

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 84: Two saberfaces meet

(3rd Person's POV)

Morgan massaged her temples, feeling a throbbing pain in her head. Why?

For the past month, King Lot had entrusted the throne to Morgan. While she relished the opportunity to taste kingship, she forgot that King Lot never bestowed anything without a catch.

{Why are you slacking off?! Always remain alert in court! Umu!} Nero Claudius, a self-proclaimed emperor, had been enlisted by King Lot to "assist" Morgan in matters of management and leadership. According to King Lot, Nero was the best person to teach the art of controlling a territory. He claimed to have learned everything from the blond-haired woman, who bore a striking resemblance to Morgan herself.

While Morgan wondered about the nature of her husband's relationship with Nero, she deemed it pointless to question such matters. King Lot could woo as many women as he pleased; Morgan didn't care. What did concern her was the treatment she received.

First, there were miles to run, followed by sword practice, and then she had to arrive at court early to assume the responsibilities of a king under the supervision of Nero Claudius.

The problem? Nero was a complete pain in the backside. Not only was she a chatterbox, but she also exuded narcissism. Constantly dictating what to do and how to do it, Nero was more of a hindrance than an assistant.

Morgan harbored a genuine desire to tear Nero in half, but she knew any retaliation would result in Nero complaining to King Lot, leading to an increase in Morgan's workload as punishment.

Initially, Morgan believed she could endure it, but the constant pressure was wearing her down. There was also the matter of a talking head, but Morgan preferred not to dwell on it.

"Your Highness, the route you suggested was raided by bandits. You said it was a safe route," complained a state merchant standing before Morgan.

Looking at his distressed face, Morgan felt the urge to lash out and reduce him to pieces, but she managed to suppress her darker instincts.

"I-I am sorry—"

{You idiot!} Nero's piercing voice cut through Morgan's thoughts.

"SS!" She winced as if her ear were about to bleed from Nero's loudness.

'Can you not scream in my ear?' Morgan complained through telepathy. Nero's invisible presence made it impossible for Morgan to voice her complaints openly.

{Why are you apologizing to your subjects?} Nero chided.

'Isn't it natural to admit my mistakes?'

{What mistake? You suggested a route. It isn't your fault. If tomorrow a storm comes, will you also take responsibility for everything?!}

Nero's words made Morgan realize her error. Just because a route ended up with barbarians or bandits didn't mean it was Morgan's fault.

{Even if everything turns out to be your fault, never ever admit a mistake while sitting on a throne. You are the last line of order, and if people see a leader admitting mistakes, your years' worth of reputation will come down to lick dirt in mere seconds.}

Morgan admitted that Nero was right. If a king started admitting mistakes, he would lose the support of people who trusted him. A smile formed on Morgan's face, and she was about to thank Nero Claudius from the bottom of her heart when…

"And so, you should blah blah blah, Umu! Blah blah!" Nero began her chatterbox routine, and Morgan had had enough.

"Enough!" Morgan stood in rage, dropping her lady-like persona.

"Guards, arrest him!"

Two guards promptly arrested the merchant. "But your highness…"

"Do you reckon you can stroll in here, coerce me into admitting a fault I didn't commit, and extort money as compensation? You're naught but a money-sucking leech," Morgan glared at the merchant before turning to the guards. "Go and apprehend everyone associated with him. Give them a thorough lashing—20 lashes—before commencing your investigation."

"Your highness, I am the regular trader with King Lot; you can't do this to me!" The merchant cried, but the guards dragged him away.

Morgan realized she had made a harsh decision without investigating the matter thoroughly. While she could discern lies or truth, she would also be losing a significant source of income.

Nero materialized from the background and looked at Morgan. "You know you will be losing a backer here, right? For your campaigns, you will need a lot of money."

"True, but that doesn't entail allowing anyone to trifle with my dignity. I stand as a king in this moment, and I shall decide as I deem appropriate," Morgan explained, casting a glance at Nero. "I'll manage the financial aspect. If you wish to file a complaint with my husband, feel free to do as you please."

Morgan anticipated another punishment, but then saw Nero smiling.

"Now I am looking at a proper king, not some public servant, Umu~!" Nero beamed a smile. "That's right, you ARE a king, and a king only learns from the throne. Well done, Morgan Pendragon."

For a moment, Morgan thought she was dreaming until a genuine smile crept onto her face.

"Thank you, Nero Claudius."


(Titus's (Lot's) POV)

Cling! Cling! Clang!

The echoes of blades clashing filled the air as the two giants battled with all their might. I wielded Gungnir along with a sword in my first-time encounter with my servant, Cu Chulainn.

"Time up! Times up!" Cu Chulainn cried when he couldn't keep up with my momentum. "Okay, I know you were always stronger than me, but you are in a completely different league. That's cheating, boss!"

