

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 117: Rin's turn

(Titus's POV)

It was a significant day, with two individuals preparing to take a sacred oath before me, the pastor, at their wedding ceremony.

"Sakura Matou, are you willing to accept Shirou Emiya as your husband?" I asked the radiant girl in her white dress.

"Yes," Sakura replied, her smile bright and wide, causing Shirou to blush.

"Shirou Emiya, are you willing to accept my beautiful sister as your bride?" I questioned my friend on the other side.

"Of cour-"

"Of course, you will. Why do I even need to ask? Are you implying you would refuse? Huh!" I raised an eyebrow, prompting Shirou to shake his head in embarrassment.

"Then, I hereby pronounce my buddy Shirou and my sister Sakura husband and wife. I mean, there is a baby on the way, so yes..." I coughed, " Now, fuck each other— I mean, kiss each other."

The couple snickered and then shared a kiss.

Sakura and Shirou, not having many friends, invited only a few. Olga Marie, my students, and some influential figures like Marisbury and Waver were there, along with my servants Scathach, Nero, Tamamo, and Medb. It was quite the gathering.

After completing other duties, I sat next to my wife, Rin Tohsaka, who seemed somewhat downcast. "What's up?" I inquired. Rin shook her head, replying, "It's nothing." But sensing her distress, I took her hand.

"Don't worry, I will also host a grand one," I declared, bringing a smile to her face.

A wedding ceremony is every maiden's dream, and Rin was no exception. Our marriage, though we shared intimate moments, was one of convenience. So, I planned to celebrate all my wives in a grand ceremony after defeating the Whore of Babylonia.

As it was time for the bouquet toss, Rin walked away. I noticed none of my women participated.

"Oi, I have something to talk with you," Medb suddenly appeared beside me. Though I had given her a realistic body created by Touko and me, Medb still moved around as just a head.

"What is it?" I asked, my gaze following Rin and the other girls.

"Is that black-haired girl aware that you are making a harem?" Medb inquired.

"Yes, I suppose," I replied, glancing at Rin and the others. I discuss everything with Rin, so she was aware of what I was doing and my plans. I believed I had also mentioned my harem plan. If Rin had been dissatisfied, she would have raised an objection. Since she didn't, I wasn't overly concerned.

I then turned my attention back to the ceremony. Instead of tossing the bouquet, Sakura handed it directly to Rin. Everyone, including Nero and the others, cheered for Rin at that moment. However, being modest, Rin gave the bouquet to Olga Marie, expressing her wish for Olga to have a happy family in the future.

Olga cheered and turned her head towards me, but I immediately averted my eyes.

Nope. Not for the time being at least.

The ceremony continued without any further issues, and afterwards, Rin and I returned home.


"Sakura looked beautiful in that dress, right?" Rin suddenly spoke while we were in the middle of watching a movie. It was our usual routine to watch a movie together, and after a full day of partying, neither of us felt like sleeping immediately. So, we were just casually enjoying our time.

"Yes, she really did," I responded, glancing at Rin whose cheeks were rosy. "But I think my wife would look even more beautiful."

Rin blushed deeper and nodded. At that moment, Rin released a thick aura of arousal, indicating that she was turning on. This had happened quite often before, but she would usually revert back in a few seconds. However, this time, Rin made no attempt to hide her heated body. And I was not so dense as to miss her signals.

It was time.

I gently lifted Rin's chin towards me, and then my hand slid inside her shirt, beginning to gently fondle her fleshy bun.

"It seems like this tsundere girl has her resolve sorted out," I smirked.

"Yes, whether it is me or the other Rin within me, our feelings are mutual," Rin looked into my eyes, her face flushed. "So let's do this."

Those words were all I needed to hear, and before we knew it, we were deeply engaged in a passionate kiss. Our kiss intensified, our tongues meeting in a dance of exploration. It was a slow burn, a gradual build of heat that left us both almost breathless, but we relished in this intimate exchange.

With Rin's arms wrapped around my neck and her eyes closed, she kissed with the intensity of someone savoring a sweet dessert. The moment was filled with a sense of warmth and closeness, a testament to the deep connection we shared.

