

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 115: The new world

(Titus's POV)

As you walked to work, the scent of fresh coffee from the bakery mingled with the hum of rush hour traffic. Sunlight flickered off shop windows, and your eyes caught the bright neon sign of "Lucky Lotto" flashing on the corner.

Two paths danced in your mind. The first, enticed by the lottery shop's whispers of quick fortune. You could stop, buy a ticket, and watch your numbers soar on the lottery screen, a millionaire overnight. You'd quit your job, bid farewell to boring spreadsheets, and build your own dream company, one where you were the boss, not the bean counter. Freedom and fulfillment danced before you, tempting you with every lottery ball that spun.

But another path whispered too, less flamboyant, more steady. You could walk on, leaving the lottery's siren call behind. The familiar door of your office would greet you, and routine would unfold like a well-worn map. Yet, within that routine, opportunity could blossom. A promotion might tap you on the shoulder, rewarding your diligence with a wider desk and greater responsibility. Success, while slower, could still bloom, perhaps not in fireworks, but in steady, quiet growth.

So, you stood at the crossroads. Would you gamble on a chance ticket, or trust the slow climb of your own effort?

Similarly, Aoko and I stumbled through a similar path, landing in a futuristic world sculpted from "what ifs".

It was like stepping into the anime series "Trapped in a Dating Sim," only twisted just enough to leave you scratching your head. Same Holfort Kingdom, same goofy Leon, even the notorious five losers strutted about. Queen Milf herself held court, radiating the same sultry aura. Yet, something felt strangely off. Here, Leon wasn't an Isekai hero, just another grunt in the kingdom's army.

"Lost in thought, Master?" A mechanical voice chirped. Luxion, a levitating silver orb, buzzed around my head. Same sarcastic wit, same cheat code Leon never unlocked. Using my keen "Eyes of Fate" (thanks, being an "Old Human" in Luxion's eyes), I snagged control, making him my own personal AI assistant.

"Just pondering... Pokemon." My fingers lingered on my chin, picturing the delectable waifus the anime boasted. Angelica, Olivia, they could wait. Queen Mylene, now that was a prize worth winning! Best waifu material, hands down.

"Master, might I suggest focusing on your betrothed, the lovely Miss Aoko Aozaki?" Luxion's voice dripped with disapproval.

"Hey, just a passing fancy!" I countered playfully, gesturing towards the battlefield below. A hulking mecha, Arroganz (courtesy of Luxion's genius), decimated pirate ships and robotic foes in the air. "Besides, it's not like she can hear me, right?"

My words barely left my lips when Arroganz crashed onto our airship, a crimson blur leaping from its cockpit. Crimson hair cascaded down a form-fitting suit, hugging her curves like a second skin. Aoko flashed a predatory smile, eyes flashing with amusement.

"Care to explain who isn't listening, my dear Lady Murasaki?"

I shot Luxion a withering glare. The snitch. Of course, I forgot his penchant for eavesdropping. Time for a personality upgrade, it seemed.

"Well, I'm assembling a harem for a reason. Since you haven't been with me, you don't understand what kind of animal I can be in bed," I asserted, my gaze scanning her body.

"Oh, really?" Aoko advanced and began to caress my Anya D. Platinum. "As an Aozaki and your fiancée, I relish the challenge." A ring on Aoko's finger beamed a light on my face.

In this alternate timeline, we were a couple. My cover story? A marquis, same age as the usual crew in the anime, tragically orphaned with a small floating island to manage. Aoko, on the other hand, lacked an official identity as she was my Servant. To give her an identity, we partnered up, making things "official" on paper. Convenient for me, considering my orthodox persona – ahem, bedroom activities would be much easier here.

"I'd love to," I chuckled, catching Aoko's passionate gaze. But, "not with Luxion waltzing about like a lovesick puppy," I pointed at the mischievous Servant hovering nearby.

Luxion chirped, tilting his head, "Please don't mind me, and by all means, please initiate the process. I need to gather data on how old humans used to mate," I requested.

Aoko rolled her eyes. "Ignore him."

See, we hadn't "done the deed" yet. Our priority was finding Soujuurou and undoing that messy time travel pact. But maybe, just maybe, we could steal some joy in this new world.

