

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 73: Catching the culprit

(3rd Person's POV)

[Fate/Extra Memory Fragment #45]

Titus Dusklock reached the moment of summoning one of the three main servants in the Fate/Extra game—the mysterious Nameless.

If delving into Nameless's identity is your cup of tea, he was, in fact, Shirou Emiya within the Extra world. Driven by his dream to live as a hero of justice, Shirou took on the role of a mercenary. However, this pursuit led him astray, causing him to lose sight of his dream, breaking laws, and tragically taking innocent lives. Consequently, instead of meeting an honorable end, he faced execution at the hands of the people.

In the Moon Cell Holy Grail War, Shirou Emiya entered as a form of Counter Guardian, leaving his former identity behind and becoming known as Nameless.

Titus Dusklock, in his attempt to summon an archer, found himself summoning Nameless. Whether it was an unfortunate stroke of bad luck or Titus's laid-back approach to strategy, Nameless faced defeat.

"Hah! I am sorry, Master, I have failed," Nameless uttered, seated on the ground, his body stained with blood, gradually dissipating as his time drew to an end.

"It's okay. It's my fault. I was too focused on studying the Moon Cell," Titus acknowledged, settling beside Nameless. "Instead of apologizing, I wanted to ask you a question."

"Hmm, go on?" Nameless replied.

"Do you have any regrets about your actions in your life on Earth?"

Titus's unexpected question momentarily caught Nameless off guard. "I guess none," Nameless confessed, his gaze dropping. "To be honest, I don't remember much about my life."

"Then let me ask you another question. Two boats are sinking—one with 10 people and the other with 100. You can only save one boat. Which one would you choose?"

Nameless found it a straightforward question. "The one with 100 people."

"Let's continue this scenario. Now, from the boat you just saved, 10 people need immediate medical help. You can save them and abandon the other 90, or do otherwise. Your answer."

"Of course, I would choose the 90 people," Nameless replied, only to realize the ease with which he accepted abandoning others. Could he still be deemed a hero? Would he continue to prioritize the masses based solely on numbers?

"I think you've realized something. You can always seek the answer later if you have such concerns," Titus smiled knowingly.

"But isn't this a paradox? There is no answer," Nameless protested.

"You're right. It is a paradox, and there's no definitive answer. But is this solely about saving people?" Titus pondered, gazing at the sky. "I want to become human again, and for that, I'd go to any length, even if it means becoming a little evil in the process. It's because I'm committed. Not committed to becoming human, but because I want to honor the sacrifice of those two women who gave their lives to grant me a chance to live."

Nameless widened his eyes as an error in his resolve became apparent.

"Now, I will ask you again the same question, Shirou Emiya. Two boats sinking—one with 10 people and the other with 100. You can only save one boat. Which one would you choose?" Titus smiled softly. "I will await your answer."

[Memory Fragment ended.]


(Titus's POV)

I opened my eyes to the sight of a familiar ceiling. That's right, I found myself in Shirou's room after our shared dreamshift.

"My ass is hurting. Is it because of this stone bed?" I mumbled, scanning the room for Shirou, but he wasn't beside me. Instead, my eyes caught the figure standing by the window. He had the physique of his servant self but was dressed casually.

"Titus, you asked a peculiar question about which boat I would choose to save, the one with 10 people or the one with 100, right? I think I have the answer," Shirou spoke and then turned to face me. "I will save the boat that holds my loved ones."

I smiled and nodded, recognizing the determination in his eyes. He had found his resolve.

"After pondering throughout the entire dreamshift, I realized that the answer isn't about the masses. It's about the people you choose to save—the ones you are committed to protecting and loving. Even if it means sacrificing everything, I would gladly do so to give my loved ones a chance to live happily," Shirou declared.

Yeah, he is the real Shirou Emiya. The one from Heaven's Feel or Miyu's world. The true person I liked in the Nasuverse.

Shirou turned around, his ears turning red. "And that boat I would save also includes you, Titus, my best friend."

"…" Did… did my heart just skip a beat?

"Ahem," I coughed and then stood up. "Let's save Sakura."


(3rd Person's POV)

In her room, Sakura grappled with regret, reflecting on every choice that had led her to this point. She felt like a pathetic and despicable woman with nothing to her name—a mere plaything in the Matou Family. The disgusting worms violated her body, and her stepbrother, Shinji Matou, further dismantled her dignity.

She resigned herself to the belief that she would continue to endure such a pathetic life until she crossed paths with Shirou Emiya. Initially, she struggled to comprehend the feelings in her heart, only to realize she was in love with Shirou. As a girl burdened with a sense of impurity, she kept her emotions hidden.