Yeah, my skill (Emperor of War EX) wasn't a joke. I could copy any martial arts skill, devise a countermeasure against the move, and use that tactic to defeat my enemy in a matter of seconds. Cu Chulainn, a servant much stronger than he appeared in the anime, was easily being pushed back by me. Not to mention, he was boosted by the land, almost reaching the same level as Heracles.

"It isn't my fault that Scathach granted me this skill," I said as I tossed a can of soda at Cu. "Besides, you are the one asking for the spar."

"Give me a break. A fight with you is my only motivation in this reality," Cu muttered, taking a sip. "I want to fight strong warriors, not train them. Should have summoned Scathach."

He was right; Scathach would have been much more valuable. But the problem was, she wasn't in my roster. Heck, even the Land of Shadows didn't exist at this moment for reasons unknown.

"If you are so lonely, should I summon Aoife or Connla?" I grinned.

"I will work hard for you, Boss. But please, anyone but them. They will kill me over and over again!" Cu cried. Even though he led a fulfilling life, it wasn't without challenges, especially in marital problems.

It was then we heard a cry.


We saw a head bouncing towards us.

"Boss, why the hell did you bring her here?! And where is her body?!" Cu pleaded.

"You should run," I smirked, and after giving me a stern look, Cu fled.

"Cu, my dear Cu~! At least give me heads!!" And Medb followed Cu to the ends of the earth.

"He still runs like a clown," I laughed when I received Nero's summon.


I walked towards Nero, with Artoria walking beside me. Since I usually carried Artoria around, I decided to let her walk this time; it wasn't good to spoil kids too much.

"Umu~! Umu~! Tacitus, you look good in that body!" Nero mused when she saw me. Although she had seen my Viking body many times, like before, she actually noticed the change in my appearance.

"Haha, I see. Glad that you like it. I like it too," I exclaimed. I was bigger than in my Tacitus or Titus appearance, with a beard and long reddish hair, giving me a Celtic look. (AN: GOW Thor but a little shorter and more covered.)

Pretty sure if Boudica or Scathach had seen my body, they would have already taken me to their room. I might not have been clean-shaven with six-packs, but my current appearance was that of a million-dollar model of this era.

"Well, no matter the body or shape, my Tacitus will always be my Tacitus," Nero proudly declared before blushing hard.

I laughed and then introduced Artoria to Nero.

"So this is the brat you've always simp for?" Nero said sternly, glancing at little Artoria.

Yeah, Nero knew how much of a simp I was for Artoria Pendragon. I mean, she was the one and only female anime character I fell in love with. Nero pretty much understood that these words were like a game or anime in my first life, so she was aware of the popularity difference and that Nero herself was based on Artoria.

'Hehe, let's see how they will react.' I chuckled internally. "But I am your simp now."

"Wha! Don't say something like that all of a sudden!" Nero blushed, her ears steaming. She then coughed and glared at Artoria, "Oi, brat! I am this person's favorite. Remember that."

Artoria didn't say anything. She just stood there, looking at Nero cluelessly until she pointed her finger at Nero and uttered a single word.


I widened my eyes, and so did Nero.

"Tacitus! Don't get in the way! I will teach her a lesson!" Nero rammed to scold Artoria, but I had already taken her in my arms to protect her. "I am no knock-off! You are the knock-off! I came first! I have big breasts and am cuter!"


"Tacitus! She just grinned! She understands us! She is no child!"

"What are you on about?" I looked at Artoria, who beamed a charming smile at me. "My cute Artoria can't possibly be bad! She is just the best."

"Ehhe! Artoria also loves unkie~!"

"Unkie also loves little Artoria, Kia!" I exclaimed, and we rubbed our cheeks.

"You really become an idiot when it comes to raising children," Nero shook her head.

I looked at Nero and then lifted her in my other arm.

"T-Tacitus!" Nero blushed as I fondled her ass and pulled her closer to my face.

"Say, this Celtic is getting hungrier to taste a Roman beauty, so…" I said and huffed a hot breath.

"U-umu…" Nero also nodded, her cheeks turning pink.

Just as our faces grew close, two small hands grabbed my ears, and someone bit my cheek.

"Unkie belongs to Artoria! Unkie belongs to sista!" Artoria glared at me with her big emerald eyes. Her ahoge also danced on her head.

"As much as it pains me to part from your embrace, I believe she's correct," Nero said. "Were I in Morgan's position, I wouldn't wish for my husband to display affection toward another woman."

Yeah, even though there wasn't any love between me and Morgan, I shouldn't spend any intimacy with other women, even if Nero was my first wife. In this dreamshift, Morgan was my one and only wife.

"Right. Sorry about that," I said, putting down Nero.

"It's alright. Your dedication is what drew me to you in the first place," Nero said, then shifted to a more serious expression. "Nevertheless, I wish to reveal something to you. The inhabitants of these isles are in lost cause."


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