
Fate: Requiem of the Holy Grail

Giorno Giovanna is suddenly summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, a deadly battle between seven mages and a powerful servant from legend. Together, Giorno and his master set out to fight their way through the other mages and servants, using their combined strength and cunning to emerge victorious. As they battle their way through the tournament, Giorno must also confront his own demons and the secrets of his pasts, learning more about the true nature of the Holy Grail War and the role he is meant to play in it. Ultimately, Giorno must make a difficult choice about his own future and the fate of the Holy Grail War. ---- 2~10 ch/week 700-1500 words/ch

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17 Chs

What a mistake

Tokiomi awoke with a pounding headache that felt like a stampede of elephants trampling over his skull. He groggily lifted his head, and as his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, he realized that he had fallen asleep at his desk. His body was twisted in an awkward position, and his stiff muscles protested as he tried to straighten himself up.

As he rubbed his bleary eyes, he noticed an empty brandy bottle on its side, its contents long gone, next to a half-filled cup. The sickly sweet aroma of alcohol wafted through the air, making his already throbbing head throb even more. He cursed himself for succumbing to his vices so early in the war.

He couldn't help but blame Archer for his condition. The wily servant's influence had clouded his judgment and led him down this self-destructive path. Tokiomi sighed heavily and tried to shake off the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm him. It felt as though he had been in a brawl with servants, and in a way, he had.

"Archer, come out, now!" Tokiomi yelled out, his voice laced with impatience and frustration. He scanned his surroundings with keen eyes, searching for any signs of movement. The silence was deafening, broken only by the distant sound of traffic and the occasional rustling of nearby trees.

"As your Master, I demand your presence!" Tokiomi shouted again, his voice echoing off the walls once more.

With a burst of blinding light, Giorno appeared before Tokiomi, striking his iconic pose. His hair swirled around his head in a chaotic dance, as if a gust of wind was constantly blowing through it. As the light subsided, Giorno's eyes slowly opened, revealing a piercing gaze that seemed to penetrate deep into Tokiomi's soul.

With a confident stride, Giorno sauntered over to a nearby chair, his movements fluid and graceful. He sat down with deliberate slowness, crossing his legs and intertwining his fingers in front of his face. Despite his lower position, Giorno's posture exuded an air of dominance, his every movement calculated to convey his authority. The atmosphere in the room shifted as Tokiomi wondered whether he was being intimidated or simply overawed by Giorno's presence.

"What is it that you need, master?" Giorno's words were laced with a subtle undertone of mockery, causing Tokiomi to envision a sly smirk playing at the corners of his servant's lips. The air was thick with tension as if a storm was brewing just below the surface. Tokiomi felt a twinge of anger rise within him, and he was tempted to activate another command seal to gain complete control over Giorno's actions.

But as he studied his servant's face, he hesitated. Giorno's eyes glimmered with an eerie intensity, like the cold gleam of a blade. His posture was relaxed, yet there was an undeniable air of danger emanating from him. Tokiomi realized with a sudden jolt of fear that he may have underestimated this servant.

Tokiomi knew that using another command seal would be a mistake. Giorno was a wild card, unpredictable and dangerous. The slightest misstep could lead to disastrous consequences. Tokiomi took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

"Archer, I can still picture myself warning you with utmost clarity not to step into a brawl that you had no chance of winning, and yet, fate has led us here. Your reckless actions compelled me to utilize a command seal, and save you from the dire consequences of your heedless mistakes!" Tokiomi's fingers grazed over a crystal decanter on his desk, but he held back. "Your abilities may be formidable, but that doesn't imply you can belittle your opponents, especially those whose powers and talents are still unknown to you!"

Gionro's eyes glinted with an icy intensity as he spoke, his voice slicing through the tense silence like a sharpened sword. Tokiomi couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he met the other man's gaze.

"I think you may have some details mixed up," Gionro said, his tone cutting and precise. "You did not save me. No, it was Berserker whom you pulled from the brink of destruction."

Tokiomi felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He had been so sure that he had rescued Gionro, that he had been the hero of the moment. But now, faced with Giorno's piercing scrutiny, he couldn't help but feel like a fraud.

Gionro's expression remained unchanged, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes now, as if he was enjoying Tokiomi's discomfort. "I must admit, your timing was impeccable. Saving the opposition is a commendable thing to do."

Tokiomi's confusion was palpable as he furrowed his brow in disbelief. It was as if he had just been hit by a bolt of lightning, leaving him stunned and disoriented. The color on his face shifted from a ghostly white to a deep crimson as he struggled to comprehend the situation that had just transpired.

