
Fate/Scp: Epic of The Demiurge

Our infamous lonely protagonist Kazuya Yagami was suddenly torn from his reality by a mysterious system for unknown reasons. He has fallen into a foreign world filled with danger at every turn. And he needs to find a way to deal with the secrets he will discover along his journey. [Ding!] [User you have been chosen to try the new system just created] [Yes] [Yes] "Huh?" [Congratulations Host you got Omniverse Gacha System] "Wait up! Fuck, No!!" ---- https://discord.gg/pnBQTzJr paypal.me/david911234

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter - 18


A/N: Guys, remember to leave a review if you like the story! Two or three more chapters and we will finish this One Piece arc and start summoning some characters!

A/N: Anyway I just wanted to mention that this story has the tag "dark" So there will be many strong themes like Cannibalism - Torture - Humiliation, ect... It was just a reminder, as I will be adding many characters from the SCP universe in the future and maybe some Warhammer 40k characters as well. One in particular is basically Yaldaobath's counterpart from that universe.

A/N: Also will be shown in the future but at least in my history the Scp verse is one of the most powerful surpassing even Warhammer 40k and many others.


[Watter 7 - Office of the President of the Galley-La Company]

*Noise of electricity* *Noise of electricity*

Inside the office of the Galley-La Company, with the mood of a falling lightning bolt, a person had suddenly appeared who had placed himself in a comfortable position, without any sense of courtesy, as if everything belonged to him.

After a few minutes, a tall middle-aged man with blue hair and similarly colored lips entered the office in question. He wore a red and orange striped jacket over an unbuttoned orange shirt with a wide collar, black pants and matching black shoes.

Seeing a stranger in his office, Iceburg could not help but be nervous "Who are you?!" he asked with obvious urgency upon seeing a young hooded boy sitting comfortably in a chair while his feet were propped up on his desk.

"Me? I'm a simple traveler.... It's not really important to know my identity to you, and it certainly won't help much. I just came here because of your skills as a ship carpenter."

Icerburg listened to the hooded man's words calmly trying not to panic and make some errors in judgment "Are you from CP9?" he asked trying to get as much information as possible from the person in front of him

"Unlucky for you, no," the man replied as he stroked a small red creature above his head that seemed to be enjoying himself "I just want your help, to fix a ship that suits my tastes better," he said as he tossed several schematics depicting the Maxim ark in all its glory onto the desk.

Icerburg looked at the man in front of him for a few seconds before taking the diagrams and beginning to study them. At one point his expression became clearly unpleasant as his hands trembled slightly. "I can't do that, it's not a ship but just another weapon for killing! And I promised not to build you this kind of thing that could kill thousands of people."

"I understand, promises are very important, after all they are the line between us and mere beasts," said the man without any change in his demeanor, as if he expected such a response. "But this ship is already in my possession, so your so-called promise has little value in this situation."

"Again, I cannot, yet...." Icerburg was interrupted before he could finish speaking and attempt to negotiate in some way.

"I'm sorry but I don't have that much time to listen to your ramblings," the man commented without much emotion in his tone. "If you reject my proposal, I will simply go and ask the world government for a hand and I am sure they will be thrilled to be able to help me by making only a small request to copy the plans you have in hand for their purposes."


"And what's the difference between you and the world government?" asked Icerburg as he checked again the ship schematics in the hand that could take the world at least ten years ahead.

"Mhm," he muttered in an obvious thoughtful tone, as if he was really thinking about giving "The first thing that comes to mind is that I don't kill people just to hide things that came into existence hundreds of years ago just to hold together the little power they possess."


Icerburg could only remain silent, not knowing how to respond, "Aren't you afraid that I might tamper with the ship in some way and make it unusable forever by burning this project..." he murmured with a bit of sweat running down his forehead.

The hooded man stopped stroking the strange creature and replied with a small smile. "No, to your misfortune, you cherish your pride as a shipwright and would never do such a thing to ruin a ship that might as well fly into the sky, right? " he asked, looking into his eyes with some amusement.

A great sigh escaped Icerburg's lips, and he slumped in his desk chair and looked a few years older as he said in a somewhat broken voice, "It's true, I could never do such a thing.... I hope you will at least not kill innocent people with this ship."

"Of course, I keep my promises, unlike most people from different universes *Cough* Park Mubong... Anyway, point me to a vacant piece of land where no one passes, and you can work quietly without being disturbed."

Icerburg didn't quite understand what he meant but still nodded at his words as he showed him a vacant space in the area with fewer workers that met their needs at least for the time being.

