

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 130: Apology

(3rd Person's POV)

"So you not only slapped him and scratched my disciple's chest but also mocked him, calling him by names?" Scathach glared at the green-blond haired huntress.

"The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch!" Artoria shot daggers at Atalanta.

"...yes. I did." Atalanta's lips twitched but she swallowed her distress. She knew she was going to be mocked, and she knew she deserved it.

Titus stopped talking with Atalanta after their last argument. She knew she went too far with her tongue and now she wanted to repent. She grew up among hunters and didn't have any formal manners. Hence, she came before Artoria and Scathach. They knew Titus well, so maybe they could help Atalanta beg forgiveness from Titus.

Although now Atalanta regretted it. Scathach and Artoria were both furious. Their anger was justified since Atalanta had done something outrageous.

"Sigh~! I knew problems would arise when many women are involved," Scathach sighed, breaking her anger. "And… I think it is also my fault too. I couldn't control my hormones well."

"Hmph, that's your thing. Unkie didn't do anything wrong. After all, if this bitch wasn't protecting her pussy like some kind of Alibaba treasure, unkie wouldn't have had to look elsewhere. Looking at her feels like a woman dying of thirst watching another woman drown," Artoria scoffed.


"Yeah huh?"



Scathach smacked Artoria's head. Seriously, Artoria was not behind anyone in babbling nonsense. Titus had spoiled her too much.

"But still, Miss Atalanta, your action doesn't warrant you to mock my disciple like that. You have no idea what he went through and how much he has suffered. Even then he tried to help you and you repaid him by taunting his character," Scathach folded her arms, lecturing Atalanta.

"I-I know…" Atalanta rolled her eyes.

Scathach couldn't tell if Atalanta was even guilty of her actions. "Sigh~, if you want to apologize, then just talk— ouch!!" Scathach was about to complete her sentence when Artoria elbowed her in the waist. Scathach glared at Artoria but met with a cunning smile.

"I know Unkie well. My sister also had some arguments with Unkie, and I know how she used to make up with him. There is a special, very, very special way~!" Artoria winked at Scathach.

Scathach widened her eyes and then coughed. Looking at Atalanta, Scathach grinned, "Indeed, there is a special way."


(Titus's POV)

I was in my study, where I usually research and practice my magecraft, when I heard a knock on the door.


I knew it was Atalanta, and to be honest, after the last incident, I didn't want to see her. I have lived long and have taken much harsher words, but I wasn't expecting Atalanta to tear apart my character like that. I had arguments with all my women, but none mocked my personality like she did.

But well, it wasn't as if I could just ignore Atalanta. I would have left the mission a long time ago if I didn't want to speak with her again, so I allowed her to enter.

"What the…" My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when a thug-looking woman entered.

Her blond-green hair was messy with a bandana on top. She was also wearing a black tank top and pants along with an orange skirt. Yup, that was definitely Atalanta, but cosplaying as Narancia Ghirga.

She also brought a music box. I palmed my face, knowing what was about to happen.


[*Gang Torture Dance*]

[♫♪ Vocal percussion on a whole 'nother level ♪♫

♫♪ Coming through my mind! ♪♫

♫♪ Vocal percussion on a whole 'nother level ♪♫

♫♪ Coming through my mind! ♪♫

♫♪ Haaaaaaaaaaa... ♪♫

♫♪ We're Golden Wind... ♪♫

♫♪ Kono me amareri maroreri merare maro ♪♫]

Under the vibrant, flickering lights, Atalanta burst into an energetic dance. The music, a pulsating rhythm that echoed the beats of her heart, filled the air. With every step, turn, and jump, Atalanta's movements were both wild and precise. Her feet tapped the ground in rapid succession, matching the tempo of the song flawlessly.

She threw her arms out, fingers spread wide, as if trying to catch the notes that floated around her. Her entire body moved with a fluidity that was mesmerizing, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next. The expression on her face was one of pure joy and freedom, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

As for me, I was beyond embarrassed. I wanted to laugh, but she looked so absurd!