I continued by fondling her body and playing to my heart's content.

As I continued with the fun, we moved to Rin's bedroom, a room with its own history, where her parents once shared their love and brought Rin and Sakura into the world. But now, it was our turn.

Placing Rin on the bed, I continued to have fun. But then I noticed she hadn't reached her peak. Looking up from my task, I met Rin's grin.

"huff*, you noticed, huh? I have my pride, and I won't give in until the main event," Rin declared, panting slightly.

I was impressed by her endurance. Shirou was right about the Tohsaka sisters—they were remarkable.

"Is that so..." I mused, removing my pants to reveal my own readiness. "Rin, this is my Stand."

"Hora." Anya D. Platinum, my Stand, appeared, winking confidently.

Where most would be intimidated by my Stand, Rin showed no fear, her eyes filled with desire and even heart symbols. I knew she was turned on.

"Hehe~! He looks strong," Rin chuckled, her anticipation evident. "I'd love to experience that, but first..." She spread her legs invitingly. "I think your true strength should claim its rightful place first~!!"

Hearing such words, how could I not tease her? I playfully positioned my Stand right on top of Rin's intimate area, tapping a couple of times, causing Rin to yelp playfully.

"You want my attention?" I teased.

"Yes~!" she responded eagerly.

"You want the ultimate punishment?"

"Hmm, yeah~! Fu*kin' end me~!!!♥"

"…so be it," I smirked, bringing my focus back to her. But before proceeding, I looked at Rin and smirked sincerely, "Rin, I love you. Thanks for always being with me."

Those words had an impact, causing Rin to retain her sanity.

"I also…" Rin began to speak when a sudden notification interrupted the moment.

[The main quest has been triggered.]

[There is one day to prepare.]

Seeing this unexpected message, I froze up.

"W-what's wrong…?" Rin sensed the tension on my face and asked with concern.

"Another main mission…" I muttered, losing all the excitement. My Stand disappeared, and I sighed in frustration.

The damn system ruined everything. I was about to have my first time with Rin, and the system had to show up right at that moment. While I could still continue, I was already stressed from the previous mission. I had played and lied to Morgan, leaving her alone, and I didn't want to repeat that.

I had always aimed to be a loving and caring person, but I started to doubt my principles forged over the years.

"Rin, I…" I began to speak, but Rin put a finger on my lips and hugged me from the side.

"Say no word. In your worst and in your best, I will stand with you," Rin declared, her soft and warm breath reaching my ear.

I thought she would be disappointed since we were about to have our first time. However, she showed no such anger.

She then sat on the bed and tapped on her lap. "Come here and take a nap. It will help you relieve your stress."

Knowing that her lap pillow worked like a charm, I didn't think much and immediately fell onto Rin's lap, hugging her waist. With a lot going on in my mind, in Rin's embrace, I melted like butter.

It gave me energy and hope to keep walking a little further. Just a little more…


(3rd Person's POV)

"Fufu~! His breathing tickles~," Rin chuckled, gently wiping away a small tear from Titus's eyes. "Sigh~, I wish I could take even half of your burden, my love."

Rin truly wanted to help Titus in any way she could, but all she was able to offer was comfort through her words. She longed to fight alongside him, but that wasn't possible.

"There are some battles only he can fight," another voice, identical to Rin's, spoke out. However, it didn't come from Rin's lips. It came from another girl sitting opposite Rin. Mirroring her, it was another Rin Tohsaka, but with blond hair. "You really missed a great time, me. He is natural at pleasuring women," the blond Rin said, attempting to touch Titus's Stand, but her hand passed through it as if it were air.

This blond Rin was only a memory, a Rin Tohsaka from the Moon Cell Holy Grail War.

"You said you were with him in the Moon Cell, right? How? He was just a husk of a memory?" Rin inquired, but blond Rin shook her head.

"Rin Tohsaka, no matter the universe, gets everything she wants. You'll learn the technique to get him to bed soon," the blond Rin smiled reassuringly.

"Yes, after all, we both are the same," Rin agreed, continuing to caress Titus's face gently throughout the night, offering him solace and support in her own way.


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