I guess it makes the meat tastier, good job captain -"

"Umu... Good," Kazuya merely commented with a small smile at the compliments he received as he ate his food, a nice plate of rare meat.

About an hour passed while everyone enjoyed their food. Halfway through, O-Tama had also joined the party, who was eating her food while sitting on Kazuya's lap.


[Onigashima - Wano]

Kazuya Pov

"So have you figured out the plan or do I have to repeat it?" I said, looking at the large building in front of me. I was standing in front of Onigashima. The island that belonged to Emperor Kaido, and we were preparing an attack that would remind him of this day for the rest of his life.

I looked at the confused expressions of my crew members, restrained the urge to wince, and calmly and patiently explained. "Then I will repeat it," I said, waiting until they had their full attention on me.

After explaining the pairings I had in mind for the upcoming fights and, of course, the various reasons for compatibility between them and the powers of the various Pirates Beast.

"Then how about starting the battle with a nice explosion?", I said with a smile growing on my face, after all I considered myself a fan of the art of explosion.

I raised my hand to the sky and my electromagnetic field glowed to its fullest on the surface as I invoked the slightest hint of my lightning. Above all, I had a perfect means to make the best use of it.

"Lightning!" I announced it with thunder, and the sky immediately darkened as several storm clouds formed above me.

The crew could only watch in amazement at the revelation. My demonstration grew stronger every day as my control increased accordingly.

The storms were answering my call, I just needed the fastest method to gather them. The air above me crackled violently from the energy barely contained in my hands.

I looked into the air and observed everyone I could see from up here. I jotted them down mentally, then shook my hand tightly. "Strike." I commanded, and the storm responded to my command.

Lightning rained down from the sky, striking every single building I was looking at, as if the lightning had a life of its own and followed my will that existed with my vision and domain (electromagnetic field).

But the damage I was causing still did not satisfy me, so I raised my hand to the sky again. "Come." I commanded, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and I held it in my condensing hands, taking on a very familiar form that I now knew how to use to perfection.

As I did this I could hear a little "Hpm!" sound in the back of my mind, letting me know that my beloved Depore was not very happy that I was not using her.

But I couldn't help myself.... Using Depore for a simple show of strength seemed very wrong to me. She was much more to me and deserved worthy opponents not mere mobs who didn't even know how to use Haki.

Therefore, I drained the electrical energy left within the storm clouds and condensed it into a usable form. It took shape, crackling along a brilliant amalgam similar to Kishin Vaija's weapon, vaguely resembling a spear.

Stepping forward, I folded my arm back and threw it toward Onigashima with the intention of making the beast emperor I was about to face feel some pressure.

The Vaija soared through the air and crashed into several buildings gathering in the center of the city, dispersing and continued forward, erupting in a ball of electric discharge inside Kaido's huge base.

Most of the large building exploded with a loud clap of thunder, the remains of the massive thing swaying back and forth, dissipating rapidly under the command of my Lightning.

I could only admit that he was really loving my electric powers and that my would not trade them for any other power. They were really perfect for me, and they also fit.

"What the fuck..." Devon muttered in an obvious surprised tone. "Are you really human, captain?"

"Maybe..." I cast her a small glance as she looked at the destruction I had caused with simple attack. "I may have already been classified as a monster-human," I said, inciting one of my favorite characters.

Devon along with the other members looked at me in silence, apparently having difficulty formulating a response to the scenario before them.

Bullet, on the other hand, seemed very excited, for an upcoming battle against me and wanted me to use all my power. I seemed to have gotten a battle maniac as a 'friend,' I didn't know if that was a good thing or not....

Were most of the others looking at me, with fear, respect, and even obsession? Well it was Devon...

"However, if you have finished admiring my art of destruction, you can begin the attack as well..." The crew simply nodded at I words as they divided accordingly and went to face their opponents I had chosen for them, some crew members were even aided by my contracted spirits.


It seemed that the emperor was angry, and I couldn't help but laugh accordingly. But it did not last long, especially after I saw a large blue dragon emerge from the rubble from the rubble of the palace with obvious murderous intentions.

"Kaido..." I couldn't help but smile slightly. "How about if we play cat and mouse for a while " I said as I turned into lightning and began the chase like the old Looney Tunes.


I continued on my way, as I was followed by a real fucking dragon with my electromagnetic field always on, I noticed that not far from me. In the center of Onigashima, in Kaido's mansion, a young woman was sneaking around with a bat similar to Kaido's in her hand.

Hidden behind a box inside a room, the girl was doing her best to avoid incoming patrollers as several minutes passed while the patrollers left the room.

The girl was Yamato, Kaido's delusional "son." She wants to become like Oden and save Wano, so, having no other option, Kaido put a collar around her neck that will explode if she tries to leave Onigashima.

But to her misfortune she seemed to have difficulty, as she was stopped by a tall, thin young woman with long, firm legs. She had straight dark blue hair with a few pink wisps, a pair of light Kaido-style horns, and large rose gold eyes.

She wore a short white dress with a dark bow at the neck that did not hide her large assets, with blue pants that accepted her big butt, and a cloak that was black on the inside and blue on the outside, a double-layered mask.

Seeing this, I turned into lightning and headed toward them. I couldn't help but think that I was developing a fetish for girls with horns.

Which I had to admit I wouldn't have minded, but I had my beautiful and wild 001 as my summoning and there was really no comparison to these girls from One Piece.

And it's blue... I didn't want to overdo the fetishism of all her blue, but I can't deny that I found her very attractive.