"What do you think there is enough space?"

"Perfect," he said as a small white card appeared in his hand and with a small flash of light the Maxim ark appeared in all its magnificence to the disbelief of the ship carpenter.


In one of the many streams and canals that are used for transportation almost like roads, a couple consisting of a man and a woman could be seen standing out a lot.

They were indeed quite a pair, or so thought the several citizens who watched them being carried by two medium-sized bulls who strangely looked very subdued, indeed for those who had lived in the city for a long time, could they be said to be fear?

"So, did you achieve the goal you came here for? " Devon could only ask as her looked at the surrounding landscape.

"Yes, the president of Galley-La Company and I were on the same wavelength and found an agreement that would benefit both of us without harming the other's partnership."

"Ohh ~~" Devon said in an obvious mischievous tone as he put her index finger on her chin "Because I think instead he didn't have much choice in the matter and had to follow your orders otherwise he would have come to a bad end ~~"

"It will be your imagination..."

"Maybe ~ ~however now we are finally free, right? I want to try on some new clothes."

"Mhm" Kazuya simply commented, shrugging his shoulders in response giving her permission to do whatever she wanted up to a point.

He had completed the main purpose for which he had come to Water-7 by coming here, and now he could relax a little and take it easy a little more comfortably without any worries at least for the time being.

Devon dragged him to several clothing stores without caring at all that some of them were specific enough for women, and he began trying on different styles of clothes with obvious amusement.

Kazuya stood in front of a small women's locker room as he observed a Devon who had decided to wear very hot black underwear that greatly accentuated her slender, sinful figure.

"You like it, this captain of mine~~"

Kazuya took another careful look at her sexy figure, without any shame as he simply stated the obvious. "Yes, although I think the color red would look much better on you."

Devon did not seem bothered by his seeming glance at her body as she responded with an excited tone and agreed with his opinion. "True; I think so too, maybe I should try it on? Anyway I feel a little tight in the chest area. Can you see if you can do something to help me~~" her asked as she turned to show him her bare back.

"Sure...," he replied, as he reached over and checked her bra to see if he could do anything to make it a little wider.

But suddenly he was dragged inside the locker room as he felt his hands tied by small chains to his wrists and was pushed with his face against the wall as he clearly felt her big tits against his back.

"Sea stone..." he murmured as he cast a small glance over his shoulder "What does this action of yours mean?" asked Kazuya without changing his expression, as if he had foreseen such an action or rather had already seen it seeing the future

Seastone is a natural but immensely rare mineral that existed only in the world of One Piece and had sea-like properties and was best known for its negation of the devil fruit abilities.

"Mhm ~~" Instead of answering the question. Devon began to strip off her underwear leaving herself completely naked showing without any embarrassment her entire body for his viewing

After she finished, she spun him around and sat him on the floor, straddling he lap like a cowgirl and wrapped her arms around his neck as if they were a couple about to have wild sex or something.

Kazuya did nothing to rebel even though he could have done it very simply. After all, he was honestly curious as to what the beautiful woman in front of him had in mind and what her goals were for tying him up like this.

She was as naked as the day she was born, her elastic, flushed buttocks in plain sight and her femininity with her large bouncy breasts swayed and bounced with her every movement and her pretty red eyes that had a hint of mischief in them.

"You are really my type ~~ this cute face, but at the same time sharp as if you look at the outside world as a superior being. You are too charming for your own good ~~" muttered Devon as she stroked his face very carefully for fear of spoiling it somehow.

"Why are you doing this, Devon?" asked Kazuya "Are you interested in my head by any chance?" He couldn't help but ask after all he knew her fetish of collecting the heads of beautiful women.

*Risatina amused* "No, silly ~~ Although I wouldn't mind" she found his words amusing. "I just want to have a little talk with you in private without anyone bothering us."


"Your face doesn't look very convincing to me~~" laughed Devon, clearly amused by the whole situation "However, if you really want an answer.... And why did you give me a choice? Maybe... Usually the people I've met in my life have never given me a choice."

"So you have to take responsibility for making me so beautiful ~"

Kazuya shot him a look that clearly said, "Fuck, you were the one who chose the devil fruit, I even told you about the effects it could have on your body, knowing all this why should I accept such a thing..."

Devon simply ignored his expression as she continued to say. "From what I remember of my childhood, I was always pushed aside because of my physical appearance. I used to watch other girls getting everything they wanted without any effort.... So I began to hate the very concept of 'beauty' and became a person who likes to torment beautiful women until they beg..."