Then, as the song reached its climax, Atalanta spun, her feet carrying her across the floor in a dizzying whirl. Then, with a final leap, she landed perfectly on beat, her pose striking and full of energy.

"Yo-yo, how's ya doin'? I, Atalanta, the corny woman, have come to make the jam. My spirits high and energy unbounded, I will change your mood from gloom to bloom!"

"…" My jaws dropped, "What in the actual hell?"

I wanted to laugh so hard, but it was so embarrassing in person that I couldn't help but hold back. I sighed and looked at Atalanta, "Is it Artoria or Scathach? I don't know what you're trying to say, but I think they pranked you."

Atalanta's eyes widened before she melted on the spot.


(3rd Person's POV)


Scathach and Artoria were seated in a gazebo, drinking tea. Outside, it was raining, but not just any ordinary rain – it was a rain of arrows. However, those arrows couldn't penetrate Artoria's protective barrier.

"Hehe, it was worth it," Artoria chuckled.

"Hm, and Atalanta nailed it with her dance. If anything, she is good with her legs," Scathach praised Atalanta. They were also secretly watching the torture dance and had a good laugh.

"Well, it was my idea. Unlike some 2000-year-old dull hag, I know how to have fun," Artoria lifted her chin proudly.


Scathach's lips twitched, "Says the 1500-year-old non-wife. At least this old hag has been with your unkie for years while Miss Artoria here is like a total novice. A V.I.R.G.I.N."


Artoria's brows twitched as she materialized her staff, "Unkie doesn't like his women bickering, but he never said anything about not kicking some old ass."

"Bring it on, unkie's princess!" Scathach grinned and produced her twin crimson spear.

And just like that, the air ruptured with a boom, and a showdown began between a caster and a lancer.


"I am so sorry, Atalanta!" Boudica clapped her hands together in an apologetic gesture.

"I-it's not your fault, Boudica!" Atalanta panicked. Atalanta had come to talk with her friend, Boudica. Among all of Titus's servants, Atalanta was very close to Boudica. It might be because Boudica was the most mature among all and she was also a mother who had raised many children with Titus.

"Really, it was my fault. I was so careless in the moment of reuniting with my husband – I mean Titus – that I didn't consider your feelings," Boudica insisted.

"This is okay…" Atalanta sighed, "It's not like there is any romance involved between me and Titus. I shouldn't have this feeling of jealousy."

"That's not true," a voice rang from afar. It was a woman with three fox tails and ears. Tamamo came and sat beside Atalanta.

If there was another woman Atalanta respected after Boudica, it was Tamamo-no-Mae. Tamamo was a divine spirit, like any higher gods, and currently, she was the strongest in terms of magical prowess.

Atalanta also sympathized with Tamamo since she bore Titus's child but suffered the loss of it. She also took the daring task of cursing the Whore of Babylonia by cursing her own child in her belly. She then sacrificed herself and her child to protect the then weak Titus from the Beast, a feat no one else dared to attempt.

"Atalanta-chan, you have every right to be jealous. After all, you share a sacred bond with Takeru-sama as his… eto… what is your number again?"

"But there is no romance—"

"But it doesn't mean there is no love. After all, Atalanta-chan loves Takeru-sama," Tamamo interjected.

Atalanta widened her eyes and turned beet red. "That's…" She wanted to deny this but for some reason, she couldn't find a retort.

"And I am sure Takeru-sama also loves Atalanta-chan. After all, to respect your chastity, he also vowed for the same," Tamamo added.

Atalanta widened her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"For what it's worth, he hasn't done with anyone in this timeline. He is a virgin just like you," Boudica added.

Atalanta couldn't believe her ears. She thought Titus was already in several relationships given the number of his women around him. But why? Why was Titus reserving himself from the pleasures?

"Atalanta-chan, this time might be different, but Takeru-sama always honors his commitments. He remains devoted to a single woman in every one of his dream shifts. Even in my time, he never even glanced at another woman," Tamamo added.

"I can vouch for this. After all, among anyone, I lived with him the longest. There was also no sex involved, but he gave me the respect and love of a wife for 20 years," Boudica added.

Hearing their stories, tears welled up in Atalanta's eyes. Why was I so wrong about him? she thought.

