

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 12: To save a certain mommy

(Titus's (Tacitus) POV)

60 AD

"UMU! This is the right horse for participation in horse riding!" Nero exclaimed, looking at fine sets of horses exclusively bred for race and duels. She then turned her attention towards me and asked, "Doesn't these horses match the valor and majesty of my glory, Tacitus?"

"Uh… umm…" I nodded with a fake smile while listing down the cost of each horse that would haunt me for the rest of the day.

It had been a year since I joined Nero in her rule. After the last incident, Nero and I worked to pin down the Senate and other corrupt officers from the palace. It was surprisingly easy for me to handle these 'evil' morons than I imagined. How could they even bet on their schemes against a person from the 21st century? Hence, peace was acclaimed.

However, much to my dismay, peace is never an option if you are friends with Nero. During a discussion, someone brought up the topic of ancient Greek games. And so, it was a matter of time before a worm ignited inside Nero, and she began preparing for her trademark event, the "Nero Festival."

Everything would have been fine if not for me managing the whole finance department on my own. Looking at the loyal vault, I didn't think it would last much longer.

Even though Nero appeared to be an excellent ruler, praised and adored by her people, there was a significant flaw to her dictate leadership: central leader policy that revolved around Nero.

Every burden of decision was now put on Nero's shoulder, making it hard to execute every single order, unlike before, when Senate was active, and authority was distributive.

And since I was Nero's sole advisor, the knife of everyone's expectations was put on my neck.

'No wonder Seneca commit suicide….'

I was sad that I neither had the luxury to commit suicide nor run from this job. I could only bear with this mission and hope to complete it as soon as possible.

"Gymnastics, and horse riding… Tacitus, what do you think? Are these funs enough for my grand NeroFest?" Nero asked, turning her attention towards all the other ministers suffering with me and me.

"Yes! Your majesty, horse riding is already a great addition to gymnastics. This should be it!" I concluded, along with other ministers who nodded their heads with me.

"Umu, if you say so…" Nero nodded, and everyone took a deep breath of relief.

We all could bear anything as long as it was not Nero's lust for music and singing. A big middle finger to Nero's ear-raping voice.

"Then dismissed!" Nero adjourned the court meeting, and everyone started to take their leave. However, Nero wasn't called a tyrant for a reason.

"Oh, yeah, Tacitus. Add singing and music to the list. How could I not show the world the magnificent talent of my voice?!! UMU!!" After dropping the bomb, she jumped from her seat and left with a hum.

"Khh!!" I gritted my teeth along with the rest of the ministers in the court. We all were going deaf.


"Tacitus, I don't mind if you want to join me in the bath." I heard Nero's voice from the bathroom, where I could listen to her stripping her clothes. I was standing outside her bath, connected to her chamber, where we ate dinner and chatted about various things.

"I wouldn't dare, your majesty," I answered with a plain poker face.

I was not so dense that I couldn't understand Nero's hints. Even if she used these tactics just to tease me, I was damn sure hardcore intercourse would be inevitable once lust got to my nerves.

And that won't happen. I must stay Virgil and protect my inner man for the sake of this mission.

"You are so overly serious~! You should also relax sometime." I heard Nero's voice as she dipped in the pool covered with rose petals.

Her statement almost cracked my skull open. She was the damn reason I never let my shoulders slip into comfort, and she was asking me to take a break? Give me a break.

"Tacitus, are you facing any problem in administering the court?" Nero asked again.

"A lot but none that would require your insight." I smiled.

My problems aside, Nero taught me from A to Z about ruling an empire. Whenever I required her assistance with a problem, she always listened and taught me the right way. Never once she complained about me or discard my advice. I don't know if she was a good ruler or a woman, but she was definitely a great teacher and a friend I could count on. For the past year, I learned a lot from her, so I respect Nero.

Also, I was getting rich.

Amidst my thought, Nero came out in her silky gown, which was more alluring than meant to hide the body.

"Did I make you wait long~?" She smirked with the gist of an alluring smile, looking for my reaction. And yes, this pervert also looked at my little brother to see any movement. "Seriously, no reaction?"

"Yup, no reaction. I think I should stop attending my time with your majesty." I raised my brow.

"Moe~! I was teasing you. Okay, I won't do it. Sorry." The historic narcissist apologized with puffed cheeks.