"Tell me something... Do you like my current look or my previous look better?" asked Devon in a much more serious tone as her waited for the answer with a small glint in her eyes.

Kazuya simply answered honestly. "I like your current look better, is that a problem for you?"

"No~~ However a completely honest and direct answer, as I expected from you captain~~~ You are completely different from other men...."

"My answer did not satisfy you?"

Devon shook his head in disappointment. "On the contrary, the answer was too perfect... If I had said you liked my previous appearance better and somehow realized you were lying, I would have killed you and used your head as a decoration for the ship."

"So now you could set me free, right? ..."

"Not so fast ~ Don't you think we should take advantage of the situation to do something more intimate right now, since we are alone with no one to disturb us ~~" she stated in a warm and seductive tone as she moved her pussy on his lap.

*Rumor of Electricity* *Rumor of Electricity*

Before she could even react in any way she could only see a brief blur with a trail of purple lightning as she found herself back against the wall, her wrists bound by seastone cuffs "How can you use the powers of your devil fruit!" It was the only thing she could say in an obviously shocked tone.

Meanwhile Kazuya, on the other hand, gave her no attention as he concentrated on making something with some of her blood that he had obtained by making a small cut in his finger.

And after trying for a few seconds to manipulate it, he finally managed to finally give the thing a solid shape with his blood.

A crimson-red choker.

Anyway, he looked at her with a big smile that showed all his razor-sharp teeth that looked like those of a monster of some kind and his eyes shining pink, and she couldn't help but shiver with pleasure as she groaned.

She was wet. She couldn't resist, she felt. Too amazing when he caressed her ass like that and kissed her deeply at the same time. And as he gently slapped her ass, she almost lost her mind completely.

"Turn around," he ordered, and she turned around, eager to obey and please this man with her whole being in all her life; she had never felt such a sensation and could only feel pure pleasure.

"Hands on your ass where I can see them..." Kazuya could only chuckle slightly; how the tables had turned.

She did so, and he cuffed them in a red collar that he had formed from his blood. *Wow* The size of the collar was perfect, it seemed that his control over the blood was very good for some reason even though he had never used this ability yet... But honestly it didn't matter right now, he could figure it out later, now he had something more important in his hands.

Kazuya stayed a few seconds watching her and enjoyed the sight in front of him. And oh boy was she hot. Her body was toned. And well maintained. Athletic. She was big in the boob area, with a wide ass that was about to spank the shit out of him to get him to accept this new body once and for all, he couldn't wait any longer. Her toned body was too tempting.

That was why, since he had entered the locker room, he had created a small electromagnetic field around them, to attenuate his presence and cancel out the noise, so that they would not be disturbed while they were enjoying themselves.

The fruit of the devil had indeed worked miracles on her. And it had transformed her into a true goddess who could only be pleased and worshiped by at least most of the men who would see her to the point of utter ruin.

"Bend over the floor." He ordered her, and she easily obeyed his command: this was a new experience she wanted to enjoy to the fullest.

"Hmm, good," he praised, lightly stroking her head as he would a small pet as she shivered at his touch.

"Butt up."

Devon did as she was told; Her butt was lifted into the air, her face pressed against the locker room wall. Kazuya was touching her ass; And she could feel her heart pounding as she waited for her first spanking. Yes, this was going to be her first spanking in her life....

*Well* Usually she would be the one to spank.... She had done it several times before with beautiful women who had caught her interest as she made them submit to her complete will and mentally destroy them as she let their pathetic men watch while she had her fun with them.

Yes, she was a crazy whore and accepted it as absolute truth.... But by now she couldn't help herself; it was too pleasant a feeling for her.


The stinging pain on her right buttock made her eyes go wide but not surprise her more. To say she was surprised would be an understatement. It stung.

But there was something else, too. Soon the pain began to fade as Kazuya's hands caressed the place where she had gently spanked. Did she enjoy it? Yes. It wasn't really a surprise to her....

*Spank!* *Spank!"

Without warning from her captain, another slap landed on her other cheek; She bit her lower lip as her eyes became a little confused. Her pussy tightened. *Fuck* This hurt and aroused her even more!

Was she turning into a masochist? She honestly didn't think she was but maybe it was just buried inside her *Well* She had to admit that he wouldn't mind changing her fetishes for him.

Maybe they could have even enjoyed together tormenting other people, especially beautiful girls on their knees in front of the two of them as they made them beg for pleasure and release. She could only enjoy as she imagined using different girls' mouths as toys to satisfy his big cock to the fullest. And if his captain had let him, even a few cucks watching them use his girlfriend in front of him!