He collapsed back into his chair with a deep sigh, feeling defeated and embarrassed. His mind raced with questions, wondering how other magus would react if they found out that he had used a command seal to save an enemy. Would they mock him relentlessly, using his folly as a source of amusement for years to come?

Finally, Tokiomi turned his attention back to Giorno, his face a mixture of seriousness and calmness. It was as if he had resigned himself to the fact that his servant was indeed the strongest, and he needed to know more about his capabilities.

"Archer, enlighten me about the details of your fight. Tell me everything you've learned about the other servants," he commanded with a firmness in his voice that betrayed the inner turmoil he was feeling.

Giorno leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. The air in the room seemed to grow thick and tense as he spoke. "Berserker is a formidable adversary," he began, his voice low and measured. "He's like a force of nature, wild and unpredictable. And yet, he seems strangely resistant to my abilities. Stealing the life force I create."

Giorno's mind was racing, like a cheetah chasing its prey. He stopped abruptly, his face scrunching up in concentration as if trying to sift through a thousand thoughts all at once.

"But that won't be a problem," Giorno said, his tone brimming with confidence. "I've delved deep into his powers, like a spelunker descending into a dark cave, and I've discovered the chinks in his armor. It'll be a one-sided battle next time we cross paths."

Giorno's outward appearance exuded an air of stoic confidence, but inwardly, he felt a tangle of nerves. Despite his formidable skills, he knew that he might need to use "Return to Zero," to secure victory.

Giorno leaned forward, his piercing gaze locking onto Tokiomi. The intensity in his eyes was palpable as if he were staring down his opponent in a high-stakes battle. His words were carefully chosen, each one laced with conviction.

"That's why I think Lancer is the perfect match for Berserker," Giorno declared. His voice was low and steady, but there was an unmistakable edge to it that sent shivers down Tokiomi's spine.

Tokiomi couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity at Giorno's words. Despite his reservations about the young man's tactics, he couldn't deny the intelligence and insight that he brought to the table.

"And why do you think Lancer would be a better fit?" Tokiomi asked, his interest piqued.

"Lancer possesses a Noble Phantasm that can cut through mana like a hot knife through butter," Giorno explained. "It was easily able to break through Berserker's power, leaving him vulnerable to attack. I wouldn't want to test its effectiveness against my abilities anytime soon, though."

Giorno rose to his feet, turning away from his master as he spoke. "The only other Servant whose powers I was able to gain an understanding of was Assassin," he began, his voice tinged with a sense of wonder.

As Giorno spoke, he couldn't help but picture the enigmatic figure of the Servant, his mind conjuring up vivid images of a shadowy figure draped in dark, flowing robes.

"I wasn't expecting Assassin to be so... strangely dressed," Giorno continued, his voice trailing off for a moment as he tried to find the right words to describe the Servant's appearance. "It was as if he had stepped out of another time, another world entirely."

Tokiomi's question snapped Giorno back to reality, and he quickly regained his composure. "Kirei didn't say anything about Assassin, when did this happen?" Tokiomi asked, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice.

"It took place in a distant corner of the battlefield, and the entire episode unfolded in a flash," declared Giorno. "But let me assure you, I won't let her slip away again. Her feeble abilities can't stand a chance against my power."

Giorno pivoted back towards his master and stood tall, planting his hands firmly on his hips. With a subtle twist of his upper body, he continued, "As for their physical appearance, the Assassin was a striking young woman, with a bold and alluring presence. She wore very little, leaving little to the imagination, which only added to her mystique."

Tokiomi's voice echoed through the dimly lit chamber as he spoke the name of the infamous Hassan-i-Sabbah. Giorno, standing beside him, interrupted his master's thoughts abruptly with a bold assertion. "You said that the golem I destroyed was based on the shared look of the Hassen tribe, yes?" he asked. Tokiomi nodded, intrigued by the young man's sudden outburst.

Giorno continued, his words dripping with confidence. "Well, this Assassin did not wear a mask at all, or a black cloak like that fake you prepared." His tone was almost dismissive as if he were discussing something trivial like the weather. But the implications of his statement were anything but trivial.

Tokiomi's mind raced as he tried to make sense of this unexpected development. An Assassin who was not a member of the Hashashin - the original clan of assassins led by Hassan-i-Sabbah himself? It seemed impossible, a complete wildcard that could upset all of their carefully laid plans.

"But if you say you can defeat them easily, I'll believe you," Tokiomi finally replied, breaking the silence. "When I know their whereabouts, we'll launch an attack and remain here on standby until then."

Giorno nodded in understanding and swiftly exited the room, turning into spirit form when he reached the hallway.