Everything shifted when a foreign boy named Titus Dusklock entered her life. A seemingly ordinary guy with limited magecraft knowledge, Sakura sensed a shared background between them. They both endured a hellish childhood, and they both aspired to find happiness.

Titus became Sakura's savior. Though not intervening directly, he played a crucial role, encouraging Rin Tohsaka and Shirou Emiya to infiltrate the Matou Family mansion. He facilitated Sakura's reconnection with her sister Rin and helped Shirou recognize his feelings for Sakura.

To Sakura, Titus was a hero unlike any other. He extended a helping hand without expecting anything in return. Sakura yearned for a happy life, and Titus understood this deeply.

At that moment, Sakura realized she had fallen in love with Titus—not romantically, but in a way that allowed her to look up to someone, to find solace. He became the reliable big brother she had always desired, someone who could protect and love her like family.

Till now, Sakura had everything she had longed for: a big sister, a dependable older brother, and a loving boyfriend.

However, everything changed when Sakura started to hallucinate, engaging in actions without realizing it. Shirou began to doubt her for the same reason. Thinking that keeping her distance from others would help, Sakura ended up regretting that decision.

She inadvertently destroyed everything with her own hands, not sparing the brothers-like friendship between Titus and Shirou. There was a demon inside her, and the weight of her actions pushed her to the point where she just wanted to end her life.

At this crucial moment, Shirou entered the room. "S-senpai?" Sakura was both shocked and happy.

Before she could process anything, Shirou hugged her.

"I am sorry, Sakura, for leaving you," he whispered in her ear and tightly embraced her. It was all she needed to hear, and tears began flowing out of her eyes.

Despite the fear that she might hurt him again, in that moment, she just wanted to let everything go.

After calming down, Shirou said something unexpected. "We will be leaving London today. Pack everything."

"W-why?" Her eyes trembled. Was it because of her that Shirou was distancing himself from Titus?

"Don't be sad," Shirou smiled and petted her head. "I have already talked with Titus. There might be a demon residing within you, but he will be completing all the dreamshift and come to Japan to extract that demon. For now, let's do what he says."

Sakura nodded. She was saddened that she wouldn't be able to meet her brother but also happy that they didn't hold any resentment towards her.

However, at that moment, Sakura's heart drummed hard, and she sensed something ominous. She widened her eyes and tried to warn Shirou.

"SENP—!" She fell silent.

"Hmm, Sakura?" Shirou called Sakura and walked towards her. Sakura had become awfully silent, her bangs covering her eyes, and her body remained unresponsive.

"Sakura, are you – Guah!" Shirou coughed up a mouthful of blood. Looking down, he saw Sakura's hand impaling his chest.

It was at that moment Sakura's hair turned pale, and her eyes red. Sakura then lifted her face, revealing an entirely different person.

"Hm hm hm~!" Sakura chuckled as she lifted her head, revealing a face with red eyes and an entirely different personality. "Do you really think I would just sit back and let that scum Titus kill me for the second time?"

Shirou's eyes widened with fear as his went up, and his breathing stopped. The demon who had taken over Sakura chuckled and pulled her hand away, revealing a beating heart.

"I actually wanted all of his friends to be close so that I could tease you guys for a bit, but you have crossed the line, little red head. I can't let you live," Demon Sakura mused as she licked the blood on her hand.

'Mmm?' Sakura realized something was off as she licked the supposed blood. She thought she tasted blood, but there was none. Further confusion arose when she noticed a bracelet on her hand that should have been covered in blood.

"What the hell?!" Demon Sakura grasped that something was awry and turned towards Shirou, who should have been dead. But there she saw Shirou perfectly fine, holding… Sakura?

Wait, if she had taken over Sakura, then who was in Shirou Emiya's arms? And why did it seem like she was looking down—literally? What was with this bracelet, and why did everything seem so enormous?

"The bracelet is a Nordica mythical item from the age of gods. It separates the spirit from the body. You would have died, but in your case, you became a servant."

The little Sakura's thoughts were interrupted by a chilling voice, a presence that disrupted her very soul. Turning around, she saw a simple-looking figure—brown hair and an average figure. But to the little demon girl, this person was a colossal storm of fire that could melt her at any moment.

Without a doubt, it was Titus Dusklock—the very person she was trying to ruin. She realized she had played directly into Titus's hands.

"So, my little god of love, did you enjoy ruining my friend's life?" Titus smiled, hands behind his back, with silhouettes of different weapons like a slipper and a belt in his hands.

"Ah, ha ha~! Can I… leave for the toilet? There is an emergency…" The little demon girl tried to sneak away, but Titus grabbed her by her face and lifted her into the air.

It was the day she received the most significant beatdown in the history of mankind. Even Shirou sympathized with her. Her screams echoed throughout London.


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