*Spank!* *Spank!" *Spank!"

A third blow on the ass; And the pain he expected turned into something pleasant. Her body was tense. With each blow, the pain was overwhelmed by the pleasure her felt and the degenerate thoughts she was having inside her mind.

"From now on, you will call me Master, understand?" asked Kazuya with a smile appearing on his lips. He was really enjoying trying these new experiences he was having about sex in general.

*Spank!* *Spank!" *Spank!" *Spank!* *Spank!"

Her toes curled on the ground and her face pressed hard against the cold wall as she let out a great sensual moan; her pussy throbbed.

"I heard no response ~~."

Meanwhile, one could see that Kazuya's appearance was slowly changing: He skin was getting redder and if one paid close enough attention, one could even see the illusion of a long red-white horn sprouting from the forehead.

*Spank!!* *Spank!!" *Spank!!"

Her pussy was getting wet with every stroke, and she could barely restrain herself from rubbing her thighs together! But she needed more!

*Spank!!* *Spank!!" *Spank!!"

"Yes, Master! I will call you my Master!"


Another slap hit her big ass much harder than the others, and a moan escaped her teary eyes as the pressure rushed to her pussy; She almost reached her climax. But almost as if to tease and torment her even more, her captain stopped himself from continuing.

"Fuck!" This action cemented in her mind that he was the perfect man for her and that together they would have a great time.

She wanted a lot more damn it! Devon was surprised by her own thoughts, but she did not brood over them as the boy ordered her again. "Get down.

She did. It was hard. She rubbed her thighs as she bit her lip. Fuck this shit. She felt so fucking horny! She just wanted to stick his gigantic cock that was visible in his pants inside her pussy and fuck he completely silly!

Instead he was tormenting her! Overwhelming her in pleasure, until at one point he stopped preventing her orgasm and this was even beginning to please him!

Kazuya pulled her by the choker and sat on the wall as he caressed her ass and gave her a firm squeeze as she wrapped her legs around his neck. He dived in, giving her pink lips a lick as she released a soft moan.

He opened his mouth and used his tongue with incredible dexterity as Devon stirred as Kazuya's tongue invaded her pussy and spread her walls, she moaned loudly.

Not wanting to make her wait any longer. Kazuya gave her pussy a good long lick. Then he inserted his tongue inside as he stretched. Creeping around, trying to find her sensitive spots.

"Ahnnggg~" cried Devon as he bit her clit.

Kazuya chuckled at this reaction as he focused completely on pleasing the girl in front of him, biting her again before giving her a long, slow lick.

Devon was soaking wet and Kazuya was painfully hard, but he honestly didn't care about her situation, the only thing he cared about was getting her lost in pleasure. So, he pushed his tongue inside her pussy, slowly. His hot tongue spread her walls slightly and sucked her pussy, biting her gently.

"Ah!" Devon let out another cry as he wiggled underneath him. She grabbed Kazuya's head, holding him still as her legs wrapped around him. Soon she reached her limit and he felt her walls tighten as she released her love juices, which Kazuya drank with obvious pleasure.

He licked her pussy with precise movements, very slow and deliberate. He teased her, his right hand stimulating her clitoris. His tongue moved back and forth, not far from her asshole.

"Oh my God!" Devon exclaimed as he sucked on her pussy lips with no intention of stopping anytime soon, after all he was enjoying himself and until the girl in front of him passed out from pleasure he would continue.

He bit her clit, again, sucking on it as he grazed her pussy. He could feel her orgasm building, and he knew it would not be long before she came.

Then he moved his left hand to her butt and began to stimulate her asshole. He gave her a few more firm squeezes as he traced her asshole with his finger. He felt her muscles relax. He used her pussy juice as a lubricant on his finger. Then he pushed his finger inside her asshole.

"Aaah!" Devon grunted, lifting her hips as she tried to rub herself against his face, which he welcomed as he continued to lick like someone who has found his favorite dessert.

At one point he charged his finger with electricity as it vibrated. *Hmm*, he wondered if her would like it.... On her ass and pussy. Stimulating him with intense vibrations and jolts of electricity.

He increased his sucking and teasing. He circled her asshole with his finger, looking for its good place. He found it soon after, and gave her a kiss as his finger stimulated her G-spot in her asshole.

Devon shouted. "Wh-what... Is that it!!!? Ahhhn~" She stiffened and was creamy. Her pussy and ass clenched as she spread. Splashing all over his face, experiencing her biggest orgasm she would ever experience or at least that was what she thought at that moment.