Just as we leaned in, the airship lurched to a halt. We peered out to see a thick-jungled island floating against the horizon.

"Let's go," I said, excitement tingling in my veins. Aoko nodded with a determined glint in her eyes.

We disembarked and landed on the island. Soon, a dark cave beckoned. Minutes into our exploration, we stopped dead in our tracks.

Floating mid-air, held frozen in time, was Soujuurou Shizuki, his young body severed in half. Seeing her friend's tragic demise, Aoko swallowed a sob. Yeah, seeing Nero or Tamamo like that would rip me apart too.

I squeezed her hand. "Nee-san, are you alright?"

"Yes," she sighed, a conflicted smile flitting across her lips. "I enjoy this world, but it cost my friend his life. I always blamed myself for being too slow with my magic, for letting Soujuurou die... but now, somewhere, there's a relief. It feels wrong."

"It's okay, Nee-san," I reassured her, gently stroking her back. "That very thought makes you strong, makes you worthy of this power. Maybe that's why your grandfather chose you."

Aoko nodded, accepting my words. Then, focusing her will, she unleashed her True Magic. Glowing circles pulsed beneath her feet, the air twisting around us. In a blink, we were back in our own reality, everything normal except for one crucial difference – the floating corpse was gone.

"Unbelievable indeed, Master," Luxion buzzed around me, his mechanical eyes glowing with fascination. "My sensors just went offline trying to comprehend True Magic. It's… beyond anything I've encountered."

Well, duh. You can't scan moonlight, Luxion. True Magic's on a whole different plane.

Aoko turned to me, her emerald eyes glinting with a mix of sadness and unspoken desire. "Our mission here is complete, right? Should we head back?"

The way she said it, though, carried a subtle undercurrent of reluctance. I hadn't forgotten her newfound love for all things Gundam – piloting that Arroganz like a boss, tinkering with airships alongside Luxion, exploring uncharted lands… She practically vibrated with a wanderlust that her own world couldn't satisfy. This alternate timeline, she'd confessed, felt more like home than anything she'd ever known.

So, seeing that spark in her eyes, I decided to give her a little surprise.

"Hold on, Nee-san," I winked, my voice dropping to a playful purr. "Why not extend our vacation for a day or two? You know, enjoy the scenery…" I trailed off, letting my gaze linger on her lips.

Aoko's cheeks flushed a delightful shade of crimson. "I-I can wait until we get home," she stammered, planting a quick peck on my lips before dancing away with a giggle.

I chuckled, shaking my head at her adorable fluster. Then, my attention turned to Luxion, who seemed eager to share some wisdom.

"Tell me, Luxion," I said, settling into a comfortable chair, "What do you know about the war between the Old and New Humans in this timeline?"

The little Servant hovered thoughtfully. "In the original timeline, Master, the Old Humans were our ancestors, lacking the capacity for magic. The emergence of New Humans with magical abilities eventually sparked a devastating war. The Old Humans, unable to counter magic, relied on advanced technology, creating lost artifacts and even genetically engineered species like elves."

His explanation was familiar, mirroring the history I knew from the anime. But this is the Nasuverse, the mana density is so low that even if magi existed, they'd be nothing more than parlor tricksters.

Luxion continued, "My creator didn't delve into specifics. I came online during the war itself, so my historical knowledge is limited. However, the rise of New Humans did occur around 2117 AD."

My brow furrowed. 2117? Hold on, wasn't that the same year the Bleached Earth from FGO appeared? This couldn't be a coincidence. The timelines might be different, but there was… a connection. Something happened a century later, something I must have been directly involved in. This "future" was proof of that.

"But there are some things I do know," Luxion continued, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery. "I was created by a secret organization called Valhalla."

My ears perked up. Valhalla? That name sent shivers down my spine.

"Tell me everything," I demanded, leaning forward with newfound urgency.

Luxion hovered closer, his eyes glowing with a deeper, redder light. "My creator… His name was Trevor Animusphere. And guess what? He was a direct descendant of Valhalla's founders – Titus Dusklock and his wife Olga Marie Animusphere."