"Atalanta-chan, my relationship also faced many challenges. It wasn't always easy," Tamamo said, rubbing Atalanta's back.

"Arguments are part of a couple's life, but overcoming each other's shortcomings is what makes a relationship strong," Boudica added, embracing Atalanta.

"Atalanta," Tamamo called, gaining her attention, "Romance might seem difficult, but love is always possible. You might face challenges, but if you open your heart to him, it will be rewarding."

Atalanta blushed and nodded softly. "Thank you, guys."

Atalanta then jumped up from the couch and hugged both of her friends before leaving the chamber.

After Atalanta left, Boudica and Tamamo looked at each other and sighed with a helpless smile.

"By the way, isn't Titus's harem growing a bit too much?"

"Mikon~! Now that you mention it..."

They both hoped for Titus's harem to remain in single digits, or neither of them would get any time with him.


(Titus's POV)

The world was swallowed by darkness, and for the second time that night, a timid knock rapped against my door. This time, curiosity nudged me to get up and answer. Unsurprisingly, Atalanta stood outside, adorned in a formal dress that clashed with the lateness of the hour.

Time appeared to stop as she remained frozen, her bangs like a curtain concealing her emotions. Then, slowly, she raised her head, revealing eyes shimmering with unspoken sadness.

Drip. Drip.

Tears trickled down her cheeks before she took a step forward and engulfed me in a hug.

"I sigh…" I shook my head and returned the embrace.

"I'm so sorry…!" Atalanta sobbed, repeatedly apologizing for her mistakes. How she shouldn't have slapped me. How she shouldn't have hurled those hurtful words and lowered my dignity.

She apologized for everything. This time, her genuine remorse melted my anger. I simply stood there, holding her close and allowing her to express her grief.

After a while, her sobs subsided, and I gently wiped away her tears.

But confusion clouded her face.

"A-are you not going to punish me?"

"Hm, what for and what punishment?"

"For slapping you, for saying all those mean things. Are you not going to cut my fingers and beat me with a whip?"

I was confused. "Really- I mean no. I won't do such a thing."

"Not even slapping me. This is norm in Greece."

I wasn't surprised. Yeah, beating a wife was a thing in ancient times.

"No," I sighed, "Look, I come from a background with different ethical values, and I don't treat my woman like this."

"Um… okay." Atalanta rubbed her rosy cheek, "But you shouldn't be so lenient. There should be something I could do."

I tapped my chin and smirked, "I think today's torture dance will do. I haven't had a good laugh in a while, to be honest."

Recalling that memory, Atalanta turned completely red. "Sorry, I'm just not good at formal things. Growing up among hunters, I neglected knowledge of personal matters."

"It's okay," I rubbed my hair, "It was also my fault. Shouldn't be flaking my dick around women."

"Pfft!" Atalanta snickered but then coughed, hiding her embarrassment.

I laughed and then cupped Atalanta's face in my palms, her eyes meeting mine. "From here on, we should talk rather than argue. And you are my wife, Atalanta. You should make demands in the capacity of my wife."

Atalanta blushed for a moment before her eyes firmed. "Then I want to know everything about Titus Dusklock. From all his past life to now. I want to learn more about the only man I trust."

"Very well," I said and then sat on my chair. I gestured for Atalanta to sit on the opposite chair, but for some reason, she sat on my lap.

"W-what?" Atalanta's eyes flickered, her face turning as red as a hot pie.

"I asked you to sit opposite," I smirked, "Tamamo, was it?"

Atalanta turned even redder and was about to get up when I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Too late, I am not letting my wife go."

"Humph," Atalanta huffed, her cheeks still flushed, as she encircled her arms around my neck. Even though her face was burning, her eyes stayed confident. "I might be immature, but I don't have any intention of letting my man go."

Oh boy, she was way too stiff with this husband-wife thing. Hehe, it was still funny.

"So it all started when a bottle of wine hit me… Actually, let's skip this part," I then began to recall my memories, telling Atalanta all the stories, bitter and sweet alike. On that night, Atalanta grew closer to a man for the first time in her life.


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