"Mmph!" Devon groaned as she arched her back, her legs tightening around him at his head.

She gasped. "Right there! I'm going to orgasm!" Her holes kept squeezing tighter and tighter as she continued to have non stop orgasms while he didn't let up as her sensitivity became too high and she could no longer resist.

Then, he became bolder. He pulled his finger out of her asshole and inserted his thumb into her vagina. He kept his hand on her clitoris and continued to suck her pussy, moving his tongue quickly.

Smiled and his tongue also began to vibrate. He sank it into her pussy spasmodically, concentrating on her sensitive spots. With ease he made her reach for another Ahegao which, he had to admit, was very nice to see.

"Angh!" Devon groaned loudly, her thighs trembling as she reached another orgasm. Her eyes rolled back as the intense stimulation hit her. She spasmed continuously as she drooled with pleasure, her face relaxing as she fell silent. Her panting was all that could be heard.

Kazuya smiled as she slowed slightly, enjoying her orgasm on him. He stopped moving his tongue around her pussy; instead, he sucked on her clit while she was still spasming and panting. "Did you enjoy that?" He kissed her inner thigh and licked her like some monstrous beast

Devon's eyes were completely lost in the void as she squirmed under him and unconsciously nodded her words as he shamelessly drank her juices and then turned back, looking at her. She was hot and breathless, her face flushed and her eyes rolling.

Devon nodded with a lost look, with her last cumming had made him lose it completely out of his mind. "I want more! I want your big cock inside me! I have done nothing to please you master, so please use my pussy as you please!" She spread her thin lips wide, her vagina still spasming from the continuous orgasms.

But to her misfortune Kazuya had other plans in mind for her. As he again charged his finger with electricity to increase her pleasure even more but this time to also increase the efficiency by 20x.

Devon's eyes rolled as she began to drool. He paid no attention, however, as he also stimulated her asshole and massaged her clitoris.

"I'm cumming nonstop. Make it stop! It's too much! I'm going to get addicted to this!" Devon spasmed and her face was completely fucked up. Drunk with pleasure as her mind could only focus on the immense stimulation and orgasms as she splashed all over his face like a waterfall. She went limp and he finally stopped touching her.

Kazuya looked at Devon's faint form with a smile as he licked the last remnants of her love fluids in his hands and slowly without noticing his form slowly returned to normal.



[Thriller Bark - Ship of Gecko Moria]

Inside the famous ghost ship, which was known as the territory of one of the world's most influential pirates, could be seen besieged with ease.

By a group of pirates consisting of only six members!

Our protagonist was facing hundreds of zombies who were currently charging at him. "Why did I leave Haetae with that goth loli again? She would have been really useful in this situation, thanks to her water manipulation..." he sighed as several storm clouds appeared in the surrounding environment

"Vanish with thunder, Kirin" the words rang through the surrounding environment as a huge black oriental dragon appeared from the clouds, with arcs of electricity on its body. Then it collided with the huge zombie army at the speed of light. As heat and plasma annihilated everything as far as the eye could see.

"No, my zombies!" shouted an abnormally large humanoid creature with very distinct, devil-like characteristics. "Who the hell are you? And what do you want from me!?"

"You're not the smartest person in the world, are you?" said Kazuya with a small sigh. "I want you to replace his shadow with another one." he asked, pointing behind him to a zombie in a samurai outfit carrying a long katana at his side.

"Ryuma you betrayed me-" before Moria could finish his sentence and was silenced by a kick to the stomach at lightning speed forcing him to kneel in front of Kazuya "What were you saying?"

Moria fell silent as he said ".... That shadow is the only one with decent swordsmanship skills that I possess! Without that one Ryuma's power would go way down!" he shouted, with obvious disagreement he did not want to do such a thing, after all it was his most successful experiment.

"You think I don't know that?" he said as a long spear made of electricity appeared in his hand and pointed it at his neck. "You just have to do what I told you..."

Moria finally nodded reluctantly as she exchanged Ryuma's shadows for a random mob "Are you satisfied, ruining-" He didn't even get to finish speaking before he body collapsed helplessly with his severed head.

"Yes, good job," Kazuya affirmed indifferently. Before taking from his corpse a small golden orb that turned a card he immediately stored it in his Gacha inventory along with the other devil fruits.

"Let's go, Ryuma to the new world.... In Wano we will find a suitable shadow for you," he said. As the zombie swordsman simply nodded.


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