001 >>>>>>>>>> Zero Two

I arrived in their near location just in time to hear a loud cry. "Dad's out... And the best time to escape don't get in the way cow!" Yamato muttered in frustration

"Eh! Who are you calling a cow!?" asserted Ulti, with obvious annoyance growing by the second.


"P-Father and angry..."


I could only pause a few seconds to give a small nod and a thumbs-up that left the two girls evidently confused as they looked at me as if they had seen an illusion of some kind.


Kaido seemed to have tired of the chase as in midair, he opened his jaw and created a ball of heat, the initial procedure of breathing heat toward me. "Die!"


The heat breath left his mouth and went toward the of me with the clear intention of erasing I from existence.

Space trembled, for the power of the attack was not to be underestimated as it seemed that a small sun was coming toward me. Just as the ray was about to hit me I countered similar ray. "El Thor!" I was certainly not afraid to lose, after all it was very close to the awakening of my devil fruit.

In the sky two rays collided with each other and created explosion after explosion in the sky. But as my attack was apparently losing when I also used my other hand to create another ray and mix them both together. '700 million volts...'

My power reserve was very high. And even if I could not successfully destroy a mountain as Kaido's ray could, but it certainly could do its job and last longer than his energy ray.

Among the people standing, Kaido looked at Ace, but soon shifted his attention to me. "WORORO!" He laughed aloud. "Who are you, boy? I don't remember someone with such power from another emperor's army. What fruit of the devil's power was that?"

Kazuya remained calm, with an indifferent smile as he began to float through the air. "Why are you so interested?" Looking at Kaido, I continued, trying to hold back laughter. "Well, I'll tell you, it's called, Mythical Zoan: True Monarch Divine Thunder Dragon..."

"Huh? Thunder... True Monarch Dragon of Divine?" Kaido suddenly felt strange, not understanding the meaning of this long name. "Is there such a devil fruit?" Moreover, he was a Mythical Zoan. Kaido was suddenly more interested in him, maybe he can have a good fight?

"Interesting, kid. Amuse me then!"


I said nothing superfluous and instead circulated the illumination through my entire body as I transformed into my elemental form, a lightning bolt, and began to manipulate it to take the form I desired.

Within seconds, the entire sky changed. The small lightning bolt increased in size as it began to envelop me, it was a strange feeling unlike completely becoming the element itself.

I crouched down like an animal, my body surrounded by a very strong purple lightning bolt while Depore was in my mouth, with my beloved sword spirit's acceptance for this disrespectful action, but strangely her didn't seem to mind in the least.


I could feel the lightning begin to change around me, with scales made of lightning, a large sharp tail and claws of animals, precisely speaking, parts of dragon, began to appear in my body.

My head took the shape of a lightning beast, while its power enveloped my face like a helmet. I ears became sharper, I lips disappeared, and my teeth were the only thing visible.

*Seimei Kikan - Thunder Demonic Beast*

Logias can manipulate their bodies to take any kind of shape, like the way Paramecia's special user (who is similar to the logia fruit) Katakuri can turn into a literal donut.

So I thought why, I couldn't do something like that? All Logia fruit users can do similar things, but it needs a great deal of control if you want to "add" details would be enough to take a long time.

However, it was all possible with.... Seimei Kikan, after all, manipulation of the body is the primary power of this particular technique. That he had to admit that he had tried to abuse to in order to unlock his true potential, he had learned many fine tricks that he could use in different fights.


I had become a veritable Thunder Beast of the fantasy worlds. I couldn't admit that I had shamelessly copied Naruto's four-tailed form. 'My form and cooler' I couldn't help but think of the big smile forming on my face.

"Let's have fun, Emperor!" My voice came out much more demonic than I intended, and in the blink of an eye I appeared on top of him with no intention of giving him any time to be able to react in any way.

I landed several blows in his hard scales as he was tilting breaking at a much faster pace than expected. My attacks were primitive, as I was using only my lightning claws but for that he had also added Haki of armament to compensate.

"Fuck!" Kaido, roared in obvious anger and his Haki power exploded, sending me flying backward, only to land on another building.

Taking advantage of this moment, Kaido attacked me with his big bite. But to his misfortune, the world around was much slower than before, and the moment he would catch up with me, I defended myself with my Haki-powered 'Depore'.

"Moa Moa no Mi - Depore x 20"

* Metal noise!*

A large wound appeared on Kaido's body, much to his surprise or at least from what I could tell. But I certainly hadn't finished my attack as I transformed into lightning to reach his position and bit into his wounded area in an aggressive and very animalistic manner.

Thus bathing myself in the blood of a dragon. I couldn't help but feel very Siegfried (Fate Grand Order) at this time and I didn't mind at all, in fact I was seriously enjoying myself.

The only thing that could be heard were Kaido's roars of pain, while I had no intention of giving him time to transform into his hybrid form.... I was certainly not a battle maniac who wanted or anything like that, I would have other opportunities to try out more of my powers I was already satisfied.

I was practically actually eating it live, but that strangely didn't disgust me. I wasn't sure if it had anything to do with my divine wavelength? Did I have a chance to become the next Kishin?

Finally I could see myself sitting atop Kaido's gigantic body. Now completely helpless and without any more strength after losing most of the blood inside his body.

This battle had been easier than expected, mainly because of the wrong decision Kaido had made. My superior speed combined with his large figure that made him an easy target for my lightning-speed attacks was an easy victory for me.

But it seemed that I could not even enjoy my victory....

[Warning. Invaders █████ have entered the world of the Host! You are advised to take drastic measures to ensure your survival at all costs! In order to continue one's journey...]



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- TDG: Son of the Lord of the Ten Worlds: 3 advanced chapters:

- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:


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