Man, how could a grown-up woman act so cute?! Seriously, her childish personality really doesn't match the infamous Nero from legends.

"My~ My~, the great roman emperor is apologizing to a mere advisor. I am impressed." I smirked and started rubbing Nero's golden hair with a towel.

"Hmph, I only said so because it was you, Tacitus!"

I smiled and moved lowered to see Nero's blushing face. Thank you, Nasu, for turning the infamous male pervert into a haughty yet childishly cute woman.

"Why thank you… Nero." With those words, I placed a light peck on her cheek.

"Um-u…" She hid her burning face behind her golden hair, but her moving ahoge indicated her happy meter.

Since I had to keep her at bay, I could only employ petty moves like small kisses and hugs. She didn't move further with her demands and never asked for more. She also probably didn't want to destroy our current friendship.

Even if she was stubborn and arrogant, she knew that once she made love with me, I would be dragged into a bloody war of royal families, which she would never want.

"Bring the dinner," I called maids who brought dinner and sat them on the table near Nero's bed.

"Ooo~! It looks tasty! Tacitus, is that one of your inventions?!" Nero exclaimed excitedly at the roasted chicken with spices.

"Yeah, kind of…." I rolled my eyes as I couldn't tell it was a recipe from modern humans.

'I miss Shiro's cooking…' Mommy Shiro was best.

Nero and I then ate dinner while discussing various things other than politics or empire. Her headaches were also cured, and she no longer suffered from chronic hysteria thanks to the medicine I gave her.

At first, I thought it would take at least a few years to develop a cure for Nero's illness, but I made it in just a few months. I didn't know if she was cured, but she still took her medicines. I also hadn't seen any symptoms.

Although I enjoyed a company of a cute girl during dinner, the main reason I spent time with Nero came after that.

"Come." Seeing my gaze, Nero smiled and tapped her lap.

"Yay~!" Like a spoiled kid, I dived into her lap and nestled my face between her soft thighs.

Oh, those were some divine thighs. Even though they weren't at the level of certain shisho and certain tsundere, Nero had her charms, especially the fluffiness of her soft skin and the underboob view.

After such a tiring day, her lap pillow was my only salvation.

"Hm~ Hm~! You have a weird fetish for a woman's lap." Nero chuckled while gently caressing my hair. "Say, does your fancy taste stretches to other women?"

I turned my head, looking to see if she was saying it out of jealousy, but all I could see was a numb face with a forced smile.

"Don't worry. I-I am not asking with ill intent…."

I smiled, "Look at you, a tyrant being shy."

"W-wha-! Are you teasing me?"

"Hehe, well. Thanks to a certain tyrant, the only woman I have the luxury to spend time with is you, Nero."

"Seriously, Tacitus, can you quit being a jerk and actually praise me genuinely? Humph!"

"Nah, I don't like to state the obvious." I smiled, turned my head towards Nero's navel, and kissed it softly. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this but the mode was just that tempting.

Nero also sighed with a smile and continued to caress my hair.

After some time, she said, "Say, Tacitus, do you have fancy in anyone? If you don't have one, people might suspect us to be… you know…"

I opened my eyes and sighed. What Nero said wasn't wrong. At the time, we were both without a partner and only spent time with each other; it was natural for people to suspect so.

"Actually, there is one woman I like," I spoke.

Nero's hand stopped moving, and silence took over the cozy room.

I lifted my head from her lap and sat beside her. "The woman is a certain tyrant."

Nero turned her head with a bewildered look on her face. A small smile also appeared on her face.

"She is stubborn, arrogant, narcissistic, and a kind of douche tyrant who does what she likes. But the same certain tyrant also has a caring side. She respects my choices and my beliefs. She is also incredibly adorable. Her UMU is also cute."

Nero was already burning with crimson hue with her ahoge dancing.

"However, as much as I would like to hold, kiss, and bed her, it is impossible for the moment. We both hold a high position where we don't have the leisure to think for ourselves.

The certain tyrant loves her people and takes pride and pleasure in her actions. Seeing her eyes glimmering with joy and happiness, I couldn't possibly roll between her wishes for personal enjoyment. Her leisure life doesn't melt well with my simple wish. "

"Tacitus…" Nero called my name with a smile and tilted her head on my chest.

