
Fate Reversal System: Villain God Reborn As Hero Mage

When the God of Fear, Pavor, was killed by the Goddess of Love’s champion, the hero mage Xarian Plover, he merely smiled and said the words: “Blessed mortal, is this everything you have ever wished for? The glorious destiny of killing the greatest evil in the land of Amoreas?” Xarian instead was somber in his reply: “I do not wish to have this fate either. If only our fortunes could be reversed.” And as he Xarian drove his sword into his heart, Pavor expected to perish. But instead, he awakened in the kingdom of Erosith as the champion of the Plover Clan! His name, appearance, and memories are still the same. But he was blessed by the Fate Reversal System, where his fate and Xarian’s fate had been reversed. Xarian now lives as the reclusive God of Fear, who strikes terror in the hearts of people using his Phobodemons. But Pavor doesn’t want to live as the hero does. He does not wish to be the protector of hypocrites and brainless townsfolk that only knew to worship her…. Amore, the Goddess of Love. Pavor will use this chance to get back at his enemy and reveal the secret of this world.

P_LOVER · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Mission Succeeded Unfortunately

When they got home, Queen Alexandria told him to get changed first from his dirty clothes. She ordered the manservants to help him, but Pavor refused to have even a single human touch him no matter what. 

And so, he was left to get changed by himself. As he did, he decided to quiz the 'spirit' a little.

"Spirit, I have gained 175 points by now, haven't I?" He asked.

[Yes, you currently have 175 unspent points. You are currently at Level 3, with your EXP bar at 17, 500/ 20,000 to unlock Level 4.] 

"Let me see what I could buy at the Store again. And I want to know what are these stat points you spoke of."

The system showed him the Store and all the items he could peruse. However, he was limited on what he could avail even after earning 175 points. Things like evolving 'Events' were still too difficult to unlock and required him to complete most Missions.

The stats tab then appeared in a second holographic screen. In there, there were things listed like:

[Physical Strength: 5

Mental Fortitude: 8

Dread Powers: 10

Recovery: 4

Accuracy: 5

Perceptiveness and Reflexes: 7 ]

"What do these numbers mean?" Pavor asked.

[A stat level of 1 is comparable to the skill of an average human commoner. A skill at 2-5 means that you are on the same level as an average Retaliator. A stat of 6-10 means that you are in the same level as an exemplary Retaliator. Higher than that means you are getting closer to the level of a minor deity. And reaching past 50 indicates the level of a powerful god.]

Pavor raised his eyebrows. "I see. Can you show me the stats of other people then?"

[Must unlock Level 5 to receive Stat Perception.]

Pavor was not that disappointed, since he would be able to reach Level 5 soon anyway with how things were going. He looked into the Store for what to buy.

"Hmm... It says that the 'Stat Booster' costs 100 points. So do I raise my stat immediately by using it?"

[Yes, but only one stat gets raised. Also, the number of Stat Boosters required to increase a stat to the next stat level increases the higher you go. For example, raising any stat below 5 only requires 1 Stat Booster, but raising a stat level between 5-9 requires 2 Stat Boosters.]

Pavor rubbed his chin. "That's quite the hefty price, spirit. I can only afford 1 Stat Booster for now, and I will be left with less than half of the points I currently have if I avail one."

The system didn't say anything. 

Pavor thought it would make quite the crook if it was a merchant. He wondered what Xarian would have thought of dealing with such a miserly spirit guide.

"Alright then, I suppose I will save my points for now." He said dismissively.

The holographic screen disappeared. At least he now knows the actions he could take in the future. His current stats were not bad, only 3 of them were that of an average Retaliator and 4 were exemplary, with his Dread Powers closer to the level of a minor deity.

Minor deities in this world were more like powerful humanoid beings that lived for a long time, but were certainly not immortal or unkillable like most gods. They hold no governance over a certain domain like the Gods of Love, Logic, or Violence.

They have an affiliation to certain territories or elements, however. Pavor remembered the deities in the Outlands that can have control over a group of certain Phobodemons.

He was closer to them than with the cultists that worship him, but he treats them more like how a king treats his knights. They were still a rank lower than him, and they knew their place. If one or two would overstep and try something reckless….

They get taken care of fairly quickly.

His domain was fear after all, and fear commands respect better than love does. He had seen the moments in history when the other major gods like Violentia and Mentem would conspire with their constituents to overthrow Amore.

