
Fate/Scp: Epic of The Demiurge

Our infamous lonely protagonist Kazuya Yagami was suddenly torn from his reality by a mysterious system for unknown reasons. He has fallen into a foreign world filled with danger at every turn. And he needs to find a way to deal with the secrets he will discover along his journey. [Ding!] [User you have been chosen to try the new system just created] [Yes] [Yes] "Huh?" [Congratulations Host you got Omniverse Gacha System] "Wait up! Fuck, No!!" ---- https://discord.gg/pnBQTzJr paypal.me/david911234

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chaper - 27


Chapter - 27: Medusa Gorgon


[Death-Weapon Meister Academy] - [School Infirmary]

Kazuya lay in the cozy confines of the school infirmary at Death Weapon Meister Academy, snuggled beneath the sheets with his eyes closed. His plan to skip classes and enjoy a peaceful slumber seemed to be going smoothly until he heard the door creak open.

As he anticipated, in stepped the infirmary doctor, Medusa, her face concealed behind her usual deceptive mask. "Kazuya, you're getting quite skilled at this, aren't you?" Medusa's voice carried a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Skipping classes again, I see."

Kazuya cracked open one eye and grinned. "Oh, Medusa, you know me too well. You're like my personal alarm clock whenever I need a little break from the mundane classes."

Medusa sighed, her mask hiding any expression, but the irritation was evident in her tone. "I'm not here to entertain your laziness. Now get up and get back to your classes. You're here to learn, not to nap."

Kazuya reluctantly opened his eyes, the playful glint he once held replaced by a amused expression.

"You know, Medusa," Kazuya began, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief, "instead of focusing on the students, perhaps you should concentrate on your grand plan to awaken the Kishin. It seems to be taking quite a long time."

Listening to he words, Medusa was completely unmoved by the accusations like a perfect actress. "I'm sorry Kazuya, but I don't understand what you're talking about..."

Unconcerned about her reaction, Kazuya leaned against the backrest, trying to maintain an air of indifference. "Oh, I but I'm sure you do. Whether it's Crona or even just the awakening of the Kishin," I scoffed, "Too bad Arachne is proceeding very slowly don't you think? "

Medusa's lips curved into a sinister smile. "You've always been too curious for your own good, Kazuya," she replied, her voice exuding malice. "But since you're here, don't even think of leaving here alive."

The mention of her plans further rocks Medusa's mask. And she channeled her magic and conjured directional arrows that materialized and flew menacingly toward Kazuya.

He managed to deftly dodge them with lightning speed, but the tension in the room was palpable...

Kazuya raised his hands in surrender. "Why don't we calm down in truth I only revealed your plans so I could try to work with you to awaken the Kishin" He admitted, with a big smile making its way onto his face.

"You dare to mock me?" Medusa growled, her voice low and menacing. "I should kill you here and now."

Kazuya's playful attitude shattered, replaced by a chilling, saguinous aura. He tapped into something new he had discovered since his return to this world, unleashing a power that made Medusa shudder.

The once familiar school infirmary transformed into a nightmarish realm of horror. The walls appeared to come alive, pulsating with grotesque veins, and the air reeked of putrid flesh and blood. Medusa found herself trapped in an eerie illusion, an unsettling nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

Fear and caution gripped Medusa's heart as she stared at the grotesque spectacle before her. She could not fathom the entity that stood before her, an enigmatic force shrouded in darkness and malevolence. The deceptive mask no longer hid her true emotions, as her face betrayed a mixture of curiosity and terror.

"What are you?" Medusa's voice trembled as she confronted the enigmatic being.

Kazuya's reply sent chills down her spine. "What a question. I'm your student," he uttered, his voice eerily calm as the room returned to its mundane appearance as if the nightmarish illusion had never existed.

Despite the apparent return to normalcy, Medusa couldn't shake the lingering sense of dread. The encounter had left an indelible mark on her, and she found herself captivated by the enigmatic entity that stood before her.

His words and actions seemed to defy explanation, and she couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of the darkness that lay within him.

After Kazuya's display of uncanny strength, Medusa found herself more willing to listen to him, intrigued by the enigma before her.

The dark and malevolent aura he emanated fascinated and unnerved her at the same time. She hesitated for a moment, then decided to ask, "What are your goals, Kazuya? Why do you want to awaken the Kishin?"

Kazuya's smile was cryptic, a mixture of malice and hidden intentions. "Let's say I have my reasons," he replied, avoiding a direct answer. "I believe the Kishin holds the key to unlocking true power, and I intend to seize this opportunity."

Medusa narrowed her eyes, sensing that Kazuya's motives were more than he was willing to reveal. But her answer also resonated with his own ambitions.

She had long sought supreme power and control, and if Kazuya could be useful to her in achieving that goal, perhaps he was worth considering.

"Very well," Medusa said with a nod, her voice tinged with an unusual note of curiosity. "I will give you a chance to work with me. But make no mistake, Kazuya, if you become a burden or a threat, I will not hesitate to eliminate you."

Kazuya gave a dark chuckle, apparently unfazed by his warning. "Oh, I wouldn't have it any other way, Medusa," he replied, his eyes shining with an eerie intensity. "I'm sure we won't work well together."

While Kazuya's display of extraordinary strength intrigued and unnerved Medusa, she found that she strangely seemed more willing to listen to him, despite all the mysteries surrounding him.

However, their conversation was interrupted when the school bell rang, signaling the end of recess.

Kazuya's smile remained even when he realized he had to return to class. "I appreciate this intriguing talk, Medusa," he said, evading her question about his goals. "But duty calls and I must return."

Medusa nodded, still intrigued but aware that she had to bide her time. "Very well," she replied with a hint of curiosity in her voice. "We will continue this talk later."

With that, Kazuya turned and walked away, the dark and malevolent aura had completely disappeared from him , leaving Medusa with her own thoughts.

She knew that she could not let her guard down with him, although for now he seemed willing to cooperate, and for some reason she could not help but give a big smile as her eyes became slitted like a snake.

As Kazuya returned to class, he had a little shiver on his back and remembered that Medusa also has her own plans going on and that he should not underestimate her too much.

He knew he had to be cautious with her as well. They both had their own agendas, and this alliance was only a temporary arrangement until they had achieved their respective goals.


I am back.

I'm sorry I haven't written, but my DC and Marvel Fanfction take up a lot of my time.

Anyway, I decided to speed things up a bit, so next chapter the Ten Commandments will make an appearance along with Charmcaster and Icy. And Mc good show of strength.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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