"Maybe when she is done with the ruling and all that, maybe then I would extend my hand to take her for myself. Maybe then I would get her all for myself."

I had no idea what I was saying. Maybe it was my inner thoughts I kept all to myself, but I just felt like blurting everything.

It was not like I couldn't bang her and live a royal life. I was on a mission for personal gain, and my course would alter history. And I may sound like a scum, I didn't want to change my timeline for the sake of a bit of romance. This isn't my real body or reality.

"Thank you, Tacitus. It means a lot to me." Nero said, "I don't know how to beat around the bushes, but… I love you too, Tacitus."

I wasn't surprised at her confession since she had confessed to me many times in the past, though 'jokingly.' However, this time her confession seemed more genuine.

"Say, Tacitus…"

Here comes the next part.

"Can I get that… French kiss? Just this once…." Saying that, Nero widened her eyes, making a charming puppy face that destroyed my inner wall.

Guys, I had tried. I tried not to be a simp, but she got me.

"Fine, come here." With those words, I shifted the fifth Roman emperor on my lap and let her wrap her arms around my neck. Her soft hips did ignite my little brother, but I kept him under control.

And without further delay, our lips met again after a whole year.


[Main Mission: What Roman egocentric seeks?

Destination: 59 AD, Roman Empire. (Primary Dreamshift)

Quest 1: When the night ends, the fire erupts from a mystery to run Rome to ashes. Find the great cause.

Quest 2: The rose emperor, infamous for having a dark heart, seeks something. Find out what it is and grants them.

Attempts: 1

Rewards: 40,000 EXP, Abilities and Skills, Memory Fragment, ???

Failure: Reawakening of Holy Grail]

I was back in my chamber, staring at the holographic window status.

"Do I have to bang Nero?"

Great Rome Fire would incur after four years, so I still had time, but what about the second quest? Do I have to be more intimate with Nero?

It might not be a huge problem if not for her horrible fate, where she committed suicide. Just thinking about her death shook my very soul. Sometimes I regret accepting this mission.

"That's why I hate tragic romance…." I shook my head and decided to leave this matter to my future action.

"I think I am forgetting something…. What was it?"

Thinking about Nasuverse, isn't another servant belonging to the same timeline?

"What was her name again, Bootica, Booba, Boobs?"

"-Did you say boobs?"

The owner of the voice was a man in his thirties called Sirius.

Sirius was my subordinate whom I hired as an assistant. Even though he was older, he never complained about the work ethic and hierarchy that I held on him.

He was also the son of a high senator, making him my and Nero's enemy from a general perspective. Senate employed him so Nero or I couldn't hold absolute authority and keep an eye on us. However, neither Nero nor I had any problem with Sirius. He was a wise and diligent man who didn't discriminate between work and politics—also a breast lover.

"Why are you here?" I asked Sirius, who entered my chamber with some files.

"Reports from Britannia. King Prasutagus has sent his best wishes for the new lord advisor."

Now that I think about it, Romans were occupying the British Isles. Instead of being a direct slave to Roman Empire, the British Isles had a truce with the previous emperor, who refrained from invading Britannia.

"Poor guy doesn't have long to live. It seems like Suetonius Paulinus, the current governor, is planning to change his policies about that island."

It is confirmed. Boudica existed and was alive, but it won't be long. King Prasutagus, Boudica's current husband, would die, and his daughter would be r*ped in front of Boudica, beginning the Roman invasion of the era.

But the point is, should I save the 3-star mommy? It's not like I am into redheads or something, but… she was damn sexy in the game.

At this point, I saw another screen in front of me.

[Saving another prominent figure or bestowing them favor might bring additional rewards.]

'It's decided. I am going and see how the actual event unfolds.'

I didn't want to bother the event that had nothing to do with my current mission, but I might as well witness the national hero of my homeland. I might also save her daughters. I don't think saving them from abuse would alter history.

"Yosh, give this letter to her majesty. Also, take over my office for the time being." I said as I wrote a letter and gave it to Sirius, whose face was distorted with confusion and awe.

"L-lord Tacitus, where are you going?"

"To see a redhead mommy servant."


Now that I am making a 2.5k to 3k words chapter, I will only be posting 5 or 4 chapters a week. Mass release is possible if I can get this ranking higher.