But Amore does manage to defeat them all, while still appearing as the 'good and benevolent goddess' by the end who forgives her comrades.

Amor Vincit Omnia. Love conquers all.

Pavor smirked to himself as he finished buttoning his suit. Love was surely not the only reason why Amore always wins.

He went to the gardens where the luncheon was being held, now turned into an afternoon tea party. King Hephaestion, Xarian's father, was laughing and mingling with the King and Queen of Sagacitur.

On a chair on the farthest side to them was a woman with braided dark blue hair, tinkering with her fork and spoon with an unamused expression. 

Princess Minerva.

She was wearing a modest white dress that covered her entire body with puffed up sleeves and a ruff collar that covered her neck. The bodice was designed with silver-blue pearls, and her gloves were also of the same color and sheen. 

Her earrings were an intricate design of a clam shell made using steel, and her necklace was actually made of silver chain links with a strange pendant that looked like a small maze. 

She seemed to be more interested in the cutlery than anything else around her. She seemed to have an affinity for metallic things, and so her focus was drawn to them.

"Oh, Minerva, the prince is here!" Her mother exclaimed. "Oh, he is truly rather dashing, and I heard that he also likes to read books in his free time."

"Probably fictional books." Princess Minerva said, still not looking up from her spoon and fork.

King Hephaestion chuckled. "Oh, my son does like fiction and tales of legendary heroes and paragons. But he also does read books about educational things as well, like fencing and political affairs."

Princess Minerva was still not impressed. "That makes sense, he is a nobility after all. We are all required to read them even as children."

Pavor raised his eyebrow at this, not expecting the princess to be this indifferent. Sure, it was a political marriage but most noble ladies try to behave like they were at least interested in their fiances.

That was what they were expected to do, which Pavor thought was quite ridiculous. If the woman is not interested, what's the point of forcing her to pretend to be?

She's not dumb, she already knows what the purpose of this whole charade was. Even when she was reluctant, she still came here so that must mean she already accepted the role she was forced to take as a woman. She probably just wanted to cut all the chit chat and fulfill her responsibilities without having to fake her emotions.

Humans only care about procreation anyway, multiplying their numbers like annoying pests and consuming all resources for their spawns. But they like to play these games of being 'civilized' and 'proper' when they are no different from animals that just want to breed for survival.

Well, this at least makes his task to divert the princess' interest to someone else. 

But he despised these pompous kings and queens for forcing him in this awkward social gathering in the first place, so he wants to toy with them a little.

Minerva's father seemed to be getting flustered by his daughter's behavior. "Minerva, don't be so pedantic. How about you tell Prince Pavor of your hobbies and interests, preferably with a smile—"

"Your Majesty, I think the princess and I can speak of our own hobbies by ourselves. That is what our tongues are for, after all." Pavor interjected. 

He looked at the King and Queen of Sagacitur directly with his blood-red eyes. "And if one has no reason to smile about, why would they smile? I'd rather speak with a man who will glare at me and proclaim me his enemy, rather than a friend who greets me with a smile while holding a knife behind his back. The same goes for women, especially the one I will marry."

Princess Minerva finally looked up, not expecting this response from the prince. Nobody did, and he left his father and the King and Queen of Sagicitur speechless. 

Eventually, King Hephaestion clapped his hands. "Well said, son! Honesty is of course most important in building long-lasting relationships!"

The King of Sagacitur also nodded. "Y-Yes…. That is absolutely true. I should have known His Royal Highness of Erosith would value sincerity above all else. My apologies."

Pavor couldn't help but wear an ironic expression. These humans will seriously twist his words into something 'kind' and 'wonderful' just because of his status, won't they?

Such was the bias of humanity. How tedious.

He thought about what Xarian had said about not asking for this fate. He understood now, even by just living in his shoes for a small while. It was a life full of lies and blind faith. 

He sat next to the princess and cleared his throat. "Let us eat. I'm starving."

"Yes, of course." His father raised his cup for a toast. "To Prince Pavor!"

"To Prince Pavor!" Everyone said in unison…..

"To Prince Pavor." Even Princess Minerva said it quietly and sipped her cup with a reddish tint on her cheeks as she flitted a glance at Pavor.

Pavor was perplexed by such a set of gestures, as he was not accustomed to other human emotions besides fear and dread. Suddenly...


[Mission 1 completed. You have successfully romanced the princess and gained 200 Points.]

Pavor: "..... What?"